Imagine channeling

Imagination as a path to channeling

"Imagination is an access point to clairvoyant vision... And so much of what we visualize becomes real based on perspective belief and intent. Real is what it all means to the viewer and reality is what we do with it.

It is one of the key's to Spirit. Pictures, symbols, visions; Creations of thoughts- All. Thoughts are things and Spirit IS unbound emotional thought patterns surrounding consciousness of Divine manifestation. To imagine can be the starting point to spiritual interaction. It sets the placement of intent. How else do you suppose to see the real outer world when immersed in inner focus of your present life? Do you suppose the rods and cones of the fleshy cells will suddenly reveal to you what has been hidden all your life?

No; You must use the Divine created facilities that are your birth right and not shy away from lack of understanding. You must embrace what vision you find and use it to express your intent. For to do so is thought projection. It is communicative, It is creative and emotional. To then give it meaning is to give it life. To accept this allows you to assign what you will to your life and enrich your experience. To do less if fine, but it might limit the bounds of your reality." ---- Voices of Spirit


Here is an example from my journal.

posted Dec 02, 2010

Channeling, telepathy and mediumship take many forms. One of those forms is Imagination. I've learned that our reality in the here and here-after is created by "Intent backed thought" influenced by belief and perception.

One of the biggest communications tools we have hardwired into us is our imagination. It is a tool that we and Spirits use to work with us in the most natural way possible. Via our neuro-chemical bio-electrical-magnetic quantum computer of a brain and nervous system. With a few exceptions, guides, angels, and departed loved ones work with our biology. Everything in the universe is in harmony whether or not we can understand it.

Imagination is a form of mental energy.

It can be a focus, a tool for the mind to create focal point for intent. That imaginative intent when overlaid with thought and thought speech creates a force that will reach a loved one in Spirit.

Of late; I've been pestering Erik to send Robert and Elisa virtual hugs from me. Some times he says, "Yea yea, I know..Hug and kiss Robert" other times he says, 'pick up the damn phone'. Which by then, I am just grinning and laughing cause he'll show me a visual of putting Robert in a head lock for noogies, or dumping grass in my hair or something equally as silly.

But lately I am been complaining that I wished Erik had a phone number or email that I could spam his mail box with love and affection or just pure silliness. Well this morning his girl Jillian; the lovely lady Jill' :) .... came to me and said such things are possible, only it depends on how much your willing to bend your mind to the intent. She said it's a simple matter of intent backed imagination. That intent when made up of strong emotion and thought and channeled into your imagination fueled visualizations will reach the Spirit as your mind see's it.

So she walked me through the visualization. She had me standing in my mind's eye holding a piece of paper. She then had me call up all my feelings for Erik and imagine my hands turning the paper over in my hands. What does the paper feel like? What does it look like? Rub it, feel it, know it's there. My paper looked like a square of thick water color paper.

Then she had me look at it's surface and visualized the letters appear or be written on the surface in the middle of the paper. I slowly wrote with imagining my emotion pouring into each letter. I wrote, "I love you Erik, Love your rag-head twin." And then I drew smiley faces and flowers on it. Jen then had me add sparkly glitter and fold it up. Each corner folded into the square, like a little mail envelope. Then she had me fold it up even more into a tiny packet. Then she had me pour as much emotion into that little piece of paper as I could. Then she had me visualize my minds eye body take that paper and throw it into the void and wish it with all my might to go to Erik.

I saw the paper fly off and arc over to Erik and I was secretly hoping it would hit him in the head and get stuck in his hair, but to my surprise, he caught it. And when he started to open it; It burst open and jumped on his face and kissed him. And at that moment I felt his intense warm buzzing on my head and face and felt lots of love from him.

Ha ha,, funny huh?!... But it worked. and made me happy!