September 2011

Sept. 30, 2011

Random Musing:

Emotional - Mental Tug-o-wars. Push pull to spiritual freedom.

The tug-O-war of emotional pain and mental freedom does not have to be the personal trap it often seems to be. What's going on is that we allow ourselves to surrender to such emersive focus that our conscious and subconscious creates it's own pocket reality that blocks outside stimuli, blocks out the other parts of ourselves that may help regain fresh air.

This pain can be very deep and traumatic. In some ways more so than any physical experience. This what it means to become stuck in inner suffering. It seems like no matter what you do, no matter what you force yourself to think about that nothing changes. It is a self fulfilling cycle of torture.

There are many techniques that rely on facing one's emotion head on and then making a choice to hold on or let it go. For many one's feelings are too hot to handle and stepping back and away into analytical thought may work better.

See, the brain will always try to interpret and organize one's inner experiences. It takes the emotional, mental, psychic multidimensional experiences and it tries to sort them; organize them and interpret them for the conscious ego. It often does this with mind-or mental association leaps. It sees something with an emotional component to it and it will automatically seek it's memory, conscious and unconscious and attempt to attach a "like, or similar" emotional memory to it. And it can and will string such experiences together. It doesn't matter if the memories have anything psychically to do with each other. What it is doing is stringing the like emotional experiences together so that when unconsciously connected, the present emotion is intensified in an attempt to give it meaning. So you may suddenly find yourself lost in past emotional pain and have no conscious clue how you got there. You can thank the brain's mental association leaps.

One way of over coming this is to just stop, and look behind the emotion. Say to yourself, WHOA, where did that feeling come from. Look at the feeling and think about what memory is attached to it. It will most likely be something that triggered an emotional reaction in the past for you and have nothing to do with the present other than similarity of feeling. Then past chains of attachment will lead to another. You can then re-evaluate your past experience. You can decide if that feeling is still relevant to who you are or how you perceive yourself today.

If it does not mesh with how you see yourself, you can shrug it off and tell yourself, THAT memory is not me. I am so much more than that. That memory has no place in my current reality. This acknowledgement will free you from the mind association of the present emotional experience and lesson it's burden.

But then again. If you look at these "chains" of associated feelings, you may feel even more drawn to them. You may decide that you WANT to roll in the feelings. At first you may not know why, and you may just give up. You want to feel. You secretly want to feel, and you feel guilt and shame over it, but you don't know why. So your allowing yourself to pull your psyche apart, with secret desire and conscious denial. So you want and yet to don't want. This is a particularly tortuous form of self created duality. In a way it is master stroke of genius from the higher self. It is going to force you to re-create yourself in one form or another. The ultimate way to say, "who am I'.

So you think want to be free, and yet you want to be left alone and roll in your agony. What to do?

Here comes the hard part. Sometimes, It's ok to get mad. It's ok to hurt. It's ok to wallow. BUT, but, "THIS TIME", you need to allow yourself to really feel. And ask yourself, what is going on. This will make the feelings stronger. No more sweeping emotion under the rug! This is ok. You've been denying yourself and chastising yourself for so long that you need to really look at yourself. Find alone time and Narrow that focus. It's ok to spend a week or more on it. Just be sure to come back to that feeling that triggered all this in the first place and compare it to how you see yourself in the world today.

Now that you've gotten into a deeper connection with those feelings you can say, "I want to feel this". Treat this statement as "a cause". Say the cause outloud or write it down, and then ask yourself, what would it's effects be? "I want to be mad at Johnny, I hate him for leaving me".... Now ask yourself, If you hold on to your anger, what would all the possible effects of that be in your life? If I don't like these effects- is; IS this cause really who I want to be? Is that me?

It may indeed not be you. This is a good thing. But being still in the "human" experience, just because you master yourself, doesn't mean that such emotions will now go away. It simply means that you've gained a greater experience with them. So the next time something like this shows up in your experience you will be able to aptly manage it, and move on to an ever greater experience that you'd rather have. Look back at any of the Spiritual masters in earths history. They all had to deal with pain and suffering, but where their experience differs is that they were able to manage it and return to who they really were.

We can do this too, but we have to be brave enough to sit down with ourselves and look at the root causes of what brings us uncomfortable emotions and thoughts. Examine why you suffer, why you might want to suffer, and what suffering causes and the effects born from them, and then compare it all to your highest possible self. Then make a choice. And keep making a choice every day.

Your conscious active aware choice will always be a better one than anything anyone, spirit or other wise can decide or tell you. This is personal Freedom. This is bringing awareness to a personal reality that you create. This is part of who we really are.

Sept. 26, 2011

Another really great article from Linda on Sunday.

"The Significance of Realizing Our Dreams"

I really like all the articles and material from Linda and Z. This one was on Attaining our goals, dreams; it touched on bucket lists. And it spoke on the emotional states one goes through while holding these in our minds as we work through actions in our life as well as to the influence of karma and thoughts/feelings.

For me this was a very interesting article in that while I identified with it by looking backward on my past history. I think I need to contemplate how to apply this in my present and future life. That is because I don't really feel that I have "dreams, plans, and a bucket list" anymore in the traditional sense.

I am not sure this is accurate or a correct perception, but I think that perhaps my focus just is no longer focused on some future event or past event. I think, at least for now, I am just focused on the now. In part because of all my spiritual experiences and awakening over the past 2 years.

I do understand what she is saying about "those who have given up on their dreams"... In a sense before my spiritual reawakening, I had done this. I was a cold dead thing. I gave up on everything. Now I see that the dreams and goals I held so dear in the past, were just that. Dreams and goals and not a real thing. And to be fair to myself, those dreams and goals did not suit my best interest, nor would they have helped me be me! Now I think rather than having dreams, goals, and uncertain plans I am just focusing on learning about myself, following paths that help me express joy, help others, and just live life to my highest possible self each moment that I can. This in itself is not always easy. And I guess is my current goal. What come of this is I guess a sort of a dream like state. But instead of a dream, I am awakening and then remembering. So now instead of thinking back and forward on half realized half understood dreams, I am simply just trying to be what I remember of myself to be.

I am not sure... I dunno. Maybe part of it is my age, maybe it's just that I am in a proverbial so called "spiritual apprenticeship or education mode". Doesn't everyone in college have a period of time, where they don't know what they want to be, that their only there to learn and express it? I guess that's where I am at. I figure if I just stay true to me, the future will unfold in ways that serve my best interest in line with my higher purpose. That's what my guides are for after all. I am trusting they will direct and move me to wherever I need to be. Z included. He and the others have the big picture, the full history of all my past, present, parallel, and future lives and other aspects of my being. Having thrown my lot to the guidance of Spirit for the greater good, I am confident that I will find all the work necessary to transform me into a beneficial expression of all that is. Along the way I can focus on my thoughts and emotions behind the experiences, so that causes of my desired effects are in line with how I see myself in any given state of being. I am sure if I do this my every reality will progressively become something ever more wonderful.

Sept. 22, 2011

Helping Show our teens that 'to feel' is OK. That it's OK to just BE. An introspection:

For many young people, they are raised in a society of action, not introspection. In the busy world of achievers, marketing, modern school systems, and cultural comparisons they often encounter a spiraling well of emotional turmoil without outlet. One in which the perception of expectation is left for them to work out on their own.

So from the security of childhood, the bonds of relationships are suddenly broken or labeled as irrelevant to the achieving the cultural "norms" as seen by today's society. The society of the market as opposed to the society of the community and equal partnerships. They are left seeing only something that they need to achieve. Something they are suppose to lack and gain. As opposed to already having and working with others to build, they are driven to acquire.

Now I know this is just a broad, loose generalization. But I feel especially for boys in this modern age, this sudden detachment of the inner bonds for the illusion that wants society to tell them what they should have, leaves a state of emotional being that is very scary and potentially problematic. I think it's fairly well established that young men do not fully develop emotionally until their mid 20's, but society still thrusts separation on them and expects them to thrive. If they don't they are deemed useless, worthless, and unsuccessful. I think this is really something educators need to look at.

We in Western culture work very hard at providing intellectual tools and resources for professional success. Traditionally the family and social structures were left with the emotional and spiritual development. Often times those role models and mentor relationships become absent in light of educational systems and cultural norms. Somehow in modern society the secondary structures dealing with emotional development have either broken down or are simply unavailable due to outside stresses. I certainly don't know. But I feel there is a big problem. And I think it's a growing one.

It's been said that adolescent boys have a much higher suicide rate than girls of the same age. And I think this is a growing problem as expectations, roles, and emotional health is increasingly left up to the individual in today's busy society. I am not sure about the truth of this, or who's job it is to deal, just that It seems to be a real problem, and just IS.

I think that in our society that emotions are generally feared. And that in teenagers this fear has no outlet during this transition never mind how supportive the family is. The teen will always look to it's peers first. I am not sure if this is cultural, an aspect of modernism, or what? It seems to not matter how much the family wants for the child, the child views himself primarily through the culture first. And often that viewpoint of culture is a harsh one. One of doing, not feeling.

So there is no where for the feelings to go, but under the rug. Depending on circumstance feelings pile under the rug, it grows and grows and grows until they trip on it, and they fear to deal with it. They see telling anyone about them as failure to achieve.

Maybe I am mis-reading the situation.

They see how they feel about what they feel, and they don't know that it's OK. And this contributes to depression. It doesn't matter if this is in the context of relationships, work, or school or family life. Here is an example of how our society reinforces this. "My son is quiet, or sensitive, or sings, or is in drama, but he plays sports, or he seems to have a lot of friends, or is active in church. He is doing great. He's working hard in school. I think this is a cultural condition that is putting focus on doing instead of being. The action instead of joy. I am not citing any one person, but I do think back to my own childhood and remember all the focus being on succeeding and not understanding or being who I was or thinking about how I feel in the context of what I was doing. There simply didn't seem to be the time, resources or know how from anyone involved. I am not saying this is right or wrong, just common.

A lot of kids totally fear saying how they feel for fear of boring, scaring, or upsetting those they love. They don't even feel comfortable expressing that affection in our society. As if such bonds are seen as weak, and not a hallmark of a successful drive. We are taught that we have to strive for that "One goal" That "One person" that "One love" and that it's outside, out there. We need to go get it. But the thing is, they are not told what that means to the inner experience or how to balance the two.

One person can not provide anything that completes a soul. One soul is not limited to anyone thing. One job, one interest, one place, one experience one rule, one way, does not nor has it ever defined any one soul. Those things are not a good descriptor of anyone. What needs to be worked on is allowing resources, opportunities and support structures for teens to see how the only thing needed is what is inside of them now.

Teens often seek a real connection to ways of expressing who they are inside. But they don't know how. They don't know where to start. They are scared, and lost and don't want to disappoint anyone. It's a hunger that has pain. To embrace it can help turn that pain into a balanced drive. I think we can help. I am not sure how to help, but I can tell my story, and I think we can start dialogues in our communities. It's OK to feel and be who you are. Your perfect just the way you are. So am I. So are they.

Sept. 22, 2011

I was thinking earlier this morning about feelings. Feelings that become obsession or at the very least we mentally beat ourselves up for thinking them and just hate feeling them. We think we are super-freaks and totally broken. We don't know where the hell these come from and we don't know what to do with them. I don't think it matters where those feelings come from. They could be about anything. But one things for certain. The root cause of them is most likely buried inside us as a perception of how we feel about ourselves. What is buried is the remembrance of what we are trying to understand about ourselves and why.

I am not sure it matters when feelings turn into obsession, what the feeling is about. I think what matters is making the move to get unstuck. Part of life is about asking questions about yourself in experience. Part of getting stuck is something that prevents you from finding a calm center to look back inside yourself at the root cause of a feeling, and exploring it. So, I've often thought that most obsession is really about not making a choice. Either consciously or unconsciously. You hate, you don't like, you don't know, you feel lost, you hurt. This is an unconscious choice that hovers on self awareness. Not quite peeking over. Your chest tighten in desire to ask why why why, but you never quite seem to move from why to how, when, what, who am I then? And am I ok with that? Is this who I am?

I also don't think that these obsessive responses or choices ever really go away. Some people just have more drive for self discovery than others. But I think that it always represents a choice. Am I going to allow myself to stay and wallow in this pain without exploring it, or am I going to get busy and figure it out. And then once I suspect, see, or hit upon the root cause of this feeling, what am I going to do about it. More choice.

This is where people can then get stuck again. They see and are now aware of the root cause of the unwelcome feelings, but they don't know what to do with it, or they don't want to explore it and bring it forward for further examination. They let it sit, until they forget and lapse back to the easy path of self pain. Again more choice. I think all this is a choice. Am I now going to consciously express what I've uncovered. Am I going to do the work to remind myself of who I am in the presence of knowledge of the root cause. And most importantly is this root cause who I am? And it is OK? Sometimes it IS OK. And where you are at is just fine. Then it becomes a matter of acceptance. More choice.

Always choice.


The utter release of knowing that who we are is eternal can make us shout for joy. But only if we have the faith that we have everything we need to realise this already inside us. We will remember one way or another. I Have the faith that We will be OK until then!

Sept. 21, 2011

* The good die young. No- the good remembers what is eternal.

* Live hard, die hard. No- Living Truth, never dies.

* A shooting star is brightest in death, a bright blaze to let us know it was there as it plummets to earth, seared in our imagination..... NO--- A shooting star is the blaze in our imagination that calls to us to see the endless cycle that is our own humanity, our own struggle, our own creative beauty blazing across the sky, flaring in effervesce descending to earth, To live forever in not just in our hearts and minds, but in the birth and rebirth of the universe. So too are we the brightest of stars. Flames of glory seemingly quenched only to be reborn in sparks of light to travel across the universe again. Never despair that you are a lost comet on a fiery plunge to earth. Sometimes, the opportunity to rise up through the ash pile of life grants the gift of a self transformation so great that it moves the universe. If surrendered to and embraced, it can propel the self to a re-awakening to one's true self. This is one of the greatest feats of existence.

Sept. 20, 2011

When you can accept your own truth as all the validity needed, you are then free from being bound by the illusion of self limitation or others belief in truth. This liberation allows you to consciously act in creative ways for a more fulfilling experience.

Sept. 19, 2011

Why rely on others to tell you what "IS" when you can surrender to being OK with accepting your own truth?


One man's literal truth is another's fancy. What one creates with truth will define any personal reality. What one understands from such experience will shape perception of who they are as a soul.



Negative Reactions to External Influences: --Great article by Linda

"We are all subjected to external influences regardless of what frequency we are vibrating on. We can learn how to counteract the undesirable affects."



It's not that you have to "take a chance" when love or any other opportunity comes along; it's that you "create that opportunity" by expressing "what of it" is already inside of you. It's much easier to "just be" than imagine chance.


"Remember and practice giving into the experience without fear or expectation, then share it."--Erik


Just because you can't see the vibrancy of life doesn't mean that you are drab, nor does it mean you don't paint life with the full pallet of all your colors.


The science of limitations is about 'the way'. The belief in one's imagination is about 'your way'. Which is the 'right highway' depends on your sense of direction. The road best navigated is the one you've explored.


Ever heard something similar to the phrase, "I'll never be with you so I must let you go".

See here's the thing. You will never be with anyone or thing other than what you create for yourself. When you look at someone don't think about what they can bring to you. Think about what you want to create while sharing yourself with them. Think about what you like about them and what in them, that makes you like yourself. For then you are truly sharing vibrations of love and self exploration. You need never let go of anything you don't wish. Because what you wish is simply an illusion to express how and who you really are. We are all connected in unity and we are what feel just as we are what our neighbor feels. So if you ever feel the emotion of "can't have" or " I must" or "It is gone from me". Stop, pause and think; what about that person or thing reminds you of you? What of them or that do you see in yourself. If you can acknowledge this; you will find that there is nothing to let go of as you have always had it.


There comes a time when I have to stop looking at a cause and look at what effects I wish to create from this point forward.


We can not own love, nor can it own us. We can not gain it nor loose it. We can only feel it or express it. When we see love apart from possessiveness we see that we have freed ourselves from false expectation and remember that we now have the freedom to experience it.

Sept. 16, 2011

I am trying to think about how to post my facebook content. A lot of it is not located on this site. Right now I am thinking rather than pick through it by date and try to place in in the date appropriate spots within my journals, I will just stick it as a listing of material in it's own section.

In the meantime, here is another random musing of mine:


Feels fleeting

Takes forever

Tastes like dust

Smells like water

It changes me

Yet it preserves

What is important

for everyone

is different

Never enough

is easy to miss

and yet get too much

What is time?

It is how you feel in the moment of now, Contemplating what is and isn't you. That's all. An emotional thought about now. How you perceive this is now. That is why past present and future seem so fluid and subjective. It is all just energy signatures of the self in never ending spiral enfolding upon itself and radiating out in waves that collapse back to the source of this emotional thought. The perception of this could be consider time.

Sept. 15, 2011

In today's channeling Erik blog post he talked about an analogy of God. How everything is God, and that everything we "see" is just a part of a spectrum of God. That everything is source energy. All are one. Whether it can be sensed or not. No matter how it is experienced or how any one consciousness manifests it's self through this truth. He gave the example of God being a room. And that people in the room could see themselves and their surrounding with the light on or off. That on Earth we tend to see darkness as absence and thus assign it the label of evil based on past experiences, perceptions, and beliefs. We can't see in the dark room so we assume that there is a lack or not God.

I'd like to carry this a bit further. If God, or the Source is everything and everything is source, and God lives in everything. And everything expresses a manifestation in the spectrum of ALL THAT IS-God. Then the room is God, but so are we. We are the room.

We can CHOOSE to see ourselves not only in the room viewing light or darkness, but we can CHOOSE to see the room from the outside watching the interplay of light flickering. And we can feel ourselves as the room (at some point). And we can experience MANY rooms, many variations of the room. We can ALSO populate the room, decorate it, create new rooms. Create many doors. Create an entire house. So you see it truly is all about creative perspective, imagination, belief, and perception of the self within and amongst the ALL.

Of course this too is a CHOICE. It is the creative free will of being perfect in every-way. The choice on how to see, the choice on how to live, the choice to share, the choice to love. It's all choice.

But then again, I could be wrong, that's my choice too.

Sept. 14, 2011

The opportunities from Relationships and the Freedom they can provide.

Relationship attraction is a type of spiritual duality in higher forms of consciousness. Humanity vs flora and other fauna for example. This spiritual contract comes into being with the evolution of not just physical form, but a thought form within consciousness itself. It is the emotion behind the "I" while contemplating the "Me within you". This does not even initially occur in any way but in the undercurrents of the subconscious.

This contrast between the I's and You's, then becomes a spiritual manifestation as an attraction. It becomes a psychic tool. An energetic entanglement. These emotional thoughts are then born into physical reality as we seek to express ourselves.

In these expressions manifestations are born in our physical bodies which then work to apply these thoughts into relationship scenarios were we can explore ourselves through various contrasting scenarios. Society and history ebb and flow across time scape allowing for a full wide range of possible experiences and behaviors. This is normal and natural as we seek to explore our entanglements.

In these, relationship attachments take on a highly emotionally charged emotional component in the physical. This is a particular complex type of duality not only in and of mental associations but physical drives. All juxtaposed in entanglement. It creates great pathways to work out who we are in the "I am" of the soul-scape.

One of the issues we as humans encounter in this exploration is the range of emotions these entanglements of physical and physic entanglements bring up. Male, female, love, fear, lust, satisfaction, pleasure, pain, compassion, hate, forgiveness, jealousy, possessiveness, surrender, ownership, etc.

As we progress through countless incarnations to work out the entanglements of these dualities; In the karma such emotional relationships engenders, our higher-self retains the memory and experience of each incarnation until the personality no longer identifies with the body.

Until this time, we most often identify with the emotional entanglement of the physical body and it's current emotional expression. This is a form of self imposed limitation. It is OK, it is only natural. But, strict identification with the body does lead to it's own problems. Namely worry. Worry can lead to negative emotions such as possessiveness of that which we do not have, what we want, what we think we want, and what we already have but are blind to. Baseless desires born on the refusal to see that no one and nothing is separate from us.

As our successive lives pass on, we try to understand our self through the give and take of relationships from with our-self. We imagine ourselves as the other person. We imagine how they must feel. We imagine and contemplate this on many psychic levels. All this imagining is good, but it often prevents us from really living as ourselves, who we really are.

We want to understand true experience within the relationship. To overcome these emotional entanglements we need to detach our-self from within the other and reach up inside our-self and engage ourselves, so that there is no longer any I in you. But rather there is "us" separate but standing in harmony and unity as conscious expressions on the same path.

This complex thought form can help free us from emotional obsessions. That being when we come to realize and fully live that we are not our body and that we are not separate from another, that all is truly eternal, we can escape the push pull of you vs them. Me against the world. For then there is only unity in goal. To express life through love. Therefore when new emotional entanglements attempt to energetically express themselves in the physical we can look at them with dispassionate detachment and make a choice to decide if this is something that really matters to who you are.

Really all this is more imagination and critical thinking.

So that said we can see that relationships are a great tool to bring together the conscious expressions of physicality with the knowing of subconscious. It begins in unconscious drives and impulses which generate entanglements of karma. But as experience grows the connections work themselves out. We remember more and more of ourselves which allow us to merge back to our greater reality and apply our understanding into ever greater experiences. So you see there is hope and we need to know that we are not slaves to emotional pain in relationships.

So remember that attraction and all the emotion that comes with it, can lead to, through hard work, imagination and critical thinking; It can lead to a more complete love. A love where this is no I; No You; No man, woman, no them; There is only me returning to the love of us within all that is.

This of course sounds all very convoluted and not very fun. That's OK. There is no reason why you shouldn't enjoy your experience and have fun. But this little blurb is about avoiding pain and suffering. To remove suffering is to rejoin what is separated. To live in happiness and through experiences that serve our best interest and a higher good is always a good thing. There is plenty of time for you.

Remember Relationships and Attractions and all it's emotions are a choice. You can choose that which binds you, or you can choose that which can release you. It always pays to pause and contemplate one's position. Never fear to do so. For this can bring release, rebirth, contentment, love and remembrance.

Sept. 13, 2011

Question - Answer cont.:

Q) I want to meditate to better communicate with Spirit, my guides, my angels. How will I know that I am meditating correctly to communicate?

A) When reality suspends; It pauses; When emptiness dissipates and what is left is the center of you. When clear spontaneous thought appears outside of and in response to question. This then becomes inner truth without emotional intent other than a greater good in response to your own intent. It is not a booming voice from beyond but the solid thought-whisper of inner connection. Do not drown in the angst of suspicion and doubt. Embrace the knowing of trust.

(That is to say, the "voice" most often comes from within and up, not some external physical source. Your looking simply for thoughts. Not "sound". Sure "sound" and other manifestations happen. But we are talking mental communication not the afterlife phone company.)

Sept. 13, 2011

More on Personal Freedom:

The degree of attraction that becomes an undesired entanglement or emotional obsession depends on the degree your conscious mind seeks to reunite with your unconscious self. Your soul seeks unified self expression. Where we can get into trouble is by refusing to look at the two desires for the essence of self within each. If we do not look at the two we can not see how the two might fit together as a positive self expressed manifestation. Then we are left with the chaos of unmet emotional and thought unity.

We can experience unity. If we stop this push pull of desire between have and have not's, between desire and temperance, between hate and love. If we just stop and accept that we are ok. That we will be ok. That we are not this body, not just this life, not just this experience. That we are so much more. That we are simply in a process of uniting ourselves. That this feeling does not own us, and we do not own it.

When we remove ourselves from the feeling that our experience defines us. That somehow our feelings own us. We can see that we can move through the experience safely within our true heart. We can understand either side. And the look at our hearts and minds and ask ourselves, does either thought, does either emotion define who I am. Am I going to let them define me?

If we can but hold these thoughts as we pass through emotion we can then ride the emotion with understanding of who we are and not let the emotion ride us. This mental movement bridges conscious and unconscious emotion and creates a personal unity. This is a form of personal freedom. A liberation of an aspect of duality and starts a journey to conscious reunification with all that is.

Sept. 12, 2011

Random Musing: Feeling Stuck

Feeling "Stuck" causes much unhappiness. It is that feeling of being entrapped into an experience you do not want. You feel you've overstayed your welcome. That you have no recourse. That your options are limited.

It is better to embrace a choice of personal liberation.

What this means is that we can embrace the notion that no matter what we encounter in life we have a choice. It may be that we do not want to make that choice. Or it may mean that we do not like the perceived available options. But if we embrace that life is a choice we can potentially see that we are never truly stuck.

Lets apply something my guides told me about visualization. Don't think about the distance between a beginning and an end; rather think about where you want to be. Visualize it to begin with. Now, tell yourself however improbable, that it's OK to take a step to it. Hold that visualization of where you want to be in your mind and imagine yourself there. You are going to be hard pressed to get anywhere in life if you have no idea of where you want to go. Sure, you can let fate and pre-life decisions move you in the directions your guides and angels steer you in. Sure that's OK. But it will be easier for you if you think about where you are now, and where you want to be. When you really explore the origin and the destination, you will find yourself gravitating the distance between with uncanny synchronicity.

So you see through visualization, imagination, and critical thinking; Successfully traveling life is often a balance between control and surrender. You can have success, joy and peace through either control or surrender, but the well balanced path leads to sure trails that others can follow, without unpleasant surprises. Much of the time, this balance between the two is as simple as examining you now, and visualizing your destination. Explore the two, hold them to mind and then step off without worry. Knowing that you did your best with as much knowledge as you could have mustered. The key is not to worry. By not worrying you can own whatever decision you've made to get yourself "Unstuck". And any path without worry is a path worth trying again. The balanced middle way will lead to release.

Sept. 12, 2011

Examining beliefs lead to personal freedom and new reality:

One can not express full personal freedom until one judiciously examines one's beliefs. It is only when a belief is actively applied to daily life through an action that one can determine if they exist through that belief or outside of it or in spite of it. So rather than give into untried beliefs, live them. Otherwise you suffer needlessly from self imposed mental limitations. It is better to live fully with conviction than to sit by in un-experienced judgement. Self judgement is just as limiting as applying it to others. One feeds hands-on experience, the other feeds un-met illusions.

When one experiences anything that calls question to their root assumptions of how they view life, it is always in our best interest to pause and take into account the nature of our beliefs in such action. If such beliefs do not give rise to passionate action, joy, and personal truth, you can ask yourself if such beliefs are in your best interest. If they are not, you can safety let go of such things as unnecessary attachments.

This may sound like one should only take action stemming from a positive emotional response. This is not so. What it does indicate, is that it is correct to examine. To call your attention to it. That this is the focus to work on. This is the call to critical thinking, work, and dispassionate examination. Detachment from who you are within experience. Through this call to attention, and this new focused lens, you can take a look at yourself from within new emotional perspectives and decide who you are.

This detachment, this critical point of view of self, can provide you with the balance approach to creative thought and self exploration without the hazards uninformed life. This view point will be hard work. But it will create the balance of passion and mind for you to remember who you really are. It will allow you to safely explore your inner realities without emotional chaos.

This intensive self examination will lead you to your personal freedom. There, then, you can express yourself. This then will form new realities to your benefit, all around you. This will be truth, this will be who you really are.

Sept. 09, 2011

There is a fine line between need and want. Just like there is a fine line between desire and fulfillment. The wire that straddles between is the probability that your action will achieve attainment. We all have it with in us to bring experiences to our present life. The key is to know and be aware of how much, what type and how such action will be held in our mind as we seek it out. Much of the time, we get fixated on the need, want, desire, or fulfillment, when we need to simply let it all go and focus on "doing". It is the same for other feelings as well. Such as compassion or love. We had hold on to them and feel them all day long, but it is only by expressing these emotions that we can bring them to life in our reality.So reality has always been a subtle line to experience. Sometimes what we think we should experience is not really in our best interest at this time, and we should get comfortable saying to ourselves, "That's OK. I won't beat myself up for it. I will try something else". It's important not to obsess on what doesn't work out. Because most fine lines in life lead to strong grounded trees with full rich canopies. You simply need to be patient, hang on and keep your head up.


Proof is in how far you can see your reach. Not how far you reach, not how you reach, but how you see yourself reaching. When you see yourself reach and clasp another hand is the day you will find the proof you need.

Sept. 04, 2011

Another great article by my mentors:

"The only way to realistically realize your wants and needs is to become consciously aware of what is going on within you and what you are exhibiting externally. When you become acquainted with what makes you tick in terms of your own attitude, the related beliefs you hold, the feelings you express and the way in which you perceive your own circumstances you will have removed the mental and emotional obstacles that have been blocking your ability to manifest the things you really desire. In many cases manifesting something we desire is more about us growing into what we desire vs experiencing it when we are not mentally, emotionally or even spiritually equipped to handle the results."

---Linda Labertew and Z

Read the full article here:

Sept. 03, 2011

The promise surrendered to, becomes the knowing of not the return of that which was lost, but that the missing becomes the revealed in the true light of the soul. In such light, mourning finds no anchor. In such light, morning is ever rising. And the soul fly's free in a painted sky of joy.

Rejoice at the feet of who you find in your path. For they are there to lift you up. Stair not at their feet, but rise to meet their eyes. Clasp their hands in unity. For together your light can shine the way for all who come behind. Forward together, you will climb any rock in your path. In companionship you will never be lost.

Sept. 02, 2011

Personal Freedom:

If you run away from that which makes you uncomfortable, it is because of a fear of developing that quality representing an aspect of the self which would enable one to overcome discomfort. And so by running away, you naturally pull the world with you, so that it seems to follow you like a plague. One which causes further suffering. To deal with this you must stop and look at the suffering. Through forbearance, fortitude and preserverence you will begin to understand the root cause of the suffering as it applies to your inner being. This will grow a greater understanding of love and compassion within your soul. A truer love.

This is increasingly painful at times due to the increased sensitivities this journey draws out in the individual emotional state of each person seeking personal truth. For some, they give up in frustration, surrendering to the event. They self identify with the experience, rather than surrendering to their soul-self within the experience.

But if you but hold onto the glimmer of love you see yourself capable of sharing with others through suffering, you will begin to see that you are not suffering. That neither is your neighbor. That together you may join in unity to transform the experience into personal expressions of new love and service.

This courage comes from owning one's emotional sense of self, ones actions and molding ones identity for a greater good. This will bring freedom, peace, and liberation from worry no matter what experience you pass through. This opens the door to realizing your immortality through all that is.

So do not worry. Try your best and let go of the rest. What is left can and will add to your life. This is positive and trans-formative psychic energy. Whether or not you can feel or see this matters not. It is and will be trans-formative. Through your personal discovery and creation, you will change the world around you.

This is cause for happiness. This is cause for joy. Lift the veil of depression, sadness, and loss. This is an artificial separation. This is an illusion in our greater reality of universal unity. We come to this life together for a reason, many purposes. We have opportunities every day to join with one another in harmony, easing each others burden. Only by sharing this can we remember that it's ok to love, ok to ask for help, ok to be one with another. This is true freedom for humanity.

Sept. 01, 2011

People often ask, Why do Spirits manifest as orbs?

(ps. If you reply, be nice, this is just me thinking. People tend to get all hot and bothered by this topic)

I know there are more opinions about them than there are fingers on my hands. I am totally cool with any of it being real or bunk! Even so I enjoy testing it out, talking about it, and playing around with theories. Personally I think they are mundane ones, and real ones, AND a combination. I do think a lot of it is actually a combination. Gestalt and all. AND I don't think applying mundane labels and categories is useful in all cases because of that. In fact, I think that not only could the mundane be spiritual in a gestalt way, but it could be a symbolic psychic representation of something real behind the reality we precieve. Personally, I've seen orbs that were full on 3D looking faces and not bubbles at all. And I've seen ones that seemed to glow with an inner light as well as the mundane optical ones. And with film, digital and naked eye. I've seen them move, float, appear and disappear. All sorts really.

Well, assuming you are not a skeptic or materialist that poo-paws the very idea, here is a theory as it pertains to "orbness" ha ha...

Spirits exist in muti-dimentional space time. Just like we do for that matter. Only difference is that they are not connected "Your 3D space time, in the vehicle of a body". We often do not give much thought to the physics of what this means. Does each dimension behave in the same way. What about the physics of crossing the boundaries in-between. What does that do to the energy. So what does this mean for their energy? Well, one aspect is that the energy they "interface" with our space time, is not bound by gravity in the same way. I think that this difference has an impact on the way their energies are often perceived.

Take the example of Fire. Fire on earth, Rises. A candle flame usually rises to a point and interacts with the air in a dance of molecules and chemical interactions. It atomically vibrates at a certain level. A lot of this is due to gravity, air pressure, air make up, and temperature.

In the overlapping dimensionality that Spirits can manifest in, I believe that there is a physical component and a non-physical component, and in that mix, in the bridge between dimensions, gravity does not behave the same way. So in many ways it is similar to a weightless environment like outer space. So that when we see or run across their energy what we see is not only often a reflection of their reality, but their energy behaves slightly different. Such as a flame in space vs/ Earth. Light properties.

In Outer space Flames to not rise up. They move outward from their origin in all directions. An orb.

The closer you are to the earth's ground, the more molecules there are to interact with the energy source, due to gravity's pull. In Space, air pressure gets thin which declines the pressure. The atmospheric pressure difference shapes the candles light. As the air around a flame heats up, it expands, becoming less dense than the air around it. The molecules expand outward, cold air pushes back. When free from Earth's ground gravity, the molecules experience equal resistance in all directions and so it moves spherically outward from it's source. I feel the space between the dimensions could operate like this. And that we pick up on this visually somehow, that shows up as spirit orbs. You know, their energy condensing like that as they move between realms. I do not think "orbs" are a constant. I think it's a by-product of movement somehow.

Take this with a grain of salt. I am just thinking out loud so to speak.