Spirit personality

Can Spirits personality's change over time? How can they seem different through various mediums?

I was emailing someone the other day and the person was surprised at a Spirit's reaction to something that appeared out of character with their personality when they were last alive. I can totally understand this reaction. It is a very common one, especially if one is new to the ideas reincarnation, Spiritualist ideas, after life investigations. Even more so if they have a lot of doubts as to the continuance of life after death.

It just brings to mind something else. Mediumship in general, or any Spiritual communication for that matter. What never ever ceases to amaze me are mediums mental filters and how spirit information can change over time due not only to those filters and their growth over time and circumstance, but do to our evolution and the evolution and progress of spirits. I mean so many people think that when a spirit passes over that the will then remain the same as the knew in life. While the personality for the most part does remain, they remember, grow evolve and gain new awareness.

But that on one hand shocks and dismays people but on the other hand amazes and discourages them...they think...oh..how can i compare...but you see, the thing about life is, hands on experience with intensity is by far a greater teacher than anything available in the Spirit world. The capacity and ability given to us with this tool called life enables focus of such magnitude that what to us seems trifle and insignificant, on a soul level is monumental, in depth, hands on experience. It is the way to truly know and understand something. By going through that experience you can rocket far ahead of a spirit in the path to understanding. They may see more right now, but you will have lived through it and understand it in an emotional feeling way, that is just not possible in Spirit.

That is why in life, a person may long for death and hate life, but when returned to the remembrance of Spirit, they again long for life. For the chance again to grow and evolve on that intense level.