God in you through you

Q) -- What do you mean when you say God lives in me, through me?

A) -- I'll give you a great analogy that is not new, and one that's been tossed around in modern eras quite a bit. I'll paraphrase it.

To the mind of God; however one 'thinks' of Divinity. Be it the creative source, energy, or some kind of manifestation/s in the eye of the beholder; In any case, the point of this question is an answer that suggests the nature of God. That perhaps the consciousness's or Great Awareness that makes up 'all that is', that perhaps to this awareness, the past, the present, might be simultaneous.

Now it is common theory in modern physics that time is not linear. So to our educated minds, one can make this leap, if you believe in Spiritual matters. If so, one also might take this a step further and suggest that any entity of a certain consciousness awareness or level might be able to achieve some degree of broad awareness that comes close or inline with such Divine aspect.

Look at this monitor in front of you. Look at the keyboard under your fingers. Or look at the sky above. The galaxy. When you look at it, you are looking at it within the atomic vibration of your physicality. And with those physical senses you are looking within a tiny fraction of the spectrum of light onto the spectrum of molecular matter. Now the speed of light is what; some 186,282 miles per second? To our physical eyes this is somewhat instantaneous. But when we look at spacial distances in our galaxy, we have to take into account the distance between the stars when thinking about the speed of light. For example it roughly takes 8 minutes or so, for light to travel to us from the sun. So that when we look at the sun we are seeing light that was "created" 8 minutes ago.

From this, without instrumentation, or other means, we can not know of the event or circumstances that existed in that moment of creation. That moment of light we now see, would not be affected by anything that happened afterwards, so that what we see is not the sun as it IS, but as it WAS 8 minutes ago. So anything "new" that could take place afterwards, such as a storm or flare- we would not know of it. Such light-time-distance contexts becomes even more noticeable in our awareness when we consider other stars. Because the distances are even greater. For example let us suppose that a star is 50 light years away. It is so far away that it appears fixed in the sky. We are looking at it as IT WAS 50 years ago. It could explode and we would not know if it until our children grow up and have kids of their own. In the same 'light', other stars, no,--most of the known universe is even further away. Light could take thousands of years to reach us. How old, dated, skewed is our perspective?

No suppose that a human at 186,000 miles from where you are right now possessed the ability to see what was happening to you right now as clearly as though he was standing next to you. A person so placed would see everything a second after the time it happened. Double the distance, and he would be two seconds further still, and so on. Have the human stand at the sun. And he would watch you, not what you are doing now, but 8 minutes ago. Move him 50 light years away. He/she would see the events in your life 50 years ago. Do you exist?

So now we come back to the nature of what / who we perceive as God. We have already supposed that God see's past, present, and future all at the same time. How would, could this be, given the nature of physical light and space time? How? Well, God therefore might just be in everything. All that is. Here, there, and now. Everything simultaneously. Everything God is inter Connected. No separation. All must be happening now, not just in-front of such great consciousness, but within such consciousnesses, all must be present. All that is. All born to know thyself. The Source of all Creation constantly and continually creates. Each creation creates, all expand to that ever present, all seeing viewpoint of simultaneous existence. So you see that God lives in you, and you in God, and everything else that exist in all that is. You have more in common with each other than you have differences. For really, from the Divine point of view, there are no differences. There is only one. So treat your neighbor, your neighborhood, your planet as you would treat yourself. For you are all one, under creation.