The view from the "I am"

TO my Spirit Teachers:

---Q) What did moving your point of view of "I am" from the personalities of incarnations---to the point of view of the "higher-self" or a non physical entity--- feel like? At what point did the "I am" of your conscious awareness become ready for such a transition?

A) --- When you ask this question your are asking from within the "I am" of your personalities ego. To a great extend you must experience this movement as opposed to being shown, or told about. In most physical earth lives I was unaware of this as the transition occurred after the life was over. When this happens it is just like waking up from a disorienting dream, that stays with you. A lucid dream perhaps. You wake up groggy, and confused. You are rocked by the feel, the emotional feel of the dream and for a moment it seems so real, you just can't get over it. But then as you think about it, you can remember with startling clarity every moment and movement. The phases of the years turn into broad sweeps of motion that seem as though you could fall asleep again and step back into the dream. But then you turn your head and look up and your view is changed. In physical life, in most cases you never know consciously that you are ready for such an experience. It is quite simply beyond your awareness. You focus on "life" is too tight. That's what is telling about what is happening on earth now, with you and others. The point of awareness of such transition is coloring your life. It is not a single point, but many points happening all at once. It's confusing to you because you still cling to moment by moment progressing in a string of time marching into the distance. But what is really happening is that each moment exists independently from another, but yet at the same time all is interconnected in relationships that occur at the same time. Your subconscious has always waded through these types of impressions, but it is only now that the consciousness of the ego and the personality speak to each other of it. They will fight it out in an effort for dominance of point of view, but when the higher-self wins out due to conscious decision, then you will be ready for the transition. Try not to worry. Even though this seems terribly confusing, in reality, you already are at that point, and past it. For everything about the soul exists all at once. Focus is ever changing. It is natural.