Can we end war and poverty

Q) --- Can we end war and poverty?

A) --- Yes and no. It's not the answer that you wish. When this question is frequently ask'd, what is implied is, "why am I living with this pain in a world that offends and hurts me, why did they do this to me, why are they doing this to each other".. The answer lays not in the "other, why, or the world". The answer lays in the "me", the I in spite-of the we. "Who are you, who am I with and without you". "Who are you with and with out me"? "Who are we together". These are the great questions that help answer your question. "Who can we be without the other. Who can be together"? It is when we play with focus we see most clearly. The point of view will illuminate where you should go. Because of the free will you were created under, because of your own soul's journey of self discovery, no one or thing will give you the answer you desire except for that which you create for yourself or with other souls. This is a great power of self creation. And to be aware of it and embrace it, in all it's facets is to create the resolution, create the cure to what troubles your soul.

I know you are not satisfied. This is good. It will drive you to create your answers. We will help you if you ask.