Articles & FAQ

Last updated -- Spring, 2019

This section is a partial collection of my writing, channeled or otherwise on various topics that originally were posted in my journals. Some of it is incomplete as my intention to revisit the subjects progress. This Q & A was created mostly to help me in my personal research. I wanted a place to record my personal questions as well as those within the Channeling Erik community that are of a Spiritual and Paranormal nature. This was not a place to submit channeling requests for mediumship facilitation of deceased family/friends/angels/guides; but, rather of questions within or of broad Spiritual subjects. If you'd like to request personal facilitation, please visit the professional paid mediums listed on Channeling Erik blog, here, or from the links on this site. Click on each topic or question for the response. The Glossary is not meant to be used as a all-inclusive or an authoritative source. Reminder: wiki information can not, and should not be considered or used for primary source material or scientific proof or data. In fact, it is very often slanted in it's points of view. Especially when it comes to the paranormal. It is very common to present such information as authoritative. It is best that the reader look at all sources of information on each site and determine it's usefulness against their own beliefs. It is useful for social bookmarking and general info.


*Note on subjective interpretation

*Tech-talk Channeling

*Mental vs Physical Mediumship

*Visual manifestations

*The pregnant pause tip

*The Clairs

*Past memories & emotional tools, Lessons Learned

*Unhappiness with past memories

*Meet your Guides and Angels halfway

*Spirit Communication is like a Dance

*On the nature of your reality

*Shadow People

*Mind's Eye

*Inherent grace

*Bonds of love

*Expanding conciousness



*Intuitive development

*Emotional release

*Personal Freedom

*Personal emotional freedom

*Opportunities from Relationships

*Harmony of view

*Love and Service

*Spiritual Journaling

*Thoughts on shields

*Emotional salvation

*Show our teens that 'to feel' is OK

*Dealing with energy


*Empathic tech tip

*Meeting my higher self

*The importance of allowing our emotions

*Ley Line

*Soul Mates

*Spirit Photography

*Imagine channeling

*What is the best Religion

*fuzzy spiritual terms

*Overcoming obsession

*Why no details

*Mediums and finances

*Life Reviews

*Prove-it requests

*What's in a name

*Spirit emotions

*Communication Difficulties

*Changing disabling feelings

*Good out of emotional craziness

*Duality of Selfishness: An emotional tool

*Do not worry

*Lower ego vs Higher self

*Varience of Visitations

*Meeting your guides

*Exploring emotions

*Spiritual Healing of Spirits

*Do spirits lie?

*Experience without floundering

*Spirit Responsiveness

*Achieving Spiritual Goals

*Objective spiritual voice

*Musings on life

*Overcoming troubling thoughts

*Obsessive feelings

*Opportunities from Relationships

*Thankful for questions

*Self examination behind desire

*Raising Vibrations

*Responsible Thought

*Loneliness of sensitivity

*Mastering one's self

*Suffering in the world

*Channel Light in the dark

*The power to manifest

*A message on healing energy

*Learning forgiveness


*Belief, Thought, Action

*Why choose pain

*Relying on predictions

*Spiritual Trust

*You are not your body

*The Spiritual nature of grief

*Perceptions of afterlife associations

*Inner Sight

*Letting go of worry, for energy workers

*Intent vs Expectation

*Channeling Grief


*Spiritual Development

*Meaning of Life

*B yourself

*Love through Duality

*Causality of suffering

*Spiritual and Emotional Resistance

*Push pull to spiritual freedom

*Transforming life as we know it

*Impulse Triggers

*Imaginative Release

*Overcoming anger and the past

*If it can't be love - Figure out why

*Spiritual nature of expectation

*Higher self and suffering

Q & A

Why do we forget past lives:

Beautiful vs. Ugly:

Degrees of soul evolution:

What's up with that guide:

Waiting for loved ones:

Saddness when it's time to be Born?:

Born into Suffering?

What is a ghost

Seeing shadows

Are there certain times that make it easier for spiritual contact

Lifelong fear

When Enough is enough

Personalities of view points

The view from the "I am"

Emotion as communication

Higher looks of the self?

What would I look like as a non-physical spirit

What would I look like visiting others in Spirit

Cause and effect in the Spirit world

Living through love and fear

Spiritual Loneliness

Growing in spite of experience

Earth bound Spirits

Can you hug a ghost

Spirit Looks like last life?

Where does Erik reside?

What was up with 111111?

Fear and anxiety when it comes to Spirits

Change life change the world

pervasive love vs romantic

Communication through lucid dreams

Lost in emptiness, grief

How to help others

Privacy around Spirits

Where did Grandma go?

How do guides and angels communicate with us:

Why can't humans on Earth be healed like those in Spirit can:

-I often wake up feeling like I can't move and I am scared. Do I have sleep paralysis? A--I wrote the following page on the topic. Click here.

Erik's potty mouth:

Control over grief:

Who am i:

Do you visit other aspects or realities of of myself?

When the whole world and everyone you know needs healing how do you decide where to start

At what point does the "I am" of current awareness move from the "point of view" of the personality to the "point of view" of the higherself

Remembering past lives

Keeping track of the mind

Relationship villains

Human standards in reincarnation

Opinionated Souls

Evolving beyond need

How to know truth

Can we end war and poverty

Can we eliminate evil

Contacting the reincarnated

How do I get rid of angst

Fear of end of life reviews

Why can't I hold onto a spiritual connection

What is the spiritual mission of plants

What can I do to help others


Communication with a departed celebrity

Spirit Hugs?

Misplaced feelings?

Stopping dolphin harvesting

What to do when you feel alone

Can you have human sex in the afterlife

Evaluating missed opportunities (from my mentors)

What did Erik call himself in his last life.

Erik Vision

Seeing Energy

Why doesn't Erik type or manipulate computers

What is our responsibility to help each other improve spiritually

Does happiness = higher vibrational energy.

Why does the universe, life seem unfair at times

Are rich people or people who have access to comfort and care happier and better off than those who do not?

How do people who are not sensitive to spiritual energy perceive that they are being comforted and guided by souls from above?

Communication with the grieving?

Personal experience vs free will

Attached to more than one soul

God in you through you

What can you tell me about God as you see things

Free will vs Destiny

Spirit personality

Modern guides


Physics of Spirits

Quantum entanglement

Is consciousness multidimensional

Connecting to those you never knew in this life

Dissatisfaction with my sexual experiences

Body image as a Spirit

Fear about the future

Limit on number of past lives?

When do I get to be me?

Explain soul groups and mates

Can drug use while alive alter the energy of the soul

How to do right by others

Honoring your life plan

Feeling invisible?

How to change the energy of the past?

Individual and group contracts made pre-incarnation

Seeking pleasure as a mask for lack of inner joy

Does everything have a reason


Altered states of consciousness


Akashic Records

Alien *see UFO

Alien (hypothetical list)

Allan Kardec

Apparitional experience


Anomalistic psychology



Astral Projection



Blessing (protection)

Blessing (house)



Clairs (THE)


Cold Spot



Direct Voice





Etheric Body

Etheric fluidium

Etheric Plane

Etheric Vision

EVP (electronic voice phenomenon)

Exploding head syndrome

Extrasensory perception


Ghost hunting equipment

Guardian Angel

Hearing voices movement

Higher consciousness



See altered states of consciouness


Intelligent haunting

ITC (Instrumental Trans-communication)

See EVP. OR Spirit Photography

Jiddu Krishnamurti


Kirlian Photography

Law of attraction

Lessor banishing ritual

Levels of consciousness

Ley Line

Life after death topics, Misc. List

List of Legendary Creatures

List of supernatural beings in Chinese folklore

Major religious groups




Meher Baba

Mental Body

Mind's Eye

Mirror gazing

Multiple witness experiences


Mysticism (types)

Naive Realism

National Spiritualist Association of Churches

Near Death Experience


Night Terrors


Optical Illusions

ORB(s) (optical)

ORBS *Spiritual

ORBS *UFO related (info to come)

Out of body experience

Parallel dimensions

Paranormal (topic)

Paranormal categories list

Paranormal Explanations





Philosophical realism

Photoplasm Energy

Physical Cosmology

Plane (esotericism)

Platform work




Psychic ability (list)



Psychological Explanations


Quantum mechanics

REM behavior disorder

Religious Experience

Residual Haunting

Scientific Explanations

Shadow People (2nd article)

**My thoughts on Shadow People


Sleep Disorders -wiki

Sleep Disorder from:ASA


Sleepy hallucinations *see Hypnagogia

Sleep paralysis

Sleep Walking

Seth (Jane Roberts)


Soul-mates and platonic soulmates

Spirit Guide

Spirit Photography

Spiritism (belief-movement)

Spiritist Codification

Spiritualism (beliefs)

Spiritualism (belief-movement)

Spiritualist's National Union

Spiritual Crisis

Spiritual language





Third Eye

Third Man factor/ phenomenon

Trance* See Altered states of consciousness

Trance Mediumship*

See altered states of consciousness


Transcommunication* See ITC

Tunnel of light

