April 2012

April 30, 2012

Controversy, Subject, Emotion, Feeling, Light, Space, Shadow. Form, Function, Line and Planning;

These are some of what makes Life an Art, without which the presentation is just decoration.


Emotion is tied to conciseness focusing on a point, that's why when you dream people don't always react the way you think they should. That's why events do not happen like you think and why your own experiences on how you would or should and could, can surprise you. Because your focus or perspective is different. When life surprises you it is simply an opportunity to see your self in a new way. That way is up to you. And your choice is valid. The only destiny is the focus you bring to yourself. You and others will try to get you to see through their eyes, others will try to see through yours, or share your view, but what you take from life will always be about your focus.


Life can define you, or you can define life


Circumstance is that which we frame our experiences. How we feel about our experiences is what helps us make choices for ourselves. And how we feel about ourselves within a choice creates circumstances and our understanding of ourselves within it all, defines us until the next choice.


Personal energy channeled outside of one's self through desire mixes with others free will choices. This energy then expands out into networks of probabilities and 'likely-to-occurs', which will invariably lead to conflict between expectation, belief, and feelings. Which then has the potential for undesired experiences. It is only when we limit desire to the personal actions we can personally take to affect or effect ourselfs that our best interest is served in a greater good. That's not to say that we should not or can not desire or expect things for others, for circumstances, or for life situations. It's only to say that reality outside of ourselves is always co-created, and as such; that wich is beyond our immediate selves, is subject to not only others, but probability and 'likely to occurs'.


To understand who you are takes experiencing your emotions, which requires a trigger. Create your own triggers, or ride ones created for you.

April 30, 2012


What does one do when the memory of what might have been begins to feel like a future that is lost forever?


You are not your memory nor are you the desire behind a thought. You never have been, nor will you ever be. What seems like future promise can not be given. It can only be created, transmuted, or transformed. Should one self perception pass before your desire to experience, you must choose a method to deal with this energy. If not in this life, then another perception manifested in another reality. Your view on what is real or not is skewed by a single movement in conscious perspective. It is not that you seek new experiences that better define you; It's that you seek new focus while defining your self.

April 27, 2012

The point of your time, is the focus you bring to your own creations. Not creation or what seems to have been created for you, in spite of you, or with you. When you focus on this point, clarity of life can transcend emotional belief.

April 26, 2012

Q & A's cont.


Why do I have such a hard time dealing with my parents. What is wrong with them? Why do they say such hurtful things?


Do your parents trouble you?

Try not to worry.

Try not to let your parents weigh heavy on your hearts or mind. The verbal and emotional reactions they give you, regardless of any circumstance stem from the parts of themselves they struggle with or have struggled with, reflected back to them, through your lives. Their perspective and understanding....rarely has it ever truly been nor will be about you.

At times it is hard for a parent to see their offspring as an equal or contemporary because they can not see or actualize their connections to the world around them, when it comes to their children; Their unity with each other in life. They can be blinded by their own perceptions of their experiences, and so are seemingly only able to react on an emotional level, that is based on fears, their own fears, and fear due to their personal experiences projected outward.

In many ways this feels like confrontation, wounds, and hurt to the child. But really it is fear, worry, and lack of inward reflection. Each parent in their own way, has dealt with intense emotional issues just as the child has. Some of which are of lack of self love, abandonment, intimacy, family and spiritual identity. Like anyone they can fear criticism, and confrontation and so they often project it. Each in their own way fears for the future of those they love, but they do not always know the best way to process it.

Again, it often has very little to do with you. But the good thing is, is that you all are deeply loved. Surrounded by it. I know this to be true. I'll tell you something else I feel. What seems like hardship in life, what seems like weakness or pain is often our inner strengths because we often pass through the opposite of who we really are as souls, because we have the strength to do so. And with that, I know just how wonderful and strong each of you are. You are strong, smart, beautiful and full of rich life and experience all waiting to offer it to your own children.

So sleep well and know how loved you are. Do, say, and live the best you can, and let the rest go.

April 26, 2012

It is often the soft flexible, most fragile seeming surface that can expand and hold the most content. Though it may seem to burst at any moment, a gentle touch and steady hand can balance it's fill. The hard surface while strong and impenetrable, often lacks the ability to take in what would fill it, what would expand it, and it's weight can linger and shake the hand, risking dropping it. Neither is right or wrong as each has it's use. Each has a point of promise and each has a point of disability. So too are peoples lives. So ponder not who is right or who is wrong, but ponder the inner value of each substance for it's own sake.

April 25, 2012

Teaching each other that failure can lead to success. It's ok.

In our society we often strive to teach each other that we can achieve success measured by our cultural norms, not only that but that it is paramount. Our kids grow up often feeling the pressure to adapt, learn, grow, achieve and be something that is outside of how they feel or understand. And very often they try to work with situations that seem to meet them with utter failure. In all their varied preparation to struggle for success they have not been helped with understanding failure. Ultimately failure can seem like a no win scenario. A cultural pariah. Where failure is guaranteed, is when you are unable to understand that you can change your own personal rules. That no matter how improbable, you not only believe you can change how you see things, but that you can believe it so strongly that disbelief never enters your mind and your new perspective becomes your reality. In the end, failure is just a tool. It is normal, and while part of us, never defines us except by that which we are unable or refuse to use. To admit failure is to touch that part of yourself that hides your fears and to release its limitations to a greater opportunity. By owning that opportunity from perceived failure, you can achieve ever greater success stories. It is not that this creates a false sense of hope in a real world, but that it encourages us to never give up and keep trying. For though we seem to fail and, though life can seem denied to us, by changing our beliefs, our rules, our feelings about what we believe and staring the emotions surrounding failure down, we can achieve more success that we ever envisioned possible.

Just my two cents

April 20, 2012

What does it matter, all this searching in life?

What does it matter, when the self is not revealed in what you sought out?

There is nothing seen beyond the light you illuminate,

nor is there a trail

other than that which you do not bravely step upon.

It's better to let go of searching and

simply examine whatever it is that surrounds you.

It's only then will you realize there there is no where to go,

for you have already arrived.


You will always be where you need to be.

Maybe not where you want or wish to be,

But if you come to a comfortable understanding of yourself in that moment,

You will find the ability to come and go.

It is from this position of a comfortable place that one will find the peace to step.

That is not to say that drive, ambition, and desire do not have their place,

It's simply to say that outside of who you are they are attachments who's fulfillment is fleeting.


The path of least resistance is not weak or less than, if one faces the cause of resistance with the intention of dispersing it's energy. Many times what feels like the push-pull struggle of events or emotions is not the yes or no to what we seek, it is the question reflected back at us. It is the highlight of choice. To practice the path of least resistance is not easy. For most it incites avoidance or circumvention. Others engage it in an attempt to unravel it's seeming complexities. But if confronted as a simple question, "Is this me? Which of these push pull feelings seem like me? Which of these if thought of as a choice, would reflect who I wish to be." It is in making these choices that resistance is released and the path become free.


Many inquiries into the after life come from a place of desire. To belong, be a part of, to feel good, to reach a place of comfort that transcends the life we are currently experiencing. It's not necessarily that we seek proof, or evidence that we are eternal, but rather we seek conformation of our special uniqueness that is a part of a greater system. And so often it is not that higher spirit keeps knowledge from us, it's that the part of us that is Spirit withholds conscious memory of it until we need it for expansion or growth of understanding in context. For you may see the whole valley of paradise laid out before you, but until you know about and understand the tools to create the path there, you will be left looking at a field of wilderness. But if through experience you learn and understand how to pave trails, cut paths, and plant flowers; if through experience you learn, teach, water, tend, and renew; you will come to discover that it was not just that you sought a way to the valley, but that, you are the valley. Heaven is all around you even now.


How do I transform the dirt in my life? Do I move it or do I plant flowers? If I move it, I won't have a path to dance on, but it I plant flowers, I may trample them? I suppose I should just let it rain because nothing will grow if I don't let life wash over me.... Flowers will always grow as long as there's seed, and all that dirt, just means there'll always be a path to dance on? Maybe dirt's not such a bad thing?

April 18, 2012

Q & A


How can I love my neighbor?


You can help your neighbor by sending love and goodwill. Not because you feel they do or don't deserve it but because you wish them the love you yourself deserve. Even should you feel you not have anything to give, you can send out your feelings as intention like a light, all without expectation. And know that this intention will reach them and together with what you allow yourself, you will manifest and be a light, a light to others.

Say it with ownership. I send you the light of my heart, I send you the light of my mind, I send you the love of my soul to hold you and support you. Freely given, make it your own, heal, grow, and go in peace.

Now pass it to your world. You are a light worker. Always hold it to your mind. Picture it, visualize it. Imagine light.



"What do I feed my wild horses, when I've watched them gallop away?"


"If they are wild, they are not yours. They only need love"

April 18, 2012

It's the simple things in life that matter the most. So simple it sometimes seems like a child would see it.......It's like so many have said and written before. It's not that a child will lead us, or that being like a child one will enter the Heavens, It's that when we come to understand the root basic emotions of our daily life, that are so obvious and fundamental to our children.... and then seek to live what we have come to understand; that-- not --Heaven will open to us, but that we can take our rightful place in creating it in our daily lives. For Heaven is all around us. Those like Eric, Erik, Drew, Emily etc. have shown us time and time again. It's that we strive to remember and balance who we are through experience. Doing so, opens us up not to "a" or "the" greater reality but our greater reality. And so we seek communication from Spirit and each other. Not to teach, preach or show, but to gain insight into the child within ourselves. So that we may see, what is so obvious. We can choose to be united in love. We can choose in every moment to live it the best we can.

April 17, 2012

What avails life if I can't create my own validation from the memory of what I feel in my own unique way?

Does that my vision differ from yours make either any less real? Or is it the feeling of what we share that is what truly matters?

Other than experiencing it, feeling it with loved ones, arm in hand, is what made it worth living, again and again, life through lifetime.

April 16, 2012

The problem with many emotional topics is that people in general approach them through their own personal lens's. They hold their filters and len's which are based on their feelings and beliefs about their own experiences and then at the same time, ask those in Spirit for definitive answers. they wish to be given value judgements of psychosocial experience without understanding the myriad of spiritual reasons behind any situation. This and they internalize all this as an assessment or reaction to or compared to their own self judgement or assessment. All without taking into account where the spirit is coming from, who they are, where they are in their own development and what sort of experiences they themselves have had.. additionally the filter of those who are involved in that communication. As Erik states... He is giving generalities based on the basic questions presented. The answers in no way are able to cover every situation or scenario. He just means in general, these sorts of things follow this or that emotional pattern. It's like discussing the spiritual nature of illness's. Do we focus on the physical 3d linear time situation, or do we focus on the emotional and spiritual aspects of the case, in general... and then people try to line that up with their own experience. Sometimes it's impossible to divorce how one see's one's self in a situational context with the spiritual in general discussion because our own emotional len's fog it up. Sometimes it's not that the experience is a lesson or has a Spiritual purpose or goal as it is emotionally generated by cause and effect through free will and choice. Sometimes this is done pre-life, other times it happens through the choices of either party, most often in collaboration, and sometimes it happens on the fly as life is played out. Even so, what happens and what we make of it never has to define us, we can take the experience and the emotions encountered to explore who we are in that situation. And in general such events always engender more choice, more questions about who we are. With each other and by our selfs on may levels. With the parents, with family, with those who we interact with, with those in spirit, and how we view ourselves before life, during life, and after life. Just remember, these questions in this format are, "in general" and not able to cover all the ins and outs of situational perception of lives and their choices. Just my take on it.

April 16, 2012

Q & A


What about doing a DNR, wonder if that would be looked at the same way? Never has anyone in the spirit community been able to give me any idea of what that would be like for the spirit and family and the issues it creates. Regardless of the disease or reason, everyone whom Ive met who had to be the person to make the decision always had second thoughts. Unless the person was adult and had a written will.


Personally, I've always felt DNR's ( do not resuscitate?) are about coming to understand several things, all of which are subjective on the soul level. How one interprets one's personal evaluation on what constitutes the value of physical life, it's sanctity vs a greater reality as a spirit. Learning to feel one's choices as the ultimate impactor of another soul, and coming to find or discover or learn about what comfort one can or can not achieve from such a decision. What are the effects such a choice creates in those still alive as well as what emotions are engendered through such a choice. Do you give into guilt, self judgement, self punishment, or do you realize that in spirit there is no suffering and all is healed and know that what was done or what wasn't done was of little consequence other than the emotional baggage the one making the choice takes with them. Is it ok an safe and sane to let someone in pain go? What sort of value judgement will everyone take with them. Do you explore that process, or obsess on the action? I don't think second thoughts is wrong, nor any of the emotions involved, and I think it is quite normal. I think it's a chance to come to terms with how one sees life, the afterlife, spirituality, and the nature of suffering and release. I think for the Spirit who's body was not resuscitated it was either a gift for the family to explore these emotional and spiritual issues in context of a life, or it was an opportunity to observe such in context, and see how that felt. Spiritual evolution and experience on both sides of the veil for all involved. Is this what you mean?

April 15, 2012

The intention of the soul is what waits behind our beliefs. This is neither action, feeling nor desire. It is an out flowing or flowering of our true self. An expression. This passes through the tools of emotion, through belief, through action. This is a natural extension of who we are, but it is not all we are. We participate in this through conscious awareness in the physical or we pass through others focused or unfocused intent. While on Earth we have the opportunity to remember our own part in this and to express it with ever increasing awareness, individuality, and intention in line with finding balance through experience.

April 15, 2012

Caution, fear, worry, or doubt is often born from feelings generated, when we look at what one believes while looking outside of our inner experience. Comfort, in such situations, is often sought by seeking validation in others perceptions. But, it is only through balance, of personal experience for ones own greater good, that harmony with all that is, be understood. To assume anything else, is blowing energy to the wind. To assume reality based on assumptions of ones beliefs about what others seem to do or believe, is to never understand ones own part in a greater reality. Better to simply let water flow and focus on ones inner footing. Water will flow regardless of what one believes or feels. Better to understand one's personal foundation.

April 13, 2012

Full with the song of promise, buds to unfolding flower, a heart blossoms as color and fragrance expand.


In the garden of my minds eye, the blossoms hold dew drops of love.

Heart shifts through windows of the soul and light floods worn pathways like favored friends.

These lead to flowers such as yourself.

April 10, 2012

The walk on a divided path treads not just over broken trails, it passes through a common ground.


There is no special glory in being labeled a pioneer or in achievement for this world; Rather,

It simply means that the drive to put yourself out there while following your passion was more important than the hope of attainment

or the fear of failure. Under such feeling your circumstances always play second bill to who you are in the world today.

April 06, 2012

Q & A cont.

The following questions were asked in a round about way on the Channeling Erik forum at the tail end of an answer I gave to someone else's question. The original question came from someone who I think, perhaps had or has doubts about an after life. As such I didn't think adding this long complicated answer was appropriate, but still it provided some very interesting metaphysical questions. I tried to answer the best I could based on my understanding and with my guides help.

Q) How does the soul 'age'? I'm more interested in the people that lived on this planet thousands of years ago. Their brain was much smaller...or what about Neanderthals, did they have souls and if so what are they like in the afterlife. Not to mention that today's mankind is the Neanderthal of the humans we'll evolve into in thousands, millions of years from now. What does that mean for us in the afterlife?


To properly answer your question we need to address your assumptions of the phrase "soul age" and your understanding of the interaction of humanoid species on earth, in a linear space time perspective and their interaction with ensoulment.

Let's take the 1st part of your question: There is a difference between soul age, and spiritual state of being, and evolution.

After that we'll talk about the 2nd part of your question: Is there correlation between soul age and species age and placement within linear time perspective. And what does species, subspecies, and evolution in the physical mean to the non-physical?

1) Is There a difference between soul age, and spiritual state of being, and evolution?


A soul is energy. It does not age. To age, is a way of framing a physical process in linear time. As there is no linear time in Spirit, it is impossible to age. A soul is energy best described as emotional thought, or a consciousness. Self aware uniqueness a part of all that is. Trying to come to terms and describe a non physical multidimensional state of co-existence with all that you have been, are, and will be, while in the physical, is going to be difficult. You currently do not have the tools to express an understanding of this state. The Source of all that is never stops creating, and what it creates, never stops creating, and those creations never stop evolving. Souls that desire physical existence as a tool for understanding themselves usually go through a progression of experiences. But it's important to know that life times are not an indication of soul age. And soul age is not an indication of experience or state of being or understanding.

So what are some of the general ways the soul can be understood? One way is by experience. Typically a soul chooses physical experience to apply and understand what is known about itself in a hands on applied way. But it is not limited to that. As it first enters into a physical participation it often will choose a lower evolved or less complex consciousness in which to get used to physical experience. Such as animal life or plant life. It doesn't have to use as many energetic resources and what it en-souls is not subject to karma or cause and effect like a more evolved consciousness would be. Once it feels more capable or used to the physical plane, it will then decide to choose a higher level consciousness to merge with. It will choose a theme (usually emotional) in which it wishes to explore itself in. The higher self along with a guide will then start planning. So the soul then enters into a series or cycle of lives to explore the themes that interest it in the hopes that mastery can be achieved through balance of the self through experience. So lives could touch upon love, fear, anger, service, charity, grief, you name it as part of possibility, and it could be a theme. What ends the cycle depends on karma, and self evaluated judgement. Some seek total mastery. Others simply seek a comfortable understanding. For some, such may be obtained in a few lifetimes or even one. But for others it may take thousands of earth years with hundreds of lifetimes. There is no rule, no mandate, no one way.

As experience builds more and more balance and understanding is achieved, thereby opening oneself up to ever greater awareness of itself within all that is. As this happens more and more refined emotional states are expressed for the greater good, incorporating unique unity of the self with all that is. This is spiritual evolution. Expressed energetically, one's place is recognized as not something separate and individual, but as a unique expression, a state of being. Expressions with emotional ranges of states of being gravitate to each other and co-create what seems to be planes and dimensions. But again, this is not something that can be understood from your current perception.

So to sum up, if you hear the phrase young or old soul, know that in general one is speaking of mastery of experience. Not quantity nor spacial time distance from Source.

2) Is there correlation between soul age and species age and placement within linear time perspective. And what does species, subspecies, and evolution in the physical mean to the non-physical?


A soul can choose to use physical experiences to understand itself. As such it can choose to express this through many different modalities of physical existence. On Earth we operate within a system of incarnation that utilizes perceptual linear space time and duality. Also, although highly debated, your soul expresses an incarnation with only a portion of it's consciousness and energy in co-cooperation with physical life constructs. All physicality has it's own evolutionary lines and varying forms of consciousness energy that is a part of Source energy and all that is. As a soul, you co-join or en-soul yourself in physicality and co-create an incarnation. You are symbiotic as in this reality and plane all consciousness exists with a soul. Once joined your energies are forever in motion with unity and available in eternity depending on your focus.

Your soul is not limited to the human label of "genus ~ Homo". Nor is it limited to the species of "Homo sapiens". All consciousness is available for enoulment depending on soul wish, desired growth, and experience. It is only human ego that places limits. There is no correlation between soul age and choices of physical experience. And depending on perspective and experience, linear time frames are not a barrier either. That's not to say that any and everything is available to you. Many experiences are etheric and vibrational in nature and have prerequisites. You must master the basics before you gain enough understanding to master advanced concepts of the self. For example a soul with no experience will not be placed in charge of managing a solar system, etc. But there is no limit. It's your experience, gain it, express it. Understand it. The various species of the genus homo, all had souls, and they still do. Their physical lines of evolution and species inter-breeding have no impact on the evolution or state of being of the soul. The facet or portion of the soul used to express that life, in that species, in that dimensional space, in that perception of time, is not reflected in the representation of the soul in what you know as the after life; Unless desired. The consciousness that is the higher self is formless, timeless, and multidimensional. Now that's not to say that that facet or lifetime's spiritual expression doesn't evolve, expand, and learn as a personality on both sides of the veil. It does. The point I am trying to make is that who you are is never limited to lifetime, species or participation of space time.

If you had participated in life as a Neanderthal, you could if you wanted express yourself in that way in the afterlife. But as all time exists simultaneous, you are not limited to that except by the degree of focus, perception and belief that aspect of yourself expresses through experience. Right now you struggle with conceptualizing this as you see your personality as a singularity. But you are not. You are a multidimensional co creation that self creates itself. Awareness, understanding and expression of this depends on experience and state of being. Generally a soul with limited experience is going to focus on one lifetime and one personality, or evolutionary cycle at a time. A soul with mastery of self is going to operate from focus of the higher self and it's perspective and awareness will be unified in multidimensional expressions with ever greater portions of all that is. The expression of your last life time in physicality only remains seemingly separate depending on the degree of your awareness of your greater reality. And awareness comes from understanding the self through experience.


April 05, 2012

Civilizations rise and fall, and life passes into lifetimes.

Even humanity flickers before the earth. But what spirit we can give to their causes shall live eternal.


As I wrote a dear friend last night,

Visions of past life come with fog and flicker with uncertainty, but one of the things we can really value about this life is that we can share with each other. We can open our minds and hearts. Even in the face of rejection we create memories that are too important to loose, and you all help hold mine. I think together our memories and those we share with each other make what we feel have a certain life and vitality that otherwise may seem swallowed by life. Sharing brings what would hide in our hearts to bare, making what might have been unbearable, bearable. Maybe its not easy, or maybe we will still hurt, but at least what life we give can never die. And what never dies can never hurt again....I think that's worth sharing. I am glad I've been able to share that with you in this life.