Spiritual and Emotional Resistance

Oct. 04, 2011

Random Musing: Spiritual and Emotional Resistance.

Defining who you are on your own terms.

Finding the strength to carry on when you've fallen to the ground and can't find a way to get back up. When this happens, we often find ourselves seemingly bombarded with "helpful" tips, hints, words, advice and a whole hell-of-a-lot of woulda, coulda, shoulda's.

But instead of propping us up we feel this inner pressure that builds and want's a release. Hopefully it's not your mother's china! But seriously it's almost as if you want to put your hands on your ears and scream, "Go away! STOP. Leave me a alone".

This is Emotional Resistance to a Spiritual truth.

It's an emotional resistance to expressing life the way people say you should.

This is a conflict of what's inside and what your perceiving as being reflected back to you from your environment. This conflict reflects out from your inner core and the universe ricochets it back at you. This 'can' would, hurt, deflate, or explode. But there is the option of release. There is hope for healing. Your soul is more indestructible that you could ever imagine in this incarnation. You are divinely created and blessed with the creative powers to manipulate and create an infinite possibility within the parameters you set before life. The God force, the Source of all that IS, did not make a mistake, and you will not go so wrong as you think. This is the hope. The self realization that you are more within your state of being. You can find a way.

Some people heal by sharing, some by work, some by introspection, YOU will have your own unique way. There is no right or wrong in how this happens, but know it will happen. In this life, the next one or the hereafter. You are worth finding this out and feeling it now.

I think sometimes we feel funny when anything we see calls attention to what's in us. I am not so sure it's good or bad. Just is. And I think that a part of us don't wanna look.

I know for me, that any time anyone relates anything in their life, I often find myself comparing my own experience and then it's a struggle not to interpret that, as opposed to just letting it be. I also know I am not fond of anyone telling me what to do, criticizing, or offering me their opinion. I know that for me, It stems from a deep fear that I am not worth everything life has to offer. That I fear what others think of me. That I fear what I might think of myself. I fear living in a creative way that empowers me.

Or should I say, I would like to say,.. that I used to be that way. I could go on and on, but I think part of me hates looking inside and part of me doesn't want any experience other than my own. I think this is Key. Living a life that is our own and not what someone tells us should be, or could be. Our soul knows this and tries to get us to feel this see this and live this. This soul action is the origin of a lot of the resistance we feel.

And this resistance is a Spiritual cue for our emotional consciousness. It is a call to attention. A call to focus or refocus. It is a call to get us reconnected to a greater reality and sense of self. Our own self and who we are amongst the connection with everyone else and all that is. It is a call to do, a call to creative action. To feel yourself. Many times we are not comfortable with this. We don't want to feel. We are afraid of it.

Sometimes we feel resentful when we are not doing anything. We feel jealous of others inner work, when we know we should be doing our own. And other times this attention makes us crazy, because we want to be done and over. We know this is not our real life or who we are, or who we want to be. We feel, 'Been there done that, ok, can I be done now'. And looking at others drama instead of our own just reminds us that we are not done yet. And it bugs us. This disturbance creates more resistance and troubles the balanced still waters that is our higher self. This conflict is what is being called into our attention.

Then a big struggle for people is the unconscious knowing of this. This manifests in anger, disappointment, grief, and they beat themselves up for it. They want to do it "my way or the hyway". But they don't consciously acknowledge this and the tumultuous feelings get worse. It's turns into a vicious cycle.

I think that's normal. Everyone wants to know themselves in their own way. But we forget everyone is trying to do the same thing, we are all in this together.

I think a lot of suffering is experienced when people do not or feel unable to understand their inner reality, who they are and who they wish to be. In some cases its a failure to see themselves in others, or others in their own life. The fear of what they do not know or know how to express. Many times the phrase, "know how to express" is key. Knowing how to express who we really are IS a key goal of a life time. Knowing how to do this within different scenarios and situations give a greater understanding of our inner glory. And knowing this and fully exploring it allows us to nurture it in others via experience.

Some say each to their own path. And others say we all hold responsibility to share inner truth. Who is right and who is wrong, is irrelevant. What matters is that we come to terms with how we feel about ourselves at the end of the day. We can take positive action or we can look outside of ourselves. Only when we acknowledge our own role and do what we can to make tomorrow better able to express the love inside all of us will we see a new collective era for humanity. It's not the bickering of who should that will win, but the expression of I can that will. I can, we can we all can if but together.

I am not sure the point is ever, "what if, then, maybe scenarios and examples from earth life", but how we see our-self in spite of everything. I don't think there is a right or wrong, especially since none of us here know what the other has experienced in this life or in past lives. The point is to see ourselves as more than just this life and in whatever small way, express our understanding without fear.

You ask yourself, Do I exist for a reason, or do I create my own reasons? Who am I, why? And What do I desire now? List it out on paper. Does that list really represent how I see myself? Is my life about me wanting or is my life about seeing what I do have. And if I do have something, is it worth sharing? Can what I see about myself help someone else, Is this a reason I can cultivate in another person. Does my unexplored, unattained, unknown desire overshadow what I can find out about myself? Is this the reason, or are their many reasons for life? Can I uncover and create my own answers or is this something someone or thing has to show, tell, or create for me? Is life about "doing" or is life about choosing to express what we feel in accordance to how we understand our highest possible self. I don't see that choice as something that can be helped. I dont' see it as few or more, I only see it as being who I am in the moment. Every moment. I see it as choosing to be me. I think your wonderful. I want you to just be, and share it.

Part of discovering and remembering who we are is not in the seeking of love or acknowledgement of it, but utilizing ways to express it once we come into the knowledge of it. So even though we are hard pressed to see love, we still are aware of who we are. It is not the universe's or a Spirit's responsibility to prove it to us. We have the tools inside we just need to use them. Reality is created unconsciously or consciously depending on what we believe, perceive through action or inaction in balance with our karma, and our interactions on a creative level with all life. We always have a choice. What we see as that choice will depend on perception of personal self. This is awareness in action.

Many times, once we know about something, the universe will then present us with opportunities to explore and try it out, in different situations. So what seems like hell, might be an opportunity for personal transformation.