What's in a name

Erik talks to Jason about Spirit's Names:

"So many people want to know about names. What is in a name. Who am I "Really"? What am I know by in the here after, the other side. What do my friends and family call me. Do I continually take on the name of each incarnation? or am I known by something affectionately. Seth called Jane- Roburt. Obviously this was from an affectionate shared experience. But equally as obviously a name is not a good description of the totality of who one is. A name represents a certain life. A certain perspective. But a name is also a symbol. And the meaning of symbols change over time, point of view and with knowledge. So what is our name. Our true names are not actually words. They are two things:

1) They are how we personally describe ourselves. But, by becoming aware of and exploring who we are, we gradually and/or suddenly begin to "own" who we are. And we project that Knowing out. This becomes a manifestation of energy. This mental energy symbol represents who we were, who were are, and who we might be. It's an energy signature, that is akin to a snap shot, not in time, but of current perspective. This is why Spirits get all odd when it comes to names. Because names are actually energy descriptors and do not have the same emotional attachment and meaning for them as they do for us.

2) They are how other beings describe us. Exactly as I just mentioned but from the other beings point of view. So when, in the other realities-- when a being wants to contact you, rather than saying, "Hey so and so......" they simply think of how that energy signature/ symbol feels to all the senses and they then project their own sense of self to the energy field. This is how Spiritual communication and travel is enabled. You think of where you are at, and who you are; then you think of where you want to be and who they are, and you imagine yourself there. Then you are there. So it's not about movement but more the process of imaginative thought bridging perception.

Now that's not to say that Spirits do not have names they prefer and are known by. Because they do. But you need to know about the function of energy perception behind the concept. And yes, you can call me Erik. That who I am -- Durrr.... haha"

(*Jason's note: In moments of extreame sillyness and antics, he calls me big baby or little shit but always followed by, you know I love you).... :)

I also channeled this:

Q: What is my name in Spirit? Am I called by my most recent name upon each death? When I am in heaven between lives who am I?


Your-- Names are ephemeral, and fluid. They are collected like favored memento's of fond remembrances of vacations past. Some are put on display and some are worn like a badge of honor. Some are hard won. Some are given. Some are descriptive, some are a beacon. A light. A talisman of intent. Most of the dis-incarnate identify with the feeling of engendered emotion that resonates with how they currently perceive themselves. So upon greeting an old friend they think about the totality of how the friend feels to them. This is usually an emotional thought often encompassing an image. But names are used. People are people both now, then and forever. Names and language often have fondness that the Spirit enjoys retaining. But do not worry. They will own the name you know them by for so long as it serves you both. That bond is a bond of love and if true, it will not be picked apart. What matters is the shared experience and emotion, not a label. You might find it comforting to know that instead of addressing a past relationship by name, upon leaving your body you will think, "Father, brother, friend, companion of my journey. I rejoice in reunification once again. I love you" Or.. you could say, Hello Roger." Both will serve, but the choice will be up to you. Whatever aspect of your soul gives it an energetic thrill, color, feel, sound, experiential history-- is what you will be known by. While you can think of yourself with a fond label and it can be used, your true Spirit name is a growing thing, just like your soul. It changes with your description. It's like music, you can call a work of music by a certain title, but is that a good descriptor of all it's notes? Or does the impression of the sound of it's notes give a more accurate representation of it's being? -- Voices of Spirit..