June 2012

June 30, 2012

One of the keys of life is to know that you are not this life, you are eternal spirit temporarily living physical experiences. It's when you believe what you pass through is who you are that you feel separated, less than, and broken. It's when you self identify with the eternal love of your real home that you can let go of the circumstantial illusion of what you think is real life.


When is contemplation, introspection and examination enough and when is it too much. Is there ever a point when just experiencing is enough? We ponder ourselves when we seek who ware are in our physical experiences.


Even saying to another, that your journey is fine, because that's where your at seems a bit judgmental at times, doesn't it. Should we just let live and be in peace? Or is engagement still desired. A good question? How shall we serve each other?


Peace in life is often found in the comfort we find from the truth we create for ourselves.


Its not what you can do for me or what I have that you like, its that life is about how we can serve ourselves by expressing our love to each other.


Discomfort with another outlook or expression is simply them seeing their refection, seeing themselves looking back at them. It has nothing to do with you. Let go of that worry and know your reflectiveness is not about your light but about the potential for your light to shine.


There will always be those who find or express disgust or ill ease with your expressions or life......do not worry. They are simply attracting and repelling, shifting and aligning themselves to create a reality they need to expand. So too, are you. All find balance, all shift to an awareness seeking growth. What can be seen of this depends on focus. Each focus is important in its own right.


The comfort we take from the sun and the moon are a reflection of our inner fire, warmth, heat, light, glow, reflection, shadow, and even darkness. To look to the sky and ponder how this feels is to look within at ourselves. To simply look without identifying with that emotion and hold to the dawning realization through dusk that we are more ... is to understand our place not in orbit of these things, but our unique and inseparable part in the movement of all that is.


To feel another resist your interaction, to pull away from you, is not a statement of your truth, but a portion of your gift to them, so that they may adjust or shift their own personal truth. Rest easy and know that the narrow focus you both employ is a portion, a fraction of a great tool of the soul creating harmony between personal truth and universal truth. That truth being love.


We are but vessels of spirit like water from a pot. We can focus on the water, what is poured, the pot or we can focus on how it is poured. All quench the thirst. and yet only one can find more water.


Everyone's place in life is OK. From that spot they can find what they need and want. From that spot no matter their circumstance, no matter what they belief or feel the opportunity to explore what they came to this life for can be approached should they choose. One of the interesting things I've discovered, is that I can find peace in this and let go of my expectations, judgements, and desires in what I and others think should or shouldn't be in life. And how another self identifies with their reality is none of my business.


All of which makes hearing others struggles with their journey some times a challenge. Two people in different places, two people in different states of being, different beliefs, worldviews, feelings, and outlooks. How do i bring the two together and express compassion and love. I think that can really be a struggle. Can i just be there and listen without infringing on their journey, can i comfort and support without trying to change another? Does this effort bring us together or temporarily drive us apart. What can we do to support each other on our journeys and still respect our differences. Iam not sure other than proactive gratitude, and love,..... even if we don't feel it? I think there is always kindness we can give and in that we can find compassion...


I think one thing to keep on mind is that we all have more in common with each other than differences. But exploring those openly and honestly without judgement in relation to our own journey....to find those commonalities and act on them and even create more of them is to approach the real self within.

June 29, 2012

The path to unconditional love starts with learning about unconditional self love


If we let them, It's our loved one's that can take the too out of "too much".


I am not sure I can say I want to walk here in another life, but rather it's this feel that walking with you my gives me, the visions like this that always seem to come and belong with longing, when I think of you.


Emotions, emotional experience, perception of ourselves in them. How we feel about this, what of them we internalize and what we learn and understand about ourselves through them. I think this is a tool we use in the physical to explore and create who we are. I often think that this is like getting in a car and going on a road trip. All else is temporarily ignored, forgotten and unseen. And while navigating that drive, the world outside the windows don't matter. So I sometimes wonder if pondering my existence outside of this life even matters. Can I really know and even understand any of it ? I am not so sure at times. It always seems like the more I know about, the more there is I don't' know or understand. ...


Life is a vessel, so are your lifetimes. A vessel for Spirit to express it's creative questions. Never stop asking questions.


It is only by looking at what we find ugly without judgement, with compassion, that we will be able to explore the beauty of our choices


It's not that you pass from trouble into the reward of troubless leisure in the hereafter, it's that you equipped yourself with the expertise of life so that you may pass from this life with a greater understanding of how you may serve creation and the creations of your own creation.

June 28, 2012

Loved ones come in many forms,

If we let them,

It's our loved one's

that can take the too

out of "too much".

What left,

is much



June 27, 2012

If you can find the will to embrace one thing a day with passion, you can turn emotional resistance into fond anticipation. From there you can find reasons to embrace an ever greater will, driving yet more passion for living. All it takes is one little thing a day.


The source of anything is never as important as the destination. How it's arrived at only matters in so much as what is taken from it's journey. You, others, or things otherwise.


You make the ordinary divine when you can find a reason to love it. It's not that you must make it your own, or do anything, it's that you choose.


If it's not love, why obsess over it?


"Anything you can't do in this moment isn't worth worrying over. That's not to say you shouldn't participate in planning, contemplation, or being aware. There is a big difference between finding work in planning, networking, and communication. Impotently worrying over things that are beyond your current ability to take action over will never be in your best interest. The same holds true for the past. There is much work possible in evaluating and revisiting the past, IF you do that work by going within yourself and using it in a productive way, in this moment, as a task. Outside of that, the energy of the past remains or is carried within you. Obsessing over the past without productive work, without carefully examining it, only holds the energy in place, buoyed with worry. " -- Spirit


"What about what you feel you don't have, would make you happy if you had it? Are you willing to do the work, or take the action that to you, would seem, to start getting what you want, how you want it, how you wished it were, and how you hope it would be? Are you willing to face possible reactions to your actions from others that you have no control over? Are you willing to live with the consequences if things don't pan out the way you had hoped? Does what you desire from others say something about you? or, is this seeming lack in your life, really about them, their reactions, their beliefs, their lives, their journey? Are you responsible for their reactions, beliefs, and feelings to be in line with yours? That said, if you were to somehow find a way to coexist as two different people, can you find contentment in who you are, and what you want in life? Are there still things each of you can share in life, in a give/take way? Do you each still have something to offer the other? Does the good outweigh your desire? Ask these questions close to your heart and anything outside of worry holds some of the love you have to give. Not just to others, but yourself. Embrace what you can, let go of what you can't. " --- Spirit

June 25, 2012

Just as there are spectrum's of light and,

ranges of matter that can observe it,

so too

are there spectrum's of existence

and ranges of life that can observe it.

Although such

is not always one and the same.

Yet all are connected

in ways each other

can only postulate,

but this too is a spectrum.


All that remains in fog is not lost to the mists of time.


Waiting is hard. It's longing freezes my mind with unrealized desire. When it feel like your are pining for release, surrender to doing just one little thing you enjoy and embrace it like it's your last night. Should you find you lack this energy, give yourself permission to be at peace with rest. Close your eyes and tell yourself I am OK, Perfect, and just fine, and that is all that matters. All the rest is outside of yourself and not something you need to worry about. Be or do, don't worry. It's the state of being ok with being.



Can I blame Life on a crazy heart? I feel like I might go so insane at any moment from this feeling I can't describe. Angst, turmoil, like I should be doing something I know not what, but I don't want to.. What is going on with me?


"Rest easy. You are normal. There is nothing about yourself to blame. Please allow yourself some peace of mind. It's not that you are spiraling out of control, but rather it's that your heart is undergoing transformation of personal awareness. Your soul energy is surging through your heart. It's spirals and builds like a bud waiting to blossom. Don't let the fear of the unknown or lack of control rot what's growing. Focus all your attention on it, and let all else go. Feel this growth inside you and feed it with every little bit of joy you can think of, even should it be rain in your hair and sunlight on the back of your eyelids. It is you expanding. It is you purging all the negative emotion through past lives, this life, all your experience to acknowledge that you are more in the moment than you ever were or will be. Cry when you feel, yell when you feel, run when you can and sit in silence when you cant. This is about acceptance of your oneness, your perfection, your singular union with all that is. Your task is to accept your OK with being. To balance what is in your best interest with the greater good. To come to a peace with what you can do, and to let go of what you cant do. This is your chance to change the point of view of your consciousness to something greater than the circumstances, situations, and experiences of this life and refocus on the greater self withing every moment as the only moment. This does not mean that you give yourself up to nothing, or fall asleep at the wheel, but it does mean that anything you can not do, feel, see, and be in this moment for your greater good, that it means all else is not who you are. Let it go and be at peace that you are eternal, perfect, and an equal part of all that is. Simple truth." -- Spirit

June 21, 2012

Remembering this feeling:

I am darkness standing on the edge of a stage waiting for my spot.

Silenced murmurs mute shifting shuffles.

A low even hum vibrates the pit before me.

Sudden glaring light

And I am on

Faith carry me forward

I begin again.

June 20, 2012

We live in a world which desires absolutes while living in personal spaces where non exist. Breeding worry, confusion, fear, and anxiety.

In place of an ideal, realize that perfection will always be subjective and give yourself permission to be OK.

Follow some simple tips for a less worrisome life.


Don't use or abuse

Take what you need

Share what you don't

Give what you know

Learn what you don't

Grow what you can

Be open to how you might

Give respect

own thanks

worry less

trust more

validate with empowerment

support without judgement

Keep a light by the bed

Turn out whats too bright

Educate ignorance

enlighten stupidity

walk with others

listen alone

Ask for help

Remember nature in her flexibility, as you remember yours.


June 19, 2012

One doesn't need to know how to heal, fix, or be different, to change emotional pain

One simply needs to love what needs healing.

Transformation of pain is really about emotional energy.

That's not to say your gonna kiss all your booboos away,

but rather it's about learning emotional discernment.

To redirect the flow of something, it needs to be held, guided, and accepted.

To fight it is to build barriers against it's nature. One's emotions can never be forced, ignored or abandoned,

but each must be embraced in it's own nature while you choose to float in your nature.


I woke with dreams lingering like smoke.

Shadowed wisps of scented memory

tug at my senses.

From where it started

where it's flame burned

I know not

but the smell floats

wiffts linger on a morning breeze

fading with ever brighter light.


Why do we pause on certain memories

why do we hunger to know what they mean

why do their uncertainty haunt us

Is it that their recall gives birth to truth

Is it that their moment has something to say

Is is that in that moment I first had something to say

What metaphor does my mind serve up

What symbol does my heart take

What reason does memory make in dream

Certain memories chase my thoughts

i think not to remind me or linger on time

Certain memories simply linger on questions we seek


Q & A with Spirit cont.


How do I stop focusing on what I don't want or do want?


Focus on what you are doing right now. It's never that you focus on what you can do, used to do, or will do, but what are you doing this moment. Any thing else is you stepping outside of yourself. Give yourself permission to be OK with NOW as enough. Anything else drives the ever circling wheel beyond your creative touch.


What if I don't want to do or be anything right now.


Are you doing that now, or are you still focusing on what you want? Is that who and what you are? or are you sitting there in peace in the oneness of just being OK with who you are?


So it is really OK if I don't want to ?


You will know when you stop asking questions and state what you are. Until then explore the moment and be Ok with your experience without worry. You didn't come to this quandary through random choice, mistake, or indecision.


Emotions do not have to define us, just as our beliefs do not. Even though emotions can seem unconscious, uncontrollable, and automatic reactions. They also can be thought of as a tool or skill set with which to use in self exploration. Think of them as a fictitious subject or theme. Who are you, who is the character you're playing under that emotional play? Are you the play, the player, or theme?


The only stupid mistake is the one you refuse to understand the purpose behind your choice. No choice is less than or less valid than another, for to assign such judgement on a soul level is to deny you own value and right of purpose in a journey not just of your own making but you own expression. Is not the Divine in everything? So even when judgments are lacking in Unity there is potential for further understanding, expression and creativity. Let go of worry and simply embrace what is you. Should something feel less than, use that feeling ad a tool to motivate change. Where there is change, even for ill there is always hope for expression. And being intrinsically divine in your love, there is always the chance or the probable case for further love. Keep your hopes and dreams close and keep trying, even in the heaviest scales there is the weight of worth. So to is your soul, so too is the depths of your soul.


Love knows no true possession. Other than the degree to which you feel separate from it.


Love is a story waiting to be written. You are a story waiting be read.


It is not that you do not love your self, but rather that you fear separation from.what is intrinsically inseparable from yourself. You own nature of unconditional love.


The love we seek in another is but a fraction of the love we see in ourselves waiting an out let for expression . Its not that we seek completion but that we seek a complete opportunity to express our selves through love. There fore we can never be fulfilled but by the degree we pour out our essence into creation.


Hold me to sated hunger,

hold me to lingered taste.

Carry my memory of yesterday,

and let not my passion for tomorrow die.

Though we slumber in your eyes,

I still crave touch.

Though longing grips our desire,

though passion wakes us morn...

It is thoughts of you departed

that lets us rest,

for in your embrace slumber rests.

June 18, 2012

What you do because of something or some feeling will never be as important as simply doing or feeling.


It is better to start a-new than stare or look away at what you feel you can not continue.


For it is in these actions, even when driven that you approach your essence within a moment, make every moment your own. There will always be time to revisit the past.


The answer will always be the question.


In a world bombarded with answers, always focus on what rings true to your personal heart. Always ask, is this me?


Many times answers that would seem in conflict with past answers are not really right or wrong, but rather are individualized expressions of others from a certain view, who's subjectivity you compare to your own experience. It's not really that you seek to puzzel out your confusion but that you seek both validation for you own experience as you seek experience. It is better to simply have faith in your own experience and trust that what you do in this moment is who you are.


I've decided to simplify my life. I am going to let myself cry, laugh, hug, and enjoy.


Just as drugs can fry a brain like an egg smashed into a skillet. Fear, doubt, and judgement will fry your heart, experience, and awareness. Just say no to fear.


When we get information that seems to conflict with what we know in our hearts, what we feel in our mind, what we've experienced. It's not that the information is right or wrong, but rather, very often, it's provided as contrast so that we can ask more questions about ourselves.


There are many life experiences, there are many spiritual experiences. Some can be overwhelming. Some very painful. Some are even so intense that to write about them seems exasperating to the point that one fears to revisit them. That's ok. Spirit want us to know that it is often better to just be aware of our experiences and to hold the awareness that we are more because of them. Not that we have to analyze them. When such things occur we can get stuck in a rut of spinning out wheels over what further resolution we might achieve. Worry starts to creep in, along with weariness. It is better to simply thank the experience, and send yourself love so to speak and look to something new.


Letting go is not about forgetting or worrying about how to move on. Letting go is about gratitude, love, and doing, all the while, allowing your self to be OK, for having experiences, yet knowing that they do not define you.

June 13, 2012

Minds alike bring transformation, but touch without judgement joins humanity, two selves meet as one, greater than their individuality. How can we touch one another today?


When we accept another's pain, their suffering; We do not have to make it our own. Rather, if we can lower our presence or our state of expectation, belief, our energy,.... we can accommodate another's presence and share love through our allowance of personal grace.


Information is always selective within an experienced field of operation based upon need and request.

So to, is your perception of Spiritual journey's.


Honest presence in your personal fearlessness is more important than perseverance.


How can we transform our negativity if we can not face it in action? A good way to do that is to look it in the eye, offer it a thank you and and love for the recognition it brought you.


Spirit Q & A cont.


What is the point of trying to evolve, change, grow, and understand if there is no linear time and all possibilities are in play?


Every point or focus of consciousness that cooperatively makes up your soul seeks to know itself and express it. Not just individually, but as a unit and within other units. Its not so much that evolving or experience is desired or necessary but rather its that each focus seeks to understand its or a greater sense of self. And so while expanding outward they seek to look back into you and see ever greater reflections. Each manifestation with self awareness you have created engages its own journey back not to unification but into the higher-self to create a harmonious balance. Think of waves collapsing back onto themselves creating stability. Its almost impossible to realize the vast dimensionality of your soul while incarnate, for you seek the point is to gain enough experience and understanding that there is no need to look back because calm stable unity is understood. This is the ultimate shift of vibration. Dense dissonance to airy unified tones. All is a symbol to your literal minds and view. Let go of this worry and confusion about what might be and just feel what is. You'll find your way.


Random musing:

The desire to belong, to have, to be a part of never ceases to amaze me at the grip on my life. It often catches me off guard. I find I often get my feelings so wrapped up in comforting attachments i don't realize I am only highlighting my preconceived ideas of lack. For example I sometimes find fixation outside of myself because I am unhappy or dissatisfied with what I do have that I cant see what I think I desire isn't warranted. And then the realizations I have when my illusions are shown to be false can be quite uncomfortable, shameful, embarrassing, and hurtful. I try to tell myself that as a soul I am separated from nothing, and that everyone is special. Even in friendship. We all fulfill many roles for each other, it is only the constraints of human role playing that binds us to desire.


man woman angels monsters...

We all walk together in a waking dream

seeking to find what ways we can create love.

We run we hide, we climb we soar,

we build we destroy,

we give birth to death

and die to give birth.

Hand in hand we go

not into light

but fall back

into ever greater visions

of ourselves in the hope

that we remember our union.


Darkness screams silence, light sings peace


Satisfaction comes from being able to go within the center of your being and express it fully.


Spirit Q & A cont.


How does one create life from non life?


It can not be done as you think. Life is in all things according to the properties that are inherent to observation. All it takes is understanding of personal awareness.


Random musing:

Some would say suffering is human nature. The plight of incarnation. I say suffering is an illusion. It is the mind intimate with minute focus on feeling within narrow perspective. The same people would want explicit direction on how to change, direction on what to do. I tell you now, that it is you who create those directions, you who come to that understanding, not by turning way and letting go, but by deep close examination of what is and isn't you. It is only by staring experience in the face that release can be had. That release is not a definitive or finite action, but it is always a process eternally engaged in as you create your experiences. To realize this is to know you do not participate in change, but that you are change, the creator, creating. This is where you will find release from suffering.


Passing through eternity, ever changing actor's roles in a drama we plot. The actors may change, but the feeling we put into each role is ever remembered. Some roles may themselves take life and live a new life of their own. Some actors may go off to ever greater roles with each other, but the vision you create is yours and yours alone. How much of it you share is up to you.


Brother, Father, Daughter, Mother, Sister, Son. All are siblings bound by experience joined in friendship of intertwined emotion. Never the same, always unique. Shared memories give rise to new births and forgotten knowledge. What remains is the love we've shared. It holds the promise for more.


I think one of the most interesting or speculative things about spirit communication that I frequently encounter is the emotions I associate with communication. Communication can be highly symbolic non linear, and very often not what it seems. As well a lot of communication is the self and psyche working out emotions in pictorial ways. I've often found myself misidentifying with or mis interpreting data which depending on how much emotion I've attached to it, can be frustrating at best and painful at worst


I think for me, knowing about past lives and having had what I consider experiences with them has for the most part been useful in that I have a greater sense of the eternal nature of my self. I am not sure that I've gained much else other than the recognition of emotional triggers that such visions held. In my day to day life they do not provide any grand revelations or knowledge. The subjectivity of it all has been too much I think. All I seem to really have is a bucket of images, visions, and emotions, fleeting in form, and subtle in quality that tend to leave more questions than answers.

June 13, 2012

Its the little movements of the hand that speed its way. I'ts the long arm looks that seem to last forever, yet when we pull the chain or twist the crank we feel like we have influence. Our time.


Spirit Q & A cont.


How do we get over the desire to belong? The drive to find our place, who we are and where we belong, who among the stars is in our family we cant remember?


You can not belong to anything you were never actually separated from. When you not only believe this but can feel your unity with each other you will see there is nothing to belong to but yourself. It is not where and who is among the stars but you as the stars that is the key. And so we tell you again, the moment you remember yourself is the moment you understand what is you and yours.


Any plant (thing in life) you don't want is a weed. Although some weeds have beautiful flowers, promote diversity, attract beneficial bugs, and let you know you've watered too much or not enough. Pull them out and they will always show up again somehow. Stress out or do the best you can. Weed your life, cause it's a garden.


How to deal with energy, emotion, and action ?

"Fight, flight, hide, transform, absorb, reflect, redirect."

* You may behave in a way that seems natural to you, but you have the power to consciously choose. These choices are eternal. And so it's not that once chosen, such will never enter our experience again, but once chosen it then becomes possible to become a part of our natural state. How will you incorporate your choice in your life?


So I was thinking. Earth is a duality plane. Do you think we all fight too hard to change that? Do you really think that it's necessary to be presented with choice. Am I am gonna choose love or fear? I mean, can we have enough contrast with just love to self discover, self explore? Can we have love in darkness and horror in light. Either or.....OR is life really just a wave of gradation. A web-work of spectrum's? Being in a human body on Earth we seek to pick and choose who we are.. What if don't have to choose, but accept that we are in all things, but we experience what we focus on. Isn't all that is, the God force, and souls really sparks of consciousness born from the rain of focus falling into that pond and rippling out with experience? Each drop a view, each ripple intersecting with each other giving way to ever falling rain? Or will the rain stop and the waters be glass or glacial? Or is it really about systems of interacting consciousness ever in motion, ever creating itself. I think if we let go of the storm and just choose to feel the rain or look at the ripples we will feel much better about our experience with duality.


one tip I find helpful in communication is to make sure one has questions, otherwise we can only focus on what is felt or seen. For example, It's our lives and so we we wait for messages, I find we wait more. If we hope for messages, we hope for more, or if we just feel and see them, we experience more. But, if we keep in mind, it's bout the journey and come with a question and seek answers we'll get them or be guided to them. That's not to say comfort and "hanging out" isn't desired or looked for. I often only want that..... :) (grin).....


Spirit Q & A cont.

A good friend in Spirit to Nikki graciously answered a question for me. I asked the spirit: "I wanna know how to keep dancing through physical pain, other than sheer stubbornness, how to do it and still be happy."

Spirit to Nikki:

Regarding pain, I know of pain all too well. I carried a lot of pain with me in my past life. I was often overcome with pain. My suggestion is to focus on something that brings joy, even if it is brief. Nikki you remember pain when you had your shoulder surgery. It was relentless and nagging...other than drugs what helped?

Nikki to Spirit:

nothing lol. I guess I remember staying up one night with my son watching a movie when it was over I realized I hadn't noticed the pain.

Spirit to Nikki:

Exactly. What Jason needs to do, is to find joy and totally focus on that..whether it is in gardening, writing, art, drinking coffee, baking, cooking. Full concentration will help him let go of the pain. The pain is an attachment to things he needs to let go. By focusing on the pain he cannot let them go. If he can refocus he will not bring attention to the issues that are the underlying reason for the pain. Some of the pain is chronic and a choice he made to remind him of past lives. A good amount of his pain is tied to emotional baggage he carries around. As the joy takes over the baggage has no room and must be left behind. Making his travels light and less painful. This process is not easy, it takes an good amount of energy and determination. I recommend he start small, find joy, and start of the day with something joyful. Slowly the item by item the baggage will be left behind.


I read the other day , "Experiences beyond our control are opportunities to reclaim or power." Which made me think.... Whats our power? What's is unique to you? Not what superpower do you wish you had, what's your power now? What about you can empower you and what inside you when shared can help empower others? Love of course...


Spirit Q & A cont.


How do we let go of worry, fear and dire warnings in a world of right, wrong, best, better, should haves? It all feels so intimidating, what can I do?


Acknowledge any choices you can think of and choose the one that feels more joyful. While attempting to experience whatever choice you made, focus on it no matter how small and compare it to your highest possible self as you currently see it. Ask yourselves, "does this feel like me?" if it does, let everything else go. Know that the process of letting go is setting your intention. It's a life long process not a one time switch. It's your mission statement that say's, 'where ever possible, I'll trust that I matter; I'll trust that I have something to say; That I know I can make a difference in my own life no matter how small. If what you see in that comparison doesn't feel like you or it's something you can't identify with... look at it without shame and thank it. Tell it, "I love you for helping show me who I am, thank you, I release you". This too is a process. Just like your awareness and understanding they unfold throughout your life. Embrace not what growth you stumble across, but embrace what you can nurture today, embrace what growth you can love, embrace what feels right within your personal joy. Creative expression always starts with the smallest feeling. Embrace the small spark inside you. Let go of the rest. Your soul is alight forever, it can not but help shining. And as such, let what shadows be go without worry. Do your best, and and be at peace.

June 12, 2012

Mistakes are one of the ultimate illusions of this world. There is no such thing as a mistake. A mistake is when you feel like you are lacking. Either in experience, knowledge or how you feel. It's a way of labeling fear that you've surrendered to something you don't like, or won't like. It's the coping out to desire of having and not having. It's taking the YOU out of what you take from any given experience.

Rather than use it as a label for self judgement, reserve it for an acronym for poor alignment. While of course one could see mistakes in equations or symbolic representations, when it comes to our life's; our choices, our experiences, there is only the understanding from experience regardless of whether such experience seemed to be in our best interest or not.

It's like gardening. Gardening is really all about doing the right work at the right time. Everything else is about observing your work manifesting itself. Growing. Sure there are those who work half assed, and sloppy. Sure there are those that choose planting times, placements, and watering schedules that are not optimal for growth. Sure there are those that don't watch for bugs, weeds, and weather. And there are those that don't bother with harvest. But mistakes are relative. You get what you put into it. There is no mistake because something will grow. It will, even if it's only your awareness and experience. Even if you get sunburned and more work.

Mistakes are not about errors but about choice of action, choice of intent and choice of view. If you chose it through inaction or action, is it a mistake? semantics. It's about living life according to who you are. You can focus on what you believe is wrong, or you can buckle down and focus on what went right and what your going to do next time. Even if it's a meager harvest, the work done now has the opportunity to reap bigger harvests next time. Personal responsibility, intent, choice, view, all mixed equal taken opportunity, which grows you!

June 12, 2012

Half the battle is dragging your ass out of bed. The other half is asking for help.


If you think you know who you are from past experience, then you will experience more of it because you'll refuse to see yourself in another way. One method of getting out of this rut is to put yourself in the opposite situation and try to remember who you are and express whatever that is. Setting that intention will have you seeing little coincidences and blips of happenstance that will send little flares or signals to your awareness that will let you ask a question. One of those questions will be, "Is this me?" "Who am I?" "Am I worth?" What can I?". When these come up in your life, don't tolerate anything other than the opportunity to create your own answer, your way, in a way that will express who you are, not just who you wish to be or what you wish to do. Other peoples problems and beliefs about you in this process is none of your business. Nor is it your job to fix anyone or thing other than sharing what love you feel you can give them or the situation. There is no right or wrong in that, but rather it will always be a simple reflection of yourself. You deserve the universe because you are an equal partner to it, in every creative expression you consciously partake of. Because of that, you will not only draw to you what you focus on for good or ill, but you will create the opportunity to expand your understanding of yourself because of what you do with that. You will also not only attract those who share your perspective and state of being, you will draw them to you on a soul level. This association of experience is how the circles of souls you incarnate with are formed. When we look at each other we are looking at aspects of ourselves we recognize in that person's behavior and expression. But just as our beliefs do not have to define us, others actions and beliefs do not hold them to a definition. They are like us trying to work through different ways of asking their own questions through various experiences. And so realizing we are all on this type of journey we can let go of some of the fear, pain, and suffering that we feel when life seems to happen to us, and we can refocus on what we are going to create and share today. Life and others can feel uncomfortable but it doesn't have to stop us from asking questions.

June 12, 2012

"We all are here to experience various things, we come into this life with an agenda. WE signed up for this, enjoy the ride there is no punishment just experience. We cannot know the big picture and honestly it is a waste of time to try and figure it out. You will see it, when it is your time to see it. If we want to make a difference we can start by showing compassion and encouraging EVERYONE to be open with their fears, worries and thoughts. Judging, labeling, fixing others is just our fear of others being different...we are all one. The more accepting we are of everyone and their experiences the more it will feel like love.

Love is the ultimate goal. Experience what comes your way and then find a way to turn it into love. Love IS the answer." --- Nikki (channeling Erik reader)(Eric's mom)

June 11, 2012

Any soul with motivation can parrot knowledge but it takes a master to put it into practice within an understanding. I am still trying to remember information.


In some ancient cultures it was believed that animals guided souls into death, in some that the dragonfly carried them to the hereafter. In my view;

The dragonfly does not carry the souls of the dead into the afterlife. We are simply carrying each other on the backs of our love into our creations.


Manipulating personal energy can seem like magic to an incarnate on Earth. This is because of the unique focus the souls consciousness presents through the construct of the body. In Spirit such things be it manifesting a construct or manipulation, are not thought of in the same light. In Spirit energies of the consciousness are passed through forms relevant to that plane or perception based on state of being. It is akin to using an organ or muscle. Thought manifests energy waves or signals particular to that focus's form and experience level. As natural as anything you know. That is not to say that you can do anything. it's to say that with enough awareness of knowledge, and enough understanding you can utilize the magic in you to express your self. For some that has limits. For others it's a matter of perception within matter. For others, there is no matter, only unified energy.


For all Ive aged, I find that as the years pass me by I am ever more of who I always was. It took me my whole life to remember that the child who looked out into the world with wonder didn't need to go anywhere, but had already arrived.


I don't have to believe everything i think


The value I assign to how I feel doesn't define me, but it does say something about my beliefs, and my beliefs do define my experience. what others feel about me doesn't define me, the degree i perceive my feeling about others beliefs defining me limit my beliefs.


I think as souls we all seek to find a comfortable spot within which to be. I have a feeling that in coming to Earth we want to work with who we are by playing with the opposite of that comfort spot. I think a lot of lives are really about finding the simplicity of stepping outside of that zone, and finding peace in shouting to the world, 'look at me, this is me'. And somehow finding comfort in knowing that we've creatively expressed ourselves in a world of our choosing, our creation.

June 07, 2012

Live life with a love for the endless moment without worry, as a reminder to be yourself.


The degree of faith you have in your own experience directly corresponds to how separate you feel from your ultimate reality.


Connection with Spirit does not require particular modes, method, or technique. Everything has it's own special way of expressing connection. For some, the best way is to simply hold an intention within a focus. It's not the intention nor the focus that enables the connection it is the acceptance of what is intrinsically already one. It is in that acceptance, that unity is felt. For some it is simply a natural state of being.

For others it is unconscious, for many it's a choice of recognizing that we are present in every action of every moment.

June 06, 2012

Its not the memory that matters, its not the vision or image that means anything, but rather its the recognition that triggers a feeling that holds our attention. I think its important to remember that we can choose what we pay attention to no matter how glaring it can seem. Although it says noting of reality it does say something about our understanding.


Random: I've always found interesting that when I am not actively channeling for others i seem to intensely work on emotional issues.....hmmm...


Don't become good at what you don't like otherwise your going to end up doing it enough to master it until you can let it go. While this may sound like an affirmation for avoidance, it's really more about giving incentive to redirect focus that is in more inline with where your true heart is.


I am so far firmly convinced that healing of any type depends on Focus not form...... But the tools I use while focusing...those I am still experimenting with.


Knowledge without hands on life experience is pointless because you will never understand who you are within it. Once experienced, perception expands allowing for more exploration.


When first starting out as souls, coming to the physical our perception of personality is usually very influenced by collectives of beliefs or cultures from those we share life with. Over gained experience our individual personality is increasingly freed, liberated or seemingly seperated from the collective personalities of culture. As we struggle for independence and self sufficiency, self mastery; we build up an understanding of our creative powers of expression. While learning to apply creative expression we learn about ourselves. Through this process we discover that it is not that we are individual personalities, but rather we are a unified collective of personalities across life times, within ever greater ever expanding collectives of consciousness. And so in struggling to find our freedom we will come to realize that it is only in unity of singular expressions, expressing themselves through creation, that a true freedom is felt.


One of the most important lessons of experience a soul can learn is that of self-discipline. This is intrinsically tied to self-love. In the physical it often takes many lifetimes to not only work out either concept and all it's variation, but many lifetimes to tie the two together so that mastery is achieved. It is only then, that the real work of exploring that aspect of the self can be worked out in all that is.

The reason this is such a challenging field of exploration is because discipline is not just constrained to the completion, nor the quality of a task, or job, or even an intention. This also holds true for Spirits as well as physical life. It also has to do with perception of the self, and the behaviors expressed from beliefs, feelings, and perspectives of the self and the nature of the souls personal reality. This even expresses itself in cooperation with other souls in group efforts.

Challenges in life expressed can control not only what we manifest, but how we see ourselves and thus how we experience what we've manifested. It's easy in the course of the experience to become obsessed with working it out to such a degree that we are not able to process our experience and move on to where we need to be in life. Sometimes we can not see our choices, we can't see how to move on and so we coast with what feels comfortable to us. Sit back in our own stagnation or chaos, with blame and judgement based on our desires. This is where learning about self discipline comes in.

The point here is not to assign judgements of lack, inadequacy or even laziness, but rather to refocus on self-love which holds the hand of discipline. It is not that we give into the desire to do something else, but that we allow ourselves to express love creatively, which drives us as souls.This requires a certain acknowledgement that we are responsible for not only what we manifest, but how we experience that. And it's this that can take so many lifetimes to learn about. It takes experience to gain that inner understanding of confidence in the union of others love with our own love.

If we take a moment and try to simply feel who we are, we can focus on the choice of that feeling being who we are or not. If it is who we are we can then redirect that energy into the drive or disciple to take creative action further. If it is not who we are we can take that energy and release it as not about us or our journey. It takes experience and mastery to focus on why something is in our experience, why we do or do not like a circumstance, as well focusing on our beliefs, feelings, and perceptions behind and surrounding that circumstance. It is this process where we come to understand what we wish to work on as souls. When we master the self discipline of examining ourselves we can come into the full blossom of self love as creative expressions capable of love and manifesting love. We can come to the understanding that we have the choice to offer thanks for all experience and move on to ever greater experiences.

June 05, 2012

I had some interesting thoughts the other day. I was thinking about how much we touch each others lives through sharing with each other. And I've noticed that when I can't share something personal, especially with those I casually run across in my day to day experience, that I'm often confronted with to what in outward appearances makes me uncomfortable.

It could be something physical about them, or something they say or do. And I've found myself in shock or discomfort in regard to my reactions to them. And so I sat or walked there and wondered about that. I wondered what about them or their behavior sparked that reaction. Was there something about me that reflected itself back to me? Did I see some part of myself in them that I didn't like? Or perhaps I saw something in them that reminded me of my past or another experience I've had that bothered me. Or was it simply that they reminded me of or called attention to past gut reactions or beliefs that didn't serve me, or that I had given up. For example, prejudices, judgements, criticisms, intolerance and unkind behaviors and thoughts. What sort of shocked me was that I caught myself making mental snap reactions that didn't feel like me or who I wanted to be. And so I tried to look carefully at what was going on and promised myself that if the opportunity came up, I would strive to give action that was more inline with who I am. Look gently, but carefully at what give discomfort and then let it go as not myself, taking action with what was more inline with my higher self.

So, you see; I tend to think this sort of thing happens a lot with those we do not share something personal with. When we share with each other we are opening an energetic connection between two souls. That bridging has the opportunity to allow compassion, sympathy, love, and understanding of each others experience to be processed by both parties and grown. And then what is grown can be shared again. Through our intentions to reach out to each other with the intent to look at another's experience, we have the chance to make our own easier, and by our inherent love, heal others. It's not that we may or may not be able to relate to each other, but that we have so much to learn, teach, and grow from each other. That we recognize and validate each others journey with equal weight as our own, because of our unified connections with all that is.


What of ourselves we see in each other is the hope of humanity. What action we are driven to take on behalf of it because we identify with each other is its fate.


The Degree we relate to one another is not indicative of our souls evolution or even experience, but its the Angles we recognize within each others lives that says something about our own perspective as a soul. Some may feel the need to measure this, but just as one view of a building alters the understanding of its interior, so too are the view of all souls.


Can I only be as lonely as that from which I feel separate from my neighbor? Or is it that I feel as separate from whom I might name as neighbor?...Or is it simply that I do not look at others experience in what possible light it may shine on my own as my own. I am not sure its a mistake that others do not see what I do. For I do not fully understand what I see in others of myself. I suppose that's one of the things life is about.


June 04, 2012

I've dealt with chronic pain both physical and emotional my entire life. A good deal of that, I've not dealt with in the most helpful ways. Sometimes, I can get pretty obsessive about it and what I don't want to feel.

Some say the words, "Do not dwell on what pains you, let it go."

I think there is a difference between obsessing over something and paying attention to what feels painful. I think that whether or not we obsess about something or make vain attempts to ignore or pretend it doesn't exist; That both, carry a similar energy that manifests more of what feels painful until we give it, the feeling or symptom the attention it calls for.

I think that when we give something our attention, it is not the Universes intention that we manifest what we fear, but that we acknowledge the need for understanding who we are in that moment and even healing that which feels painful.

And so if we can approach our pain with practical observation, and not only observe how it feels in that moment, but strive to understand how we feel about that pain and it's possible causes. Aside from that, we have the opportunity to look into that sharp discomfort and visualize ourselves in spite of and with it. We can then see our choices a bit more clearly. In that moment, despite what hurts, focus on what you can do, not what limits you. This is the great hope. Not that relief or release will find you, but that you can create something that will let you release who you are and live the best you can. It is this creative process that our soul dwells on, not the pain.

June 04, 2012

When love seems fleeting, it's not that it has abandoned or denied you, it's that you have opportunity to express your love. This is the only true love. It is your divinity expressing yourself not as a gift, but it is you saying, 'who I am can not be lost or found, it can only be expressed'.


Success is not a goal, it is a feeling, nor is it just a feeling of completion or achievement, but a feeling within a moment, that we are untied with our intention. Others may label or assign it to us as a statement of progress, but true success can never be revealed by it's visible effect. True success is when our causes are in alignment with who we are as a soul.


We reveal truths about ourselves by Endeavoring to create. Through this we seek to express some aspect of ourselves that is unknown. By expressing yourself, we create endeavors to engage... But our truth can not be revealed until we understand how we feel about it.


One day,

Me myself and I, decided to go to the lake. But we couldn't decide what to do once we got there. We argued and bickered until we wandered onto the dock and got into a little row boat. I guess, figuring we'd try to float away from our problems. As we struggled to row with three people, it was commented that there were clouds reflected into the water all around the boat. And so we looked over the edge of our boat thinking we'd go fishing in our reflection. Looking over the boat we were startled to see that it wasn't our reflections that was seen or even the clouds. What we saw staring back at us was the faces of everyone we'd ever encountered. I put my hand in the water to ripple the image away, only to find that what I saw couldn't be touched, that the illusion never showed who I was, but what I was a part of. I looked up again from the boat and gazed up at the sky, not at clouds but at blazing sunlight. Looking back to the water I noticed it wasn't the sun nor the light that made me myself and I clear or ONE., it was me looking into the eyes of another that brought who I was into focus. And so what started out as uncertain identity, once set upon a journey and looked at with another, the reflection of what I was became clear as light.

June 03, 2012

If you haven't already, please read a really great article by Linda, over at the Dragon of Personal Drama

Understanding the Law of Manifestation
