Raising Vibrations


Every so often I have conversations with people about the Spiritual term "Vibration". It's a term in may Spiritual traditions that is tossed around like so much salad, but people really don't know what's in it. I frequently hear it used in the phrases such as, "I need, I am, I have, I should have". I don't really think that's especially helpful in understanding one's place in the universe nor one's state of being.

There are multiple things to think about when approaching the matter. One is that of Dimensionality. What plane of existence does one gravitate to or primarily reside in. Also, from where do you operate from. Personally, I don't think that anyone in this era of human history can or will ever fully understand or be able to measure this. We are talking about the inner nature of sub atomic make up, the world between inner spaces. Although, how you perceive any of this, will have some impact on your experiences. Most of the time, this comes into play outside of physicality.

The main thing to keep in mind about vibration is that it's more about a mental and emotional state of being. Your thoughts, actions, and emotions carry or have a certain quality of energy. What you focus on, builds such energy and manifests it. Thought and emotional always come before physical action even if you are not aware of it.

In matters of Spiritual communication, I often hear people lament that they have, a low vibration. Or that, 'if only they could raise their vibration'. But I am not sure if they know what that means per say. A low vibrational state is simply actualizing the focus of a fear related emotion with such completeness that it defines your thoughts, and feelings. It is NOT bad or wrong per say, but it is somewhat limiting in that it forces you to spin with to eye of the storm so that you can look within a calm spot to re-evaluate who you are. It's sort of like walking through thick Smoke or swimming in an oil slick . They cling and choke. It doesn't stop Spirits from knowing where your at, or touching you, but it hinders you seeing them, your surroundings and yourself. With a few exceptions no one can get you out of it unless you ask.

How to get out and calm the storms? Let say this spirit stuff didn't exist. How would you fix an emotional crisis? Therapies, intensive emotional introspection and taking care of yourself. Then throw in the spiritual communication stuff and its still a ton of hard work. There is no magic wishing involved other than the focus of intent that drives you to mental or physical action. To get to and from the land of oz you can either ride out life's storms, or you build your shoes, balloon, or you seek to understand and use your inner magic.

What else can it mean?

What does the term/saying, "Raise your vibrations", Mean?? Who am I and how do I advance my Spirit?

-Your casual every day thoughts become your life's intention- (who you are)

*A purposeful aim; your most secret wish and desire; your judgments; your fears; your wold view; your unconscious; your minds endless chatter.

-How does what you are doing affect other living beings? Harming? Benefiting? or are you full of apathy?

-How does what you are doing affect the planet?

-Every intention to improve yourself takes practice, repetition, and is a life long daily struggle.

Vibration is another fuzzy Spiritual term. It means different things to different people depending on who one talks to and in context.

In Spiritualism, this refers to the rate at which the atomic structures of the soul move. The higher the vibration the faster the various energy components move. It is intended that the faster the movement the more ethereal and refined the Spirit. A high level Spirit. A Spirit of high moral, spiritual, “good” being. They become more rarefied and less dense. Able to transcend higher and higher spiritual dimensions. The lower the vibration the slower the various energy components move. They become more and more dense. It is believed to describe spiritual beings of lesser or less evolved state. Confined to lower dimensions including the incarnate earth physical reality. The denser the vibration the closer to physical matter it becomes.

The lowering or increasing of these energy components is called ‘transubstantiation’. When those from the afterlife- want to materialize, they have to lower the swirling of the atoms to bring the swirling of the atom to the same speed as the earth’s. ‘Through transubstantiation, an object or a person/afterlife intelligence could materialize or dematerialize. De-materialization is NOT dissolution. A de-materialized object or entity would be invisible and intangible. But it would be no less real than it was. The object would simply have changed in substance to become super-physical.’

Raising vibration entails living life with positive emotion. To live with mindful purpose, moving ever more to whom and what you think your higher self is. This is to be mindful that the effects you desire are from causes of a more perfect nature causing ever higher/spiritual effects.

There are tons and tons of mystical, spiritual, and metaphysical opinions and advice on the matter. Just look at peoples links. But there is a great deal of agreement out there. Raising vibration can come from meditation, light work, prayer, good works, change in attitudes, love, all the positive emotions, but basically it boils down to putting into practice one’s active intent to change ones life for the better. A change of personal perspective. It’s really not about mystical mumbo jumbo.