
Dreaming: What dreams may come, a Spiritual viewpoint.

(A work in progress)

Associative Dreams:

When you sleep your consciousness splits between your various energy bodies as well as your subconsciousness. The flesh and blood brain filters such experiences through it's narrow energy/flesh connections, or filters. It does not care what this looks like to your consciousness or dreaming vision. It gathers up data, emotions, thoughts, impressions, and memories and tries to organize them. This information can come from your previous hours, your past lives, Spiritual adventure in the astral, etheric, and mental planes. It can also come from external Spiritual experiences with other entities or thought forms. Your brain in conjunction with your subconscious will often substitute symbols of people, objects, and meanings in the attempt to organize it all. This results in fast moving, strange dreams, that seem to leap from image to image, in which your mental projection of yourself acts as a passive participant or viewer. These can contain Spiritual communication, but very often it will be distorted by the subconscious. Very often these dreams are forgotten in the morning. They can be retained by dream journaling and various techniques at interpreting them. These dreams are heavily influenced by ones state of being or vibration. Neither good nor bad, they just are.

Symbolic Dreams:

Depending your your conscious awareness of Spirit and your state of being, you can initiate, have, or be given, Symbolic Dreams. Symbolic dreams are dependent on your conscious awareness of Spiritual communication. It is important to ditch the notion and label of the symbol as we know it in a modern human sense. It should only be approached from a neutral passive point of view. The reason for this is that like attracts like. Many spirits only communicate through symbolic visuals or meaning. This is because telepathy is emotional thought- based as opposed to words. You brain will be given or will translate this meaning through literal symbols OR, the visual representation will appear normal, but will have symbolic meaning as opposed to something literal. For example, A visual of a spirit cloaked in shadow may mean something as opposed to a literal "cloak of shadow". It's all about context. Context of the viewer and sender. What is one's man's beautiful flower is a woman's key to the universe is a child's toy.

Lucid Dreams:

To put a fine point on the phrase, You know you are dreaming. When you have a lucid dream you are clairvoyently viewing AND, or, experiencing something on a Spiritual plane. It could contain elements of associative or symbolic dreams as well as involving Astral travel or interaction with out of body experience (OBE). Those in Spirit often pass along messages to us this way. Many times via bedside visitations. Usually, when you have a lucid dream; one remembers it upon waking in vivid detail as though you lived it. This is because you did. The phrase, 'my dream was more real than real' often applies. Many times because of the "lucidity" of the dream and depending on the dreamers experience one can exert direct control in the dream. When this happens your consciousness takes majority control of your subconscious awareness as well as your energy body's perception. This is a combined internal and external focus. There is some debate in the Spiritual academic fields as to "how real" this is. I feel it is semantics. As "How real is thought and emotion" and "how real" is the mechanisms to interpret this? I feel the bodies, no matter the plane of existence is nothing more than a focusing lens for thought and emotional energy. So real is all about perspective. Same with any clairvoyant experience. What is the origin of point of view for the observer, turn experiencer, via sender? How and where does this manifest? Many researchers get caught up in the perceptions of threads of consciousness, detached or attached spiritual bodies, and what direction energies go. I feel this is irrelevant to the messages we might apply to our lives.

Prophetic Dreams:

This is when in the course of one's spiritual development one has not only consciousness of their energy bodies on multiple dimensional levels, but can exert some influence through them. While doing so, from time to time depending on spiritual awareness and experience one can access their and other Akashic record and retrieve one of the lines of experiences that are to come. Most of the time, high level guides or Angels can do this. From time to time, they will give you a dream containing this information or give it to you via one of the Clair experiences.

Dreams of Past Lives:

Most of the time, if experienced during sleep, will stem from associative dreams, which will then turn into symbolic dreams, and could then depending on the source and reason could evolve into a lucid dream. Most of the time Past life information comes via one of the so-called Clair experiences as vision, knowing or feeling, very often a mix of these. So Dream is probably not the best use of this phrase. Visions of past lives might be more accurate. In the adult, these visions are access via a conscious download or unconscious emotional trigger as it relates to current experiences. In dream form it is often stumbled upon. It can also be recalled by the subconscious and woven into the dream scape as a way of organizing emotions for sake of continuance of "like experiences". They can also be triggered and given by guides and angels for use, or out of affection. Children under 5-7 often have conscious recall and knowing of past life vision, memory or knowledge. The energy bodies that are drawn from Earth to make up the aura and the like are new to each incarnation when the larger soul scape sends it's energy to these energy connections, it typically drops or is forced to drop such memory to better connect by intense focus within 3D dimensionality. Many other reasons for this.But as the child does not have as full of a developed 3D memory, the subconscious can pull from past life memory in such a way that is cleaner that it would be for an adult, with less conscious interference. Personally I feel past life knowledge is pointless unless they relate to an intellectual, or emotional experience that helps us in this physical life.
