
Thoughts on Intention

Do not assume that just because you are not aware of it, that you are not doing anything Spiritual to advance your experience. You are more than just this 3d body in a waking world. Just that you hold the intent indicates that on another reality your other soul aspects are working with your higher-self to develop. I suppose you think of that old saying, "If only the world were made of good intentions".... Well, the world is made of intentions. It's just that most people are not aware of nor give conscious thought to their attentions. This is where and how unwanted manifestations happen. You can even push your intentions into action by asking your guides and angels to help you work at them while you sleep. To rest easy with the knowledge of good thoughts is far more than happy words. This is about trust in your highest possible self. You are communicating to yourself and the universe that you wish to create a positive greater reality for yourself. You are acknowledging that you are more than, not less than. And that your request puts into motion chain reactions of creation to move you to new experiences within your vibrational state that will eventually raise you up. But you need to put your intentions out there. Be clear. If your not sure. Then that is the whole point right now. Take the time to work on your intentions. Don't worry about getting it wrong. You have time. Even if it means you need to experiment and try a few things out. You will be guided. Do not be afraid of getting it wrong. Just keep an open mind and keep your intention, your focus on your greater good within the greater good.