Overcoming troubling thoughts

One of life's great struggles is troubling thoughts. They disturb, they distract, they torment, they hurt and become an emotional mess. Obsessive, painful, bothersome, generating fear, regret, anger, selfishness, etc. They make us uncomfortable. In the Spiritual sense, they are any thought that distracts the mind from the state of mind you wish to hold on to. That part of your higher self you wish to connect with. Anything that keeps the mind from the object of desired manifestations of love.

Part of the problem is what Erik calls "Mental Diarrhea" That's when you surrender to the personality's ego and immerse the focus of you consciousness into a stream of perception and let it carry you away. This enables what my Spirit Teacher Z calls, "Leaps of mental associations, or un-guided mind-leap associations. When you notice something in your 3D environment that makes you think of something in your past or current reality. This then leaps to another impression from the past that makes you uncomfortable. Which then leaps to a feeling about the situation and the feelings your personality generated not only about that situation, but what about that situation that would enable your soul to gain a deeper understanding about itself.

For example; Your soul is patience, compassion, and love. It see's the good in everything. But to truly understand this you are immersed in life. You are walking along the sidewalk at work. You see some kids behaving rudely. They push past people, jarring them. You think, gaaa stupid kids. Then your mind leaps to the next thing in life that felt like that. You suddenly think of your co-worker who pissed you off yesterday. You let yourself begin to obsess about it. You suddenly think gaaa I hate her. She is soo sooo... and then you start feeling angry... then you think about how your spouse forgot to do something, which makes you even crabbier. Then you sit at your desk and are in a foul mood.

This is uncontrolled unconscious mental leap association in action. Without paying attention to what you are thinking and feeling you are letting your lower self rule your experiences. But, if you can allow yourself to notice the spark of discomfort this chain reaction of event causes in you; you can then take steps to alter it's outcome in how you feel. All this takes is a slight awareness that you want to take notice. It will be work. But you can greatly alter your reality this way.

As soon as you notice a feeling you don't like or something that causes you discomfort. STOP. Stop in your step. Look it right in the eye and as Erik's says, WTF!?!... What was that?! Where did that feeling come from?! I do not like this feeling! Try to remember the original cause of this chain reaction. Then move past it and look at what it leaped to. What it leaped to is what your subconscious via your soul is trying to direct your attention to. The feelings about your co-worker. By trying to figure out the cause of the feelings associated with her, you might hit upon why you feel that way. Why you feel that way usually says something about you. Usually what you project on her is a reflection of you and what you want to work on. But by re-evaluating your perception of her and how you relate, you can change your view and thus your relationships to how you see the world. You now will see her hard life, you will see her struggles with family and work, and see her struggling to stay a float. Just like you. This triggers compassion and love for her and her experience. You then see that there is great love, in you. This this allows you to channel the patience to see further into the world around you and share the compassion that is at the depths of your real self, Your soul.

My other Spirit Teacher Meher Baba says, "The attempt to suppress or repress or worry about disturbing thoughts are a waste of psychic energy, and is only bound to further entangle the mind and strengthen the discomfort. Freedom only comes from stopping within the chaos and working to uncover the peace and love of the inner self. Have the patience and confidence that you are more than this body, Do this and the pain will ease."