April 2012

April 30, 2012

From my friends and colleuges,

Chis (Bristol Spirit Lodge) and FC (spirit guide) [I thought their idea of spreading this topic a good one]


Words From FC ---

"People often feel controlled by circumstances which they feel no power to resist. The fear of death, you see, holds people into situations from which they feel they cannot escape. When this happens there are many whose actions adversely affect others of…ummm..let us say…of peaceful mind…, those of peaceful mind then become upset, angry and hurt”.

What are we supposed to do FC when things go bad like that?

“There is no ‘supposed to do’ my dear, but rather I would suggest that you learn to feel nothing but love within yourself. Allow others to experience their lives as they themselves choose and allow your own life to continue in your chosen manner. You, my dear lady, chose to feel hurt on behalf of your friend. This is unnecessary, for your friend has his own experience and there is no need for you to share it. By choosing to share part of his experience you then chose to share your hurt with a friend, who then also chose to feel hurt. Be selfish my dears, be selfish.”

Does that mean I shouldn’t care about people getting hurt by others?

“No, my dear. I am suggesting only that you do not cause hurt to become further spread. There is surely no need on your part to visit nor share links to a web site that is filled with words that bring hurt others? Do not take part! Be selfish! Yourself, you type, take care always when selecting the words you use. Do not send negativity into the world or negativity of mind shall become your own by choice."

April 26, 2012

Random thoughts:

When the anxiety over what should be done, overcomes the ability to take action on what could be desired, it's time to let go of what you would do and and focus on what you can do at this moment. Beyond that lays procrastination, worry, doubt, fear, and self judgement. It's not that you have to have every step planned or even understood, it's that you actively put yourself in the process of the first step with good intention. Even if you find yourself saying, I've done all I can for today, but I did the best I could, you should allow yourself some peace with the knowledge that you can do it again tomorrow. It is pointless worry about yesterday or the future when you haven't mastered today. Once you are comfortable with what you can do today, you will be able to add to that without worry. That's not to say this is easy. Often the hardest thing one can achieve is comfort in a singular action in a space of a moment. But living with anxiety over a string of unexplored moments can be much harder. Better to let go of what you can not touch today, and focus on what is right before you. Something I often struggle with.


Waiting without joy, is the discomfort of hesitation, anxiousness, weary with worried apathy. If you find yourself with feelings of lackluster desire, simply ask yourself, am I giving myself permission to enjoy my current state? Can I be OK with where I am at? What about this feeling is making me uncomfortable?

Sometimes, it's our inner emotions, how we feel about ourselves stemming from what we believe about ourselves or the world. Other times it's because we desire, we want, but we are not willing to do what it takes to achieve them. And yet, many times it is because we are looking everywhere but at what is right in front of us because what is in front of us doesn't feel so good. So we dis-identify with what is us and around us for something that seems better. But what is better never happens until we transform ourselves and attract to us the reflection we project outward. This convoluted inner self work is some of the most significant life purpose we could ever engage in. It is worth it to realize just how on the edge of remembering our true selves we really are. And that edge is not out there someday, it's right here, right now. All it takes is asking a question, "who am I". The leap from the edge doesn't have to be scary if you remember you can fly, you just have to grow your wings. That takes experience. The joy of your own flight can be yours, you just have to say yes to you.

April 18, 2012

People may wonder what sorts of daily conversations I have with some of the channeling Erik community and what it is exactly we all do..... Well, we explore ourselves. Our feelings, beliefs, and spiritual junk. For example. Here is a snippet of an email conversation:

(via email)

You know.,

I was recently, a few weeks ago, discussing with a friend something I'd not really given much thought to.

She said to me;

"I think you are still in a fear mode an feel that if you give back that you will be protecting yourself. That is not how things work."

At first I was all,

"huh? Nah... I dunno what your talking about.",.... so I putzed around... Then I sort of looked at her mail again, thought about it...

and I had this thought...

"huh....When I was little, we,.... no not, (we)... I thought one went to church, got saved, toed the line, so that we wouldn't burn in hell. They went on and on and on about God's love this, Jesus love that, and yet,... for me; All I could think about was fear of punishment. While I DID have this missionary zeal (at points), and deep community attachment, I can look back and honestly say there wasn't much lovey doevey attachment. Nothing like I have with those associated with the CE crowd and the boys at all. I mean, I certainly didn't feel, "Gee Jesus.. save me from my sins, cause I love you to death".. I thought, oh I better beg and grovel for forgiveness, cause I am bad, evil and gonna burn. I never felt any unconditional love one way or another. Weird... I never really thought of it until now...And then when all that went away or I was kicked out and I left it, there was none of that. I thought I was safe in the void of nothing. This was it. Then when the scary paranormal shit started happening, I think a part of me, thought I was being punished. That I deserved it. (if I wasn't crazy that is). (although my former church / religion would agree and say I am still damned with all you readers).. ha ha..I do think a part of me still feels this sense of deep obligation, duty, responsibility, or I dunno. Like I owe someone or something. Almost as if Erik rescued me from evil and so I maybe owe him. Or I dunno. it's all so foggy and fucked up still. And until you said something just a bit ago, I'd never really thought about what was behind my intensive drive to explore all this. I wonder if I really do have the lingering fear that if I don't keep going as fast as I can, as hard as I can, that I will somehow leave myself open to the scary shit again, or worse, abandonment."

My friend (who also has Spirit communication) then wrote back to me saying,

"well, as you know, a lot of what I type comes from the boys. I think you need to truly stop doing things because of obligation. PERIOD. The product that is generated under those conditions lacks the love you are capable of giving. Just enjoy for a while. If you want to hang out with the gang, then do so. I think the answers and rewards will start flowing at a rate you never thought possible....and I think you feel better. I don't doubt that your pain is something you agreed to, but sometimes the joy, love the freedom to just be..overrides that pain. Just give it a shot for the weekend. I am here ALWAYS so are the guys. Don't worry about writing or documenting; if you email it fine."

I thought to myself.... hmmm... just writing all that out felt really damn good!, strangely enough, my back started feeling a lot better after typing that. huh....Like a huge release......although I still don't like the thought of not doing right by loved ones. ya ya ya.. I know I know... read what I fukin write. blah blah..haha... joking! I responded to her then;

"Your right, I do get into these moods where I feel like I have to be everything to everyone, or I am letting them down, I feel guilt. Sherry has told me this too. I've got this thing where I feel I don't deserve healing or oh I dunno casual enjoyment? I feel like I am sinning or something. Like if I cant fix you, or help you fix you, make make it all better that I've failed. Or that because I can't remember the what's, who's, and hows of interactions with the boys, that I will somehow fail them. Or not be able to do something, I've agreed to but can't remember. You know, like dropping the ball. So I have to race and try to remember and do everything I can think of so that doesn't happen, even though I don' t know what that is. Memo people, wheres the memo?! lol,, ha ha....I guess I do fear that I'll kak, and then be greeted by Eric and have him go, ummm you forgot this or that... or You failed me or look at all these people you neglected, it's your fault. Do over!" (giggling)

That said, Something Erik and Robert taught me once.

When you run into an feeling you don't like, look that beast in the eye.... And see if you what you feel, what you think you believe about yourself is really you or not. If it is? and you feel comfortable with it. Then just let it go. But if it still causes you discomfort, try the best you can to grab it by the horns and say, 'you are not me', I am sooo much more, F-U! and then walk knowing you are doing what you can to keep taking another step in the direction you want to go!

April 17, 2012

This week while participating in some of the discussions in the Channeling Erik thread comments, I had a very nice CE blog reader who was kind enough to express her concern with channeling, techniques, teaching, learning, and Spirit communication in general in regards to conscious and unconscious interaction with potential physical and psychological harm, risks, and the potential for suicide as well as perhaps doing a disservice to those seeking Spirit. She mentioned a book as well as other insight for such concern. It is not my place to criticize another author or another's journey. Each to their own, as to where their own heart leads them.

I never feel the format of a public forum is a very good place to explore such topics, feelings and situations. Such concerns within a circumstance is very individualistic and dependent on the give and take from both observation points. To those who approach Spirit communication with fear, entertainment, or idle curiosity, I would advise "no active communication" without a great deal of education and guidance with others to address emotional and spiritual issues. As like attracts like. To those who struggle with mental conditions and who partake in substance abuse, I would offer the same advice. But; That does not mean that one can not utilize spiritual communication, or education, but rather that I would not recommend Active individual two way communication. That said, There are many, many individual situations where the choice to engage with Spirit and the non-physical or to remain connected or reconnect with the non-physical aspects of the physical life were/ was made pre-life as a choice; In addition to the myriad of psycho-social psychic, and psychological pre-life and current incarnational choices.

In such cases, (and I was such); The dice was cast and avoidance is no longer a choice. The choices that remain are to explore, learn, and master with and through love or fear. There are many past life, inter-life, spiritual and karmic cause and effect issues that influence or are influencing these life experiences. But what remains is that the aspect of the soul that is living this incarnation has co-created an experience that needs to be dealt with. As such each each personality living with this is not alone. They are never alone. And in such situations, such people who have been guided to me or I to them, have been done so because of my own Spirit team or theirs or by mutual agreement on the soul level. I would encourage people to view my journals, links, channeled material, and disclaimer and then make their own evaluation of their own path based on what rings true to their own heart.

I do not engage in correspondence or interaction with others for whatever reason lightly. I do not participate in any divination, nor any communication with any spirit or entity who is not of my personal team, of which includes Erik- or without their blessing; nor without their present and immediate hands on guidance and instruction. I have utter faith and personal contact with my Angels and Teachers which include Spiritual Masters I trust with my soul. I would encourage those who worry to to let go and have faith in their own subjective experience and embrace whatever love they may find. If it is not love, to let it go.

One of the most important moments of my entire existence both past present and future was when I called out to Spirit for help and received the words,

"Do not fear, Do not be afraid. You are surrounded by love".

That and the promise from my guides,

"We would not ever, nor will we ever let any entity, or anyone for that matter harm you".

(Is hurt, pain, and harm the same thing? no, but I know on a soul level it will be ok. And I will understand and be able to master more of who I am for the greater good no matter what happens.)

I have also had the utter joy to be reunited with a soul family that is here on earth that includes you all, and to become antiquated with family in Spirit like the boys; who have time and time again proven to me their unwavering faith, trust, and love for me and all of you. It is not to them that I try to honor, but it is that I try to honor myself held up to my highest possible self so that I can feel those given emotions as a gift that I can share.

And in return those I've shared with, such as my friend Nikki whom Erik brought to me through Channeling Erik website community have greatly enriched my own life through what they have shared. Nikki wrote to me and said recently; "I am quickly becoming an active believer in the manifestation of our own reality. It isn't magic as some would like to think, but a true sense of like attracting like. Of letting go of the negative. If you don't own it, it cant be yours. Your thoughts and desires are a part of the energy of the universe, make it count."

It would be a mistake to assume what I do or do not do in the course of my own spirituality or daily life or interactions with others unless it personally involves yourself. For those who are concerned about Spiritual communication techniques, know that I am not a professional teacher. I do not receive nor ask for any return, and I do not offer advice to those who do not already exhibit some type of communication already manifested, or who have not been vetted by my team. For those who doubt, I would highly recommend reading up on the works of those who have come before. Such as the works of William Stanton Moses, Allen Kardec, other Spiritualist and Spiritist texts such as the works of Silver Birch, as well as the work of Jane Roberts and Seth. My main concern and focus is NOT and never has been writing a "how to book" or categorizing or uncovering anything other than my own personal truth and journaling my own experiences. My other main concerns are Emotional growth, and Spiritual Evolution. I study, explore and work with my Spirit Team to facilitate this. I believe everything is what it means to you, what you take from it. And that personal truth is simply a tool to ask the question 'who am I' while trying to balance your own truth through duality experiences. I am just a guy. Like Eric, Erik and Drew. We are like you, like any reader. It's only united that we can truly grow, but it's not that we have to join together, it's that together we can come to understand the unity that always was. That's just love. All I have ever offered is my own example in the hopes that my story will ease others personal journey.

---Thank you for your support,


April 16, 2012

I highly recommend the new article by Linda Labtertew on Guarding Your Words. I found it very useful.



April 11, 2012

Not too much going on with me this week. I've been recovering from a very busy weekend of family, home, and garden work. I've also been fairly busy with my place of employment. While the past two days have been freakishly cold here in Minnesota; so much that I've not been able to get back into my yard to work; I've been shopping for supplies and making plans for it. So far this year I have 8 one foot deep vegetable beds or planters that are 4 feet across and 8 feet long. additionally I also planted tulips, daffodils, and crocus flowers all along the back deck, and have started creating 20 feet of flower beds along the back part of the property. A few weeks ago I purchased a gas powered rota-tiller. For the vegetables, I've recently purchased 12" x 6" of bright red metal trellis to hold up snow peas, English peas, and cow peas. As well as 2 eight foot tall willow branch tee-pees for cucumbers. And I wove bamboo for more supports. Ideally I'd like to bring in stone and build permanent structures as right now all this is made out of timber. But I have to pace myself. ha ha...Besides; at the end of the month I have a horde of family arriving for a visit. Lots to do to prepare.

For those who've noticed, I've totally removed myself from Facebook, even my personal account. I just wanted to say it's not personal; but rather it's that I am very dis-satisfied with the facebook interface and experience as a whole. I have extreme distaste with it's controls, privacy, and functions in general; as well, I was not fond of mixing my work, family, personal friends, and community networks and then trying to micromanage my profile in way that made me feel comfortable. I wasn't very happy with people (and myself) in various communities contacting me who only wanted something as opposed to being friends and actually sharing something in their life. For example people who hid everything in their profile or had no photos, or fake names. And I ended up doing that very thing myself! which I didn't like the way that felt at all. I was looking online at some alternatives to Facebook and found these interesting articles:




But after further reflection I think that perhaps it's just that social media outside of a personal website and "forums" doesn't really interest me. Don't get me wrong; I've really enjoyed the friendships and contacts sites such as Facebook has helped me develop. But aside from fulfilling my morbid curiosity of "what happened to those I lost touch with"; All most all the relationships I've developed via the internet were facilitated via, Elisa and Erik's site by Erik himself, or people contacting me that way via email.

I think that's why I've been so pleased with this Google site. Company reputation aside, I've really like the basic, simple functionality that seemingly gives me total control of what I put online. My material can be found via a search engine and I can voice my opinion and interact as much or as little with people as I like. And since marketing, money, evangelizing is a total non-issue I don't have to worry or concern myself with figuring out how to respond to social media's drives, or goal driven outcomes. I don't know..... perhaps one day I'll return to other social media platforms, but I don't think it will involve facebook in it's current form.

That said, I may start a photo section on this site to share some photos and some of my other pursuits.

April 08, 2012 (posting early for the weekend)

In light of a crazy busy weekend schedule, I am posting this a bit early. I am feeling much better but am now up to my eyeballs with work and family stuff.


Easter for some, seems like a very good day to celebrate a birthday. Kind of like a rebirth of yourself. Rebirth of a memory, a feeling, that lingering sense of personal belief in something. Something greater than one's self, and yet the feeling that there is more going on to yourself than birth alone or even rebirth can explain. Personally I know several people who's special day falls on this time. A very happy day to you all then. I'd toast my cup to your good health and happiness.

Religions beliefs and traditions aside it is also a small anniversary of a sort to a dear friend of mine. In fact the memory of his special day brought me another epiphany about my own life.

It's hard to imagine such an experience for most, but this moment in my spiritual journey is about my friend Eric who is a Spirit. I never knew him in this most recent life. I first encountered him when he was introduced to me via Erik M. and Emily, (soul siblings). Since that time, I've become the closest of friends with Eric and his mother Nikki. We've explored spirituality, past lives, spirit communication, grief, fears, hopes, dreams and the nature of the universe together. All of which has been awesome. I can't imagine my life without their interaction.

Eric is around the other Erik's age. Eric would have been 21. In light of that, I think back to my own 21st. The few months before I had taken a one way ticket....in July. To the midwest to escape my family situation. Bitter words, hard heart, 3 duffels and 2k in my hands as all I had in the world, i fled. As the plane touched down, I had the most wondrous feeling that I was liberated. The world new again. I got to push the restart button. I could be anyone, anything, and no one would know.

But as age passed and experience piled on, I discovered, instead of finding or creating me, I only remembered more of who I always had been. The personality before all the pain. It wasn't so much that I ran away, as it was I was now free to set up and experience scenarios to heal and release fear and pain. Although in some cases this goes on even today. Its not always easy as I can be pretty tough on myself. But those emotional pains that triggered that liberating flight was indeed an experience of a lifetime. The sense of release, freedom, and empowerment that had caused, was amazing. A one way ticket. Destination my choice.

But it also makes me think of how others like Eric had a very similar desperation, similar and varied reactions of flight, yet they didn't, or couldn't have, or see for whatever reason, a destination of choice. They only saw a ticket to release, not to life. Their choice. One I could have just as easily have made had circumstances shifted ever so slightly.

I think back to the excitement of my first job, first friends, and first school in my new home and the wild race to experience myself. How drunk I got visiting my first night clubs on my 21st birthday with new friends I didn't even know. Fleeting friends, whom as school started went their own way. I wonder what kind of trouble I would have gotten into if I had known the likes of Erik and Eric. Honestly. I can't imagine. Our lives and circumstances were very different.

But I do remember 21. My golden birthday. 21 on the 21st.

It was the fun and calm before more storms of life, but it was a good time. I find myself a little sad, I couldn't have shared that experience with people and spirits I care about. A companion for all time. Who knows. Maybe as they slept, they were able to join me in spirit. Maybe they are just saving the party for a real birthday in the here-after.

The reason I highlighted this feeling; that feeling at 20/21 I got from my own one way ticket is that it came about because I let go of and turned away from pain and fear.

But letting go of something and release is not the same thing. The difference comes in healing. Healing through examination of one's experience. In my case my way of letting go was to ignore it. The energy behind that only regenerated more of what I didn't want. Now I am trying to heal this, not by letting go but by examining what I "can or might" heal, which is allowing me to finally release it. And now, because of Erik and Eric's one way 20/21 tickets I have been able to work on healing and release of my pains and fears. Which leaves me to really wonder ..... What is really behind a life altering choice? Do we choose our tickets for ourselves, or for others? Both I suppose. One chooses life, and the other chooses so that others may live. I think that is an appropriate Easter message...

I am not sure always, what all to think, but I do know this is yet another epiphany for me. Another reason to be grateful for my life, and honor the boys lives. Even though they seem gone, their time here is not done to my mind. More birthdays to celebrate. A far better attitude than my sulking over life.

Not only through their interaction, but through my own spiritual experiences with them, and some enabled by them, I've learned many things about my own journey. A lot of that has been to resolve fear.

FEAR: I am scared of everything apparently..... Ask Erik... I am a big baby!

Scared of the Spiritual, religion, paranormal, the dark, fear, my parents, others reactions, what others think, my insecurities, life, success, failure... the list goes on and on...

BUT, what liberates me is something the boys like Erik, Eric, and Andy have taught me; that I know that ALL of it "Isn't me". Who I am is not defined by Fear. Fear is the opposite of who we all are. We are the embodiment of Divine Love. We only have to rediscover this. Remember it and live life Through such an awareness. This generates energy shifts in our very being that change the very nature of how we experience our life. This is the ultimate transfiguration (to me), The change through grace to a greater reality. As E and the gang once said, Think not of death. Think only of new life.

Because of the guys, Fear has been a gift. It forced me to look within and decide whether or not I was going to choose it, or love. Was this emotion who I was. No it was not. We are love. Life will be good.

Like everyone else, I have had and have problems with my family. Some of it has been pretty horrible and ugly. Most of it petty and absurd in the grand scheme of things. One of the things I've come to realize is that they were actually helping to provide opportunities of understanding through experience, by living the opposite of who they are in Spirit. What they wanted to learn about themselves manifested contrast that helped me learn about myself.

The choices they made and didn't make in life helped provide me the opportunities to transmute hurt, pain, hardship through grace into trans-formative manifestations of love. Through this love I am able to understand, and remember more of who I am, who I was, and who I will always be. My life's hardships have often been caused by my perceived separation from the source of all Creation, separation from Love, Separation from all that is, from my Spirit. To remember that there is no separation is to mitigate or ease the experiences of this incarnation. Allowing for new opportunities of joy.

So as my friends in Spirit like Eric have taught me, "Do not fear your emotions, seek to understand them. Understanding leads to balance and harmony. You are NOT your pain. If you can find a way to embrace your pain, accept the emotion within the experience, if you can begin the process of understanding how it applies to you, it's reasons, it's background, it's outcome and what you learn about others and the world around you; you then might through grace transmute pain, suffering and foster healing, forgiveness and love. Thereby releasing Karma and elevating Spirit, your Spirit."

Then again, there's always birthday cake! I need to go find the trick candles that don't blow out.....

Happy B-day Eric! Thank you!

April 04, 2012

Still sick. But on the mend. I put a link up to my friend Patrick's web site. http://www.theamendment.net/

I've not got around to alphabetizing the links, but will eventually. If you'd like me to add a link to your spiritual blog or site, feel free to email me the link.

I am currently reading a book by,

Lois Wetzel


Akashic Records: Case Studies of Past Lives
