Prove it requests

Topic: Prove it or I wont believe you!

A: Short answer--

'I have no intention of seeking proof for anyone but myself. I am on a Spiritual journey and am simply putting the journey out there. All the best wishes on your own journey.' Is this selfish? Depends. Know thy self has many meanings. All my focus is on this. I feel it is the key to everything Spritual. I firmly believe everyone must discover Spirituality within themselves. A case of self discovered awareness.

B: Long answers --

I offer them because I am on a journey. A journey that has had many ups and downs. Over the course of which belief, faith, values and understanding has altered my perspective over time. Currently I subscribe to Metaphysical and Spiritualistic beliefs as it pertains to the Universe, the afterlife, and Spiritual communications. I believe that all of these interweave nicely with quantum physics. And I believe that we create our own realities through belief, intent, and practice. Thought=energy=reality. Subjective perspective correlates directly to objective reality. Thus, everyone's view point is valid and there is no right or wrong. It is not my place t change anyone's beliefs, nor confirm nor convince anyone of any so called truth. All I can do is present reality as I personally see it, and let the chips fall where they may.

Doubts and requests for validation:

Are probably one of the most asked about topics within Spiritual subjects. Be it Religion, Metaphysics, Paranormal, Spiritualism, or any other "ism" for that matter. And, throughout precieved human history the "burden of proof" has fallen to the individual seeking truth. Very often, esspeically in the beginning; This is a search that happens without and outside of themselves. Quite often they ask answers of others to "tell them", the nature of their reality. Most of the time this meets with less than satisfactory results. Why? Why is and why has proof of Spirit always been so subjective? It's because the nature of our reality is created by how we as individuals see self, and that which is around us. Our belief, perception, and awareness are all entangled with interactions of those around us. One also has to keep in mind what is proof to one person is preposterous to another. What is validation to one is nonsense to others. Society, cultures, communities, groups, and individuals all have differing perceptions of Spiritual terminology. Same goes for philosophical concepts. Free will, personality, evolutions, awareness, right and wrong, incarnate, dis-incarnate, the nature of life, the reason for life, the nature of the soul, afterlife, the interaction of emotion, the nature of thought, of consciousness. The list goes on and on. Then one has to be aware of how all of it interacts with observable cause and effect and what if any of it has on Spiritual experiences. Everyone processes, experiences, and precieves these at different rates and levels of being. What does it all mean to the individual? And thus what does the individual choose to do with this information as it applies to their life? How will what you do with that information effect your free will, other's free will, and societies free will?

The problem with asking for validation outside of one's self is that so often the person inquiring is assuming that others are on the same page with them. They are making value judgment of others state of beings, preceptions, awareness, education, understanding, beliefs, and emotions. Also they are giving away their self empowerment, free will, and ability to create their own reality. Giving away their personal power to define their reality. What really needs to happen is that the individual must look within themselves to truly precieve. And no one can do this for them. In this, there is no right or wrong, because by looking within oneself, and with careful examination one will always create a reality that is truly created within free will.

How do you know it's real?

The other day, and well, quite often I run across cometary or questions along the lines of, "How do you know that what you channel is real? How do you know these voices, visions, and experiences are not just some connection to your subconscious. A thought form, or (Gasp!) a "low level" entity.... How can you prove this all - in an empirical way?"

Aside from my inner childish desire to roll my eyes. I believe all this 200%, I've never had any doubt, but to those who already doubt, it's harder. I have no intention of proving anything. No more than anyone can "prove" any belief. See before you begin any such discussion, one must be aware of fuzzy terminology. One of these is "Proof". What is proof to one person is ridiculous to another. Is it objective, subjective? What is it's nature, meaning, and how does one apply the experience to how one lives life? Does any of it matter? All of this an many more must be kept in mind. What is the motivation of the experiences. What is the motivation of one who reads all this? Where is everyone coming from and where are they going. You want black and white, but are they even offering it?

So here's the thing. Yes, I personally feel I am a medium or at least a guy with a life time of mediumistic, paranormal, and spiritual experiences. But I don't make a living from it. I don't charge anyone. I don't push it down anyone's throat. I only am here to say, "this is how I see it" I was afraid, now I am not. Here's why....

I have no desire to offer proof, no desire to ask anyone to join me, no desire to change the world. I only want to discover what's in me and the universe around me. If you'd like to be apart of that journey-- awesome! If not, that's OK, I wish you well. I think the most important aspect to any Spiritual experience is to judge the messages within the experience, to see if it is useful to how we wish to live our lives. This is what I hope to accomplish. To discover Spirituality without fear on my own terms.


It's full of subjective emotion. But then I am pretty old school. The higher spirits don't give a whip about validation or answering your "will I get this job" questions. They are ONLY interested in moving you closer to your highest possible self. Fixing your life so that you advance in the hereafter. They want you to know, "There is no death.That life is eternal. And what you do here, the lessons you learn here, your perceptions alter the next part of the journey. You and me, and everyone else are Spirits on a hike through a cosmic video game. This is the Human level. Do you solve the puzzle and move to the next level? Or do you reload and try again?"

Note on subjective interpretation

"Thought backed by intent from a personal perspective creates reality"

It's interesting to note that science often states that those who experience anything mystical to be barking mad; those who are subject to hallucinations. Why is it OK to believe in a religion, but not the paranormal. Why is accepting the events of a religious text "real", but not a mystical experience. Everyone seems to call everyone else crazy. The scientist call the religious folk crazy, the religious folk call the paranormal folk crazy, and each of them call the scientist as crazy. And the crazy just want to be heard.

But really, It all comes down to Subjective interpretation.

All psychological and biological phenomena may be interpreted as visions, prophecies, premonitions, apparitions and inspiration (artistic or divine), depending on the experience rs' beliefs and those of their culture.

I say that much mystical phenomena of all types is real, and that it's 'origin', whatever 'it' may be uses or is manifested by interacting with us in a real world way. Be it biological, physiological, or physical. It's this interaction that creates reality and what we take from that, what we make of it, is what defines us as people.

The phenomena of Spiritualism consists of prophecy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, gift of tongues, laying on of hands, healing, visions, trance, apports, revelations, raps, levitation, automatic and independent writing and painting, photography, materialization, psychometry, direct and independent voice, and any other manifestation has the potential to give meaning into our lives and should not be tossed in the trash bin of mystical experiences.

Proof- vs. Free will,

A friend of mine recently started a discussion on the Divine providing proof of it’s existence. What would happen to the world if verifiable proof was universally demonstrated. It is actually a very common topic.

Subjective evidence of Divinity within objective experiences are all around us. It’s always been up to us to discover which perceptions serve our current beliefs there by creating awareness of ourselves and whatever path we choose. So much of our “what if’s” depend on personal belief creating our reality in an conscious or unconscious way. How one personally defines Spirit, and evidence will manifest proof or keep one looking for answers. How one views free will and the nature of the universes interacting within these perceptions would define cause and effect as we know it.

So obviously; life, personality, and free will survive death. And it is examples like those related to on the Channeling Erik web site that demonstrate Spirit’s free will. It's this free will that allows such manifestations of love to be experienced as personal proof! They try so hard to get us to see, to know, to remember. Will we try any less?