Earth bound Spirits

This question was put forward by a friend from New Zealand.

Q) --

She writes,

"I know we are all multidimensional beings. Say in one of our incarnations we do not believe in the afterlife and once we die become an earthbound spirit. I've read some spirits can stay earthbound for centuries in Earth time? How does the Higher self of that self feel about that personality that's stuck. It seems very sad."

A) --

"A great question. Yes, we ALL are multidimensional. No limits, yes? Too bad so many are not in a good spot to explore this aspect of themselves. There is always time. They will get there. Now for your questions. The "We" needs to become the "I" of the personality of the particular incarnation they are or have just experienced. The "I" in this context has transitioned to the non-physical and yet for various reasons not progressed to the point of conscious re-connection with the over-soul (higher-self). And so, is still "living" (operating) with the perception that the average personality's consciousness has while incarnated. That being one of separation from the ALL.

Now as you might be aware, the over-soul or your higher self manages and contains many personalities going through various types of experiences at any given time. Each of these personalities are separate but a part of the whole consciousness. And each personality has it's own free will, evolution, and development, which contribute to the whole. The higher self does not operate with the human tool of the "love-fear" duality. And so it does not view any incarnation's experience as a failure, or with an aspect of fear, anger, sadness. It only sees love, understanding, compassion, and sympathy. Which is where we often perceive a sadness and lamentation. On a Spiritual level, the other aspects of the self are aware of the particular personality in questions dilemma. And depending on the emotional situation and created energy will help the personality recover, and reconnect with it's other aspects. Although to you, you would not understand the time-table, or method this takes. But be assured it does take place. There are Angels, Guides, Loved ones as well as other aspects of the Self that minister to the troubled personality.

Next we can talk about a few of the ways a personality (life-incarnation) can be "stuck" after physical life. There are two most common ways. Although rest assured that even these are not "that" common. Most transition without any issue. The first problem one could encounter is when one dies with great fear, anger, or sadness; This combined with certain afterlife belief systems could create a situation where the Spirit is so filled with emotional stress that they latch on to the living or a place with all their will power and so in a sense feed of the energy available. In this state, their energetic bodies are damaged and there is little room for other emotion or action until they are helped. Because of their confusion, they live very close to physicality. This condition is usually very short. The second common problem encountered in such matters, is when a spirit passes through the self evaluation of the life review and then becomes trapped in self judgement and the emotions that brings. They have crossed over, but the intensity of their emotions, either conscious or unconscious causes them to not reconnect with their higher self. They become blind to their greater reality, or willfully ignore it. They willful or subconsciously gravitate back to the earth realms and live a half life amongst you. Some of these beings who have crossed over but gravitate back for various reasons, are not fully living in the physical and transition back and forth from Earth to realities of their own making. In and out, back and forth. Everything from delusional heavens and hells to shadowy half realms. This is where experiences can result in what you think of as "stays of years and years".. But this is a reality of their own free will based on their choices brought by their emotional state.

From the higher self's view it IS yet ANOTHER opportunity for experience of a different kind. Much is learned from passing through such experiences as in so called life. This too is not to be feared or worried over. For as mentioned, there is opportunity for OTHER beings to help. Including you in physicality. The more aware of yourself as SPIRIT, and the totality of your being withing the ALL, the more you can assist such matters. The life you lead now, not only affects those around you energetically, but those in Spirit as well. All are connected. And all interact; conscious or not. Pray, think at, love, speak to those who have transitioned. Be open with your love and wishes. They and others will hear you. You will be helped. You will be loved. The intent of Love truly does make a difference. Never fear, for all can not help but progress to their highest possible self, for the Divine resides and is a part of All that IS." -- my Spirit Teacher