Why no details

Jan. 26, 2011

Update on Robert from Vision land, and a discussion of mediumistic vision as it pertains to details and intent.

Yesterday I had an experience with Erik about Robert in which I got frustrated at Erik for not giving me details to a question. In fact we got into quite the argument. Normally I just let it go and but time and time again throughout the day I felt compelled to address this topic. Then later on the way home my Spirit Teacher asked me to write about it.

Why no details? It's a question quite common in the various fields of mediumship and Spiritualism. The question of details revolves around the perceptions of how we view and interpret the world around us. How do we see, how do we understand and why do we wish to know, our preconceived ideas of what is a detail. It is a complex topic that involves many things. Belief and acceptance of multiple concepts and faucets.Faith in oneself, faith in Spirituality, faith in others, faith in others. As well in involves free will. Free will of our own Spirit. Free will in our current life. Free will of our higher self. Free will of those around us and their higher self. Free will of dis-incarnate Spirits. Free will of families, groups, society, countries, civilizations, planets. All of these interactions have cause and effect on detail.

Now when we ask for validation by the request of detail we invoke these interconnections. Some of the highest Spiritual laws are about free will. When we ask for details we often lack the understanding of interconnections and the possible cause and effect on free will that "knowing" might bring. We often only want reassurance, hand holding and a prop or proof to bolster that which is within us that is doubt, lack of faith, fear of change, fear of loss, fear of rejection. All of this stems from not being aware of power of creation within us. The spark of personal empowerment that is already there. But we are afraid to fan it's flame because this would force us to take the reigns of life rather than the easy out of letting someone else tell you what to do.

Telling you what to do. Telling you how to do it. Telling you all will be revealed and truth come from without and will be shown to you. This telling is possible, BUT; what you are asking can be a crutch and is not always useful. You are in-charge of your future and your current interactions. Spirit can indeed tell you about them, but because of the nature of all those interconnections and the fluidity of the multiverse they can only provide a snapshot of where you are at a certain point. And that snapshot is further restricted by their Spiritual level as well as your spiritual level. And who responds to you and how they respond to you depends on your intent. And depending on your intent; this will influence what, how, and how much they reveal to you.

Higher Spirit will never tell you anything that would adversely effect your free will. And lower Spirit while more likely to tell you such things, they are restricted by point of view and motivation. If you can discover or learn something on your own steam by active participation or action; Spirit will leave it to you and will not tell you what you want to know. Then this becomes a lesson in faith and expectation for you. So much of the time this is a great turn off and we feel despondent that we do not get the result or information we seek. But Spirit wants us to know that we simply need to change our perception. To change the original thought behind our thoughts and we will be empowered to create and discover the information we wish.

A lot of people will read this and say, 'so are you telling me I can never ask anything or get the answers I wish'. No that's not the case. What Spirit is saying is that you need to examine your motivations. Channelers are simply vessels. And each vessel is unique and is subject to all those interactions mentioned earlier. Here is an example.

When Robert was in the hospital ICU, Erik came to me and said, " Robert is doing fine, but something is wrong, Mom is in a mood, so I came to see what you were doing". (what discovered later that night via Elisa was that he was talking about was that Robert was getting a blood transfusion and the nurse was being rude and irritating, which provoked some interesting responses.) In any case I sort of wigged out on Erik and said, OMG, what's wrong! Of course I thought the worst. But Erik wouldn't tell me. So as per usual we started bickering. Quite often he absolutely refuses to tell me anything that isn't either jovial banter or Spiritual. He said to me, "Dammit, I am not your magic 8 ball, fortune cookie, or shi**y little tea leaf; this is your and mom's relationship, Pick up the fuc*ing phone and call her". So you see while it's shocking he talks that way, it's because I was afraid to take charge that which I could discover myself and he refused to provide information that might or might not have a cause or effect depending on my actions, perceptions, beliefs or intent. And so once I did end up calling her to ask what the deal was, Erik said; "duurrrr about fu**in time".

Last night my Reiki guide sent Robert more energy and she showed me Erik and Roberts loved ones channeling it to him again. And while that was happening I had a vision of "Be free my Angels" Emily playing with cars and trucks under Roberts hospital bed with my child guide George. She was in her little blue and white dress and had her shoes off and her little white socks were dirty. And they were scooting around under the bed making vroom vroom beep sounds and crawling all over. I am not sure what to make of George. Did I tell you about him? He died in childhood during the past several lifetimes. And he said he likes being a child so he appears as one. He is extremely close to my main guide Roger. They have a student teacher relationship. George usually appears in early 20th century little boys attire. Knickers and everything. Last night when I looked at the two of them playing under Robert; I said to him. "George, who ARE you? Why the child?" And he came running up to me and jumped in my lap and threw his arms around me and said, "I love you, you were my best buddy. We hung around each other all the time and got into so much trouble. And then I died in that accident." I think what he is referring to is the last life time I had with Erik, not sure. I think he and I were little neighborhood pals. In any case I just wanted to share that Robert seems to have a lot of company. I hope it's not too noisy there and he is getting some sleep.