Love and Service

Of the nature of the soul;

included, are two aspects.

Love and Service

Often one is borne into or of the other. Like thought and emotion, they combine physicality and the spiritual. They combine reality and perception into the existence of experience.

Like thought and emotion, Love and Service carry components made up of energy. A counterpart to our physical senses that are just as real not only beyond our perception, but through other dimensionalities that effect all that is.

Love through service is an ideal that many souls strive to make into a purpose within their incarnated lifetime. What sidetracks many is that they grow to feel that they have messed up by a lack of love through service. They end their lives feeling like they made no difference, or that there was nothing they could have done to be of service. They did not see the opportunities for service, and then think and feel that they are less than.

This could not be further from the truth. This is because love and service are a form of energy. Not just physical. Service does not have to be of a physical nature. All that is necessary to show love through service is to understand this.

Just as thought and emotion are energy, so too are love and service. Married with proper intent, love through service is nothing more that projected thought and emotion. Don't believe me? Look at someone around you having a hard time with life. Look at someone who is distraught, look at someone who feels loss, look at someone in need. Go to them, smile, and tell them you love them and let them know you care. That is service through love. That is an energetic action manifested in the physical. If you are unable to find such a situation, or find yourself unavailable, look to those that make you uncomfortable and situations that repel you. Ask yourself why; what about that situation makes me feel that way? Is there anything in that I can help myself see that which is good, that which is love? Is there any way I can change my thinking to help me feel more at ease? This also is a form of energetic service.

These actions taken upon yourself, simple though they may be, and though they may be purely of emotion and thought... they too, are love and service to others. Just as action taken in physicality is of service, our thoughts and emotions carry energetic power through our realities and across dimensions to reach other souls we interact with.

The actions, thoughts, and emotions we experience pave the way for others experiences thus altering how the ALL perceive reality and interact within it. Your thoughts and emotions directed to others can be life changing!

Lastly, for those with greater self awareness; Love and service has an even greater potential component. Using that part of you which is spiritually connected, be it healing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, energy work, prayer, ect.. ; for you, love and service can be energetic to a great degree. The more consciously aware you are of your energy bodies the more you can direct your conscious and unconscious interactions in and through the spirit realms. Dreams, travelers, healers, teachers, and guides you can be. Conscious and unconscious you can direct your energy to the healing and service of others through your realized love. This is part of the shift of the soul. This is part of what it means to move back into awareness. ---Inspired by Spirit