Erik Vision

---Q) How much does Erik focus on our personalities (our current life)-solely, as opposed to all of the personalities and higherself- all at once, in a gestalt? What does such a focus or view look like? Is it dream like or distorted or how does he experience that?

A) -- "Jason, I know you better than you can remember of yourself. Remember I know everything you know, and everything you can't remember. And no I am not going to tell it all to you. Go live your life, finish it, and then we'll shoot the shit. Ok, so you wanna know what you look like to me? I see all of you, crystal clear as if I am standing in front of you with high def glasses on. Now that's not to say I do that or others do that. A lot of the time it's only your energy that is viewed. But think of it this way. You know how you can drive a car, talk on the cell phone, and look at map, and scream at the dog in the back seat? All at once? Think about what percentage of your brain handles each of those, and to what percent does that come across your conscious vision? 50%? , 25%? less? for each thing? Well, to an aware, fully reconnected Spirit, they see all of that at 100 or even 200%. All at once. If we want to of course. It's all about focus with intent within your need. Stop worrying if we see you when you don't want it. You think this shit you go through is who you are? You think this life defines you? Really? might wanna remind yourself that there is way more going on that you realize."

June 2, 2011 at 8:34 am

"I can see all of you, I can know all of your thoughts, I've seen your actions, I've heard everything your mind, body, and soul puts out there. When we got re-acquainted I took the ole snap shot -right. You can still throw me though, I am not paying attention all the time, but, Right now I know you better than you know yourself. Stop worrying so much, You'll get there."
