July 2011

July 29, 2011

So I "just" am in the middle of listening to the Shela show interview. So funny. I am giggling....

Also, I found it so funny him mentioning spirit sex and merging as him, me, and robert are always cracking jokes about it. And an inside joke is the word, "MERGE".... so I about died when he started saying it. It was also pretty cool to hear him through Jamie use the same syntax he uses with Robert and I. Very fun.

Also, I get a kick out of him cussing. He doesn't very much, when it's just me. I once asked him why, and he said, "It's cause your my big fucking baby". So funny. In fact he only cusses at me when I get whiney and beat myself up emotionally.

July 28, 2011

Thought I'd share some of the content of an email conversation I had. Ryan channeling Erik. We were talking about conspiracy theories.

Erik to Ryan:

"Even the psychically inclined can have more than one voice speaking at a time."

Ryan to Erik:

Are there some rule of thumb type markers i can look for?

Erik to Ryan:

"Your rules of thumb are better than the ones we'd give you."

"Blanket yourself in the message and see if it holds true."

From me:

I sooo Know exactly what Erik said through Ryan about 'blanketing yourself in the message'... It has to do with being empathic and claircognizance. This is something anyone can do.....You feel, taste, and wallow in a thought on a soul level. If it overwhelms and smothers you can get a sense of it's reality. It's kind of like being an artist or master chef... you wrap an idea with every fiber of your being, and you know it, taste it, feel it, and this is pure passionate emotion. What you think about in the middle of that passion is your truth. If we don't like how that feels we have to figure out what brought the emotion in the first place.... anywoo ... good stuff!

July 26, 2011

Erik, How do I love myself?

"OK, dude, here's the thing. Love, people think love is something they need to do. They think that it's somethin you gotta find, or take. That's not what self love is about. It's not anything you can find, or something another persons gonna be able to give you. No one can make you feel it. No one can show you the way. What's going on is that people are reacting to the shit in their life. IT can be awesome, or crap. But what they are doing is feeling uncomfortable with how they feel about what they are experiencing. This can be buggin you, or making you hate yourself, or hatin other people. Don't matter, what their doin is seeing themselves apart and outside from their reality. And most of the time they've created that reality through the choices they made or didn't make. So then they feel resistance to how they "really" want to be within that experience. They know on a soul level how they want to be. They want to be who they really are and be ok with it. It's just that they are not paying attention to themselves. They are looking everywhere but where they should be. Their self. Love has never ever been about looking outside. It's about looking in and accepting who you are, shit and all and just smile, just simply surrendering to yourself. Surrendering to the experience. Only then can you find the peace that letting go gives. And in that moment, it's a now moment, then can you see that person you wanna be. You can then freely make the choice to move to or twords that perception, that idea. This moves you to who you always are, what you love about yourself. The return to the self, the remembering of who you are. This is always greater than you see yourself now, It is always a journey of love. There is always more of you to love. Always more to understand. This is self, love. Surrender, acceptance, be. Who I wanna be helps me be, feel, and understand. I love the feeling moving to this gives me. I wanna help you feel this too. I love how I feel when we work together to feel this. This is unconditional love of self. The knowing that you are worthy, and despite and in-spite of anything life seems to through at you, you wanna keep diggin your self up. At the bottom of that pile is a heart of gold you always had. Dude, just let it shine. Your worth it. You'll love yourself for it!"

July 22, 2011

Question answer with Erik:

---Q) How much does Erik focus on our personalities (our current life)-solely, as opposed to all of the personalities and higherself- all at once, in a gestalt? What does such a focus or view look like? Is it dream like or distorted or how does he experience that?

A) -- "Jason, I know you better than you can remember of yourself. Remember I know everything you know, and everything you can't remember. And no I am not going to tell it all to you. Go live your life, finish it, and then we'll shoot the shit. Ok, so you wanna know what you look like to me? I see all of you, crystal clear as if I am standing in front of you with high def glasses on. Now that's not to say I do that or others do that. A lot of the time it's only your energy that is viewed. But think of it this way. You know how you can drive a car, talk on the cell phone, and look at map, and scream at the dog in the back seat? All at once? Think about what percentage of your brain handles each of those, and to what percent does that come across your conscious vision? 50%? , 25%? less? for each thing? Well, to an aware, fully reconnected Spirit, they see all of that at 100 or even 200%. All at once. If we want to of course. It's all about focus with intent within your need. Stop worrying if we see you when you don't want it. You think this shit you go through is who you are? You think this life defines you? Really? might wanna remind yourself that there is way more going on that you realize."

July 21, 2011

Sometimes peace comes to those who ask for it. Although most of the time, we hold judgement or anger in our hearts. This creates a duality for the universe. What is created is then, is whichever hold's the most intentive emotion. If we consciously decide what will serve us best, and embrace it, the universe will revolve around our choice.

In my heart of hearts I long for the peace that only knowing can give. It drives my breath and moves my muscle. To know would free worry, discomfort, and anguish. To know would make me sing. So I dance my steps in unspoken song, trying to remember my rhythm. So I dance what I know and step by step , creating my movement, I remember my part. This I know...shall we dance?

Life. Flashing in. Quick. Sudden. Bright flame. Suddenly extinguished. In the light of the pan fire. All that we are. All that we are made of can be consumed. All that we are, gone in an instant. In the sudden flare of light what we are is recorded in the film. What impression did we make. It is a record of honesty. An impression of the soul. But even so. It is never a complete image. For while telling of the moment. it is not representative of the subjects whole self… It is important to note that an image taken. An image viewed is but an incomplete moment in perception of the viewer. Is it better to ponder the view , or do we insist upon knowing the artists heart. So is this life. A snapshot of a moment in the art of a soul. It is art. It is a moment that speaks to us to the world….what image will i hold in mind, what thought to my heart……life, love, and compassion can be an art form of the soul… How will our own photos be displayed…what matters to your own special art form….what shall we say….

July 19, 2011

I wanted to respond to the recent post on George Washington in the CE blog and some of the user comments.

I'll give you my take on channeling celebrities of the distant past. It HAS to be taken with a grain of salt, because there is NO way that most people, myself included can in this lifetime have a complete understanding.

To understand the variances of feeling, facts, information, nuances of personality requires one to have some sort of grasp on their view and opinion of the nature of the soul. Now, as to what kind of grasp that is; is neither here nor there. But,

Depending on what you believe, it will directly impact communication. Both for the observer, and the originator, and the intermediaries. Also.

It is very important not to place any judgement, value, or label on the nature or state of those involved nor the processes involved. Why?

Because we do not know.

Personally, I believe in a metaphysical spiritualist view of the afterlife. I believe the soul is some kind of multi-dimensional group of consciousness's that exist separately and yet all together. So too with past lives, future lives and present lives. Each life being a facet. And each life having past, present, and future experiences. Everything is in eternal expansion, self creating and all plugged into everything else.

When a particular "past life" is "plugged into", re-experienced, or called forth; I believe that - that personality is not necessarily who you think it is. What I mean by that.... is... depending on who the medium is and skill level; the medium may be working with a gestalt of some or all of this group consciousness. It is still the person, yet it is more. And depending on the medium and the entity in question, either could have various degrees of focus enabled for communication. And if the medium is working more with that entities higher-self or an aspect of that personalities evolved state of being, that aspects personality have have shed some of the memory and traits it once held onto. Really the only "true bonds" that are held onto are ones of love. Everything else is subject to discard. Now the jury is still out in my mind as to what can be recalled with what clarity. Also keep in mind the perception and views of the observer. What distortion does the observer have through historical lenses that are not his/her own?

Now you may say, that's all crap. That's fine. I don't mind or care. But what I am saying is, I think there is more going on that we just don't understand. No where in these sessions is there time to explore these kinds of thoughts, or back ground of metaphysics or to fully explore the current state of the channeled personalities. I am not sure that's Erik's or Elisa's job as opposed to providing a spiritual message. And I know for a fact that Erik doesn't give a shit either. He's far more interested in getting us to think about the visitors overall spiritual message.

But yea, I agree, I too- am interested in how the personality evolves through space time, as well as the nuts and bolts of communication, difficulties, methods, problems, manifestations, ect ect. I am not so interested in belief of afterlife communications as the stuff behind it.... I am firmly convinced that the personality as incarnated back when he was president is no longer the same as our perception now....and yet because of multi-dimensionality--he is.....what aspect of this entity are we talking to.... blah blah blah... Enough of me, I just wanted to say, yea, I agree ---but.... :)

July 15, 2011

I've got to repeat something Erik once told me, when I once asked him what I should do with my life. He said quite simply, " Do what brings you joy".

That's it. That's life in a nut shell. life is not about woulda's, coulda's, should have's, if's, then's, only's, but's. It's about moving through experiences to gain emotional mastery of the self. Through this experience you explore who you are within the personality and life you have chosen before birth. Purpose is simply exploring the self, through life, in spite of life and gaining a greater awareness of perspective of your soul. How do you perceive life? Don't like it? Change how you view it. What? Why? How? you say, That then, is the purpose of life. It's that simple. Your soul is eternal, Your soul is complex, your soul is multi-dimensional. Your soul is not this body, it is not this life. You are always more than. Not less than.

On semi-sarcastic humor scale, I want to say, "Eat cookies, hug someone even if you don't feel like it, and chant--I am fucking awesome, till your numb". This is sort of mean, but true! What you wish, what you feel, the actions you take because of it, and your intent, totally create your reality!

So many people ask, what is my "True purpose" . I want to matter, I want to make a difference. I want to be somebody.

What's wrong with that? right? Everyone wants this type of thing--right? Right, but here's the deal. Saying this type of thing implies that you are not these things that you don't have these things right now.... That's where the problem is. If you tell yourself, I want to matter someday, I want to make a difference someday, I want to be somebody somebody--This implies that you are not somebody right now. And you are! It's just because of the separation between your spirit and this focused 3D reality of this incarnation that you've forgotten this. You think you need to have some great mission in physicality to represent who you already are. You want a mission based on your current perception, which is full of misunderstanding of your state of being and the true nature of your soul.

The problem with "mission" & "great purpose" lifestyles is that they can come with great consequences unless you came into this life at an advanced level with all your shit in one bag. Unless you do the work required by them with dedication, Unless you got that one bag all full with the crap you need; you are in imbalance. And the only thing you can do is hope to move closer to emotional mastery of life, in spite of life. You'll be trying to ride life only to have life ride you. When what makes mission life's workable is when you surrender to balance and simply go with the flow. Success does not equal things. Success equals self love, self awareness and saying with conviction, I am me, I love me, in spite of life, I've done everything i could with what I've created for myself, I am awesome, let me show you. This is success. It is not some paltry life. This is you.

Just my two cents.

July 14, 2011

A couple of days ago one of my soul sisters told me Spirit suggested that I ask Erik to help me explore and develop OBE's and Astral travel. So I wrote this note in my Spirit Journal, "I would like to formally request help with experiencing astral travel and or an OBE in which I retain a conscious awareness. I don't know much about it, but I would like to request seeing and remembering. Even if it is to just look and wave at Erik, a guide or angel. I would like to explore this as an addition to my life from now on. I would like to expand my awareness of my multi-dimensionality on a continual basis. In the hope that it will allow me to share my experience with others in meaningful ways... " So it should be interesting. I am certain he got the message as I've been getting downloads on how to trigger a "wake-up" mid dream. It would seem that there are "trigger points" that the self or other spirits can insert into the gestalt of a dream scape to create a sudden awareness within the dream. This then presumably would lead to a lucid dream and then perhaps an Astral experience. Now as far as an OBE, we shall see... hmm... Very often before bed, Erik will come by and say good night, tonight he hollered at me that he was busy, but would stop by later. Well, I was woken up after midnight to some weird external objective sound in the room. I think it was a hello... I am not sure as Erik is fond of being silly. I am sure it was him though, because I then started seeing spirit lights and some plasma type images in the air mixing with shadow and what looked like partial body parts, ie. a torso, an arm. and movement back and forth. I was too tired to care frankly and promptly went back to sleep offering my apologies. But it made me think of "trigger points again". What if one way to have an OBE is via a trigger point. If upon hearing that Spirit contact, if I could have then dropped into an altered state between sleep and awake with conscious intent. Could it have helped facilitate an OBE. I thought to try, but opted for sleep instead..... 5:30am wake up call for work sucks.

July 11, 2011

Blog member Steve sent me this email / notes from the CE channeling session with Erik and Jamie from the Atlanta event. With his permission, I'll just post the entire email for your reading. ~J


From Steve,

"I wanted to share with you my notes from yesterday's channeling session with Erik. I'm sure I've missed some things, and I've paraphrased liberally here, but please feel free (Jamie and Elisa) to post this wherever you'd like, edit it, etc.

Saturday July 9, 2011 - Channeling Erik Trance Session (Jamie Butler)

Note - quotes are paraphrased.

"I am only here for Elisa." Erik and Elisa hugs, and they both release some big sobbing cries. (it briefly starts to rain hard outside). Everyone feels awkward as this is a private moment for Erik and Elisa. "That felt wonderful," says Elisa. (the rain stops and the sun comes out).

Erik - "When you die, you'll miss hugging someone you love. Nothing beats touch." Erik brings in some kleenex for everyone. "My mom raised me to be polite."

Question about monogamy - "created here for control. Greeks had it right. We went backwards with gay people."

For Steve - "New career will blend innovation with intuition. This job will get you to the next career.Your mom is keeping me from punking you, she's a control freak." (discussion about Steve's mom holding Erik back due to some other plan Steve's guides have for him so he's not distracted with paranormal activity right now).

Erik - "I'm on the learning curve. I knew that my work was on the other side. My contract - I help blog members. Everyone has contracts. God will only give you what you can handle - this is true, and things come TO you for a reason. What is free will verses destiny? They go hand in hand. Do you know that energy affects you? Your emotions control your thoughts. Thoughts/emotion produce energy which trigger your chakras to perform or not. Chakras resonate out and affect someone else in your energy field. Chakras put energy internally into your body and DNA. What was in my HEAD was stronger than myself. Destiny = lessons you want to learn on Earth. if you don't learn the lesson, it will come around again (note from Steve- and the lesson will be tougher each time). You will only attract what you can handle."

"Emotional being" sounds better than human being.

Elisa comments that the hug was exactly like when Erik was in human form (alive).

How to find your contracts! "Look at what is being blocked from you! See it as a lesson. Therapists are more fucked up than the people who see them. Find a life coach instead. This creates a "community" with you and them to helkp you find out who you really are."

Elisa asks, " what do you feel about Jamie?" "You could have found a dude!" says Erik. "I love teasing and frustrating her. She lets me be me. I have to work with Jamie to say the F-word. She doesn't want to get used to cussing so she won't slip up and say the F-word in front of her kids."

Erik was asked if he sometimes doesn't click with other mediums. "Yes. Sometimes the message isn't as accurate. Hard to get through and misinterpretation is frustrating. They could hear me say "bitches" and they repeat back "witches."

Steve asked about working with Robert and Erik said it was Robert's hesitation that was slowing that down from happening.

TV show - "My character/actor should act like me." (verses looking like Erik) "I saw mom filming me at the funeral home and it was surreal, she was so relaxed about it." Elisa responded that it was surreal for her, too.

Caylee Anthony - "She's upset about her mom's negligence." Margaret asked if someone was in the room and Erik responded, "He is."

Erik - "For communicating with loved ones, find something that links you to that person, hold it, and talk to them. Do it your way. Set a date and time, spirit will remember to join you. We even like to chat with you when you are zoned out in the car. We will not interfere with your destiny! If you ask for help, we will try to step in."

"When someone dies, they can communicate immediately after death - no need to wait. As spirits we see everything here on Earth clearly. We can divide ourselves easily and multitask. This comes naturally to us. How to cross into their dimension? That is what we were supposed to be talking about here!"

"We communicate wherever you are comfortable. Our voice are below the chatter in your brain (flying monkeys). Imagination and intuition share space. Imagine that green purse. Where is that in your mind? Out front? In your third eye? That's where imagination places things. When we communicate, it just pops into your head - that is intuition, not imagination. You have to try to imagine things, takes focus. Our communication show shows up, pops in."

"Here are some techniques to calm the physical body - mind/body/emotion:

1. Mentally, ignore the chatter in your brain

2. Emotionally, be in a nice place - a good feeling place.(we can't connect with you when you are steeped in negative emotions)

3. Physically, rock your body. Rocking your body for awhile (lying down or in a rocking chair) then stopping, relaxes your body.

Only then can we truly communicate with you."

"Aliens. Four races are interested in us. The "contract is about to end."

(note from Steve - this contract is the agreement of non-interference with our species since we've been here.)

The world is not ending in 2012. There will be weather changes -hunker down and learn to be self sustainable. One month of food and water would be wise to have on hand. We need to have secure households, create communities in your neighborhoods. Electrical grids will be blown out across the globe via magnetic shifts and solar flares in the near future."

"Beware of marketing. Before buying anything, listen to your heart and do your research. There's a lot of crap being marketed to us, constantly. We are bombarded with EMF fields, too, from our technology. In the spirit realm, we create energetic homes. "

Note - it starts to rain heavily outside of Jamie's studio now, and Erik spent some time answering some very personal questions from bloggers.

"Physical touch is something I miss in spirit. We don't have the stop action of hitting hard matter here. Passion is what drives us - take the direction in front of you. The easy path is not usually the best way. (paraphrasing liberally here)."

"The blog will grow - books, TV, more people will be involved."

Elisa and Erik hug again and cry, many kisses.

Erik departs and Maitland comes in through Jamie (9 year old girl who died in a car crash in Chicago in 1933). I forgot to take notes at this point.

have a great week everyone!


July 06, 2011

I don't have too much "Erik" stuff to share from the past month. A good chuck of it I spent on other spirits, other people, and channeling for others. I had several wonderful encounters with others and one exceedingly frustrating experience that sent me into a tail spin of progressive periodic bad attitudes, Spiritually speaking. Part of that I focused and projected at Erik. Kinda of a pouting, how could you have let this happen sort of thing. But not all was lost from my attitude so to speak. Like I've said elsewhere I did a lot of research, helped many people and tried to manage my personal life as I could.... albeit, I always seem to like doing things the hard way. ha ha..But the good thing about Erik is he just rolls with the punches and always comes back. He's got that never give up attitude.

Here is something from E today,

*Erik ---I was wondering if you had any message for me to share with people?

E to J___"Dude, why are you asking me? Did you connect like

you were suppose to? No. You don't need me to pass

on messages, you have plenty to do and say yourself.

Just be you."

*Well I know,

E to J____"Nope, just be you. Be who you wanna be. Be how YOU

wanna BE. And don't let anyone tell you different.

You know what you want, you think you- NEED, but,

you WANT. The thing is-- to figure out WHY. That'll

let you DO, then you can look back and figure out

HOW you did it. Share that. "