Seeing Energy

Q) When holding my hands in the traditional namaste greeting, palms together fingers pointing upward, I feel energy surge from the heart chakra through my hands up and out my fingertips. If you can see the body's energy I would be interested to know if you have ever seen this.


In a nutshell, such energy experiences can be viewed by the experiencer, as well as an observer. But how that appears and works can be widely different from each other.

This is because such experiences are perceived on a physical and a psychic mental level as well as perceptions of other aspects of one's energetic bodies.

On a physical level, sight or sensing will depend on how your brain interprets the electrical signals from the eyes cells. How the brain models this data is going to vary widely depending on context. How the eyes receive this data is going to depend on the arrangement of the cones and rods in your eyes. The visible range and cone types differ between species. In humans, most see r.g.b. with only two cone types.

Most invertebrates have trichomatic color vision. This is simply sight within a possible spectrum. In earth nature, that we know of, 12 different spectral receptor types are known of. What this means spiritually? I am not sure, but I believe it is possible for humans to pick up on more than what would normally be considered possible. Within human vision, it is estimated that the retina can pick up about 100 different gradations of light. Within that it is possible to see about 1 million different colors. Depending on brain processing these variations, it is possible to pick up on Spiritual reflection. Where and how the human eye evolves leaves room for probability of spiritual sight. It would seem this already exists and can be developed with practice. Although I am sure many would disagree.

More and other variations are possible, especially in women, or so it has been said. But it is more likely that one can alter the brain, signal, eye connection in such a way that perception is altered. When altered it creates an altered state of consciousness, or perception. This then is not just physical, but psychic or mental as well.

This combination of physical, mental and psychic creates and leads to energetic perceptions outside of the physical. Often described as vision, clairvoyance. These types of experiences are not necessarily limited to the inner imagination. But it can manifest in phsycial ways in so that your body processes inner vision with outer vision in a very real, yet subjective gestalt.

How all this appears to any given person can vary. This energy you speak can be channeled energy through chakras, or it can be movement within your aura or even interaction with one of your energetic bodies. This can appear as translucent static; shimmering waves; colored plasma; or soft fuzzy cloud; and more.

How you wish to develop this will depend on your expectations, beliefs, labels, and perception. Clarity often comes when one decides what one wishes to do with any such vision.