Feb 2011

Feb. 28, 2011

Feb. 28, 2010

Weekend pouperi, mish-mash, and silliness. An email exchange:


Jason to Robert

Had an exaughsting weekend.

Work, family, Spirit, reading, education, communications, then my Reiki classes and channeling classes.

I feel like I need a vacation from ill precieved lucid realities of the multiverse that seem to be infringing on my innocent quest to kill myself via frozen cookie dough! I feel like I need a year in comatose state of being to regroup... I feel so frickn weary. Just weary. Just overwhelmed, and over worked. I guess.

S and E cheered me up some yesterday. And then in the even. we went out with family for a birthday dinner. Italian food.Today I've just been doing laundry. Reading Seth's book, and a book on mediumship Which of course doesn't help with being overwhelmed with heaviness. HA! All that in depth metaphysical creating your reality stuff.

E & Jill watched part of the Oscars with us. Jill liked the clothes. Erik and me made fun of some of it. Then we watched that cable show, "Being human". E watched some of it with me. There was one part of the show about ghosts. Erik commented some about similarities to what he's gone through or experienced. At one point I asked him to grab my hand. And I felt his energy wrap around it just like a hand. Not so much pressure, but it felt as if the air got thicker. Kinda like the pressure of sticking your hand in water, but without the wet (of course).

I ate way to much last night. I made us baked chicken salads, and then before bed I promptly had lucky charms and pop tarts!

This morning, someone woke me up with tapping on the wall at 4am. I told them to knock it off and let me sleep till 5:30. From what I understand that after Rem sleep we often leave the body for the astral planes to be with our friends and family and to live other experiences, and learn, ect. and then when we get back, as far as I understand our friends and family often "walk us home" so to speak. Well for me, sometimes, "they" wake me up for chit-chat or just to say hi or goodbye. Weird I know. But from what I've read and experienced. It happens all the time. Not much else has been going on. I saw online that someone was asking "us" to prove to him that the spirit world and communications were real. So I wrote a little article to pre-pare my response should anyone ask me directly. Not much going on other wise. It was 6 degrees at the bus stop!


S. to Jason

I was sensing him and Jill too. Jill (Jack's Angel/guide) does her usual chiming in on what's best for Jack. And lately i have had images of a medieval English Abbey. It's part of images I've been getting for a few days now. I'll be honest my feeling is that we did. I'm not sure if we lived there because our parents were servants or because our parents owned the place. I was stunned to notice that the image of us in a bedroom just the other day. The white pajama's and twin beds with a candle on a little table between the beds. Also the exterior of the building was so clear. I feel that it has to be an image sent from Jill. i think this is the next piece of my puzzle.


Jason to S.

HAH AHHH!!! Your so right on spot. That's hysterical that you just mentioned this. Here is what I said to Robert last night!!! I am certain the two visions are connected.

oh. ps. I had another past life vision of you and me. You were some kinda of long black robes or something. Some kind of religious place. Not sure. But I was your secretary. You were kinda of a slave driver. I took your notes, wrote and answered your letters, kept your records, made you food and kept up after you. I carried on through your old age. You were super cranky and demanding. ha ha... I think it was some kinda of cloistered life. Cause I saw all this within groups of buildings the whole time. Funny... You were practically blind at the end. all squinty


S. to Jason

One more separate thing.... You ate Lucky Charms and Pop Tarts?!?!! For shame. That is so naughty... Bad. Bad. Bad.


Jason to S.

Erik liked it. He was grunting!


S. to Jason

Oh that's grown up. Blame your evil twin.


Jason to S.

Haha ha! "Hear that Erik--- I TOLD you,, you are the bad one! ha ha... MOM.... He's touching me!"

Just watch out. Stay away from the booger flicking and loogies!


S. to Jason

Yeah tattle on him! Erik. That is so gross!! For some reason I feel in cahoots with Erik... It's like is Jason whining and tattling again?!?! God!


Feb. 25, 2011

Thought you might enjoy this email exchange. Erik suggested I show you to demonstrate "vision is not a state of empty mind, but one of filling it with the tools you already have" and thus-then interacting with it. This stuff happens all the time and can happen for you as well.

It is an exchange between my soul sister and friend/ce blog member Sharon, Erik, Jillian, Emily, and I, this morning.


Want a good Giggle???

4 messages


Jason wrote:

Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 9:05 AM

Hey, if you want a good giggle.... ask Erik to clairvoyently show you

his "floaties" from the "waves of love" CE blog members sent him. I've

been teasing him endlessly since yesterday and he's been good enough

to play along with me. Some of the pool toys even squeek!

This morning we had a snow fight with forts and everything. Emily made

a snow man with carrot horns and a stick hand flipping off traffic. ha


Erik had a snow troll with big boobies lobbing snow balls at me.


Sharon Wrote:

Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 9:41 AM

the floaties I see are yellow ducks...

Jill has been generous with her visions lately. She showed me a baseball pitcher last night.. That would be -------- grandfather. very cool! She showed him in black and white winding up. It was really cool. I asked why and then it hit me.

Also, I think the person that showed up yesterday was --------Uncle----- . Still not my final answer... I will ask again. I am not going to think too hard on this one. When I think I get the wrong answer. I'm going to feel my way around.--


Jason Wrote:

Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 9:47 AM

YESS!!! RUBBER DUCKIES!! ha ha .... AWESOME!!! He was beating me on

the head with them!! ha ha ha


Sharon Wrote:

Lol..This is all part of the process. I saw them immediately but still thought I needed to go some place quiet and ask him.. I did and immediately realized I mess things up when I think too hard. The answers are right there.

Feb. 24, 2011

Today's Channeling Erik blog post was on Expectations and Intent and Manifestations.

Which brought to mind a conversation I had with a friend the other day in regards to "Full 3D color Spirit Materialization's".

Now, for context-She channels Erik and Jillian as well and we were discussing shared experiences.

She said to me, "Just thinking back when Jill spoke to you via direct voice and back to the times when you got the physical hugs. Do you still think about those things and hope that It'll happen again real soon?"

My response in light of today CE blog post was quite telling as it pertains to my own expectations and perceptions.

I replied, "yes and no... What I mean by that is that I feel my clairvoyant vision and mental speech is so real to me that it is as familiar and comforting to me as talking to you on the phone is. That world to me is just as real as this 3D one. And all I have to do for interaction is think of them and talk to the visualization that brings up in my mind. That sounds weird. Cause I feel the clairvoyance and clairaudience is fairly reliable and much of the time I know what to expect. But the physical manifestations to me are rare and unknown. And so far they are not something I feel I can rely on. For example. I was once on the phone with Erik and Robert.(Erik speaking to both of us clairaudiently). I told Erik that if I ever saw him in 3D in a full color solid materialization that I would most likely become so overwhelmed with excitement and a desire for a hug that I would attempt to run at him. His response, was that I would just run right through him to the floor. So while those physical manifestations are extremely exciting, awesome, amazing, and I love them so very much, I feel sort of helpless with them. But yea. I do think about them all the time and I don't hope they will happen again, I know and expect it. Ok. that's prob. a bit pushy and inappropriate, but I feel I have a right to my Spirit family... ..

Right?? ha ha...Erik's pulling on my ear as I type this... too funny.. I love the goof..

My friend's response to these sentiments was: She said, "Lol! He had my ear too.. Ha! He's got us both by the ears. There's an image. It's my left ear. Now as I touch my ear it's burning.

I can tell you've put a lot of thought in to seeing a full manifestation. I feel a little different. I want to have all the experiences. Especially the overwhelming ones. And I would like to just stare. The hug I'd be fine without."

So then I read today's CE post above, And it just really brought home that we are all at widely different spots in our perceptions, but that we can really help each other along.

Feb. 23, 2011

Erik says:

"Creative force, imagination, feeling, belief, and intent create reality. Take all this - combine & begin to talk to the visualizations of your mind. Accept, let go & give into it. Want it, know it, feel it. Do not expect a certain outcome, but trust communication of some sort will happen. If you can't channel yourself; how can you ever channel others. Spirit uses our mind, and inner soul, imagination, feeling, belief, and visual centers in all it's forms to communicate. Do you believe it? Then it's true. What do you wish? Faith, Love, Trust, Acceptance, Know the soul and Love!"

On a lighter note. Think the spirit world doesn't take an intrest in your daily life. Think again! Yesterday I made home made chilli. Erik complained that it wasn't spicey enough and that I didn't put enough cheese on top, and that my crackers tasted stale....

Feb. 22, 2011

A CE blog member asked the following:

February 21, 2011 at 10:18 PM

I’ve been wondering something. I don’t know whether this is one for Erik, but are we as humans supposed to achieve an advanced state of spiritual and/or energetic awareness? Let me try and break this down. We come here to learn lessons, work on our issues, and gain more understanding through the experience of being human and having a physical body. Well, if we become completely spiritually aware, completely open up our energetic bodies, and shed many of our human limitations, doesn’t that sort of mess up the whole earthly experiment? Aren’t we supposed to have those limitations in place in order to truly learn from being human on Earth? Am I making any sense?



Elisa says:

February 22, 2011 at 10:13 AM

I had the same thoughts, Dina. I guess if we get to that place where we can open up our energetic awareness and we understand enough to do so, then we’re beyond the usual lessons. And I’m sure if we’re not ready, if we still have much more to learn in this whole earthly experience, we’ll find it nearly impossible to open up.


My reply:

Hi guys, ok. as I was reading, Erik piped into my head and replied with:

Erik Says,

“The only thing we are ‘supposed’ to do is live life, experience it and grow from our experience. Same goes for the human race. We evolve as a group, consciously, unconsciously, as interconnected organizations. Individually we have goals, plans, desires, loves, dislikes, dreams, hopes; remember personality survives. Same goes for the race as a whole. All of this is about growing within the parameters of free will. There is no ‘suppose to’ other than what you set for yourself. That’s why it’s so important not to just live life for just yourself, but to interact with each other for the greater good. That way your creating what’s ‘supposed to be’ for you and humanity and earth. You create you and you co create human and earth evolution. Where do you want to go, the sky is the limit. We are not so much beyond a lesson as opposed to learning what we can from every possible experience that we wish to understand and know. So opening up to the highest possible potential of your soul is not so much about cracking open a shell of the human body, but more about self defining what you want to experience. And by reconnecting with your highest self and spirit you can remember that which is your highest potential. And by realizing this, realizing humanity’s highest potential. Life, Spirit, past, future, light, dark, the universe, the Divine; It’s all about understanding our highest emotional self, state of being, spirituality. Emotional and Spiritual awareness is the highest form of Communication in the universe. We learn about this through all of the possible experiences we wish to have in the successive incarnations of our existences on and on until we master ourselves. So a human limitation is simply a tool to achieve the experience of mastering this. Once we master one aspect of ourselves, we and society evolve to enable tools to continue on to the next experiences so then we are able to experience and understand another part of ourselves. Moving on ever higher to the greatest manifestation of ourselves. Even if your not ready you can still try. Try for yourself, try for others. Help each other reach for creating ever better understandings of themselves and Spirit.”

Feb. 22, 2011

Hope everyone is doing very well at the end of this February. Here in the upper Midwest it is still all about the weather. Snow and Ice. In fact, this past weekend we got almost 2 additional feet of snow.

I recently bought an Amazon Kindle and have been enjoying getting reading material for it. One book I read this weekend was on Contacting your Spirit guides and Angels. I thought it might offer some useful tips. But it was an odd amalgamation of stuff widely available online through various sites. Eventually I hope to create a wide range of material on contacting and connecting with guides and channeling and post it online. That's one of the things I am currently working on. Gathering up material for that.

On another note; I am still in the middle of Reiki lessons and practice. I have a Reiki journal of sorts in my "musings" section on this site. Additionally I and a Spirit Erik brought to me, in combination with my guides are now having dedicated weekly trance and automatic writing practice and lessons. I will have my 3rd week of this, this week. I intend to do this indefinitely for as long as life situations allow it. This is also a separate journal in my 'musings' section, although I am a bit behind in posting records of this. In the near future I have a friend who lives close to me, we will be working together as well. So I eventually plan to have 2 session every week or two.

Lastly I am working with a few people on learning to channel. It's a slow and interesting process because everyone is so very different. It's great experience though because I can see what works for some, doesn't work for others, ect. I've also been in communication with a few people who asked for Erik facilitation.

Now on to the Erik and the "gang" front as it pertains to me personally.

Erik says' he's been learning some dance moves from Micheal Jackson and Fred Astaire.... mmm... This was via 2 other people and myself. 2 visions and one clairaudient speech. Kinda funny.. My reaction was pure sarcasm though..

I said,

"So Erik has some new dance moves??

But Iam not so sure its smooth moves or

"BAD".. or "SMOOTH CRIMINAL"... babumba! "

So this weekend I was upstairs trying to take a nap. When I felt Erik's presence. That warm buzzing facial tingle on my ear and temple. I said to him in my mind, "Hey buddy, what's up?". And I pictured him in my head, and tossed him a football. He said, "nothing much, just seeing how you are". And I didn't really have anything to say, so I just visualized tossing him the ball. We interact this way sometimes for fun. I really suck at sports but I like playing them. But in my mind's eye, in vision. I can be good at them. So Erik and I start running around and Andy stops in. I feel the warm nose forehead tingle that for me means him. And we toss the ball to him too. I asked him how he felt about this past weekend. And he said, you are doing great. It's just gonna take time and you trusting in yourself. Then the game digressed into Erik tackling Andy for the ball and I opened my eyes and let it drift away. It was very brief and not very clear, but it was clear what the visualization was about and the interaction felt real to me.

Erik and I did this last Friday as well, Erik and I often play games in my minds eyes. Erik and I played Ice-skates vs/ hockey skates. Funny thing about these games; They were first initiated by my guide Lydia as a way for me to practice interaction. Erik has a far far greater ability to control manifestations, but by watching what he does I am learning. He shows me him in a hockey outfit with a stick. And he puts me in a "blades of glory" ice skating outfit. I laugh and turn it pink just to go along. I flip him off with the finger and make like I am going to race him. I turn to Chris and told him to hold my mittens. He gives me this shocked look. I turn back to Erik and say, "one two three go" and we take off racing. The whole point of this is to harass each other while being competitive. I try to manifest obstacles and crash Erik into them as well as win the race. It inevitably turns against me with a snowball to the face, unless he lets me win. There is a ton more; But that's the gist.

He's also taken to tickling my feet. It's funny. I'll try as hard as I can to not flinch or move, or laugh. But he's gotten really good at it. Sometimes, I'll see his energy manifest in the room as a fuzzy air human shape and he'll try to sneak up on me. It's another game, I'll try my best to ignore him and he'll pander for attention and entertain me if I am in a funky mood. He pulls the same kind of junk with Robert and Sharon. He's been trying to get Robert to eat out and gain some weight after being in the hospital so long.

Feb. 16, 2011

Yesterday's funny Erik moment was an interactive waking vision of chasing E. around with Reiki balls and trying to blast him with them. This was on the way to the bus stop this morning. I would then do visualizations of hiding my higher self in my minds' eye behind a black box in an attempt keep him from reading my mind and so I could sneak up on him and smack him with a energy ball. Finally I cornered him with 4 giant balls and let him have it! They blasted him all over with goo and it was all foamy messy goodness. I put a cherry on top of his head and said, there ya go! All better! And he replied with a dry, "I let you win"..... I then called him a name. And he then proceeded to tease me saying that I have emotional buttons on my head. like a robot. One button for "freak-out"; One button for "tears"; one button for "drama" and one button for "screaming queen" and then he said I have a dial on my butt for volume! And then he smacked me on the side of the head as if he was pressing all the buttons at once!!!!

what oh what am I to do???!! I told him it was his job to let me win. That he had to be nice to me or else!! hee heee.... I love visualization play with Erik.... It's so much fun!!!

Feb. 14, 2011

Of course my Erik interactions go on. Some of it I've been posting on the Channeling Erik blog and some of it I am behind in. Some of it involves other people and needs to remain private. On a light hearted note though; Either my abilitiy to sense Spirit energy has increased or his ability to manipulate it has increased. For the 2nd time in a week, I've felt him not only in contact ie, hugs, hands, arms, but tickeling, playing with hair. And It is much much more solid feeling than before. Always before with one exception there was just the buzz heat tingle of energy. Now there is pressure.

Feb. 02, 2011

Thoughts and Spirit communication:

"Thoughts are things. When you think about the process of thought, what do you think of? What does the process entail? Does your thought contain words, sentence structures? Does it entail feelings? Is it combined with single images, moving images, or are the words you think about intertwined with moving scenes in all stages of color. Upon a thought, does your mind leap from association to association until you wonder why you arrived at what you did? Is all of this mixed? Are you aware of these, as an experience that you can guide, control or interact with? Thoughts are things. If you believe this, you can interact with thoughts. You can guide them with active intent. You can direct them through intent to alter your body and influence the world and environment around you. This is an act of creation. You can visualize all of these processes within the waking dream, the day dream, the imagination. The imagination can become a path to Spirit communication, a palate of interaction. It is a realm of Spirit. "The term "divine inspiration" is not new. The term, I saw it in a vision is not new. The events unfolded from my mind. I see what you mean." These terms frequently encompass all of these manifestations of thought. Do you really see? Or are you limiting what you see based on preconditioned judgments, perspectives and beliefs. If you can approach the belief and idea, the thought, that thoughts and imagination can be induced by, influenced by, and interacted with on a Spiritual level; then you might come to feel that it is possible. If you feel it might be possible, then you might become aware of a manifestation of Spirit. That awareness of the possibility is a thought. That thought is a thing. Acceptance of that is a possibility that will engender more probabilities. It's a key. It is a key to communication. A key you always had. The trick with the lock is; Is the lock for you? Do you want it to be. Or will you unlock it and seek not only your thoughts but those that are Spirit?" -- C.E. Angels

Feb. 02, 2011

Andy, Erik, Jillian, and Emily came to me last night as I sat in bed reading emails. Andy was wearing green/beige ripped up shorts to the knees. A hard rock band print shirt. I want to say it was all black except for the print was silverish. It was either metalica or Kiss. He was also wearing converse high-top shoes and a ball cap. They all sat on my bed, in my minds eye, and instead of emails my vision switched over and all I saw was them extremely clearly. They all wanted to talk to me about helping me develop. They talked about using CE blog members as a mediumship circle to practice channeling and to develop Spirit for others to see.

And I am kinda floored in regard to Andy. He comes in very clear to my minds eye. And there was no difficultly in hearing his conversation in my mind. My gut tells me there is a lot more going on. I don't know if this is because Erik brought him to me or if he truly is an eternal friend and relation to Erik. Because of that I trust him and felt very comfortable and safe in his presence. He was extremely calm and gentle. None of my guides or teachers batted a eye at anything amiss or said nay. I felt his connection on my skin. It was a tight tingling pressure and warmth from the center of the top of my head, down my forehead to my nose. Weird -huh...

With Iola's help I've started a Andy, Erik and Iola journal. I am gonna keep it private for now. But with my guides urging I am going to use this as means to develop automatic writing along with Reieki and my regular Erik/ guide channeling. I'll call it the A & E Iola file.

Feb. 01, 2011

Andy was not done visiting with me either. All afternoon he and Erik teased me and laughed. Erik said to me that he came to introduce Andy "to his goon little brother". (me!) I was floored.

But they were not done yet.

Feb. 01, 2011

Yesterdays image came back to me. I was sitting at work. I read on the blog that Andrew was CE Blog member Iola's son. At that moment my vision blanked out and I SAW Erik and the same guy leaning on a jeep. I about crapped my pants when I saw the guys profile photo on facebook. It was EXACTLY him. Just like I SAW; He had a very short brown beard, brown hair, roundish face, skull cap, green shirt and suspenders, torn up jeans and combat boots. They were leaning against a jeep and talking about bikes vs hot rods. Erik was laughing and said I looked like I swallowed a gold fish or something. At first I didn't believe it cause I thought, woh, who's the hot guy with Erik?! And I thought, nahhh.... I am just imagining it... But nope. It was Andrew. Erik said they were buddies.

Feb. 01, 2011

Yesterday a channeling Erik blog member asked about a young man with Erik, in whom both came to visit her. She asked who it was. I distinctly hear the word Andrew. I felt I could see more, but I didn't want to. But the image came anyway. I kept seeing a guy with brown short cliped hair, a beard and a cap, jeans, suspenders and a shirt. But I blew the image away. I didn't know who it was.