
Terminology in Spiritual Communication:

Some of the C.E. Readers have asked me what the phrase "trans-channeling" means. There was a lot of confusion with some of the other terms they've heard about. There are many Spiritual communication terms and definitions that are with varing frequency used depending on what school of thought or beliefs one subscribes to... It's important to note... In my opinion labels, terms, and definitions are very very human. And are not always a very good indicator of context, use, or meaning as it pertains to the observer. It's better to simply examine terms before one starts talking about this stuff, because as you will see, they can mean very different things and they often sound similar. NOTE*** These are not an indication of MY practice or belief, but rather my understanding of the terms.....


Terms in Spiritual Communication:

In the history of Mediumship, there are many words that have been used to describe spiritual communication. Depending on what historical school of thought, practice, and what part of the world you are in, different words will be used to describe very similar practices, experiences, and techniques for spiritual communication. There tends to be overlap. There isn't really any right or wrong, but rather it's often a good idea to be conscious of the term you are using.

For example.

*** Keyword term: "Trans-Channeling"

It is more of a modern new age word, that incorporates different levels of traditional Spiritualist and Spiritist methods of deep trance physical and mental mediumship. For example: Channeling always comes in a very broad spectrum of activities and experiences and symptoms both to the observer and the experiencer. *Some of which are: mental mediumship, clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience or one of the other clairs, telepathy, direct voice, transfiguration, deep trance channeling, aports, materialization's, and other physical mediumship.

The new term "trans-channeling" is a modern phrase for a conglomeration of several of these modalities happening to the medium at once. And as such is never just one type of experience, but very often a combination. At it's most common, it is where the medium's body and energy is blended with a portion of the entities energy and data is exchanged in some way. Very often this is very similar to deep trance physical mediumship, only the medium is not necessarily unconscious or absent, but can be. Also as opposed to traditional physical mediumship where materialization and what not is also being demonstrated, the trans-channel is not tied down. The medium is usually under lights and is up walking around.

clairaudience and clairvoyance is a modality of Telepathy

Channeling is a modality of the clair abilities

"Trans-channeling" Is a form of channeling, very often a form of deep trance (aka altered state of consciousness) in combination with others...

All of which, can be done in "Trance-channeling" which is related to, but not the same thing as Trans-channeling....

Trans channeling is sort of a sub set or way of describing channeling energy from higher level beings. You are transforming a portion of their energy. Because they have so much of it, that yes in many cases depending on the experience and power level of the entity, if they were to completely try and blend with yours, your physical body would literately burn up.

Now, take an average joe smoe spirit, for example, One can enter a deep trance state (unconscious) and the medium's consciousness steps back and lets the spirit use their body.. But that's not "trans-channeling" That's deep trance channeling.

If you are a mental medium and if you talk with your GA, Mary, And Arch angels, you are simply having a telepathic or clair----- communication, because you are a mental and-or physical medium. You don't need to go into deep trance, because you have no need to, nor are you trying to enable physical phenomena. But you are "Technically" trans channeling them in the sense of this new word; as you are touching a portion of their energy. In my judgement as a researcher and medium... trans channeling does not have to entail unconsciousness or the stepping aside of consciousness, only a blending of energies. It is always a range of blending. The deeper you go, the more energy you are enmeshed with, the more your consciousness steps to the side held by your spirit team and GA. This process and experience is very closely related to physical mediumship and elements of each overlap. It really depends on the intent, practice, and phenomena displayed and who is involved.

When Jamie and Robert walk around AS Erik... They are doing a form of "Trance channeling" which comes in a broad spectrum of experiences to the practicing medium. The level of conscious awareness of the medium can fluctuate in and out depending on what the mediums spirit team does.

There is a lot of technical debate out there in the various mediumistic schools of thought... just good to keep in mind when discussing labels and human terms.