February 2013

February 2013

Yesterday (Jan 29), a colleague of mine from India reminded me of a message from one of my Teachers in Spirit. I found it very nice, because of the message on love. Sometimes, I get can get stuck in the mentality of daily life, mundane emotions, and dealing with physical pain... that I forget so much of where I'd rather be. So I found reading this to be very heart warming. A good reminder to me to focus on.

The message was:

Spiritual dedication:

"Surrendering to dedication is not about loss or giving up. It's about embracing the desire for one's greatest Love.

What one desires to love; What one does love; Is not the same thing. How one expresses Love is a telling tale on how life is lived. It permeates all experience and manifests in the lives of others around you.

True and pure love is not desired. It simply is, always. It is a state bliss that is arrived at through surrender. It is not gained, it is not struggled for, it is not fought for, it can not be forced, it can not come before, or after, nor will it arrive. So wait not for love. Just be love. Only through acceptance of the greatest good through the Spiritual advancement of all will you arrive to the highest perceptions of your experiences.

Remember this.

What you desire,

What you express,

What you love,

You will always be.

To hold on to this thought is dedication of the purity of Spirit."

My colleague then added the following channeled words of wisdom:


"You give stupid things importance because they boost your ego. Hence, you can't give love freely even though its in abundance, because love means giving yourself to the other person / event. Love means breaking a part of your self and sharing yourself with someone. "

And in the end, I get this sentence in Gujarati language: Daaman na chodti. which means that don't lose faith. (Visually, its like a child hanging on to the coat tails of the adult)(I don't know if you understand...)

Praying for new beginnings and positive endings....


Also, sending you a poem I Channeled:


For eons, I believed, that I had sinned,

I needed to be forgiven and I needed to ask for forgiveness.

And then I realized,

That there was no judgment, no punishment,

That all that I had gone through,

Was because of my own guilt and my need to punish my 'self'.

For years, I behaved like a victim,

Not knowing, that the bully was ME, my'self'.

And I moved in a circle,

Round and round,

Not stopping, not knowing,

A vicious circle of infinite lifetimes...


I suddenly saw the LIGHT, and the immense LOVE,

The power to set myself free,

I created as I spoke and,

I spoke as I created,


I now have the life I seek.

I connected myself with MY'SELF',

and I found GOD in ME."


Here is a recent paraphrase from my spooky gang. "Just because you don't think you're worth spending eternity with, and cant understand why anyone loves you, doesn't mean its true or that your not surrounded by those who think you're worth it. Your belief or lack of belief doesn't have anything to do with us."


Two of the biggest things Ive learned. 1). Life is about experience. Not learning. You can learn anywhere. Youre here to participate in an experience. 2). Who we are is the journey of consciousness asking questions. Whether we choose to answer with love, fear, chaos or balance is a choice. Ultimately our beliefs about how we feel drive our perceptions to generate more questions which creates reality


My freedom came not at the price I thought,

but at the willing cost,

seen value in my most worthless property.

Payments made, ownership surrendered,

what seemed inherent deed and right

purchased only comfort.

Freedom granted by what space,

by what service rendered

by what of my heart

I allowed my soul to own.


Life is full of contrasts. If you don't own where you are at you will always be presented with others absolutes. The most comforting thing will be realizing those truths aren't about you, but rather about how others see themselves through you.


It can be hard to look at and feel in the light of love lost. Memories remain with the aches of the reflections we saw in that love. What helps, is when I can find a spot to remember how I felt when I saw that reflection in their eyes. Maybe a moment in memory where there was laughter, where there was love. I found a moment looking into their eyes and it made me feel special. Then I try to hold that close until it feels like tears may come from squeezing my heart so hard around it. To remember that feeling as something that makes me more than I could be without them. I'd like to think that sort of thing is eternal and can always be counted on. Relied on to hold me up when I feel like I just can't go on anymore. I'd like to think that on some level they also keep that part of me. Kept and held until I can rejoin them, and by their embrace reclaim that light together, arm in arm.


Perspective isn't an attitude, but rather a certain point of view. ​Ponder not the glass, unaware of sight, light, or height.


Questions about life--musings on the process of experience:

Ideas are bound by words to describe feelings about something inherent to the human condition. These are often difficult to talk about because truth, surrounds perceived individual identities of a soul's personal experience. When we talk about feelings, we are often trying to express our individual beliefs, or take on some aspect of ourselves; some aspect of the human condition that we understand ourselves in; or that we are working to understand. It's not always happening on a conscious level. A lot of the time, difficulties arise because everyone's experience of the human condition is going to be different. Every experience will have infinitely different ideas tied to it, which flavor our expressions. So it's always a good idea to start any conversation with where you are coming from as it pertains to experience. That's why in sharing, it's always a good idea never to assume that others have the same beliefs or perceptions you do.

Given all these different approaches to experience, how do we come to terms with what does tie us to each other, and does such a thing exist? Yes, what exists is the intention of the energy you surround yourself with. It's all about view point. How do you see your self in any given moment. It's that view of your energy, the essence that is how you see yourself, that controls how you act, think and believe. It's that energy view that allows you to attract, repulse or create interactions with others. A lot of the time, manipulating and changing that energy simply takes you pausing long enough to ask questions about your self. Is this me? Is this who I am? What does this say about me?

Be it in love, lust, work, family, fun, resistance, or some other emotional state; Looking at how you see yourself can give you the impetus to change the direction of the movement of your life. By changing the momentum of the movements of your life, you can create open invitations for conversation. Either with yourself, or with other like minded individuals. It's these responses that allow for moment to moment connections with others. Leading to growth, learning, sharing, and even love.

No emotional state, state of life, relationship, or energetic state of being is permanent. Even at rest, it is about change. And change is always conditional to point of view, energy applied, and the direction of that energy's motion. Now this doesn't mean that life, emotion, relationships or state of being inevitably engenders separation, lack or some development into unwanted effects. It simply means that change is a natural progression, a momentum, that we use to understand, express, and learn from. Mostly about who we are in all that is. It is nothing to fear. In knowing while we change we still are. What we can count on are the moment to moment experiences we create as we seek to ask questions about ourselves. In asking who we are we naturally create direction for the movement of our lives. It's these one on one moments with ourselves or with others that will generate the most memorable emotional experiences with us. These form the ideas we seek to share with each other. It's intrinsic to the human condition.

These connections are never just limited to the blood of your kin, the inner circle of friends, nor the frame work of your job. When you change your perspective to include all that is. All that you share life with. All that you have shared with, past present and future, you open yourself up to the possibility of even more opportunity of change. Not just in contentment with your daily moments, but how you see yourself as a soul. You can experience these one on one sharing experiences with anyone if you open yourself up to anothers view. This openness is a kind of vulnerability of perception, putting who you are out there. But when you do, you allow yourself the chance to find new zones of comfort, in which connections of love, and new experiences can be made. Fear of not finding comfort, fear of not making connections is what keeps us from realizing and understanding that fear is pointless because we are all already connected, but for our illusions, our perceptions of exclusion we can not see them right now.

So life, in those moments we look within ourselves are really about finding our comfort zone with who we are in every moment. In that moment we can feel safe about putting ourselves, our energy out there to others. That sharing is what allows for experiencing love. It doesn't matter with who, when or how. It's really about us and our current state of being. Understanding that based on the questions we ask about ourselves. Never fear inner introspection. Never run from those who judge it. Simply look at them, look at you, and ask yourself, is this me? Is this the love I know I want or am capable of? The asking of that will guide your momentum every time.

This all is a process. Think of experience as a process. It's something that everyone contributes to. Something everyone goes through. There is not litness test for experience. No one way. No one path. But it's a movement surrounded by ever changing ideas, feelings, and experiences that is universal. As humans we often find it overwhelming and difficult to understand. Especially when we resist asking questions about our inner state of being. Who am I? Because of our human social natures we have a tendency to ask, "Who do you see me as? Who do you say I am? Who are you? and does who you are have anything to say about me. This generates a feedback loop in that personal energy, so that instead of sharing while going forward, you are always looking backwards or forwards. This two way duality creates worry. It's when we let go of what others think about us, and recognize that we are all in this together, but we are each unique to the process of life, we can embrace new questions about ourselves and our place in the world. This redirects our energy carrying our movement to more change. By looking within without worry while sharing that journey we project a pattern of Yes and no that will resonate with others on a one on one basis. This is positive ownership is a journey. It's what lets other connect with you that will resonate with your soul. It's what will create lasting memory. New ideas that form your identity.

Where ever your journey takes you, it's important to not only make eye contact with others along the way, but to consciously make it with yourself and your perception of life. Who are you now? How about now? What does how you feel about yourself now, say about you? Anything? If so, own it. If not, let it go....

While memories and feelings about your experiences have and can have huge effects with your body, quality of life, and future choices, they do not have to define how you see yourself. If you can change your view of those memories and feelings with how you see yourself now, you can change the momentum and direction of your life. By asking those important questions you can not only change the energy of the past, but you can create new one on one moments with your self perception, but in the moments you share with others.

Ultimately we are bound not by a state of being, a status-quo, a relationship, what society-someone else says about us, or who we are. We are bound by the perception of moment to moment points of view. This ever changing movement is the constant in the evolution of who we are as souls. It's what's at the root of creation, self creation, and understanding of who we are. Who am I? Who am I now, Who am I next to you? What does this moment say about me? Is this who I am and want to be? Is this what I capable of? Is this love? or is this fear? Who am I when I see myself in you, in the world around me? These questions will drive your actions to create ever better experiences. Both in the here and the hereafter. And remember, just because your not comfortable with the questions you pose or how you see yourself.....doesn't mean you have to have an answer or even be OK with that answer. That's ok too. That discomfort can lead to you coming up with new questions.

Lastly, it's important to remember that while our journeys are often hard. while they can be painful and hurt. If we can imagine, if we can visualize our highest possible self, in every one on one moment. If we can do this, we can feel compassion for ourselves and others born from sharing how we feel. If we can do this honestly without worry or fear, we can ask new questions about ourselves. Which will generate new directions for our energy to change. Change, love, and asking inner questions doesn't mean you have to ignore or snuff out what hurts, or is negative, or you are in pain. It only means that you allow yourself to feel compassion. It means you allow yourself a pause to imagine your highest self and empathy with others view of their journey. This comfort, or peace from sharing when on your journey will contribute to the process of understanding your experience. By changing the view of your experience you naturally and with ease change your capacity for life. It's this that replaces worry with hope. It's this that replaces fear with love. It's this energy that attracts the like energy of another, growing what could not evolve alone. Together we are so much more. Together we can find that comfort zone to ask new ever greater questions about who we are.


All of life pauses while we contemplate what we dive into.

Yet it will race to meet us only if we are brave enough to jump.

Fortunately I have you to talk me into it as I ponder the splash.


My sense of humor:

Its funny how vodka gives such passion to whatever is forefront in the heart. Even funnier is how if what remains, drives one not to drink, but to action. I try never to judge how another touches emotion. For I've found its more important to acknowledge feelings. If the only way, for now possible is through a substance, better to touch some release than to suffer in utter silence. Although, each is cancerous due to imbalance. The key is to consciously balance fear with action and self compassion. Then this will generate enough feeling to carry one forward into new exploration.


Individual discernment in mental (mediumship) communication is not always as easy as just posing a question. The ability to trust the thought in reply as being truth is not always easy. Fear, doubt, and un-certainty plays a role as the experience meets expectation. If any of these qualities are present, even should it be truth, I find it best to just put it aside for now. Although if what you get comes without doubt, hesitation, expectation or the desire to explain. It's a pretty good spot to see how the message resonates with you. When you can naturally accept this without resistance, back and forth communication will flow with ease.


One of the things I've learned over the years is that; There are a lot of beliefs out in the world. From Society, our cultural, economic, religious, spiritual, historical...it can have a tendency to not only form how we see the world around us, but impact our emotions. On the one hand engendering feelings of safety, belonging, authority, duty, place, right and wrong. And on the other hand generate feelings of guilt, shame, anger, worry, anxiety, fear. Actually, none of them really says anything about you or who you are. It is just a judgement over what you assume others are saying. Instead of feeling worry over a belief, or over supposed truth, better to ask your self; "who am i in this belief?" "Is it me?" "Does it feel like love or fear?" and "does that resonate and feel like how I see myself?" There is no right or wrong here. It is your choice. But ask yourself this. Does your belief right now, does this belief, help you live today? Better to do and live as how ever you see yourself than worry over what others believe. Form your understanding from your experience, and be open to new ones.

This includes feelings about our relationships. Our parent/ child roles. Our beliefs about duty, obligation, responsibility, charity, compassion, and service. And it includes things like the concept of Karma, reincarnation, and spirituality.

One thing Erik taught me, and which I've come to believe is that Karma is more about the degree of or the focus we give on a soul level to attachments or how we self identify with emotional experience. And it's not about tit for tat based on a right or wrong belief systems or world view. It's about the balance of emotional energy within experience. But it's not something that is judged, or commanded by a deity or universal system of laws. It's driven by the focus and identification our soul puts on feelings from our experiences. And that is driven by how well we come to understand the in's and out's of our experiences. And that is always a choice.

Elisa once told me that I can only be held responsible for how I react to my own emotions. And Erik has always told me that other people shit doesn't have to be mine. The key in this is to ask questions about yourself and your situation and then have the bravery to be honest with how you see yourself, and accept it by looking it right in the eye and saying, 'this is me, this isn't me' and letting that drive you to the next step.

This holds true in the hereafter as well. Now while you may have made a pre life contract to experience something in life. To be a caregiver, to receive an experience. You do not have to repeat that experience unless after focusing on it, you feel there is something in it that you can identify with, something that says who you are, something you can heal, create, or serve another out of love. It's perfectly acceptable and valid to look at our experiences on both sides of the veil and say, No. This is not me. I am not fear, I am not pain. I am not negative. This is not the love I see myself in. I love you dear one, but our journey must part. I was once told that many people come into our lives but for a moment, a season, sometimes a lifetime. But our relationships that last are the ones we can look at with shared loved and without expectation create new experiences of our choosing.


A philosophy or idea on guides.

See. OK. Now i am willing to be wrong, but i strongly have always felt that guides get as much out of helping us ad we get from their help. I believe that the degree and proportion of their ability to interact with us is proportional to our own experience. That we are often dealing with a partnership of equals, or comrades in experience. And that what we think as some sort of hierarchical scheme of authority, duty and separation is really a group or team effort on both sides of the veil.


I firmly believe our tears are like diamonds.

In the night they are like light that guide our way.

Gems in the fabric of our being. The more deeply felt, the brighter they shine.


I was par-oozing some online blogs and noticed your question, which as synchronicity would have it, I noticed another mediums web site had the following.


Connect to family & friends in the Afterlife... yourself 4 easy steps:

1. Think of the person you want. Think of good times, or why you miss them. You need an emotional memory

2. Imagine they are beside you, now. TALK TO THEM in your head, or out loud. Don't worry if you think it's all imagined. Just talk as if they were beside you now.


4. Immediately write down anything you get without thinking, judging, evaluating, or hesitation. Then put it away, and go do something else. Do this for 3 weeks once a day and then re-read what you wrote down. See how you feel about it.

I added my own #4 to it. It's something Erik has had people here do from time to time. What you get could come across as a feeling, a physical sensation, a mental image, a memory, song lyrics, thoughts-words, mental leaps of association, smells, even sound. A lot of any of it could come across as highly symbolic in nature, or as feeling.

In general most of our loved ones don't have specific messages for us, other than to let us know they are with us, they love us, and life and their soul's -- who they are, are forever. As are we. And that there will never be any real separation.

There are so many ways of approaching, receiving, and communicating with our loved ones in Spirit. It really depends on who you want to connect with and why. Know your intentions and be honest about your expectations and beliefs. You can find techniques listed online, in books, etc., but my number one advice is to go slow, take your time and find something that makes you comfortable. Something that doesn't feel fearful, doesn't give you anxiety, or worry, something that is enjoyable. And stick with that for a period of time, recording your experience. Then look back and see how you feel about it. Don't get discouraged if what you experience doesn't meet your expectations because it's often hard to sort through what we do or don't want, due to our beliefs or level of emotion. It's all about the process. Erik once told me, 'if you open your heart to what's possible, the weight of your subjective experience will become your objective reality.'


People always say great things will come your way. Ive never believed that. Ive always felt great things come from doing what feels like joy, love, and what feels like U......everything else is just fruitless worry


Discernment is never easy, even in the seemingly clearest vision. It's not that what is viewed is not clear, but it's how we view our perspective that is fuzzy.


Humanity is not a race or species. It is a state of being. We come here not for ourselves, for others, or for cause, but to experience. Who are we. In everything, all that is, who I am I? Just for today, ....I am choosing love. No judgement. No expectation. No worry. No doubt. One moment.one focus. One thought. What feels like love? The in's and outs of that quest is the journey. Using 'my version of humanity' is a state of being.

Whats your humanity like? Who are you? Who am I with you? I think if we can open ourselves up to sharing each others, Humanity, we can find not only compassion for each other but ultimately ourselves. We are all here together on our journey's.


How does the sun rise in heaven,

when all I see is your face?

How do I find myself

when every last thought is of you?

I Ponder.

I lust for escape,

for hungered passion

upon empty plates,

and thirsty cups

full of sated desire.

But for the numbness of drink,

and the blindness of solitude.

It comforts me not.

Where do such dreams take me?

They fixate me on the star

that is your fantasy.

The mad dream,

that I should embrace.

A dream so insane

it fills me with blind terror.

A madness so deep,

it will never break.

So far utterly lost,

my only ship is the siren call.

The promise that beyond me,

is more.

That it be where you lay,

and there I shall find you.

So I steer this ship,

though the waves hold me a bay,

and pray for stars to guide me.

Your light.

Your gaze.

Your breath upon the wind,

fills my soul.


It's never the mode of death, the experience or any event that sticks with us, but our emotional state of being. It's not even really our thoughts as these are strung together in a series of A to Z, and back again, but rather it's how we feel about our self perception as we take in experiences of similar states of being. Most of the time in life we can not see who we are let alone what we are in whatever moment we are in. And so when we look at those we love and have lost, we loose track of where they are as well. And What we focus on is something that is illusionary, and false. It's a false assignment of state of being to experience and assumption of thought. When really that's not what happened or what is going on at all. We are never just this life, or it's experiences.


I never really know about dreams anymore. I really don't remember them unless they are vivid, and then I Always, know they are lucid then. Then the ones where I half wake up and then have a really lucid one, and then immediately am wide awake and write it down on my cell text, and then can seemingly dive back in or babble to the boys. That doesn't happen too often, but I think they are defiantly more communication than a lucid dream.

So that happened last night after waking up around 12:30 to pee.

So I am dozing, or snoozing and then suddenly I start having this lucid dream. Where I am with 2 or 3 other people, but I can't really see them, and I don't know who they are, and it doesn't really concern or bother me. I am in this big room, kind of like an old fashioned library, but an institutional one. Maybe from the 1800's. High ceilings, tables in the middle. Big ass tall windows, lots of filtered light, strangely enough, there was electric overhead light from some source. The lower walls were wood paneled painted white, with open shelving, big compartments. Way way up along the ceiling were little cupboards. Almost like the hideous ones from the 50's in my kitchen. You know the old style ones that you stuff china in and never look at, cause it's so high up and nothing modern really fits in them, and you totally forgot what's in them... yeah. like that. The shelves were covered in books.

Anyway, suddenly I realized I was part of a bomb squad. And we were using these bee keeping smoke canisters to cover the walls, books, and cupboards in search of bombs. As if somehow the smoke would magically reveal something bad. Weird.. I know.

Anyway, So I am up on a ladder, and I open this cupboard in the corner. And crammed in the back hidden was full of crap my mother had stashed there. There was Wadded up letters of mine she had dug out of trash, a voodoo doll, jewelry my brother stole from me to buy drugs, some of my mom's family heirloom or knickknacks, and my brother and mine's baby books.

All of a sudden I had this overwhelming sensation of shock, horror, anger, rage, betrayal, vengeance and pain. And I grabbed the letters and contemplated burning them like she used to burn my stuff in the bbq and leave me the ashes. And I grabbed the jewelry, and I looked at her nicknacks, which were some old beer stein, and some sort of container, and I thought how good it would feel to smash them. And The baby books. Joshua's was thin and little, and mine was fat and full of shit. Like photos, news clippings, writing, fabric, baby hair, baby teeth.. weird shit. I look at it in disgust and revulsion.

Now the voodoo doll was mine. She never saw it. I got two of them from a friend in college who on vacation went to new Orleans. They were black stained straw, twisted and covered with fabric, painted faces, gris gris bag, and stick pens. Total tourist trash mind you. In the mid 90's mind you this was the height of the grunge/punk era of my life, I was a in pain post traumatic stress atheist and I thought they were disrespectful, cool, shocking crap that would be fun to hang in my college room with some goofy candles and feathers and junk. Anything I could do to flip off my mothers religious beliefs I was all for. Anyway, and for some odd reason, as some sort of weird joke, I am sure to freak out my friends I put a cutting of my hair in the gris gris bag and stuffed pins in it. I guess it was me subconsciously expressing my self loathing. And it makes sense I would remember this in the dream, because my baby books had hair in them. I found my self mentally cursing my mother and imaging how good it would feel to grab the baby books, rip pages out of them and write in it over the photos... YOU FAILED BITCH!

I was feeling so weird, and horrified by this point, at the images, at what was going through my mind, I felt so sad, disturbed, and upset, and I roused out of it and everything was gone........

Seeing those feelings only made me sad and ashamed and sigh..........

I then asked if Eric was available. Asked him if I could I have a hug. And he came and hugged me and said he was always available, and I focused on Eric, trying to make the visuals be gone. I looked at him. His hair and smile and sort of wanted to just bawl from all the crappy emotions, And I said to him, I don't want to feel like this. I need to forgive them, let go of that anger and hurt and forgive myself for it and my reactions like anger, rage and shame. My reactions to finding them. My shock, betrayal, anger, vengeance, and how it carries over to today. Lack of trust, in those around me. Trying to protect myself from pain. I thought about how my mom and brother, How they'd never been to our house and prob wont ever... i was glad.

...and i said to him. I don't want to feel this any more, how do i let this go?. Almost pleading

And he showed me a image of him kneeling in my garden. The image zoomed down close up to his hands near the ground, palms open, together, with open hands full of dirt, spilling through his fingers. And a plant was growing out of the dirt.......and he said "you don't bury it. You plant the seeds of change and tend them as they grow. Pick off the bugs, throw them out, harvest the fruits, and watch what blooms"

Then I saw a field of sun flowers turned to the sun. He said "follow the light". Then he stood up and I saw my guide Earl standing with a hoe in my raised bed. I tired to hug eric with thanks, but he turned into a sunflower, And I bounced back on the garden path....and so I then went up to earl and said, "Do I try to hug you?" And he said, "I am just a scarecrow." And then I said, "what am I?" And he said,"the cowardly lion". And then Eric stepped up behind me said, "I am the tin man". And then Nikki showed up as Dorthy and with her dog boomer and then earl said, "shall we keep going down the yellow brick road?" And then we all took off dancing down the road.

Then I woke out of it, rolled over feeling a ton better, and Eric told me to go back to sleep and I did.


I know some people in the recent past have felt somewhat uncomfortable with Erik M's raw rough language and unapologetic use of terms and labels others would deem offensive. I have to say that on a soul level who he is, is so much more than the "perception" of his "last life projected" persona or personality as it comes across in transcripts on a blog. What I mean by that is that many times what he says, doesn't say or the way he says it is a by product of A) a written transcript with a medium B) context and perceived context is always in the eye of the beholder C) many times he says things to drive discussion, examination of feelings, and exploration of a topic D) On a soul level, he is very much in touch with lives he's had as the other gender, ages, sexualities, races, and cultures. So as he talks, he can really own the labels he uses, and how it comes across and is perceived is not always reflective of his greater reality. I'll give you a recent example. There was an odd transcript of him using the term queer, fag, etc. He wasn't being rude or crude or insensitive. He's been gay before in other lives, both male and female. He was doing it deliberately to drive conversation.


The other morning Nikki's son Eric was around for his usual 20-30 min before my commute and I remember asking him if he had a party or any big thing to celebrate the anniversary of his return to heaven, so to speak.... And he commented that no, that wasn't his personality. That for him, it's not really about having an event or a time based remembrance, but more to just be with those he loves, give himself or connect to those who need it, want it. He said, so much of the time I am really curious what little mundane thing he is doing, but it's really hard from them to conceptually relate that because their focus is not limited to one body one life, one eye view. It's about energetically connecting with those you've shared with and being in each others awareness. A lot of this for him really is about being connected to what we perceive as our day to day lives, only we don't notice because of our linear, one body, one life, one eyeball focus. It's like, when your one the other side, your way of thinking is a 180 or the opposite of how humans think. That's why sensitive people, mediums, and a lot of what people think of as mental illness is so hard, is because those people are connecting to a part of that 180 other perception, but because of their body and brain, they can't fully engage it, and move back and forth, and that filter makes it seem bonkers. So some people just shut it off (doubt, denial), some people shut it down (fear, beliefs), and some people go nuts, and some end it all. But yeah, one of the best places to be is when we open ourselves up to possibility, and don't worry about it and just accept, but the trick is to not obsess and let it keep us from living and interacting with others.