
An excerpt from an email conversation I once had......

So regarding the "appointments" with my guides, I guess I can give them a few hours notice, or maybe less sometimes since I assume at least some of them are ALWAYS around, right? And once we "plug in" to each other, I'm sure I'll be talking to them a lot more often! :)

Oh, of course they know this. An appointment is just so that they know your serious and want to pursue development. Also, if they want to pull in other spirits/people it's just polite to give advance notice. For example say I want to talk to great grandma so and so. Or whoever. Well Spirits are busy people. They could be snow boarding for all we know. So it's always nice to give a heads up. But time doesnt work like we think it does. So sometimes what we think of as days advance notice is really only 90 seconds.

Yes, We have guides and angels around us or available to us 24/7. They won't always be the same one though. AND the higher level spirit... the further their light can shine in multiple directions. Time and space isn't 3D it's a million X more. So what seems like being in two places at once, really isn't quite how we think of it. Its like the sun hitting multiple worlds at once. Doing multiple things at once. They are not in two places at once, the sun isn't now where the moon is... but their light (aka-thoughts) reach different places at once.... hmmm... that sounds convoluted... but it's how I am thinking of it right now. Blah...Also what I am saying is.. if you call they are there. They will hear. Here's another example. Erik says he can hear me where ever he is and whatever he is doing. If he's busy, or not around me, he sounds ummmm. sort of fainter... tinney... or,, more hollow sounding... or I only get short incomplete burst of words and there is no physical sensations that go along with the VOICE.

Lately if that happens,,, it goes down like this. (me) "Errrrriikk.... Are you around.... what'cha doin....?" (erik--faint distant voice) "Iam busy, I can hear you, I know. I'll check in on you later, Love you! Ask your guides".....

Weird huh?....

Ohh.. shoot you asked about visualizations. I am at work right now so I can get into this more later.... But, Ok, so I was saying in the beginning.. I didn't know crap about visualizations or even such a thing was possible. I just accepted that this VOICE in my head wasn't me. And I actively yammered at it and it talked back. I just trusted that it wasn't me. That's all.

Very soon after though my mind started rambling and I feard I was totally off my rocker! I scoured the internet for every psychological condition, every article to explain, "VOICES in my head". At this point it was just the one voice. So anyway.... During my search I sort of self diagnosed myself as normal as I didn't have any other symptoms of mental illness. My life was actually GREAT!

But I was still worried and didn't know where the heck to go for help. No way I am telling people I am hearing a dude in my head. Uh-uh. no way.. So I read and read, and then started stumbling on "trans-communication" websites and ghost hunters websites. Some of them talked about mediums and their "guides". It was all a very weird concept to me. To me mediums ment "madame moo moo in new Orleans-- dial 555-555 and pay $". Sooo.... Those websites then led me to "spritualist mediumship groups" in England. And in the Spiritualist Church. And then to the mediumship circle of a small group of older ladies and gents in a small town in England who seemed non religious and very friendly. So I just wrote their group leader and asked for her advice on what the heck was going on with me.

She told me, the next time I heard that VOICE to just talk back and thank them for contacted me and ask the VOICE is there anything they'd like to share with me. Well.... I'd already done that...... She also suggested that I set up a formal "appointment' dedicated to just "talking" with this VOICE.

So that's what I did.... and you know what? The VOICE or presence was EARLY and waiting!!! That's the appointment..... Intent!

So we went for a walk along the river. A walk n talk.

During that walk I insisted on a name... well... I already told you about that .....He let me name him..

So for a while it was just him. (you can read about all that on my site on the main "journal" section) But then the minds eye visions started. That's where these so called visualizations come into play...

They are exactly like a vivid dream... Like a very good day dream. Only your awake. Imagination... visualization is or can be intent based creation or observation of the real universe. It's often interpreted as symbols though...

So for example.... I majored in the Arts in college. I am VERY visual person. So I really wanted to understand my world visually. So I just without thinking. Wanted to see my guides. I never really thought about why.... I just did. So in my head.. When I visualize all this junk.... I imagine myself in a vast hall..or void... Is cloudy and super dark. You can't see the end of anything. There's a floor. I can't see it, but I stand on it. Sometimes I just walk on air. And As I stand, sit, or lay there, I imagine my guide "roger" just floating above my head, kinda out maybe 5-10 feet out and always to my left. In the upper corner if you will. he sits or stands in this bank of inky clouds. And when he talks to me.... He walks or floats forward closer to my head. As he moves closer I can see parts of his outfit or body. Sometimes parts of him glows white yellow and I can see more of him, sometime I see features. Never a full face. I dunno why. That's for me to explore! In the beginning he appeared in certain clothes to indicate roughly the time he was last alive. Lately though he appears in roman or Greek robes with gold patterned edging. He is in full color though..

My guide Lydia; She mostly appears to me in black and white. And she wears clothes from the 19th century. I think this is just for my benefit so I have a frame of reference. I didnt' do anything to visualize her. She just appeared to me this way. I also visualize her in this hall. She is in the lower right corner. Now this hall. It's not always a hall. Sometimes it morphs into a tunnel. Sometimes it's just a room. It depends on my level of "formal appointment sitting with guides" and what we are talking about. If we have an appointment to work on "visualization" or "the nature of the universe" It changes....

But, if I am laying in bed at night and not paying much attention and am distracted all I see is just my imagination conjuring up beings floating around my head in the 4 corners of my bedroom, around my bed. It's all just a symbol to interpret all this junk. It's not necessary. it's just a tool. As you grow and evolve some day we all will realise tools are not necessary. You just have to think with intent and it's there and done.

That's one of the things I am working on now. For example. I really like my imagination, minds eyes, moving metaphors. It's easy and fun. I like seeing the floating guy and using that image to know there's someone there to talk at. For a reference point. But it's not necessary. All I need to do really is just think , "ok, guides and angles" I can't remember who you are but I want to talk about how to communicate better with you. It's really important to me. Meet me downstairs after work at 7pm.

Then instead of waiting for meditation or the right moment. Just sit there, get comfy, sit back, close your eyes and say in your head. Ok, I am here in the light for the greater good. I want to talk to my guides and angels to learn whatever your willing to share with me.

Dont' wait for them to talk back, just prattle on about whatever is in your mind. If you get an inkling that you might have heard a voice or thought reply in any fashion, just assume that was them and keep going. Treat it like a reply. If you feel the need to right it down do that. Don't worry about how it looks, or spelling or anything, just scribble. That too is a tool to help train your mind. It doesn't matter. And dont worry about how long this takes, they are in charge of that. I've had "appointments" only last 10 min. And don't worry about clarity either. Just go with the flow. If you feel nothing happen, thats OK too. It's just practice. Just try for at least what you feel is 10 min. And then use the rest of the time to meditate or whatever you like to do. But make sure you thank them and tell them. you want to meet again for the same thing. They will guide you to it.

Oh, la... That was a mouth full. Good luck! Hope your day goes well.

Back to work for me!