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Now first off we should examine your intent. Why do you wish to experience spiritual travel and communications? Curiosity? Amusement? Guidance? Communication? Evolving your soul? Intent will make ALL the difference in your outcomes. If you are interested in learning to communicate with your guides, Angels, and friends and family in Spirit; or; have more spiritual travel experiences you will need to learn how to work with your personal energy for protection. If you do not, you either have to connect to higher spiritual sources or risk picking up on lower vibrational Spirit emanations or interaction.

Now, we need to talk about the minds eye. The minds eye is the inner visualization that the clairvoyant see's when interacting with Spirit. It is created by Spirits and Our imagination interacting through our heart, throat, 3rd eye, and crown chakras. This interaction creates the interactive communications. It can be initiated by Spirit or us. It is also where we go and what we see through when we consciously astral travel. It is like we are observing from a stand point away from what we are observing.

You can read here about how I channel:

The articles I've written are in the left side of the page. In the far left frame is my sites navigation. Each section is a mini blog of sorts, with archives in the right frames.

But basically this is the basics of how I start any communication or travel with Spirit:

I feel you might want to consider this or something similar when you desire to OBE or astral travel.

- 1) I say aloud or in my head, I state my intent. I say, "I would like to connect to my guides, Angels, loved ones, and higher spirit; those who are with me for the greater good, in the light; for guidance and communication. I want to thank you for helping me in whatever way Spirit see best for the greater good". "I'd like to ask you all to help me 'ground, center, cleanse, shield and connect to higher spirit for the purpose of..........[insert intent]....

2) Next; I visualize beings of light. It doesn't matter one bit what they look like, or who exactly they are. Just trust that they are the Spirits you just mentioned. Close your eyes and picture them in a space out in front of your forehead. A little bit above you. Know that even though it may seem 'just your imagination' trust and have faith that it is more. Spirit after all has to work with our brain and body. So what you help co-create in your mind is what they will work with. So I know that what I visualize will be them. And so I hold that image and talk to it.

3) Third; Everyone (human) body is an electromagnetic quantum machine. And everyone is unique, thus everyone receives communication a bit differently. So, that said, communication can come in the form of: Impression, feelings, intuition, words, sentences, sounds, smells, vision, symbols, moving imagery, physical touches, physical 3d manifestations, and more! I simply trust that what ever I receive is not just me, and I write it down. It is a record of my journey-as well....

4) Fourth; Before I start talking and seeking communication, visuals, or experiences, I work with my personal energy. I'll describe what I do.... There are many many techniques for this type of thing. There is no right or wrong, but rather it's all about "Setting your intent" Once set: you broadcast your boundaries, and your guides and angels know what's what.

I sit or stand or lay down. I visualize roots growing from the bottom of my feet and plunging down into the ground. I picture energy down there. It looks earthy, and cool and brown colors. I visualize it coming up from the ground into my feet and slowing traveling up my legs to my pelvis (root chakra). As it hits that area of my body; I picture it spinning around it and it keeps traveling up. As it hits my stomach it spins some more; As it hits my heart is spins; as it hits my throat it spins, and it hits my forehead it spins; finally it hits my scalp and spins.... Then I picture myself in my head standing there under a cloudy sky.

I look up and visualize the clouds parting. I imagine the light of heaven coming down. It not only bathes me in white golden light all over; as it hits each of those chakra points it fills them with light.... all the way down to my feet. This is higher Spirit. Know it and hold on to it.

5) Fifth; Shielding.... Visualize yourself standing. Close your eyes and just picture yourself standing there under the light. Now picture yourself surrounded by a bubble that you can't see out of. It is solid, hard, and full of glowing white light. Like a mom's white bed sheets drying in the warm summer sun. Next visualize a bubble over that. The bubble is see-through and spinning... except that the out surface of the bubble is reflective like a mirror.... And KNOW that any low level emotion or spiritual emanation that comes at you will bounce back off it away from you.

6) Lastly, if you seek communication; Visualize whom you wish to talk to and speak at the picture. If you seek Spiritual Travel, Re-affirm your intent to do so and ASK your guides and Angels to be with you, guide you, protect you and help you for the greater good.


OK,.... Now... If you wish to meet your guides or Angels..... They wish to communicate with those who are capable of doing so on a conscious level...

I find it helpful to make an appointment to do so. This tells them that you are serious.

In your head... picture beings of light.. And say to them..... I wish to meet you for learning to communicate for the greater good and communication/guidance....... I will meet you on such and such a date, and such and such a time for 30 min.....

And at that time, Sit and picture them and say to the image.... I am here.... please help me learn to communicate...... Sit and think of them for 5-10 min.... You might get visuals, skin sensations, you might sense a presence... you might hear something... You might feel stuff... if you are like me... .suddenly thoughts will pop into your head almost as if you are thinking, or talking to yourself, but they will not use your words, or sentence structure.... Trust that it is them.... immediately talk back to them this way... They have to use your brain, so a lot of the time they will use your thoughts and voice because it takes less energy... but they will not feel like you and there will very often be mental imagery with the voice..... Over time and practice the voice will sound nothing like yours... When Spirit talks to me; I frequently get visuals of all types and skin sensations with the words. It just totally depends..... Much of Spirit communication is highly symbolic. and emotional... So for example, when I asked one of my guides for their name... they showed me an image of a lotus flower, a crane, and flexed arm.... symbolizing blooming beauty, longevity, and strength of spirit.... Later I learned her name was Elizabeth... But that's beside the point.... the point is to NOT make judgements or apply labels... Just experience....

If you should not get anything right away, that's OK too... Quite after 15 min. and thank them,, and say that you will meet them again tomorrow at the same time...Make sure to write down your experience and think about it for later review.