Personal emotional freedom

Sept. 13, 2011

More on Personal Freedom:

The degree of attraction that becomes an undesired entanglement or emotional obsession depends on the degree your conscious mind seeks to reunite with your unconscious self. Your soul seeks unified self expression. Where we can get into trouble is by refusing to look at the two desires for the essence of self within each. If we do not look at the two we can not see how the two might fit together as a positive self expressed manifestation. Then we are left with the chaos of unmet emotional and thought unity.

We can experience unity. If we stop this push pull of desire between have and have not's, between desire and temperance, between hate and love. If we just stop and accept that we are ok. That we will be ok. That we are not this body, not just this life, not just this experience. That we are so much more. That we are simply in a process of uniting ourselves. That this feeling does not own us, and we do not own it.

When we remove ourselves from the feeling that our experience defines us. That somehow our feelings own us. We can see that we can move through the experience safely within our true heart. We can understand either side. And the look at our hearts and minds and ask ourselves, does either thought, does either emotion define who I am. Am I going to let them define me?

If we can but hold these thoughts as we pass through emotion we can then ride the emotion with understanding of who we are and not let the emotion ride us. This mental movement bridges conscious and unconscious emotion and creates a personal unity. This is a form of personal freedom. A liberation of an aspect of duality and starts a journey to conscious reunification with all that is.

Sept. 12, 2011

Random Musing: Feeling Stuck

Feeling "Stuck" causes much unhappiness. It is that feeling of being entrapped into an experience you do not want. You feel you've overstayed your welcome. That you have no recourse. That your options are limited.

It is better to embrace a choice of personal liberation.

What this means is that we can embrace the notion that no matter what we encounter in life we have a choice. It may be that we do not want to make that choice. Or it may mean that we do not like the perceived available options. But if we embrace that life is a choice we can potentially see that we are never truly stuck.

Lets apply something my guides told me about visualization. Don't think about the distance between a beginning and an end; rather think about where you want to be. Visualize it to begin with. Now, tell yourself however improbable, that it's OK to take a step to it. Hold that visualization of where you want to be in your mind and imagine yourself there. You are going to be hard pressed to get anywhere in life if you have no idea of where you want to go. Sure, you can let fate and pre-life decisions move you in the directions your guides and angels steer you in. Sure that's OK. But it will be easier for you if you think about where you are now, and where you want to be. When you really explore the origin and the destination, you will find yourself gravitating the distance between with uncanny synchronicity.

So you see through visualization, imagination, and critical thinking; Successfully traveling life is often a balance between control and surrender. You can have success, joy and peace through either control or surrender, but the well balanced path leads to sure trails that others can follow, without unpleasant surprises. Much of the time, this balance between the two is as simple as examining you now, and visualizing your destination. Explore the two, hold them to mind and then step off without worry. Knowing that you did your best with as much knowledge as you could have mustered. The key is not to worry. By not worrying you can own whatever decision you've made to get yourself "Unstuck". And any path without worry is a path worth trying again. The balanced middle way will lead to release.

Sept. 12, 2011

Examining beliefs lead to personal freedom and new reality:

One can not express full personal freedom until one judiciously examines one's beliefs. It is only when a belief is actively applied to daily life through an action that one can determine if they exist through that belief or outside of it or in spite of it. So rather than give into untried beliefs, live them. Otherwise you suffer needlessly from self imposed mental limitations. It is better to live fully with conviction than to sit by in un-experienced judgement. Self judgement is just as limiting as applying it to others. One feeds hands-on experience, the other feeds un-met illusions.

When one experiences anything that calls question to their root assumptions of how they view life, it is always in our best interest to pause and take into account the nature of our beliefs in such action. If such beliefs do not give rise to passionate action, joy, and personal truth, you can ask yourself if such beliefs are in your best interest. If they are not, you can safety let go of such things as unnecessary attachments.

This may sound like one should only take action stemming from a positive emotional response. This is not so. What it does indicate, is that it is correct to examine. To call your attention to it. That this is the focus to work on. This is the call to critical thinking, work, and dispassionate examination. Detachment from who you are within experience. Through this call to attention, and this new focused lens, you can take a look at yourself from within new emotional perspectives and decide who you are.

This detachment, this critical point of view of self, can provide you with the balance approach to creative thought and self exploration without the hazards uninformed life. This view point will be hard work. But it will create the balance of passion and mind for you to remember who you really are. It will allow you to safely explore your inner realities without emotional chaos.

This intensive self examination will lead you to your personal freedom. There, then, you can express yourself. This then will form new realities to your benefit, all around you. This will be truth, this will be who you really are.

Sept. 09, 2011

There is a fine line between need and want. Just like there is a fine line between desire and fulfillment. The wire that straddles between is the probability that your action will achieve attainment. We all have it with in us to bring experiences to our present life. The key is to know and be aware of how much, what type and how such action will be held in our mind as we seek it out. Much of the time, we get fixated on the need, want, desire, or fulfillment, when we need to simply let it all go and focus on "doing". It is the same for other feelings as well. Such as compassion or love. We had hold on to them and feel them all day long, but it is only by expressing these emotions that we can bring them to life in our reality.So reality has always been a subtle line to experience. Sometimes what we think we should experience is not really in our best interest at this time, and we should get comfortable saying to ourselves, "That's OK. I won't beat myself up for it. I will try something else". It's important not to obsess on what doesn't work out. Because most fine lines in life lead to strong grounded trees with full rich canopies. You simply need to be patient, hang on and keep your head up.
