Does happiness = higher vibrational energy. does happy and successful life always mean or equal a high spiritual vibration

-Q) Does happiness = higher vibrational energy. does happy and successful life always mean or equal a high spiritual vibration.

A--No. Spiritual vibration is about the speed of which your personalities spiritual energy moves within the 3D dimensionality of a particular existence, which can be of a variable spectrum. These energy fields or bodies can be effected by emotion and thought, but the labels of good, bad, or success do not apply. There have been in the course of perceived human history, extremely evolved Spirits living "seemingly" wretched lives. Success is a value judgement of the lower ego, often made without context of full Spiritual knowledge. Happiness is point of view and perception of the personality living a life chosen for certain reasons that may or may not have anything to do with others value judgements. It totally depends on the self judgement of the personality within their point of view and awareness of their place within their souls ultimate reality. Those in Spirit feel the full range of emotions from love to fear just as the incarnate. The difference is in Spiritual focus and awareness of context. Look to the past masters of earth to see examples. Did not Jesus cry? Did not Buddha fear? Did not Vishnu anger? Did not any of them express the "seeming" other than happiness? So to express and live within any emotion is not an indication of Spiritual emotion. Rather ones awareness of possibilities, probabilities, and options within any given experience is the indication of Spiritual evolution. This is worthy of happiness. To achieve such awareness is to allow the transcendence of vibrational states of being. Do not worry for your place. Be happy, you will find ever greater awareness.