Febuary 2011

Feb. 23, 2011

Proof- vs. Free will,

A friend of mine recently started a discussion on the Divine providing proof of it’s existence. What would happen to the world if verifiable proof was universally demonstrated. It is actually a very common topic.

Subjective evidence of Divinity within objective experiences are all around us. It’s always been up to us to discover which perceptions serve our current beliefs there by creating awareness of ourselves and whatever path we choose. So much of our “what if’s” depend on personal belief creating our reality in an conscious or unconscious way. How one personally defines Spirit, and evidence will manifest proof or keep one looking for answers. How one views free will and the nature of the universes interacting within these perceptions would define cause and effect as we know it.

So obviously; life, personality, and free will survive death. And it is examples like those related to on the Channeling Erik web site that demonstrate Spirit’s free will. It's this free will that allows such manifestations of love to be experienced as personal proof! They try so hard to get us to see, to know, to remember. Will we try any less?

Feb. 16, 2011

Notes on Consciousness & Channeling:

-- Personality, memory, consciousness, dreams and thought do not make up the totality of your soul.

--Channeling uses one or more of the many ways we precieve, and experience our soul. Your soul is made up of many parts and types of consciousness spread throughout multi-dimentional levels. ie. (thought, dreams, daydreams, feelings in 2D, 3D, 4D, etc.)

-Your awareness of self can change the focus of it's awareness just like that of a computer scanner or sensor. Even like a guided missile! A Key of Spiritual awareness is that of acceptance that this is possible.

-When you channel -- you willfully use thought, feelings, and imagination to refocus your attention away from you to another entity.

-Doing this moves your awareness away from your currently precieved 3D reality.

- You do this every night during dream states. You do this with various degrees of awareness.

- You can interact within these mental realities as much as you do in your precieved waking 3D life. All mental interactions are valid to Spirits.

-Channeling is very similar to typing email with concentration or even distracted driving. You are busy with interactions, thought, and study, & communication on a higher & other level. But at the same time you are aware of your 3D surroundings. Your awareness is split. This is an example of splitting your consciousness. It is natural. This is what Spirits do when they communicate with you. You need to be aware that you are primarily a spirit with all their facilities. Using a body is not barrier to getting back in touch with what is naturally yours.

-When you channel you split your consciousness with thoughts, visualization, imagination, and feelings. You compartmentalize this and interact with it. You initiate and receive information using these mental tools.

-You the channeler do this consciously or unconsciously with various levels of intent, awareness, and according to innate talent. All of this is affected by belief, perspective and intent. It can all be further developed depending on will.

Over the next several months I hope to develop more concise study and tips material for learning to channel.

Feb. 16, 2011

I am currently in the middle of teaching channeling to several people. As well as learning Trance writing and Reiki. It is my joy and what I feel is my part of my life work. As part of that I feel compelled to develop materials to faciliate such. For example last night I felt the urge to start writing about:

On the nature of communication "content satisfaction"


-you vs/ them

-associations and personality

-tuning in vs/ manifesting on this plane

-extreames as barriers

-perceptions and belief on both sides

-it's your life experience not theirs

-free will and guides/angels

-evolving relationships

-spiritual evolution and responsibility

-varitaions of a new relationship based on awareness

It's a huge work in progress and I've only just begun. But I feel really good about this.

Feb. 15, 2011

Channeled text: "And there upon will come a time, where upon the weight of subjective evidence will be so great that you will have no choice but to surrender to the experience and enrich your life so that you may share with others."--From Spirit to you.

Feb. 14, 2011

I had a pretty eventful past week. Had my first experience with planed and guided trance automatic writing. I'll be doing this once weekly for the near future as well as guided journaling as it pertains to this guide and "class". Started level 2 Reiki, Am receiving Empathic education lessons; I got homework from the guides!, And had a couple more past life vision experiences, as well as teaching, reading, family, work, etc. What blows my mind is how much one has to approach life with even more active intent than before. With each new experience the more responsibility one has for how they approach life. No just laying back and letting it happen anymore. My guides say you can ride life or let it ride you. Problem with empathic and mediumistic experiences is the more open I become to them the more active I need to be to manage the experiences or I become overwhelmed. I've started reading the Seth books.

Feb. 09, 2011

I am now a level 2 Reiki practitioner. I had my 2nd attunement last night. See my Reiki journal in my Musings section.

The theater of the soul.

Life is but a brief play. Be it a great drama, a tragedy, a comedy, or a morality tale, it is but an illusion. Filled with actors and sets of our own creation we are it's writers and directors. We fill the roles intentionally or without thought. Stand-ins, walk-ons, and under-steadies abound. All of this happens within the play house of the soul. We build it, we produce it and we view it. At intermission and after curtain call we also critique it. As we leave the theater of the soul we walk up the streets of the universe hand in hand with companions discussing our plays, which engenders what play we will put on and view next. The point you see, is what you get out of the play. The performance of a lifetime, it is yours. What will you do with it?--inspired by Spirit

Feb., 07 2011

Quite frequently I hear friends, and others say, I am a skeptic. I just don't know that i can fully belief any of this. I don't know what to think. How can you be sure any of this is real?

It's a hard thing to talk about with people. My personal take is I have no choice. My own personal experiences were such that I never had real doubt. There was only 2 meanings for me. 1) barking mad 2) very real. Now I realize 99% of people do not have the paranormal come knocking to help with such situations. But it's no different than any other belief. You examine what you see, hear, and feel. Then you decide what you want to do about it. You decide what is right and wrong. When you ask for proof you take away your own power to decide what is real or not. Just because you don't understand or understand the reasons you don't get the proof you think you should have doesn't make reality any different. The only difference it makes is the reality you experience.

On another note. I don't have a lot of updates as I am a little behind in posting my experiences. I am just in the middle of a lot of things, that's all.

Feb., 04 2011

My new mantra for the week.

I will not fear saying, "No" and "I don't know" and "I am just the messenger".