Evaluating missed opportunities

June 11, 2012

The other day I asked my mentors, Linda and Z if they could offer any information or words of advice on life reviews from a metaphysical approach. In my June 09 entry (further down this page), I posted some of what they wrote to me via email. Over the weekend, Linda also published the following article:

Sharing a Thought Provoking Inquiry: How can we Evaluate Missed Opportunities

(From Linda)

"I have published a new article on the website entitled, Evaluating Missed Opportunities. I was inspired to write this article in response to a very thought provoking inquiry I received regarding the significance of them. If missed opportunities and the significance of them is a matter of concern to you, this article will be very helpful in understanding the karmic role they may still be playing in your reality. You can access this article in downloadable pdf format on the My Article Page."

The Dragon of Personal Drama www.dragonofdrama.com Linda Labertew, Mpsy. D. Page 1

Evaluating Missed Opportunities ~

As if often the case, someone will share a thought provoking inquiry that inspires me to

further enhance on the subject either in a lesson or in an article so that visitors to the

Dragon of Personal Drama website can benefit from the inquiry as well. This particular

inquiry specifically focuses on re-evaluating missed opportunities of experience so as to

determine the degree of energy they still carry, the significance of them in the current

reality and whether or not they are significant in the afterlife. Due to the nature of this

inquiry it is best answered from a metaphysical / spiritual perspective because it

encompasses the principles of the science of mind as well as a belief in the afterlife.

Even if this goes against your religious or personal beliefs it would be in your best

interest to keep an open mind, to be willing to flex your personal or religious muscles for

the sake of expanding your perceptual vision.

If at some point during the course of your life you find yourself reflecting on your past

experiences, the memory of certain missed opportunities are likely to come to mind. As

these memories rise to the surface of your awareness you may be inclined to want to

weigh them out, to evaluate them and perhaps even to count the cost of having missed

the chance to act on those opportunities. Given your own mental and emotional

reaction to the recollection of these memories you may also be inclined to want to

harshly judge yourself for not having acted on them in which case you may also inflict a

degree of guilt upon yourself. As you reflect on those missed opportunities there can be

a psychological backlash that just might catch you off guard if you do not know how to

process and integrate the feelings and emotions that will rise up to the surface. Because

the matter of missed opportunities and the significance of them is an important aspect

of your current reality, this article, in keeping with the inquiry, will help you in the

process of re-evaluating your own missed opportunities by bringing to your awareness

the degree of energy they are carrying, and because of their significance in your current

reality, they very well may be manifesting in your personal experience in ways you are

not consciously aware of. Lastly is to consider the karmic significance of these missed

opportunities in the afterlife as the result of not acting on these potential experiences.

The psychological backlash occurs when there are underlying issues attached to those

missed opportunities that have not yet been identified and resolved. These issues can

remain undetected in your conscious awareness for years but such is not the case in

respect to the undesirable effects of them in your current reality. Unlike the undetected

issues, their karmic affects do not lie dormant but rather they are influencing your

reality behind the scenes. In an attempt to acknowledge and resolve these undetected

issues, your subconscious will send up metaphoric smoke signals along with a variety of

symbolic signposts, often in the form of archetypes that appear in your dreams and even

in your wake state as a means of getting your undivided attention. The longer you

ignore them, the more they will continue to unpleasantly manifest in your reality until

you finally acknowledge their presence. In addition, these underlying issues can also be

attached to other undetected issues to the extent where one feeds off the other and will

continue to do so until they are discovered and dealt with.

When you think about your missed opportunities of experience you will perceive them

in accordance with the beliefs you hold about them as being the truth, substantiated by

your thoughts and feelings which relates to the emotions attached to them. Therefore, it

is not just about the opportunities that were missed because they were not acted on, it is

more about the underlying reasons they were not acted on in the first place. Although

not every missed opportunity is karmically significant, a close up examination for the

purpose of revealing the underlying reasons you did not act on these opportunities

becomes necessary given the risk that undetected issues could very well be the

underlying causes of certain of the unpleasant effects that are occurring in your current

reality. Given that fact that the subconscious does not send up smoke signals without a

good cause should be sufficient evidence that something is going on below the surface of

your conscious awareness that is worth exploring. It is an endeavor that will ultimately

be well worth the time and effort it might take to figure it out, if for no other reason than

to put an end to any unpleasant attached side effects as well as to reduce the chance of

missing out on any further opportunities of experience that you will inevitably have to

come to terms with sooner or later.

A very important concern expressed in the inquiry was in regard to the matter of selfinflicted

pain as the result of a missed opportunity. In this respect the dots of missed

opportunities and self-inflicted pain are seldom connected as being related to one

another which in of itself is another justifiable reason to examine the underlying reasons

an opportunity was not acted on. An examination of this nature not only provides you

with the means to understand the underlying cause for the self-inflicted pain, it also

serves as a healing catalyst as well. Every opportunity missed out on carries its own

thought and feeling energy and to the degree or intensity of that energy, there is a level

of pain associated with it which also correlates to your beliefs and your perceptions.

Reflecting back on those missed opportunities from the viewpoint of a witness is far

more advantageous as opposed to viewing them as the participant. When viewing these

matters as the participant, you risk strong mental or emotional self-resistance that will

automatically hinder your attempts to get to the root cause as well as to block the path to

your healing. Incidentally, your healing will not get off to a good start if you are

maintaining an attitude of blame which includes blaming yourself. Life on the physical

plane is, after all, a continual journey of experiences and the consequent lessons

learned, all of which is very necessary for the sake of not just your personal growth but is

necessary for the sake of your spiritual evolution.

Such measures of self-inflicted pain will in time begin to wear on you, in fact, it will wear

you out mentally and emotionally speaking and if left unresolved it will begin to take its

toll on you physical body because the stress on your psyche needs an outlet, therefore, it

will manifest somewhere in your physical body. Many people suffer from physical

ailments that conventional medicine can only biologically attribute the causes to.

However, practitioners who are open-minded to the benefits of holistic treatments will

take into consideration any out of the ordinary life experiences as being the possible

basis for the physical discomfort or disease. I was taken by surprise when I encountered

a series of life event questions asked on a medical form at a conventional medical center.

The fact that this level of holistic mindset has seeped into the convention of mainstream

medicine should be sufficient evidence that body, mind and soul are all connected, thus

if one is out of whack, the other two are carrying the additional load which eventually

causes a strain in every aspect of your being, resulting in the body being put in a state of

discomfort and dis-ease. So although missing out on an opportunity may not seem like

such a big deal and is something you think you can just sweep under the carpet, forget

about or simply chalk it up to being your lot in life, or think that it was not God’s will for

you, may in actuality be an underlying cause that is contributing to certain ongoing

problems that keep materializing undesirable experiences in your life because they have

not yet been identified. Determining the root cause requires not only an indefinite

period of time and effort to allow these underlying issues to surface into your conscious

awareness, it also requires your willingness to consciously process and integrate them as

they are revealed because they may contain some very unpleasant and difficult to digest

truths you were not necessarily prepared to deal with.

Another aspect of this inquiry was in regard to the significance or the weight that missed

opportunities carry if not yet understood, that is, the truth has not yet been revealed or

is simply not seen. The significance or the karmic weight of any missed opportunity

relates to the degree of impact it is still having in your reality due to the underlying and

undetected root causes, whether you are aware of their presence or not. Unresolved

issues, regardless of their basis, do not go away because you are not aware of them,

because you do not understand them or because you simply do not see them for what

they really are. Therefore, the significance of every missed opportunity is that it can

play an unseen and undesired karmic role in your life, manifesting in ways you would

not think or know to connect the dots. However, once the underlying causes have been

revealed and you begin to better understand the karmic role these issues have been

playing in your life, it changes the energy of them in which case the affects will either be

reduced or the affects will be eliminated all together; either way the changes in your

reality will be relative to your own beliefs, perceptions, thoughts and feelings.

A very beneficial approach to getting to the bottom of such underlying issues begins by

taking the first step which in this case is to suggest that you make a list of all your

missed opportunities, including the ones that seen irrelevant. Using your list as a basis

you will want to select only one of those missed opportunities to begin your examination

with, generally speaking, this is the one that will jump right off the page or has the most

meaning to you. The second step is to take into account your feelings at that time,

especially the emotions you felt then and even take note of the intensity of those

emotions – this is not the time to hold back any feelings so feel free to let them loose but

please do so in safe quarters. In other words do not unleash these feelings in the

presence of anyone who is not trained to support your endeavor as this will only make

matters worse which is why putting them in writing is a safe alternative. The third step

is to examine the beliefs you held at the time about yourself and the opportunity. The

fourth step is to examine how you actually perceived the opportunity that was presented

including anyone involved. The fifth step is to examine the obstacles that appeared to

be standing in your path and any roadblocks that seemed to have prevented you from

acting on the opportunity. As you work through each of the steps you are likely to find

that the obstacles and roadblocks you encountered were not the result of any person,

place or thing, but were indeed the result of undetected causes that were contributing to

your own thinking pattern, your feelings and emotions, your own beliefs, and the

manner in which you perceived the opportunity as well as anyone involved. As you work

through these steps these underlying causes will begin to surface and as you continue to

work through your list of missed opportunities the picture will begin to get much

clearer. Don’t be surprised if you begin to see one or more common threads woven

through those missed opportunities such as fear, anxiety, intimidation, lack of

confidence and courage; feelings of insecurity, inferiority and a lack of acceptance and

self-worth, just to mention a few. It is when you reach this point that things can get a

little or a lot sticky because it can be very hard to come to terms with the uncomfortable

truths that will surface. But through the process of self-examination, you will see just

how those missed opportunities were actually missed out on, the undesirable effects

they were still generating, thereby negatively affecting your reality and how they were

linked to one another by means of those common threads that were revealed to you in

the process of your self-examination. Your willingness to see the process through will be

well worth any uncomfortable mental or emotional undoing. And even though a clear

picture will become very apparent after you have worked through all the steps, you will

find that over the course of time that same picture will undergo subtle or more dramatic

changes and alterations as other issues not yet revealed rise up to the surface of your

conscious awareness that can only occur under certain conditions.

Concerns were expressed in the inquiry that related to the significance of missed

opportunities as it pertains to the bigger picture not being fully revealed yet. To

understand the bigger picture is to recognize, from a metaphysical and spiritual

perspective, that the very act of a physical life does not occur by accident or is the result

of a conception by chance, but that birth is intended for the sake of achieving or

overcoming something of particular importance, a matter that is unique to every

incarnating soul. However, because of the lack of conscious connection to the nonphysical

realm, the conscious memory forgets its origins as well as its intended purpose

for its physical incarnation in spite of signposts and synchronicities that serve as

reminders. Consequently, physical life can becomes a journey chock full of karmic

pitfalls, obstacles, roadblocks, ditches and detours making it very hard to accomplish or

achieve the intended purpose - the bigger picture. As the result of ongoing changes and

alterations that occurs with every choice and decision you make throughout the course

of your life, the bigger picture is always in a state of flux. Therefore, the degree of

incidence and significance in terms of the bigger picture cannot realistically be

ascertained from such a wavering and limited perspective, much less to be revealed. But

even though opportunities fell by the wayside, and experiences occurred that were not

necessarily intended and certainly not desired, the bigger picture does not rest on who

or what you should have become or whose lives you might have influenced as the result.

The bigger picture is still being formed; it is still an idea under construction and is very

much subjected to the changes and alterations that will continue to occur throughout

your life. There is nothing to stop you from becoming who or what you still desire to

become even if it is only an aspect of your original intentions or for that matter, whose

lives you can still influence in a positive way, but this can only be accomplished by

coming to terms with any mental or emotional blockages that threaten to hinder your

success in this regard – that level of success being the realization of the bigger picture.

When you take the matter of reincarnation into consideration from a metaphysical or

spiritual perspective, you begin to realize that the wheel of physical life and death is not

as infinite as you might think, not so much because there is a risk of time running out as

there is the risk of slowing down your own personal evolution. Some people are of the

belief that because the non-physical aspect of life is infinite or eternal, one can

experience an endless number of incarnations, thus resolving karmic issues at their

leisure. There is a time limit in the sense that the longer it takes you to resolve the

issues that can only be resolved on the physical plane, the longer it takes to move onto

higher planes of realities that exist in other non-physical dimensions, in other realms

and even in other worlds. This world that you are having your physical experience in is

but one dimension of reality and as such has its built in limitations that are not

experienced in other dimensions, where the illusion of objective reality is not subjected

to sensory perceptions. Every person plays an individual and collective role in the

progression of human evolution. The evolution of the world at large is ultimately

affected when its people, individually speaking, are not taking responsibility for their

own actions, thus slowing down the collective wheel of evolution. This is a message that

cannot be stressed enough and is one that the Buddha spoke about rather emphatically.

In closing I sincerely hope that in sharing the very thought provoking inquiry I received

has shed some light on any undesirable effects you may be experiencing in your own

reality as the result of your own missed opportunities. If you have any questions,

thoughts, comments or you get stuck trying to figure out the psychological impact from

your missed opportunities, please feel free to contact me.

Many Blessings,

