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Channeling Erik



Platonic and Romantic Soul Mates and Celebs

Posted in: Bereaved, Channeling, Communication from the dead, Contact with the dead, Crossing over, Death of a Child, Energy, Ghosts and Spirits, Grieving, Heaven, Kim O'Neill, Mental illness, Messages from the dead, Pranks from spirits, Psychic medium, Reiki, Soul group, Spirit Guides, Spirit visitation, Spirits moving objects, Spirits working with Energy, Spiritual enlightenment, Spiritual presence, Struggles, Suffering, Suicide, The Soul

First I’d like to give you an update on our Robert. This morning, he looked about the same. He claims he feels better, but his heart rate is over 140 and I’m concerned. I’m waiting to hear from his physician. His blood cultures came out positive for Staph, so they’ve changed his antibiotics. He only has a low grade fever. Personally, I think it might be a response to abruptly stopping his Clonidine and Effexor, so I plan to discuss this when his doc calls. The most important fact is he feels a bit better, and the body knows more than all us physicians. Keep sending Reiki and love. Lots of it! No spell check or grammar check today. Sorry!

Channeling Transcript

Me: Why can I move things like a can of coke, but you say it takes so much energy for you to do it? I thought discarnate beings, you know, more energy than incarnate ones.

Erik: Okay, Mom. Okay, I’ll tell you what, Mom, sit down at the table with that can of coke on it whether it’s empty or full. Then you try to move it without touching it! See how easy that is!

Me: Yeah, I see your point!

Erik: You see, the glass is in the physical plane, and so are you. As spirits, we have to move everything with energy, Period.

Me: Okay, yeah, yeah.

Erik: If you have arms, hands—

Me: Yeah, we have matter that we can use to push matter.

Erik: Yeah, we’re talking apples and apples. If you sit down and try to move it with your energy, see how simple that is!

Me: Yeah, sure.

Erik: You could! You could get to that point.

Me: Wow, really?

Erik: Yeah, and once you can do that, Mom, then we’ll talk!

Kim and I laugh.

Me: I’ll get right on it, sir!


Me: Now, are soul mates similar vibrational frequencies. In other words, how do these romantic and platonic soul mate groupings form?

Erik: Well, platonic soul mates are souls who have an affinity for one another. They’re comfortable in each other’s company and have been together in many, many lifetimes. They’re interactions have been really, really positive on the earthly plane. Now, it doesn’t mean their lifetimes have been all happy, happy, joy, joy. It means they’ve been their for each other, they’ve stood by each other, they’ve enjoyed each other’s company—

Me: But does it have to do with frequency levels at all? Is there any physics behind that grouping?

Erik: Uh, sometimes, but sometimes not. You can have platonic soul mates who have very different levels of enlightenment but who really like, respect and trust one another. Now, romantic soul mates are on a whole different level. That involves an additional kind of energy—romantic and sexual energy. It’s the same baseline as platonic soul mates, uh, like they have that same affinity and respect and stuff, but romantic soul mates have had a lot of past lives where they’ve been married or had a sexual relationship on the earthly plane.

Me: Got it.

Erik: And we usually recognize our platonic and romantic soul mates right away when we meet them on the earthly plane unless a person has their head completely up their ass.

Me (chuckling): And there are some, aren’t there?

Erik: Oh, yeah.

Me: SO let’s talk about celebrities. Are they treated differently like they are over here? And are there spiritual celebrities over there in the afterlife?

Erik: No. Everyone is treated the same.

Me: Okay.

Erik: But there are some souls who have a wider circle of friends.

Me: Oh, okay. So like celebrities over here when they cross, uh, like Michael Jackson, he’s treated just the same as you are, Erik? Are they considered in the same—

Erik: Oh no! Oh no! Okay, Mom, you know this isn’t coming from ego cuz I don’t have an ego now.

Me: Yeah.

Erik: Michael, when he got here, was very repentant for what he’s done, and he was very regretful because there were so many things he was supposed to get done but didn’t. So now, he’s in therapy. I’m out working with others cuz I’m done with my therapy. Um, it matters what we do over here. That’s how we build a wider circle of friends. It’s not about prestige or importance. Those are earthly terms. It matters what you’re doing with your time and energy here—

Me: Here meaning the afterlife or the earthly plane?

Erik: The afterlife, yes. That is how others will perceive you.

Me: So are there any spiritual “celebrities” in the afterlife who are like celebrities because they are so, uh, like they’re spiritual gurus or anything like that?

Erik: Welllll. (pause) Jesus, maybe. You know, Mohammed, Confucius, Mary—

Me: Okay.

Erik: Um, they wouldn’t call themselves by those names.

Me: Okay.

Erik: We all over here feel like we’re teachers and healers, but there are different degrees based on how we decide to spend out time and energy while we’re here in heaven—AND there on earth!

Me: Yep, the work in the foxholes.





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I can't say this enough, please give Robert my love♥

Also - Please ask Erik to say hi to Jesus for me :) LOL. Ok so normally I don't listen to the Grateful Dead but for some reason today, the first time in over 20 years Im actually enjoying it. So no Im not smoking anything and I dont' have any tie die shirt's I promise, but I do love them, wish I had one today :)

Im curious about the soul relationships, is there such a thing as a soul mate, but the one and only kind? The kind that you have one soul that you respond to and they you, rather than many of them whom you have a soul/soul relationship and love for but is there one that can truly make your soul sing and open you up like a waterfall?

I know a bit fairytale like but I wonder.



12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

What either Erik or Kim have said in the past is we don't have to have just one. I guess there are some souls who do only have one soul mate, but it's not usual and not a requirement. We can have one that's stronger than the rest. But most of us have many platonic soul mates. Not sure about romantic soul mates. I think you can have more than one of those. Yikes.



12 months ago

in reply to BeFreeMyAngel


@BFMA: In modern western usage the term "soul mates are fuzzy terms heavily influenced by literature and history. In modern usage, most of the time this refers to a romantic connection. There is wide differences of opinion of connotation and meaning. Many believe you can have more than one, and of varying gender. Both romantic and platonic. But, in it's traditional meaning it means knowing someone in the sense that your connection is without beginning; like you have always known and loved the person. A soul mate is someone who touches your life in a positive way and "completes" something inside you so well that their influence is always there, even if they are not.

The twin-soul concept is not new. Plato described it 2,500 years ago. Here is an excerpt:

" ... and when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of himself, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other's sight even for a moment...

Carried into the modern era, A soulmate is also someone who is a part of your intimate "Spiritual family" and that family will reincarnate with each other to progress with each other twords the God source/light. Someone with whom you fulfill similar family roles in each incarnation. Best friends forever leap frogging through time.

Now as far as what Erik has my guides have told me; They said that within my soul group, I have a soul family. And this is comprised of individuals I consider family. These include my guides. And within that soul family I have soulmates which in my case means those I consider "as close as a best friend or sibling". Someone I like to reincarnate with over and over again. I have no clue how many that would be. So far I know of a have doz to a dozen. Now I've been told I also have more than one romantic soul mate. But these come in various degrees of intensity and experiences depending on how many lives you've shared. How intimate you've been with them. How intimate you are with them in the afterlife. And they can be totally different people. From what I've been told there is rarely just "the one". No ONE completes YOU, you complete YOURSELF, and then you have companions in various loving relationships; depending on what aspect of "life" you are experiencing. To be honest I also find it confusing. Personally I think we might get ourselves into trouble if we look to others to complete us rather than looking within to complete ourselves on our own steam.



12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

That's so wonderful, Jason, because it totally aligns with what Erik has said in this and yet to be transcribed channeling sessions!



12 months ago

in reply to Jason


Okay, I am soooo interested in Erik's view of what has happened to Robert. This is where all this stuff gets really sticky because those on the other side can't really tell us everything.

Some things we are destined to experience and the other side will not warn us about it.

Was this one of them for Robert? In other words, was Erik not able to warn Robert of the impending, SERIOUS medical problem WAY before it became an emergency because Robert is supposed to experience it?

I understand that Robert was giving Erik push back but was Erik not allowed tell him that he will end up in the emergency room anyway if he didn't go in earlier and it will be much more serious?

In other words, was it Robert's destiny to end up in the emergency room and almost die from this? I would love to hear what Erik has to say about this.

{{{{{{still sending you my love Robert}}}}}}



12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

Although I'll get more information when Robert feels better, this morning he told me that when Erik came to hang out with him all night, he said that this event, this emergency, was necessary to demonstrate to Robert how much he's loved and how important his life's work is and will be to people the world over. Robert is very shy, humble and a little self-deprecating. I can understand this because I'm the same way. He and I both struggle with complements, being the focus of any attention, etc. But for Robert (and this is just coming from me, not a higher guide or anything) being comfortable with praise and attention is important to his progress as a trance channel. Jason, your thoughts?



12 months ago

in reply to Pat

Paul Conklin

Dear Elisa,

Thanks for sharing more insights from Erik. On earth there is the cult of celebrity. So many persons put celebrities on high and put themselves low. But the reality is that we are all loved equally by the Eternal One. A little infant born in the African bush unknown and forgotten by the world is loved just as much as a President ruling over millions of people.

We all have a piece of the Infinite One dwelling in our super-consciousness. The Eternal Father elected to solve the problem of our distance from Him by splitting off pieces of Himself to live in our minds.

It really is impossible for a finite being to understand an infinite being. The way that our Eternal Father solved that impassable gulf was to have pieces of Himself dwell in our minds. In this way the Eternal One can unite with His finite beings and they can understand Him on finite levels of reality. We can fuse with a piece of that Infinite Father and we become a new creature, a new creation. A uniting of a finite creature with the divine.

We then have access to all the information of the Eternal past. We can co-create with that piece of the Father and we can become whatever it is that we desire. This piece of the Father's Spirit is available to all. There are no distinctions. The love that our Father has for us is not dependent upon any sort of fleeting status or celebrity. He simply loves us where we are at and guides us in this life.





12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

So true, Paul. I think it's amazing that even in the afterlife, they don't rank souls despite their stages of enlightenment. Nothing and no one is better or worse than anything or anyone else. Everyone and everything just IS--perfect and how it's supposed to be. Sorry I had such a bad signal. I'd call you back but I'm completely exhausted what with my parents getting sick, traveling to Lubbock, taking care of Arleen, working on my friend Brian's estate (paying bills, arranging for the close on his house) and then worrying about our Robert. I don't think I have an intelligible (much less intelligent) conversation left in me. SIgh.



12 months ago

in reply to Paul Conklin


Elisa, super-cool posting today. It seem that everyone wants to know about their soul mate(s)! I once had a reading with a Voice for Love (look it up, very cool - Paul, you're going to love this one if you haven't come across it yet) student. When I asked about my One, he laughed and said "...Only one? There are many who desire to be with you. It is only a matter of vibrational alignment and logistics. Who you are a match for today may be different from who you are a match for a year from now." Not what I wanted to hear at the time, of course, but true and appropriate none the less.

Still sending constant Love/Light/Energy to Robert. Wish I could hug him and hold his hand a while. He is truly loved.





12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

Shannon, don't you love it when all of this information, although coming from different (but respectable) sources is so nicely aligned? God, I find that comforting!!



12 months ago

in reply to Shannon


Jason, you ROCK! Thanks for the added information!




12 months ago


Update on Robert as per Elisa's question.

Erik's quote on Roberts hospitalization.

"I knew Robert was sick and Robert knew he was sick. But I am not his guides. I am not here to boss him around or nag him or suggest anything. Much of the time I can try but they can overrule my wishes as well as my that is how things work. I can not interfere with his free will, and this includes even the small silly things in life. And I can not go against what his higher self wishes. That part of his soul that remembers the past, his purpose and plans. Very often major illness are a part of one's life plans but they are not destiny. There is no such thing as destiny as you are thinking. You yourself now can alter almost every plan and decision you ever made by how you life your life and what you allow your ego to do with or without your awareness. Now because of this and that Robert was blocking and telling himself that he would get better I had to go along and not look into it further. Spirits are not omnipotent. True the higher the vibration the more you can see; but still only if our awareness and attention is cast to it with intention. So I did not realize just how serious it was until it was really bad. And then I spent my time trying to get him to go in for it. Now to follow this up, a lot of you are going to ask about his destiny in regard to future plans, missions, and goals. But this too is dependent on many things. Doctors, nurses, clerks, his habits, his mundane interactions, random interactions of third and fourth parties, other peoples goals and plans as they interact with his or lack there of. There are so many variables. That is exactly why we have guides, angels, teachers, and loved ones to help steer us through life. It's to get us to make the best of any experience we bring to ourselves through action or inaction. To make our response to it the best it can intentionally be."

**Jason's note.

Aside from the vision's yesterday I mentioned in the earlier post and on my web journal I wanted to share these.

**Last night in vision I saw Be Free my Angels' Emily by Roberts bedside. She was in adult form though.She had her hand on his forehead.

**Last night Erik let me look through his eyes a few times. He was laying next to and sitting next to Robert, curled up for most of the night. Arm around him while he slept. Jillian was laying in Eriks lap or sitting on the end of the bed and others were in and out of the room as well.

**Today I "saw" in vision Erik keeping Robert company by playing Soldier Dressed in fatigues and chasing Jillian around the room with splat ball guns, as well as he was walking around in a towel asking oblivious unknowing doctors and nurses where the sauna was. He had fuzzy slippers on. Also he is NOT a fan of hospital food. He just came to me and said it sucked and was disappointed I wasn't having anything good either for dinner.I am not sure if Robert saw all this or if this was just an attempt to keep me from worrying.... But Erik is very fond of pandering for attention if he knows your watching as some of us can testify. So it may be all of the above. ha ha.

**I yelled and cussed at Erik for not telling me about Robert. He didn't tell me, because I was going through so much on my own at the time that it would have just freaked out and I'd have not done what I needed to do. Well, after he told me this I was furious. I railed against him, and Erik became quite upset and seemed to be crying. I felt life was so unfair. I was so upset. I felt I deserved to have Erik or guide or Teacher tell me. Because if he had died and I had found out because Elisa told me out of the blue, or if his Spirit came to me; I would have been devastated for not having time to prepare. As you can tell, I don't do well with sudden emotion. In any case I totally understand "Spirits" position and reasoning as to "why" they couldn't or didn't tell me, but I am still nursing a grudge about it. In fact it reminds me of all the other times, I got mad when Spirit would not tell me what I wanted to know, or direct me like I thought I should be. Sometimes it's even deeply hurt my feelings. And it makes me realize some things. One I can't see jack and I no nothing, and have so much to learn. Two: they are just people too. Not perfect beings and many times their judgments are not what we would have done or even thought proper.(our current "limited view")

Well, back to Robert. I am just so grateful that he is OK. Erik, my guides, and our Teacher went to great great lengths yesterday to comfort me. In fact it was so intense my head felt like it was on fire all night. For that I feel guilty for accepting the comfort because I'd like to know if Robert was able to sense or clairvoiently see the comfort and energy we sent to him. Erik told me that he was able to tell Robert that we all loved him and was aware of it all. But I didn't clairvoiently see that, so I just have to take his word for it.

In any case I just wanted to add this bit.. Stating that it's important to know Spirits have reasons for what they do and do not do. And it's important not to judge it with our limited perspective. Otherwise we might end up with hurt feelings.



12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

OMG, Jason, your comment is so amazing! It makes me feel like Robert is in good hands when I can't be there. I'll go see him tomorrow morning and let you all know how he's doing. Keep sending your prayers and healing. BFMA, I'm so glad your Emily is with him too. He's so very fond of her.



12 months ago

in reply to Jason


Kewl Jason, thanks for the words ;) You always put it so eloquently I love it!!! Let me see if I can clarify for you, Im not looking for the missing piece so to speak ( the book was great ), what Im talking about is pheromones for the soul.

Like the right vibrational alignment, that you just click, there is a soul connection, but to a level of euphoria in spirit soul essence. When Erik explained previously the merging of souls in heaven, I imagined it to be this euphoric spiritual bliss. When my angel passed, that night she gave me a hug, I think we merged, I felt myself rising and that is when I became aware, it was a shot of pure love, like nothing I've ever felt before. So are there ones or can there be those that we are drawn to and when we come together, be it sexually or not, male or female where we are loved and can love so deeply that it is exceptional? It is exceptional not because of high awarness or spiritual advancement, but due simply because they are the one, mabe not the only, but because they are sooooo aligned with you it is amazing from day one and possibly never skips a beat.



12 months ago

Paul Conklin

Dear Shannon and Elisa,

Don't worry about it Elisa. I know that you have a lot on your plate right now. You are caring for your parents and for Robert and taking care of everyone else. I do get it. Maybe we can talk at another time then.

Shannon, that is interesting. I also thought that "soul mates" involved just one person. I did not realize that it could involve several people in your life at various times. What is a Voice For Love student? I never heard of that.





12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

I'll try to give you a call tomorrow Paul! Love you!



12 months ago

in reply to Paul Conklin


Hi everyone and Robert keep getting well so we can have you back here with us.

Relationships are the reason we came here to experience the opposite of what we are. So... I feel a soul mate is someone you planned to meet before we came into being.

I feel that people that you are most comfortable with ...the ones that you understand at deep level and seem to accept ....good or bad.....they are your twin flame to work with on the Earth plane....there is a reason you keep coming back with that same person and it is because there is a deeper love we have yet to understand.



12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

I see your point, Kathy. Without those "twin flames" it'd be very difficult to bear the challenges posed by relationship villains (people who agree to throw us curve balls to help our progress) or others who throw road blocks in our path for other reasons. We have to have SOME spiritual sustenance while we're over here at war. Unfortunately, Erik was one of my twin flames and it's been have that nearly impenetrable veil between us. But then, I always told him (along with my other children) that decisions should be made so that the greatest good is done for the greatest number of people. That said, I couldn't possibly have selfishly keep him to myself. That would be supremely hypocritical!



12 months ago

in reply to Kathy


Paul, Voice for Love is a 30 day course put together by DavidPaul and Candace Doyle that walks you through learning to hear God's voice. It's a wonderful course that really works well to put us in conscious contact with God/Source. There is a year-long program that teaches the students to channel info from the Divine for others. I did the 30 day course and was thoroughly impressed with the results and volunteered for a reading from a graduating student. Here's the site: It struck me as something you would be interested in. :)





12 months ago


For anyone interested in exploring channeling, Eva Gregory is offering a free call you can sign up for to see if this is for you:

Are you ready to have a clear, strong connection

with your Higher Self and your Guides ... a

connection you can trust and call upon anytime,

anywhere, to answer your questions, guide you to

the right decision, and show you the way to a life

of prosperity, love and happiness?

If you're curious, if this resonates with you on

any level, then sign up now for my next NO-COST

Guidance On Demand: Your Personal Connection

to Source™ call:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

4pm PT/7pm ET

==> http://www.GuidanceOnDemandCal...



12 months ago

Michelle C

Keeping Robert in my prayers xx



12 months ago


Erik has done a excellent job of doing the greatest good for the greatest amount of people....and thanks to you were open enough to connect us all together.

I am at a wierd stage and even though I have become clear about my role and my purpose it is still hard to see the forest from the trees. And sometimes I would rather not see

Because seeing clearly was actually what caused my fear when I was younger which caused me to forget who I was and the pain associated with that forgetfullness....I am still so very thankfull I was able to re-member who I was so I can help others to do the same.

I feel that Eric maybe felt the same way..... and the clarity he feels now is what we all connect to.... its the clarity of truth that is the real love we all long for and that makes us feel a little more whole and accepted because of re-membering what that real love is.




12 months ago


Oooh Pat good question! I love this topic, thanks so much for the information. If there are many spirits desiring to be with a person, as Shannon was told, i wonder why some people are alone when they so want to be with someone. I am lucky to be happily married but i have friends who have this struggle.



12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

On the list!



12 months ago

in reply to Jane



Again,I am sending Robert much love and healing energy--he looks so small and fragile in that hospital room--read little boy in need of Mom TLC. (oh, he is in such good hands:) I can sense the loving spirit energy surrounding him, he is not alone--I too wanted to squeeze his toes. In the video that you posted of your sweet little Arly playing hide and seek with Erik, Robert's energy seemed (to me)'drab and muddy' for want of a better term.

We want to see him well enough to shake his boo-tay with ya'll for another one of your great dancin'videos--St. Paddy's Day is just around the corner and those cute 'lil green suits would be perfect!:)

I have a question for "Be Free MY Angel": does Emily have fair, wavy/curly hair? I had the stomach flu last week; soooo dreadfully ill. Bleah:(! I was indeed one with the 'porcelain bus' and the cool tile of the bathroom floor for one entire very looong night. Gross, but after being violently ill for hours, I kept thinking that it would be great if Erik could tell his Mom that I was gonna huck up a lung any time now as that's all I had left in me and at that moment, I intuitively saw (I see/sense things in my mind) a lovely young girl looking down at me and trying to comfort me. I dozed on the bathroom floor with my kitty snuggled up next to me and I could feel this little sweetheart sitting next to me all that long night. I did not recognize her as anyone that I currently know, so my first thought was of Emily, since I was actually thinking of Erik. I thanked her for her kindness and haven't seen or sensed her since.

Elisa, on the topic of platonic soul mates, I have been told by a very talented medium, that my son Remington, and I are platonic soul mates and that we are both part of the same 'source energy/personality' and have spent numerous lifetimes together, over thousands of years. (in civilizations that our world considers just myths) Based upon that, I would venture to guess that both you and Erik could share this same relationship--you feel like a part of you is lost--because he is a part of you in a way that is even more profound (if possible)than that mother and child; your 'source energy/personality' is the same?! Another interesting question for your lengthy list:)!

Sending much Love and Blessings to All! XOX

Uber lovin'to Robert! XOXOX



12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

Call me if you feel sick like that again!!! And yes, I'll put that on the monster, uh, I mean master list of questions!



12 months ago

in reply to Alexis

Jane Stewart Adams

Hello, everyone, from a UK Medium! I'm thoroughly enjoying all your posts and replies to Erik. I spent a very intense year writing my book about how Spirit help us in everyday life. The funny thing is that at the time I only actually knew a miniscule amount. It was all my lovely family and friends in Spirit, and that includes my Angels and Guides, who gave me the information I needed. At first I was a bit concerned that I had 'got it wrong' but, having read all that Erik has been experiencing and telling us, which has confirmed what I was channelling, I should have had more faith!

Blessings to you all and especially to Robert!

With Love, Light, Healing and Peace




12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

Yay, so great to have someone with such gifts in the family, Jane! Tell us the name of your book so I can put it on my Shelfari list!!



12 months ago

in reply to Jane Stewart Adams


Thank you Jason so much for taking the time to explain in detail what Erik had to say and your reaction to what happened to Robert. This makes so much more sense to me since this is an actual example of an ongoing event unfolding before our eyes.

And, Elisa, you brought tears to my eyes in your explanation of why this may have been a learning experience for Robert. You really touched my heart to think that someone as precious as Robert would have to have demonstrated to him how much he is loved. Please share all our words of love, prayers and encouragement with him.

I think what would be great (perhaps instead of flowers which cost a lot of money) would be for all of us to each send him a get well card with a message of how much he means to each of us.

Elisa...would you be willing to give us your address when Robert is released to your care or allow us to send you "Robert Emails" in lieu of a card...what ever would work for you since I know you are slammed with all that is going on. I think if he could read all the cards with messages of how much he means to us individually and why, then maybe it would sink in. What do you think?



12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

Of course! My email is If anyone wants my physical address just email me



12 months ago

in reply to Pat


Hey Jason.....I know this has nothing to do with this topic but I was wandering about your channeling erik thingy you are doing......can I be a part of that?



12 months ago


I'm so glad to hear that Robert is being watched over. I was so worried for him yesterday! Let's all send him light and love!




12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

I read this to Robert just now in the ICU Steve. He just laughed and laughed!



12 months ago

in reply to Steve


I am going to add this so I will not forget too tell everyone......this morning .....well it felt like all night I was talking to Erik......I got up an made lunch for my girls and then laid back down and all of a sudden I had an image of erik which all of a sudden turned to this man .....who was from a long time ago he looked like he had curlyish grey hair which was fairly long and a beard....I question.....who is was that.... who shape shifted from erik to the man with the beard? and then all of a sudden I heard and saw the name Jon Lydell....I am like who is Jon Lydell? I got that he was from England at one time. I was wondering if anyone has had this happen to them? I looked up the name on the computer and there was a few different Jon Lydell's....spelled differently one was an american war hero called St.John Richardson Liddell and the other was from England and his name was spelled John Aidan Liddell and he was an English Pilot he lived from 3/8/1888 until 8/31/1915. It was really cool how he shapeshifted from his face to the other showed the nose changing from little to long it was ultra 3D......very cool.




12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

Very cool indeed! Maybe Erikwas facilitating a visit from an ancestor? Or maybe this is one of erik's past life identities he shared with you and he was trying to tell you that. Let us know if he returns for a curtain call!



12 months ago

in reply to Only4Love


Hi Elisa,

In the last part of the transcript Erik mentions Jesus. This has been nagging me for some time, and maybe Erik has already given you the answer or someone from the ChannelingErik family might know. Who exactly was Jesus? Was he the same person we read about in the bible? What I am trying to figure out is whether or not the bible accurately paints the picture of who he was or is. Was he a prophet or something like an enlightened master?

My understanding of God now isn't the same as what the bible describes so how could Jesus be the "son of God?" I would appreciate anyone's input.

Be joyful and live your life in harmony, my love goes out to everyone of you.




12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

Hey Todd, there will be a whole lot more info coming up about Jesus, God, saints, religion, etc. It's toward the bottom of the list so it'll take some time.



12 months ago

in reply to Todd



It's kind of hard to believe that there are more than one soulmate (romantically) I wonder why? Why can't there just be one? Why do we need more than one...

Though, I guess I've witnessed people who seem like soulmates, and then their spouse dies, and years later they find another person to marry. I just assumed that the first spouse was the soulmate and that the second one was just well, a runner-up (for lack of better word.)

And another question is this: I've found that many women that I know have bad relationships with men. You know, the kind where the man says rude things to her, puts her down, doesn't seem to care for her at all. And the weird thing is the girl just keeps coming back for more. Now, is THAT still considered a soulmate??? I kind of think, No. It has to be a positive connection.

And then I wonder about the guy who was so awful to her. Some of those guys never mature and move past that behavior. I guess they just forget everything from Heaven that they were taught. It's just baffling.

One last thing--this could totally go vise versa. I know it's not just women getting bullied. Men get bullied too. I'm just talking about it from the female perspective because it's what I know.

Love you all,




12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

I guess the "awful" guy could be just an asshole but there's always a chance that he's a relationship villain and part of a spiritual contract to help that woman progress. Heck, he might even be a soulmate just playing that role.



12 months ago

in reply to Nina


@Kathy, Do you mean the channeled messages in the forum? I don't mind. I don't have a monopoly on any Spirit. Erik is showing me, "him sitting on my chest, smooching my face in the mud while he looks you in the eyes, nods and smiles to you" so he's more than happy to talk to any of you. ha ha.. I use that thread in the forum for when I channeled the Channeling Erik website "group Angels" or Erik has something to say to the group. If your talking about something else. Drop me a email. :) --Hugs!



12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

Yeah, remember, this whole Channeling Erik blog is OUR blog. We all are part of it. We all have special roles.



12 months ago

in reply to Jason


@Nina: Erik says:

"It doesnt' really matter as the main goal is to work on ourselves. So if it's too much, that it's OK to just let it go. Isa mistake to assume that we are someone's one and only because that is a selfish emotion. When we do that we are putting earth bound limits on love and other's free will. We are mistakenly taking away people's individual power. It's more about empowering ourselves and then if someone we love likes and identifies with who we really are, they volunteer to journey with us in a close relationship. Now I know people are going to disagree. That's fine. Many people think there is a mystical one. A special someone. But we are all special. One of the points of incarnation is to discover just how special we are. Once we accept this, individuals will beat down your door to be your special someone. Now there can be just one. But that usually happens when people get stuck and are still working on the baser emotions, or are so blocked up they refuse to see the bigger picture. That's ok too. Everyone is allowed to do their own thing. But here is the deal. Even though we have romantic soul mates, they are and can be very differnet in personality and intrests, just like in incarnate life. And due to free will while incarnate one person may evolve at a more rapid pace than the the other. Or one may grow weary of human life and decide they just need a break, so they stay back to be a guide to their loved one. But that loved one might still want a relationship while on earth so they hook up with another soul mate to facilitate that. And this relationsip can grow and become more.. or less.. So if you are able to accept the posibility of more than one romantic soul mates, you might want to think about the possibility of multiple soulmates being reincarnated at the same time. I know that will bother some as well. But you know, that's me, pester pester pester.. "



12 months ago


I have been married twice. I "remember" agreeing to be married to them each. My first husband was and ascetic for several lifetimes and decided he wanted to experience life as a house holder. And I agreed to be the mom. He is wonderful with our kids and we reached a point that we wanted different directions in our lives. The older he gets the more he moved back into the ascetic life.

With my second husband I recall sitting on a bench in a garden planning how we would recognize each other when we got here. We have been together in several incarnations here but one of us would die young and we never got to live out our lives together and this time we planned to grow old together.

In both cases we recognized each quickly upon meeting.

I think of both these marriage partners as soul mates because we planned ahead to do this together. We care for each other deeply enough on the other side to agree to marriage and family on this side.

Of course the way life is I did not recognize these things while they were happening; I was given the info more recently as in the last 15 years.

Ask questions of the Universe and if you listen I bet you get answers. Sometimes they deliver the answer with a 2 x 4 - but hey it works.



12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

I, for one, have many 2 x 4 marks imprinted on my forehead. Thank god I'm thick headed!



12 months ago

in reply to Denise


Hey Todd! About Jesus, Keep in mind that this is translated from the point of my perspective and therefore my understanding and interpretation of the info I have received from many sources (physical and non-physical). Also know that what I put down here may or may not ring true to the individual reader so everyone who reads this post is welcome to take it or leave it as they see fit. Enough CYA, here is what I got:

'Jesus' is a highly evolved spiritual being who incarnated on this planet to do many things, such as set the example of brotherly love, facilitate healing to show us what we are capable of, to assist in elevating consciousness, to show us that faith goes beyond a "seeing is believing" mentality.

That whole "son of God" scene was the church's way of separating Jesus from the rest of humanity and laying claim to him to use as an example of how we need the church to become more "like Jesus".

OOOOOOHHHHH! Sorry for stepping on anyone's belief system, but this is coming from 'the man himself'. Organized religion has it's place, but just know that many restrictions and so called teachings are from a place of ego on the part of ancient church leaders seeking to control the flock. The Church in whatever form it takes is not all bad, but it isn't all perfection either.

Anyway, Jesus wants us to know that we all are God's children as Erik has already explained in the "pixel" example he gave a while back. No one on the planet is any more or any less special in God's eyes. He also wants us to know that everyone on the planet has access to him, the angels, God in whatever form we choose to acknowledge the Divine, the ascended masters (which Erik explained to me last week is more like how Jesus could be categorized for our linear minds) and any other non-physical beings we choose to connect with.

To recap, Jesus is/was a teacher, healer, leader and messenger. For all practical purposes, he is the son of God as we are all sons and daughters of God with our own missions and tasks to fulfill. He just had a heavier work load than most of us.

I hope I didn't offend too many of you as that was not the intention of this post.

Love to all of you!




12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

I agree. We humans have distorted Jesus and Christianity beyond recognition. Jesus and others are probably shaking their heads in horror and disbelief. Of course their higher souls so maybe not. (heehee)



12 months ago

in reply to Shannon


Hi Todd, I have been reading Delorus Cannons Jesus and the Essenes book. The book is about a person Delorus regressed back to another life and she/he was someone who taught jesus from the group called the Essenes. From what I have gathered Jesus was an actual person and did have prophetic abilities but would never of used them to put fear in our eyes as like people explaining the bible do today. I feel that the bible does not portray him as accurate as he really was. He was an Essene who were considered a peace loving and harmonious group of people of the time who understood the natural laws of the universe and who jesus really was... was not put in the bible because of the politics of the time.....I feel.


The Dead sea scrolls had alot of information that is the part of the truth and it has information about his teachings that is not in the bible we should think and how we should treat each other to make the most out of our lives here.



12 months ago


Robert, traditional wisdom tells us that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger (not sure if true or not :-)) But when I think of you I am reminded of the classic Gandalf story in Lord of the Rings, remember? He went in the pit as Gandalf the Grey and came out as Gandalf the White! Something to think about as you transform out of that hospital bed!

Elisa, Loving thoughts to you as you do the "caregiver" thing, hope you can give yourself a little vacation at some point! Wouldn't a little vacation in sunny so. ca be fun? LOL.

Oh that reminds me, I'm wondering where the other Southern CA members we have live? Anyone want to chime in? I'm in Pasadena...




12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

Yes, it'd be cool if everyone met with the blog members who live in the same area or city! Maybe do a monthly lunch thing!



12 months ago

in reply to lidian


Send my best wishes and prayers to Robert, I have been thinking of him and hope he has a rapid recovery. God (or the force or however one experiences it) can do anything, so keep the faith!



12 months ago


I have read that we have one main romantic soulmate, but we have a few closer soulmates within our soul group circle that we often end up with as mates in lives. We are usually with the same primary soulmate each lifetime, but in some lives we take a break from them. And yes, sometimes we have several close romantic it makes sense that we would be able to feel a strong loving bond with more than one soul.



12 months ago


We love you, Robert, and we're sending you Universal energy. Get someone to sneak some good food in to you! You're allowed solids? I had my son bring me a Boston Market meatloaf sandwish and chocolate cake after my last open heart surgery; alas, I could only eat a few bites. - XOXO

In one of Shirley MacLaine's books, she claims she was a "twin soul"...created with a twin...and they shared many lives together. Her books are fascinating. Not necessarily romantically involved as I recall. Anyone remember?

We appreciate you, Jason! What a gift you have. I love the variety of gifts of the people reading and sharing themselves through Elisa's blog. What a "rich" crowd!



12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

No, poor Robert is still on nothing by mouth. He's getting nutrition IV.



12 months ago

in reply to Skoshi

Debbie B

To: Only4love

I had a similar experience as you. One night a was seeing an image of a teenage boy with wild crazy hair, no idea at the time who he was. Then the name "Mother Dalton" was given to me, heard it loud and clear. No idea who she was/is. The day after I was reading another blog that was a posted link on the CE blog. There I saw the young man I had seen the night before in my vision. He was the deceased son of the blog writer. I have researched Mother Dalton but have not had much success. Several bits of information claim her to be of Irish or maybe english decent but nothing too specific. As with you any help/suggestions are appreciated from the CE Family.



12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

Debbie, I had no idea you had such talent! Teach me!!!



12 months ago

in reply to Debbie B


Hey Lidian! I'm in Orange (North Orange County). Those of us So Calers on the call last week were in L.A. area if I remember correctly.

It would be fun to get together!




12 months ago


Steve, I read the same thing too. My jury is still out on this One Soul Mate topic. In any case, If there really is more than one hot guy waiting to hook up with me, it would sure be nice if just ONE of them had the decency to show up! :D




12 months ago

Elisa Medhus, MD, Blogger, Channeling Erik

Yeah, 99% is showing up!



12 months ago

in reply to Shannon

Paul Conklin

Dear Robert,

Hang in there kid. I really appreciated your contribution the other night. I could sense that you are a very tender and loving soul. I also could sense that you did not look well when I saw you on that video that Elisa provided. I know, I know, why didn't I say something?

Here is a poem that I wrote a few years ago. When we are hit hard by life it is good to know that someone is looking out for us. Get well, my friend. I call this poem Each Step

Each Step

Jagged rocks like honed razor blades cut at my feet leaving a ribbon,

a ribbon of blood mingled with the dust of heaven’s funeral pyre.

Each step, each footfall, each yearning to go forward, leaves me with

the scars of forward progress imprinted on my body.

Like a grotesque monument to the cuttings of this life,

people stop and stare. Strangers whistle low and hustle on by.

Crawling on all fours I refuse to stop, for each step, each footfall,

each yearning to go forward, brings me closer to the goal.

I stand at the top of the precipice bruised and battered, but not deterred,

looking out at the endless vista before me, I wonder, I wonder.

Breezes of comfort blows through me as my running blood is staunched,

staunched by the winds of fortune upon a high mountain top.

I am buffeted by the winds of infinity swirling atop the crest of eternity.

Circuitous forces grab hold, raising me high, high above the circle of infinity.

I see far into the eternal past and into the distant future where I see,

where I see, the steps of those that have come before me and after me.

A well worn path greets me, a path of ghosts that once walked here, trudging,

trudging to a place, a place they did not know.

At one time they struggled and fought, beset by the adversities of life,

not knowing when the end would come or where they were going.

Looking back on the finite world of their baby steps they see, they see

the traces of what once was, the traces of their life on such a world as this.

With wistfulness they relive the formative years of their youth,

confused, without direction, chaotic.

In hindsight they look back on their childhood with tears in their eyes,

for this planet was their sandbox and the universe their playground.

In the blackness they took refuge, a temporary respite from consciousness,

until light filled their eyes once more, once more they awoke, to a new dawn on another world.

The kisses of infinity propels me forward, for each step, each footfall, each bruising of the knees,

draws me closer, closer to the shores of Paradise.

Each step, each footfall, each bruising of the knees, will carry me home,

carry me home to you.





12 months ago


@BFMA- Every individual is capable of being this one soul connection. When we assume that there is "the one" out there we take away the possibility of what might be and what might develop in our midst currently unaware to us. We all are capable of becoming someone's "one". One in the moment, one in a life time, one in a decade, one in family, one in sibling, a twin soul. But we need to be open to have the personal authority to change to whom we are "the one" for, and need to be open to having the ability to become "the one" for someone else out of sheer love that emanates from each unique experience that we ourselves create or originate. Sure there are those how have shared many many deep emotional and sexual life experiences and thus have a "one" on one deep connection. This is another type of "the one" experiences. And when these two do meet again, it is obvious. These two are drawn together in exceptional ways. This is true and beautiful. These two share a deep level of historical spirituality and bonding. This is alignment, of choice-not destiny. We create destiny not the other way around.

@Pat and Elisa-- Some spirits are alone in life because it fulfills a purpose. What that purpose is, is often clouded due to the forgetfulness of incarnation that in which we loose awareness of who we are. Then the ego takes over and tries to protect us from pain. Isolating us emotionally. There literally are a million reason why this could come about. So while they may ache for their perceived "one" or a relationship. They do not take responsibility for creating the effects that they desire in life.

Someone asked:

I have a question for “Be Free MY Angel”: does Emily have fair, wavy/curly hair? I had the stomach flu last week;

Appoligies. I just wanted to pipe in that I am not picking up anything other than my gut tells me it's someone associated with you. When Emily appears to me it's with red hair in ringlets or straight pale hair, sometimes with highlights and it shifts back and forth sometimes. It might be her. Emily is often with Erik. See if you can call the image back to your mind and hold it. See if you can get a response from speaking to the girl. The response could come as words, symbols or feelings. You should write about it. Some times that helps with recall and further information.



12 months ago


Alexis : It could be her, she seems to hang with the gang lately. Jason see's her with different hair, she looks very much like an Angel with a cherub face.



12 months ago


Jason - I hope you are keeping these post's. Your explaination of the soul mate thing above, is amazing. It really clicked when you said that it's selfish to assume, and that we take the other's power and free will, wow, wow, wow. It just so clicks you are so right. That is a limited way of thinking. Thanks :)

12 months ago


Jason, I can't tell you how much I love your posts! For all my whining, I know that the reason I haven't pulled in the significant relationship (with whomever he is) that I so deeply desire is because, until recently, I haven't been the person that could uphold my half of what I expect or desire from him (vibrational match anyone????). You are so right about having the personal authority to change whom we are to become "the one" for someone else. My frog prince probably wouldn't have wanted to deal with the "me" I was 2 years ago. Good job babe!
