My Hug

Nov 23

A Big Hug for Jason

This entry is all Jason and Erik. I found it so heartwarming and timely just before Thanksgiving. Enjoy!

Elisa! Guess what! I got an Erik manifestation I’ve not experienced before last night!

Here’s the story. So, Erik and Robert and one of my Teachers has been helping me with an emotional issue I’d been having off and on for a while. (yea, right I know – another one) :) — and so it’s been working and so I emailed Robert, Erik and Jill, just saying thank you and how much I loved them and what not. That was yesterday.

Also, I’ve got to tell you, And I am sure you know the feeling. I tend to be a needy baby when it comes to affection. Especially as I go through more and more spiritual stuff and remember things and experience the emotions of it all. I am constantly badgering Erik for Hugs of late. I was joking with Robert about that on the phone and Erik said, “Well you wouldn’t be you if it weren’t the case…”. ha! In fact, I’ve caught myself thinking, I don’t give a crap about visions, I want a hug. And what I mean by that is those energy warm buzz hugs he gives. *on a side note if you ever channel a higher level being, the feeling is like Erik hugs but all over and like your drunk on energy. So I had that in mind when I thought hug…

Well, like I said, I wrote that email to them and I was awfully emotional about it, because it was a big milestone in my life. Then I woke up at around 1:30am this morning thinking ‘oh, I should check my email’. So I whip out my phone and sure enough shortly after I had gone to bed Robert, Erik and Jil had replied with their love and affection. Each had their own sweet little message for me. I was just super happy about that and fell back asleep.

Well, then I suddenly woke up between 3 and 3:30 or so. The room was still. Then all of a sudden I felt like what I can only describe as arms going around my shoulders. But it felt like it came from out and down, the opposite direction I was laying in bed. I was facing the center of the bed. My left side exposed. The side Erik told me to face before. Anyway; The arms felt like they were outside of and under my sheets. No hands, just arms. And they moved my sheets and pressed against me. I mean there was pressure there, but it didn’t have weight to it. Hard to describe. It had mass and moved and moved stuff, but no weight. So these arms then wrapped me up in a hug about the shoulders and then slowly rocked me back and forth 2 times. I / my torso actually moved back to the left with the arms! It was sooo gentle. And it was just like if I was standing, someone came up behind me and put there arms around me in a bear hug and put their chin on my shoulder! And at that moment woosh!-Goosh! there was this intense emotion of love.

It was so amazing.

Then from far back in the room I heard a little weird voice say in my mind, “I heard the house is haunted?”.

And for a moment I was startled and scared that I was having another scary out of body experience.

Then! Erik and at this point I KNEW the hug was him. Threw off the arms and gave this HUGE gawffing joyous laughter that just reverberated really loud in my head!

And I found I wasn’t afraid any more!!! I then proceeded to chase him in my minds eye until he tackled me and started tickling me. Jill watching on said, we love you!

Then I fell back asleep happy.

This morning when I woke up I wondered about that experience. And then I felt the two near me, and Erik said that weird little voice was my latent fear trying to manifest and we laughed it away together. Then,… I started mulling over whether or not to tell you. I mean. Cause if it wasn’t real, I don’t want you to go expecting some hug. I mean. That’s just mean. BUT. . Then Erik starts in… He said, “It’s real, It’s real, It’s real… Tell MOM, Tell Robert, It was real! Tell mom to brush the lint out of her teeth cause it was me. Tell her cause I want my mom and I don’t want her to think it was a fucking dream!!!”

At that point I was just practically dancing around the house with happy joy. I was tearing up and everything. No doubts only happy.

So, there you have it.

Hope you have a great Thanksgiving.

On that note., Elisa, I just want to say how thankful I am for you. I really look up to you as an example on how to live life with purpose and your overall out look has really inspired me. Especially how you deal with hardship, and your work ethic. If I had this life to do all over again, I wish I could have had you as a parent. I can really feel that you would have loved me no matter what. I know that’s probably not fair to my own parents as they did the best they could under their own circumstances. But I just wanted to say thank you to you and Rune, and well everyone there for giving what they could. It enabled a chain reaction of changed lives. Not just me, but in other blog members I’ve talked to and in fact people around me.

So, Well. um, Happy Thanksgiving. It’s the quiet still moments of the night that the para—not scratch that… That Spiri— no scratch that…. That Love comes knocking… :)

Lots of love,


There are 20 comments to this post.

      1. Pam says:
      2. November 23, 2010 at 12:02 PM
      3. Can anyone help me. I just want to know how to contact Elisa to have my question channeled to her son.
      4. Reply
          • Elisa says:
          • November 23, 2010 at 5:19 PM
          • Hey Pam. I’m so happy you’re part of our little family now. I will say that I’m temporarily only asking questions for the book like what death is like, what the afterlife is like, why we choose to go through the human experience. I’m not sure how long this will take, because it seems like every answer he gives me generates dozens of other questions. But I will take Ask Erik requests eventually. Just look for the page to come up in months to come. It pains me to not take every single question and request. I have always had a hard time saying no to people in need, but I think the book will reach a lot of people who need comfort too (I hope). May I suggest you book a phone session with Jeannie? She’s only $40 for a half hour and so good. You can probably book it for next week. Jamie is also excellent, as is Kim, but they cost more in that order. All of them are on the link sections of my homepage. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
          • Reply
      5. Steve says:
      6. November 23, 2010 at 3:21 PM
      7. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here – I hope you are all surrounded with light and don’t let the family drama affect you. Remember, everyone is playing their role and the lesson is not to participate in the negative, just share love.
      8. That was an awesome story, Jason! I’ve felt that spiritual hugging before. It’s such a wonderful RUSH!
      9. Reply
          • Elisa says:
          • November 23, 2010 at 5:16 PM
          • Back atcha, Steve! I hope everyone travels safely, eats and drinks heartily, and finds and embraces the love around them. I know for some, it’s a painful holiday without a departed loved one, but in every sorrow, there is joy to be found.
          • Reply
      10. Jason says:
      11. November 23, 2010 at 4:00 PM
      12. Hi there, I just wanted to add to that email something which I forgot to relate about it.
      13. What I didn’t report in the letter Elisa posted is that the following words were spoken to me during the experience that really helped me embrace the love and move past all fear. “Remember what your Teacher said, remember the Angels promises, Remember what your guides told you, Remember the promises, remember what we said.”
      14. Those promises being, “Do not be afraid of anything, that we are always with you”.
      15. As soon as I heard that I decided that I wanted nothing more to do with fear. That I was going to roll back into the hug and embrace all the love and joy….
      16. And then here is what Erik said about the experience via Robert this afternoon! I am so happy I just want to run around the building. Erik says I need to do that anyway!
      17. ***
      18. Erik’s telling me he and Jill as well as a few others in Spirit all pooled their energy together to make that hug happen. They also say they amplified the love they feel for you to help you beat back the fear which has dogged you since you were very young. They say your vibrations were sufficiently raised to enable all of this to occur. They say you’ve hit a MAJOR milestone and it has caused great celebrations on their side of the Veil. They say you should celebrate as well and to continue to do so for as long as you physically exist. :-) You’ve come a very long way youngster! A very long way!
      19. Reply
      20. mom2bzs says:
      21. November 23, 2010 at 9:51 PM
      22. Wow, thanks for sharing this Jason. It brought tears to my eyes. I’m really happy for you!
      23. Sherry
      24. Reply
      25. Robert says:
      26. November 23, 2010 at 10:21 PM
      27. Hey Jason…I’m glad ya posted that out on the blog! I was gonna ask ya if it was ok when we spoke on the phone earlier today, but I spaced and forgot. Erik’s picking on me now about it…so not unexpected! Anyways, I’m sooo happy you’ve reached this milestone! It’s a really big deal! :-)
      28. Big hugs and lots of love to you and everyone on the blog!
      29. Reply
      30. Shannon says:
      31. November 24, 2010 at 12:44 AM
      32. WOOO HOOO Jason!!! Great Job, Congrats!! :D
      33. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
      34. Blessings,
      35. S.
      36. Reply
      37. Steve says:
      38. November 24, 2010 at 7:46 AM
      39. Maybe it was the combination of sudafed, mucinex, and a 1/2 a Lunesta (I’m in a head cold experience)…but I woke up in the middle of the night and meditated for awhile last night and asked for some hugs from spirit. I felt pressure on both of my forearms and tingling all over. It was subtle, and I saw all kinds of visual imagery within in my mind. Flashing images of people and places, nothing making much sense. It lasted a few minutes, then I fell back to sleep.
      40. I think all of this just takes practice, so I’m going to try this more often and hopefully awaken my spiritual eyes more.
      41. Reply
      42. Jason says:
      43. November 24, 2010 at 8:26 AM
      44. Steve!!! Erik says your mom is so proud of you!
      45. Reply
      46. Tracy Lamont says:
      47. November 24, 2010 at 8:49 AM
      48. Hi Elisa and the rest of our soul family.
      49. Here is a beautiful poem by the American writer and journalist, Nora Perry – (1831 – 1896).
      50. I came across it after losing Adam as I find solace in beautifully written words. It’s called Some Day Of Days.
      51. Enjoy.
      52. Some day, some day of days,
      53. Threading the street with idle, headless pace,
      54. Unlooking for such grace,
      55. I shall behold your face!
      56. Some day, some day of days, thus we may meet.
      57. Perchance the sun may shine from skies of May,
      58. Or winter’s icy chill touch whitely vale and hill.
      59. What matter? I shall thrill
      60. Through every vein with summer on that day.
      61. Once more life’s perfect youth will all come back.
      62. And for a moment there
      63. I shall stand fresh and fair,
      64. And drop the garment care;
      65. Once more my perfect youth will nothing lack.
      66. I shut my eyes now, thinking how it will be-
      67. How face to face each soul
      68. will slip it’s long control,
      69. Forget the dismal dole
      70. Of dreary fate’s dark, separating sea;
      71. And glance to glance
      72. And hand in hand in greeting,
      73. The past with all its fears,
      74. Its silences and tears,
      75. Its lonely, yearning years,
      76. Shall vanish in the moment of that meeting…
      77. Reply
      78. Kristina (erik's big sis) says:
      79. November 24, 2010 at 9:01 AM
      80. That is SUCH an Erik hug – with the chin to the shoulder!
      81. Reply
      82. Jason says:
      83. November 24, 2010 at 10:07 AM
      84. This message is delivered by “Be free my Angel’s, Emily” on this holiday week. Erik brings her forward to me out of the blue while I sit at my work desk. My vision clouds over and the void of the back-lit tunnel appears. A dark figure is outlined by the flicker of heavenly light and walks forward with the click click of hard shoes. Erik comes through the light holding Emily in an Alice in wonderland type/style of dress/jumper. Blue and white with shiny shoes. Her red hair glows and she is virtually dragging Erik down the hall. She looks up at me and says, “Tell mommy I love her and that every touch on her face is me, that every breath on her hair is me. Tell her not to feel sad. Tell her to try and be happy and help the family as best she can, but to don’t be afraid to just tell people when she is feeling down.” Then she points to space in front of her and says, “Tell Elisa and everyone else to not get stressed out. I know not everyone is in America and so not having a fun holiday, but tell them to not worry about pleasing everyone and getting stressed out. Tell them to just take time for themselves and tell them to love them selves. You can’t show love if you don’t feel love. ” Then she looks down and I see a leash wound around and around and around her legs and the end of it held behind her back. She pulls her arm out and she is holding it. She bends down and picks up Elisas puppy Penny. And then starts to walk back down the tunnel. Erik looks at her and looks back at us and just waves and then follows her. ps. He is in baggy sweats and some basket ball shirt with a backwards cap on and just wearing socks… He says it’s his road trip gear. Meaning he’s traveling with a bunch of people this week.
      85. Reply
          • Elisa says:
          • November 24, 2010 at 11:02 AM
          • That’s so sweet!! Whaddya think Michelle? Erik used to dress in his baggy grey sweat plants and he used to wear mostly baseball shirts, but he’s going with a new look I guess. Thanks for this Jason. It’ll make so many very happy this week. I give Emily my love as well and thank her for taking care of little Penny-kins.
          • Reply
      86. Pam says:
      87. November 24, 2010 at 2:09 PM
      88. Thank you for replying. I have had a couple of sessions with Kim, but it’s been a long time.
      89. thank you so much and I think what your doing is great!!! I enjoy it so much and learn a lot too.
      90. Happy Thanksgiving
      91. Reply
      92. Ceridwen says:
      93. November 25, 2010 at 8:07 AM
      94. Jason, Robert is right – you HAVE come a long way, and in such a short time! The bright gems that you are channeling are an inspiration and encouragement for us all, and I am so grateful for your loving presence in our cyber family, and in my life! XOXOXO
      95. Reply
      96. Be Free My Angel says:
      97. November 27, 2010 at 1:28 AM
      98. Hi Elisa and Jason – Thanks so much for giving me a great B-day present, Wed was my 41′st and I wasn’t wanting anything done about it. This message really hit home because not only have I been fluctuating back and forth between ok and really darn deep into the fog of grief, but I dont want to put on a happy face and pretend. Im tired of pretending Im doing better and I also prayed for the love to feel the love so I can give the love to my kiddos who have so desperately needed a mom, single parent who is active and having fun with them not just taking care of the necessities. They all know when Im pretending and they can tell Im only half there with them and they miss me. I don’t know what to do to take care of me, my situation is so complicated, but Im trying to be a good parent to three other kiddos and trying to make a plan for the next step in my life, and wondering if Im ever going to be able to be sociable with anyone without crying over little stuff because I miss my baby. I’ve really been beating myself up over my daughters passing wondering if the other choice would have been better, wondering why I did let her go, why didn’t I fight for her more, let her go to the other hospital, bigger better one with different doctors. I don’t understand the spiritual implications of a DNR, I feel like I was doing the most compassionate thing for her by not assaulting her anymore with tubes in her chest, machines breathing for her, ongoing seizures, but who am I to make that decision??? Was it really ok? I just have such a hard time accepting that it was really what was best. I wish I could believe it with all my heart, and know it deep into my soul every day all day without second guessing. Some days I want the guilt and the what if’s to go away so bad that Im afraid they never will.
      99. On a lighter note we had a good holiday, good b-day for my Angel complete with birthday photo (photo of a blue orb next to my Angels birthday cupcake) and a good non existant b-day for me :)
      100. Reply