June 2011

June 21, 2011

I've had the fascinating experience of helping a CE blog reader explore past life clairvoyant vision that involves Erik. Finding out more about his past lives. Quite fascinating. I am not sure what I'll say about them yet. This was civil war era, and ww1 era lives. I think I'll wait to see what if anything the blog member wants to say about it. Then someday if I do write about it, I'll just change the names for privacy reasons.

June 13, 2011

Jason to the guides and Erik as a group:

J---"I wish motivation came in a bottle..... Every bottle I try only makes me want to sleep. I've been told, I've had problems with finishing what I start in past lives. My response was, "Hell, I can't even seem to get started".

Guides to Jason:

G---"You have to really want to start."

J---"But I am tired..."

G---"No, your scared. All you have to do is start, and keep trying."


G---"No butts"

J---"Heh heh, you said butt.."

G---"Yea, sometimes I want to kick it. If you don't get back up your gonna give your self a guilt trip and then we have to listen to you whine. It's not that you don't want to work, work for others, or work in your best interests it's that your tired, scared, burnt out, in pain, and don't want to look. All of which is fine, but know there will come a time, you want more again. And then you'll be right back here. You know what you should or shouldn't be doing, you just want us to tell you what to do, when to do it and how much. That's entirely up to you. Work on that and get back to us and we'll work on guiding you there".

J---"What if I just want to sleep and ignore everything?"

G---"You can do that as well, but you have to deal with what will come of it. Do you suppose to think you will have an effect-less life? There are consequences to inaction as well as action. You think your the first person who stewed over doing right by themselves and others? Think on it. There is always time. Past, Present, Future; but the best time might be now. Are you willing to find out?"

June 13, 2011On the C.E. Blog, Elisa mentioned some interesting Erik telepathy challenges. Clair audience. I wrote to her with some advice. Here is what I wrote.

"Hey Elisa,

You're having trouble "locking onto" Erik's voice because of two reasons.

1) It takes less energy for Spirit to use what's in your brain; to push their energy signature to you. You and Erik have very similar energy. There is no need to differentiate between "sound" as there is with those you do not know as well. I once had a very amusing conversation with my guide Roger, which often continues to present. When I asked him about him sometimes sounding like my audible voice, and other times not. His reply was, "Iv'e lived so many lives, it matters not. I can even be as a woman to you." He then proceeded to look and speak like a woman. Which really shocked me at the time. He then said, "I am your guide. I have been with you since birth. Why should I put forth the energy to come to you as you wish, when you are fully capable to come to us. You only have to hold your intention and your thoughts of me to your heart and I am there. Your doubt and perception of how I should be is not for me to overcome, but is something you must adjust. We here, hear always".

2) Erik is trying to get you to meet him halfway. Rather than keep the perception, the label, or the expectation of "sound" in your communication--intention; Simply surrender to a KNOWING that you are always connected. Hold a picture of him in your mind. Do not worry about how it looks. Picture him and incomplete though it may be... visualize his etheric light body in your mind. (*for me it looks like a white yellow silhouette and facial features) Just picture it as best you can and float it out and above your head within your minds eye, and speak [AT] it as if it was him. This is just a focusing tool.

Also you could try a mental technique I use. I call it the pregnant pause. It is also used by those who give speeches to an audience. While speaking "At" the mental projection and "Knowing" that the image is a real manifestation of the spirit. Knowing that by doing this you are meeting them half way. This is your minds eye viewing a manifestation of their etheric light body. Ok.

Now while speaking at the image, do not wait for a reply that "audibly sounds" like them. Know that you are so connected you need not wait for sound as in last life voice, you are so close you communicate by thought impression, pure feeling and instant thought. Speak at the image you project.

Speaking first; Not waiting, primes the pump. It creates the moment of energetic tension right before the water pours. It's the pregnant pause... the halted "ehhh" that you pass to their image. This "Ehh moment" is where the reply comes. Do not wait but for a brief pregnant pause. ie... "Hey Erik, what's up? I've been thinking of you.... [ehh]

(*You know that feeling when you are about to speak again, but your waiting for a reaction? That pause when your in the middle of or just about to speak, your about to say something....Your waiting for an audience to respond?) Well in that moment behave like the speech giver... Know that any reaction from the audience is their response. You have no idea how they will respond, but you accept it as them. You know it's them. But as a speech giver you respond and keep speaking no matter what or HOW audience feedback is given....

Erik's voice may or may not sound exactly like his old audible voice depending on what else he is doing at the time, how distracted he is or how much energy he puts into it. But it is Erik. Notice any subtle skin feelings while this is going on? Emotions? Mental images? Thoughts? It will help you determine who you are talking to during this.

So in parting. Know, that "quality of sound within the voice is not necessarily an indication of limitation, or personal short coming, but of energy and development.

Personally, The only time, Erik's voice Truly sounds exactly (in sound) like his past life voice is when I am alone, quiet, and "in the zone". Other times it is like your experience. Half and half, in and out. It's normal. Same with my guides....I will say though, no matter whether "their" voices use my "sound" or not; the wording, sentence structure is never like mine. Also, while I hear I almost always get a visual with it, or skin sensation. And they always match.

Just wanted to chime in and tell you there's nothing wrong with you. It's not about filter. It's about energy. You are doing great!


June 08, 2011Many people are worried about Erik being too busy to interact with them in a Spiritual way. They would like to ask him questions, or they seek advice, or desire help learning, or seek help with facilitating communication. Or they would just like his help in his capacity as guide, or some other assistance. While he is very busy he'd like to remind everyone that Spiritual communication is not bound by space time of our linear existence. That your thoughts will be heard; and that even if his focus or activities prevent an interaction with you, that your message will reach it's destination. You all have guides and angels who will step in and fulfill this role. No one is alone. Sometimes your intent may need to be examined in proper context. Which might explain communication problems. Remember a key aspect relating to guides and angels in our lives... "Speaking to one, is speaking to all". So if you are in need and worry about a Spiritual connection. DO NOT worry. You are heard... The universe wants to help you, Don't feed it your wants or you will want more... feed the universe what you know when you are in the moment of now and it will respond... Rather than lament what you desire....incorporate this want into a knowing, and the universe will move around you creating a new reality within your vibrational state of being.

June 05, 2011Erik quote:

"You are loved so much that you are given the family (physical & Spiritual) that you need not want. We give you time to work on you, before the return to us, The real return to you."

June 03, 2011Q & A w/ Erik:

"E- I feel weird, I feel weird about how I feel. It feels like I want to feel something I don't think I should feel."

Erik says, "Feeling stuck in the moment? Feel weird? Like you got this funky sense of embarrassment, shame, or uncertainty... almost like your letting some unknown force or person down? Your not being selfish in asking, 'what the hell'. . Your not being weak.. your doing what your suppose to. Question who you are. It's good. Your getting a peek at what your soul wants. You have plans, goals, you want to know things about yourself and grow from it.. You are fine. You will be fine. This is normal. Now go live in the now and embrace who you are. "

Q & A w/ Erik: Feelings of Spiritual awareness

"I sometimes have trouble with my feelings of association between my place in my spirit family and friends and my earthly family and friends. I wish the two could seamlessly mesh, but they can't due to things like distance, and 3D history. Never mind that in all cases I am precieving only a small fraction of reality, and who everyone really is. I know I need to really focus on me, not them. It's hard to juggle it all."

Erik says,

"Oh, Dude, Damn straight it's hard... It's damn hard... ha ha ... damn.. damn damn... (hand on mouth rolling w/ laughter)... OK, look, Damn is what I said when I started remembering... When you come back and realize just how much people are blind, blind living in their bodies, doin their thing. and Trying as hard as hell to remember what the hell they are suppose to be going through,,, and WHY,,, wtf! It's such a trip. And then you go; Oh yea, shit that was me! Damn.... Well, look, it's like this. The whole point you feel so disconnected is because in most cases it's supposed to be that way... You have to have it or your not going to immerse yourself enough to get out of it what you wanted! It's like a little kid.. right? Your a toddler. right? you wanna learn to walk, you wanna feed yourself, you want talk for yourself, you wanna know what's outside that front door. But all you do right now is shit yer pants.. (laughing).. Now you look to mamma and pappa, you look up to them, and you see them as some mysterious love beings that take care of all your needs... but you wanna just DO for yur self, Right? Ok, well are your parents gonna teach you, protect you, or let you on your own? Or are they gonna try to create a balance to help you learn, grow and protect you, so that you, you, can create the best you as possible?... Those little moments in the now, like pulling yourself up on the mantle or bookcase to take your first step, and what that feels like IS all about what life is! "

June 02, 2011"I can see all of you, I can know all of your thoughts, I've seen your actions, I've heard everything your mind, body, and soul puts out there. When we got re-acquainted I took the ole snap shot -right. You can still throw me though, I am not paying attention all the time, but, Right now I know you better than you know yourself. Stop worrying so much, You'll get there."
