May 2011

May 31, 2011

Not too much going on this past holiday weekend... Spiritually that is... I had a very busy weekend with family, home life, and work. Also I alowed myself to get into a couple of funky bad attitudes.... I am totally fine, but I think they were weather triggered, I dunno.... On a side note......Why..... IS IT... that (my) dogs feel the need to wallow in rabbit poo.... eat it... then go dig up my new baby ferns..... then expect to be praised for it? WHyyyy?

The other day the dog killed a nightcrawler (giant worm) and then wallowed in the carcas...


May 30, 2011

A Lament to Memory

The vision to march on under the memory of your love lives in my heart. The well spring of my joy is to meet the greatest vision of my highest self. I will not give up. I have much happiness yet to feel. I will gather it up and carry it to you. You will see; my love is greater than all this. Our love never dies. I will show you.

Only by following the love of Heaven, only by following my love for you will I move from the darkest night to the shining sun of life. I march on. Through cold, through snow, through harsh life, I go on.

When I looked up at stars and my desire burned for home, I saw the return to you. I longed not for the pain of this world, it's suffering through homeless hope. I longed for you. No drowning in old vengeance, healing form the knife wounds of agony, I know nothing more but, missing you. My heart has long marched away to your golden house in the heavens above. I only have to follow the trails you still set in my life and yet not lose my way. I follow your star, I follow the memory of your love.

May the memories of this national Memorial Day weekend find you and your family in the fondest memories of everlasting love.

May 28, 2011

"In the end we come to a great truth. We are nothing knowing little without each others experience. Each unique experience adds value to the shared understanding of who we are under the Light of Heaven. To worry about who is right or wrong is to belittle the perfectness of Creation in all it's possible manifestations. Such worry takes away power and shackles us to incomplete perception wandering in clouds of time. To let go of the correctness of self perception is to embrace the timelessness of the Creator. Do you doubt yourself? Then you doubt the perfectness of the Source of all Love. Love knows no boundaries." -- Voices of Spirit

May 27, 2011

Sometimes people, especially those sensitive to in an organized religion, those practicing mediumship, or even just in prayer...sometimes we lament when we feel that Spirit does not give us enough independence over our lives. I'd like to tell you that you are indeed heard... but, as so often the case, we forget to take charge of our choices, actions. This is because living a life is work. Full of intricate dances of action, thought and emotion in many subtle layers. And when we do forget, and the realize life becoming a tangled mess... we often blame Spirit for not looking out for us....Well, then Spirit just proverbially throws up their hands and say's, 'I thought you wanted more independence? Your in charge, if you want something you have to speak up... Your aware to a certain degree, use it!

I'll give you an example... the other day I had a burning desire to spend a bunch of money on a friend. I had all these cool plans and fun things I wanted to purchase as gifts... And I even tried to keep give myself reminders to go online and order the stuff. Well, For some reason I kept forgetting. It seemed like no matter what, the desire to take that action would always be forgotten at the end of the day... It was quite frustrating. But this morning on reflection, proper reflection of my finances and bank account; I realized that while I had the money to splurge; I had already spent way beyond my budget this month on my new dog; and if I wanted to maintain my stability, I did not have the funds to spend on my friend. At which point, my guides made an appearance and said,

"seeeee.... If we had not helped you forget, you would have let yourself get carried away.... We often work best with you subconscious and unaware mind to help steer and guide your life.... Now you said you didn't want help; but, see what would have happened if we had totally left you to your own devices? We have your back and will make sure to steer you on a better path. But now that you are more aware you can consciously state what you want, where you want to go, and what you want to do.... This is a team effort after all.... In life you are never alone."

May 26, 2011

My Friend Dawn on Facebook, (Clairaudient Dawn) Has some important words on Spirit Communication to share. Please friend her!! She has such important work to do! Hugs!

She Writes:

"Responsiveness, how important is it? For our relationships with others it’s vital to maintain friendships and close family ties. If you make contact with another for them to ignore you repeatedly or give little response to you then the signal received is quite plainly...not interested or don’t care. Message or rather no message, received and clearly understood!

What happens next? Do you bother making that contact again? Maybe but perhaps with not the same enthusiasm.....

This is similar when working with spirit. Our responsiveness is incredibly important to maintain a strong link, create a good energy between you and to go from strength to strength. Even if the communication in whatever way with spirit(be it clairaudiently or clairvoyantly or combination) is a struggle and the understanding is not clear, as long as a person is positively responsive, it goes a long way towards inspiring spirit to keep enthusiastic and a stronger link can be yielded.

Unresponsiveness brings apathy. How a person responds is important too; no rose tinted glasses here but positivity can be injected in a response just by attitude. It is encouraging.

When I talk with my guides or the people they bring to me, even if I cannot quite make out a sentence I still respond by saying how it sounds to me. This gives spirit an insight into how it is being heard. Yes they know how it was sent but not how it is received so once they are told this is what I hear or see, they can then adjust it accordingly so that a person hears or see’s what they are sending correctly. It is hugely beneficial whatever way you may interact with spirit; they need help too!

The reason I’m sharing this is it was the topic of conversation between my guides and other people in spirit last night. These words are inspired by spirits words to me, explaining the important issue of communication, without a strong link, you cannot reach the full scope of what is available to you. One aspect of what strengthens that link is responsiveness, there are many more of course ;) If they share with me an aspect of what can make a difference or help a communication become stronger between us humans and those in spirit then it’s for everyone who is interested too :)"

My Response is this:

[Yup, Spirits are people too...The words, "I love you and I remember--go a long way!" Although I'd like to point out that any directed thought based in love, affection, or really any emotion for that matter will reach them if they are receptive". The bonds of Love never die.]

May 25, 2011

The tug-o-wars of life has bound our hands in pain to the give and take

of harsh ropes. Before our eyes movement is fixed on slip in place of

mud and clouds of dirt. Only by letting go and looking up do we see that

we hold onto ropes attached to a tenitive body in juxed opposed

turmoil. Let go the rope, tention falls away, breath is caught and

vision returns.

May 24, 2011

Your next sunrise is but a reflection of your perceived reality.

Darkness falls quickly to the ever faster light of new Dawns.

There is always the hope of a new day.

There is always your Love,

All else can melt away.

May 23, 2011

Several people on the CE community have recently asked me about Spiritual communiation processes. Here is some basic advice I'd like to share.

We should examine your intent. Why do you wish to experience spiritual communications? Curiosity? Amusement? Guidance? Communication? Evolving your soul? Intent will make ALL the difference in your outcomes. If you are interested in learning to communicate with your guides, Angels, and friends and family in Spirit; or; have more spiritual travel experiences you will need to learn how to work with your personal energy for protection. If you do not, you either have to connect to higher spiritual sources or risk picking up on lower vibrational Spirit emenations or interaction.

Now, we need to talk about the minds eye. The minds eye is the inner visualization that the clairvoyant see's when interacting with Spirit. It is created by Spirits and Our imagination interacting through our heart, throat, 3rd eye, and crown chakras. This interaction creates the interactive communications. It can be initiated by Spirit or us. It is also where we go and what we see through when we consciously astral travel. It is like we are observing from a stand point away from what we are observing.

Basically this is the basics of how I start any communication or travel with Spirit:

I feel you might want to consider this or something similar when you desire to OBE or astral travel.

- 1) I say aloud or in my head, I state my intent. I say, "I would like to connect to my guides, Angels, loved ones, and higher spirit; those who are with me for the greater good, in the light; for guidance and communication. I want to thank you for helping me in whatever way Spirit see best for the greater good". "I'd like to ask you all to help me 'ground, center, cleanse, shield and connect to higher spirit for the purpose of..........[insert intent]....

2) Next; I visualize beings of light. It doesn't matter one bit what they look like, or who exactly they are. Just trust that they are the Spirits you just mentioned. Close your eyes and picture them in a space out in front of your forehead. A little bit above you. Know that even though it may seem 'just your imagination' trust and have faith that it is more. Spirit after all has to work with our brain and body. So what you help co-create in your mind is what they will work with. So I know that what I visualize will be them. And so I hold that image and talk to it.

3) Third; Everyone (human) body is an electromagnetic quantum machine. And everyone is unique, thus everyone receives communication a bit differently. So, that said, communication can come in the form of: Impression, feelings, intuition, words, sentences, sounds, smells, vision, symbols, moving imagery, physical touches, physical 3d manifestations, and more! I simply trust that what ever I receive is not just me, and I write it down. It is a record of my journey-as well....

4) Fourth; Before I start talking and seeking communication, visuals, or experiences, I work with my personal energy. I'll describe what I do.... There are many many techniques for this type of thing. There is no right or wrong, but rather it's all about "Setting your intent" Once set: you broadcast your boundaries, and your guides and angels know what's what.

I sit or stand or lay down. I visualize roots growing from the bottom of my feet and plunging down into the ground. I picture energy down there. It looks earthy, and cool and brown colors. I visualize it coming up from the ground into my feet and slowing traveling up my legs to my pelvis (root chakra). As it hits that area of my body; I picture it spinning around it and it keeps traveling up. As it hits my stomach it spins some more; As it hits my heart is spins; as it hits my throat it spins, and it hits my forehead it spins; finally it hits my scalp and spins.... Then I picture myself in my head standing there under a cloudy sky.

I look up and visualize the clouds parting. I imagine the light of heaven coming down. It not only bathes me in white golden light all over; as it hits each of those chakra points it fills them with light.... all the way down to my feet. This is higher Spirit. Know it and hold on to it.

5) Fifth; Shielding.... Visualize yourself standing. Close your eyes and just picture yourself standing there under the light. Now picture yourself surrounded by a bubble that you can't see out of. It is solid, hard, and full of glowing white light. Like a mom's white bed sheets drying in the warm summer sun. Next visualize a bubble over that. The bubble is see-through and spinning... except that the out surface of the bubble is reflective like a mirror.... And KNOW that any low level emotion or spiritual emanation that comes at you will bounce back off it away from you.

6) Lastly, if you seek communication; Visualize whom you wish to talk to and speak at the picture. If you seek Spiritual Travel, Re-affirm your intent to do so and ASK your guides and Angels to be with you, guide you, protect you and help you for the greater good.


OK,.... Now... If you wish to meet your guides or Angels..... They wish to communicate with those who are capable of doing so on a conscious level...

I find it helpful to make an appointment to do so. This tells them that you are serious.

In your head... picture beings of light.. And say to them..... I wish to meet you for learning to communicate for the greater good and communication/guidance....... I will meet you on such and such a date, and such and such a time for 30 min.....

And at that time, Sit and picture them and say to the image.... I am here.... please help me learn to communicate...... Sit and think of them for 5-10 min.... You might get visuals, skin sensations, you might sense a presence... you might hear something... You might feel stuff... if you are like me... .suddenly thoughts will pop into your head almost as if you are thinking, or talking to yourself, but they will not use your words, or sentence structure.... Trust that it is them.... immediately talk back to them this way... They have to use your brain, so a lot of the time they will use your thoughts and voice because it takes less energy... but they will not feel like you and there will very often be mental imagery with the voice..... Over time and practice the voice will sound nothing like yours... When Spirit talks to me; I frequently get visuals of all types and skin sensations with the words. It just totally depends..... Much of Spirit communication is highly symbolic. and emotional... So for example, when I asked one of my guides for their name... they showed me an image of a lotus flower, a crane, and flexed arm.... symbolizing blooming beauty, longevity, and strength of spirit.... Later I learned her name was Elizabeth... But that's beside the point.... the point is to NOT make judgements or apply labels... Just experience....

If you should not get anything right away, that's OK too... Quite after 15 min. and thank them,, and say that you will meet them again tomorrow at the same time...Make sure to write down your experience and think about it for later review.

May 20-24, 2011

My friend Dawn, had some comforting words for me...I felt it was worth sharing for others to let them know we are never alone. And there is always hope.

"Oh Jason, yes I know exactly what you are trying to describe...the permanent guilt that is inbuilt 24/7 because we know there is always waiting, waiting for us, we never reach the 'end' of our work. Never get to the end of a day and think right that's that done, job completed, there is never completion, it's ongoing. As soon as I help one another replaces that need. We never reach the satisfaction of completion. Yes we take time out but it never goes away does it, that knowing they are stood there watching, waiting, talking with so much expectation and need. Anytime we switch on to work there is never a time where we find no-ones waiting, never. So because of that it's a knowing that is a burden to us, it weighs heavy. We are like mice on a wheel my friend, never stopping.

Yes I do get this way sometimes and also even right now as I write to you I haven't spoken with spirit today and have that in the background feeling of need from others and slight guilt even though I know I work hard, it's never enough. I say to my teacher I want to do more, feel very strongly about it, he says I put him to shame the amount I work and am service to spirit, yet to me I chastise myself for not doing more. I put myself on that pedestal and can't get off. Why? Because of the 'knowing'. Once you know you can't unknow."


I've been really stressed out this weekend.

The dog is fine. But he's a trigger. I don't deal with stress well in any shape or form. Nor do I deal well with pressure or being bossed at. I've got a lots on my plate. Spirit is there 24/7. Whether I want or not. I cant turn it off. They seem to always be in the back of my the corner of my eye... Or on my skin. And even if I just want to spent the day at leisure vegging out. They always seem to be lurking waiting for me, to remind me of spiritual commitments goals and plans... Never mind correspondences and previous spiritual commitments, never mind.. daily family life, and my regular 8-5 job/ work and my 30 plus family members.... All this combined with lack of sleep... And all my issues... Can really add up..... But what choice do I have.. keep trying... Less bitching.: sigh For example... even if I decide not to do my channeling practice or Reiki, I get certain Spirits that want to tease me about it. In fact on said last night, "I can't believe you bailed on me"... A friend of mine always tells me I need to draw a line in the sand, set boundaries and do better with scheduling... I do..Oh, I do... And they do leave me alone.... But, .... I can still sense them. I can't help it.. It's like a pressure on my mind.. And the guilt .... oh my gosh.. It eats me up... That is all me... I just have the urgent desire ..mixed with a huge bad attitude that just tortures me sometimes... Sometimes I feel like a modern day Jonah.... Am running running, and gonna let myself get eaten... until it barfs me up. Not really.. But sometimes it feels like there is no where for me to run. Even if I tune Spirit out clairaudeniently and clairvoyently, in the past they tend to ramp up the objective visuals. ... See... I told you I have a bad attitude right now... There's work to be done, and I dont wanna... Oh, I'll be fine... I just need to vent... do better at the balance thing... Sigh...


I think I am taking a few days off from channeling. Aside from my weekly practice that is. Yesterday I finished putting in raised vegetable beds, shoveling dirt, gardening. And last night I got a new puppy for the house. I am quiet exhausted and burnt out. That and more, I find myself wanting to drop. So I am going to just hang out and enjoy the weather for wee-bit. I just wanted to post a little something as to why not much posting for the next few days.

May 19, 2011

I've felt the need to fine tune my goals.

Plans of action


-Conciously interact with Spirit for guideance and communication

-Tell them/in Spirit my thanks and that I love them

-Make time to live life the way I want, with purpose and meaning, and to help others

-More purposefully living, doing right by myself and others. Living to serve

-Live in control, balance, harmoney with my emotion, spirit, and mind against 3D life

-Emotion/spirit to work on: Guilt, shame, self love, fear, unjudging compassion,

-Explore Structure for development and dedication

Goals and Priorities:


-Write on Channeling

-Write on Guides

-Sit for mediumship development x1 a week for an hour (Andy, and Dean)

-Sit for healing sendings x1 a week for an hour (Self)

-Start once or twice a month development with Amy

-Channel 2-4 messages a day

-Work on my reading list

-complete Iola's and Amys Reiki course work/attunements

May 16, 2011

Relying on love without worry

"Living with Faith can simply mean relying on love without worry. Know

your highest possible self is in tune with the Source of Light and Love

as a part of yourself. You will always receive what you need; even that

which is beyond your understanding. Method, Means, Process, Reason, are

all held within the the hearts and minds of those in Spirit beyond your

current comprehension. When you rely on them to see, know, and

understand your bigger picture, you are trusting, you have faith that

your soul will progress within love to where it needs to be.

This faith can be simply letting go of that which is beyond you, or it

can be grown and cared for. Once grown, cultivated, it can blossom or

dry up. But to care for this aspect of yourself takes work. Often takes

hard work. This does not mean sitting back and waiting for Spirit to

come to you, It means active intent, active participation. It's like

learning to drive a car. Anyone can sit behind the wheel and get

somewhere. But to know where your going and know where you are, where

you've been, look at the sights, AND navigate successfully, takes

practice. When you sit behind the wheel you multitask. You are aware of

multiple things on multiple levels. Much of it to varying degrees of

awareness. You don't know how or why this works. But it does. And you

know you can get lost, you can zone out into space and still reach your

destination, or you can look about and enjoy the ride.. You can also get

stressed out and angry and reach your destination full of road rage...

So too can you interact with Spirit, with your Spirit. But, if you

surrender to letting go of just a little worry, you will be better

equipped in life, and have a better road map. You might enjoy the road more"..

---Voices of Spirit

May 15, 2011

"Finding the courage to do this will define you.

Decide to live in each moment with active intent.

Fully embrace the balance of this world and,

your higher self in all the glory of your self created reality.

This is acknowledgment of your immortality.

Go without fear. Be not afraid.

Live for yourself, Live now, Live forever.

Fear not, and know all of heaven is with you.

Even the smallest creature

Even in the darkest corner

Has a spark

The light of the heavens

knows no limit

Within each of you

rests the path

to the love of a new day.

All around is there nothing new?

Life is an illusion of infinite age

The age of creation is defined by

The return to self

an eternal cycle

never to be feared."

---Voices of Spirit

May 13, 2011

"Many people are not aware, that their guides as well as their past life association are not necessarily of the society or culture of the one the currently are experiencing. Language is not a barrier to Spirit. This is because Spirit is not restricted to the vocalization of the written or spoken word. The subtle nuances of thought, emotion, sound and Spirit are wrapped up in woven signature that knows no boundary. Mind to soul is a permeating light that is innate in each of us regardless of Spiritual evolution. Your loved ones in Spirit hear you always. But don't fear judgement or shame. Each listens to harmony or ignores dissonance according to their nature and desire. They are well aware that all is a journey." --Voices of Spirit

Our emotional states are still going to exist when we die. So if we have an emotional feeling that bothers us or limits us; Depending on our perspective, and belief, it will still be there upon death, but only much more intense because there is no stop mechanism to slow it down. So if we can look at the feeling and try to understand it. ... We can then determine what about that feeling serves us best. Take what serves you and what you wish.. and leave the rest. And surrender to the acceptance that what you leave behind is OK, and that which you wish to take, is truly part of who you are and for now, that is OK. ---Spirit

May 11, 2011

I had another interesting experience last night I am not quite sure how to interpret or what to think about it.

First of all, I guess I would classify it as a Spirit interaction. It was mental and physical. But what Ia m not quite certain about is who all was involved. I have my suspicions, but I am not sure who.....

So here's the deal. Yesterday I felt extremely drawn to a post in the CE forum. As soon as I read the post from a mother seeking information on her son who died in a car accident, i felt energy crawling all over my hand, head, and face. So I knew I should respond.

Of late i am fairly leery of such a thing because my experiences with such matters has been all over the map. From great to bad to everything in-between. I do not always handle other peoples emotions very well and so initially I was feeling a bit scared of the situation. But I felt it was gonna be ok.

I asked Elisa to pass on the message that I would be willing to correspond and help how I could. no promises, but I would try. Actually I was feeling pretty good about the situation. Looking forward to it. The kid/Spirit in question, from the photo seems like a good guy.

For the rest of the day something odd was happening. I kept feeling Spirit touches. Especially on my left hand and left eye. That doesn't happen. The only hand sensations I normally get are when Erik or Andy want to write.

When I got home, I could tell there were other Spirits in the house. And I got the sensations that they were waiting for me. wanting to talk. or something...

For the rest of the night I strongly felt one or more individuals were interacting their energy in my aura and on my skin. It felt like a pins and needles Erik touch, but over my entire left side. From eye, to feet. It was off and on, but very strong. normally i'd blame Erik, but he does not do it for that long or that intense-all over. also I sensed an unknown presence.

Then when i went upstairs to my bedroom, I saw a full bodied Shimmer in the air. And it was as if they were waiting for me. By this point I highly suspected it was the woman's son. I got some tentative mind speech that I feel confirmed it, but out of trepidation, I hesitate to definitively confirm it. But I told the guy that I promised to help if I could. but that we had to wait for both his mothers response and my next channeling practice session. I told him I was a newbie and wouldn't promise anything but I would try. Not sure when this communication will happen, as i am going out of town for the weekend. But I am still looking forward to it. He said to me, "Thank you for offering to help my mum.". (slight accent)

I kept getting spirit touches throughout the night, but my guides said I was fine. So I am trusting they have my back.

mmmm... Interesting non the less.

May 10, 2011

What's that music on your mental sound track? Make sure what your playing is something you don't mind getting stuck in your head. If your not paying attention, it will wear your player out. No one is going to change the record for you.

Acts can at times have consequences of indebted Karma. But Motive always does. What you hold in your heart of hearts is who you are. That is why it is so important to examine your thinking. There is no right or wrong as all is but a journey of experience, but what is important is cause and effect interactions. --My Spirit Teacher

For those in Spirit with unfinished business. They are brought together with their guides; those who held a vested interest in their last incarnation. They all examine experiences; sort everything out from a broad view and look closely. Sifting specific moments with fine detail. Then the Spirit is given a chance to further review and understand the possibilities and share with others. As soon as understanding dawns they can delve further into experiences that interest them the most. At the same time, they seek to re-unite with those viewed with love. This review, is different than the life review. It is the self judgement and examination which leads to understanding that leads to the desire to new knowing.This then leads to new experiences through which new understandings can be had. It is this self examination that leads to perfection of new forms. So then, it is often better to start this self examination while still incarnated. A change in view, attitude, and a broadening of belief will open the door to further possibilities in Spirit. ---Voices of Spirit

May 9, 2011

To those who fear the darkness after death

"To those who fear, the darkness after death. To those who hold with fearful hope of poorly understood existence. There is not only hope, there is always evolvement. Let your your hope transform into action for the greater good. For by living by example you are a witness to those in life around you, but also to those in the realms of Spirit. Your light shines out.

The journey to the realms of Spirit does not facilitate an instant increase in soulful evolution. There is always the desire to refine and redefine perception. The return to God does not mean a loss of self or past life. It means ever greater understanding of ones place within the whole. You are ever more, not less.

Even looking back on those still in flesh, one can learn about the fallacies of human fastidiousness. Each new viewpoint can alter attitudes which then open new perspectives, attitudes and states of knowing; then allowing for new experiences and expressions of self.

The momentary reflection of what such concepts of self- mean, can be causes of suffering and pain. But it too, is but illusion created by the body of the residing plane of existence. This narrow focus is temporary and desired. For only by such close attention and focus can understanding of the structures of the self created reality be known.

This will bring sparks of desire within the self created reality. This spark will trigger new awareness. This in turn calls out to the light and those who serve in love. This and their new attention brings dawn for those lost in darkness. Your prayers, thoughts, love, and attention can help flame spark into light of renewed opportunities.

So turn away hard hearts of pain. Forgive, and ponder unconditional surrender of the greater good. For within each such thought sits a reflection of the love of God. Know that there is always hope. Both now and in Spirit."

--Voices of Spirit and Light

May 5, 2011

You can only overcome what you are aware of. This starts with akowledgement and ends with acceptance.

The wilted leaf leads to new growth. Blowing away in the wind, old spent life, will nurish new life. New life gives way to blossoms of growth. Growth is newly revealed beuty. So look at what is ugly, and know spring is on it's way again.

Be the person that you've always wanted to be. That does not mean you can suddenly become something outside of your current reality, but it does mean that you can be all that you can be, right now. Be love now.

When we channel our beliefs into unselfish service of others; we participate in the God force within each of us and do our part to fulfill Divine purpose.

---Voices of Spirit

May 5, 2011

One of my biggest struggles is neglecting to ask for help. Guides, Angels, and Teachers have a job to do. They are not there to just gawk at us. Even if you can't see, hear, or feel them; They are present and waiting. But you have to ask for help, and trust.