Does everything have a reason

This Q & A was origionally posted on the Channeling Erik Blog/site forum...


Hey...I was just wondering if everything that ever happens to us has a reason behind it, because my friend believes that there is a reason for everything.. I have medical issues, allergies-Allergic rhinitis and food allergies, that have been going on for almost 7 years now. An allergy usually isnt something you totally get rid of, but the impact that it has had on my life is huge. A lot of times, sharing this with the people in my life is difficult because I'd rather not be the odd one out.And I have truly, had to sacrifice a lot of times. I have been going through the treatment too, and there have been significant improvements..along with the long term side effects that the medicines have caused. This is going to take its time to heal and let me have complete control over my life, but the question is how long? And in the meanwhile, i also need to heal myself...because these allergies have at times caused me to go into shock..and the effects that the medications have had on me..and recovering from that isnt just about physical recovery but also along with that to gain the courage to live like nothing ever happened.Where will that come from? Fortunately, i always recovered. Besides, I dont think this is a weakness, but just those few moments when this happens with me and I need to have patience, are the toughest because they make you feel like maybe theres no tomorrow. I know that someday or the other i'll have to face this alone, but will it ever be possible for me to do so? I believe that i have been given the strength to survive this problem, but I just want to find out if there is a way that leads me to the better. I am 19 years old, and havent seen much of life...but i dont want this to stop me from reaching anything i want to do in my life. I want to be free from its fear, and from all the consequences that it has had on my life and on the lives of my parents, my friends, all those who stood by me. I want to know from erik, why I have to go through all that I have..? And I want to know how long will this keep happening? Whether I should try to forget all of its impact and try to start over, because everytime i do so...i end up with the same problem. Its like a loophole that doesn't let me move on.

Please show me a way out of this captivity.



From Erik:,

"Here's the thing. What's really going on is that you're not asking all the questions you could be asking. You've got a lot going on and you're not stepping back and taking things one step at a time. You're jumping the gun running across the street in the middle of traffic and once you hit the other sidewalk your jumping to a stop and saying ... OMG (oh my god), it's crazy out here. Shit, I am overwhelmed. OK. Now you know how to stop, but you forgot how to breathe and just pause. Slow down and close your eyes. Stand still and just tell yourself things are going to be OK.

Now go grab some paper, a pen, and sit down at your table. Lets rewrite your questions. You may think you want to know if everything in this life happens for a reason. But that's not whats really going on. You're trying to hide your shit in your head. Trying to make it all intellectual to keep from looking at everything going on. You know that everything in matter participates in some form of cause and effect. Even if it's from inaction. Same with emotions, same with even bugs in dirt. Know what I mean? It's the same with behaviors. A question gets asked and there is a reaction. Things get explored and more questions get asked. So it's all semantics...

But that's not really what concerns you. What concerns you is what's going on behind your experiences. To deal with that you have to put your pen to that paper and really think about some of the things going on behind your experiences, your feelings, your thoughts, your beliefs, and how you see yourself in not only your circumstances, but the world around you. This is the path of asking the question, "Who am I now".

A lot of times in life we get side tracked by instead of asking our hearts this question we look at our circumstances and start asking others, and things.... this question. Or we ask, who, what, when, how is the circumstance and totally leave ourselves out of the equation. You only ask about what pains, what is scary, what hurts, what feels bad, what is disease or (dis-ease). We are adding stuff to the things in life we move through with "EASE", the stuff we love, the stuff we take joy in, the stuff we have and are. We do this because like I mentioned earlier, we are letting ourselves get lost in the chaos of physical creation.. so we find ourselves running through busy intersections through traffic and we get lost in the crowd and when we stop, or come to a point were we feel this resistance to life, we don't know where to look, our senses just hit over load and we either flip out, or tune out. And that's not the point of life.

One of the points is to take these physical situations and ask, "ahhh. yes.. ok... Now in this moment.. "who am I".... ..

Yeah.. but back to your situation.. I know I know, You still have all this heavy stuff to deal with. I soo know where you are coming from. But look at this. This is a perfect time to take a look at how you view life, the world, the universe, and your ultimate spiritual reality. Now I know at your most basic question, you just want me or someone in Spirit to just tell you yes or no... you will have this happen,.. you will get better... You want to be told, "Do this to get to point A, and you will then get to point B."

But here's the thing. There is more going on than you would suppose. You've lived many lives. As a soul, your spirit reaches points in exploring yourself, where it says.. Lets incarnate, lets go explore a bit more. Incarnation is a tool. It's a very powerful, intense, and fast tool. It's like a power tool is to a screw driver. Ok? And it gets easier with practice. With experience. But that doesn't mean it's not going to be hard. It's like taking the advance wood-shop class in high-school. ok.. you are not here to build a wall shelf. your here to build a house, but not only that, you're here to become a master craftsman and totally understand it. Dirty plumbing and all..cockroaches and hurricanes..spring time and all... . Ok.. so.... when your soul decides to do this. It goes to the family, the soul groups it hangs with, and it's teachers, it's Angels... It's says,... "hey dudes! Hey yall! It's me, it's time.. Lets go do this again".... So you get your group together and your guides and angel says "Ok, cool.. great... lets talk about your energy from your last lives. You've got some that you haven't looked at yet. You've also got some you wanted to look at closer and understand it. And you've got that energy from two lives ago you wanted to balance out. And you wanted to create some new energy and drop this other energy..... Do you wanna incorporate it all in your new life or just focus on one thing?" You aren't really sure, so you said... "Lets do a mix".. Your guides say ok.. Lets go find a family of bodies on Earth that are being used by your soul groups that will help you meet your wishes. So you all march over to Earth take a look and you say.. "Hey that looks cool, lets go there.... I'll be able to see my old mom and brother again... I can be a friend here, a father there.. I can help someone with there energy and plans here and here, and hey..... look ..... I can clear up this old energy from 3 lives ago now...oooo but wait... I have this lingering pain I wanted to explore some more, cause if I can love myself in it, I can teach others about self love... yeah... lets give me some more pain in that emotional area, cause I know I can really transform it this time around.... ok.. I am ready now... " So your soul then projects a portion of it's energy with others help and creates a personality, a facet, and creates energy bodies and pathways and connections to a co-created physical reality, a world, a family, a body, and merges with it.

The reason you forget all this is because Earth is a tool, It's a focusing tool to ask questions about yourself, It's like taking a magnifying glass or a valve and really squeezing down tight on one or more emotional soul themes and creating physicality so that you can co-create experiences to specifically explore who you are within those emotional and spiritual themes. Most people focus so hard through the filter of physicality that it's impossible to remember all that.

You have shift how you see yourself, and remember a little bit of who you really are...ok ok... so then, You were born... Ok.. now.... Here is what's going on... you have all these allergies and chronic junk right.... Well.. it's not just some biological problem. I mean, you still have to deal with it... You still have to deal with the bio causes and effects of course cause you agreed to participate in it... there is no getting around that...You can treat it with the resources of that life.... but how you see yourself and feel about yourself you can change that energy. And there is a spiritual basis for your diseases. All allergies, and immune disorders do have a spiritual cause... But, it's not just one thing. They are a mixed bag of emotionally themed energies from past, present and future experience... When you came to this life, you took portions of those energies from those experiences and your pre-life intentions and are now channeling them into creating and going through your experiences. All through that perceptual filter of yours and everyone around you. Cause while life is about you, it's never a one man or woman deal. You're working with families, communities and a planet in group actions. oh, yeah, back to allergies.. (laughs).. ok. so all those auto immune disorders, allergies, they are all rooted in spiritual and the perspective of fear, anxiety, self rejection, and all the stress that experience generates. Sometimes this can be about self hatred, guilt, conflict, self rejection, identity, bitterness, You are saying unconsciously, I lack, I don't have, I am this pain, I am this disorder, I am not comfortable with my life, I am at dis-ease with myself, so that energy gets channeled psychically into a biological manifestation through the creation process you take part of ...... Somewhere down the line, your conscious focus is or was so wrapped up that you lost the view of who you really are as a soul. This is not something that gets magically fixed overnight. A lot of times, this IS the life purpose, the great mission. To return to yourself and remember who you are. It's a lot of damn hard work.. Really hard, and it can be painful.. But it's within that work that you can remember what you do have, what you do love, what you do find joy in, and remember who you are. When that happens..You transform, mitigate, and alter that old gross energy and you then reflect that cleaned and healed soul energy back out into the universe and share what you now understand about yourself.

Your light now lights the way for others on their journey. You took some serious dense energy, changed it, created it anew, and made it into a path, a matrix, a creation of your own, and you now have mastered yourself, can, will.. you know, that spiritual theme. So one of the keys to deal with these problems is to allow yourself to just be yourself in whatever comes your way in each moment. In that paused moment on the street, you can look within your feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions at how you see your inner truth in your life.. as you see it... who are Am I this fear, or am I love? When you do this, you can move to a point of love, acceptance and allowance for not what is or what can be, but who you are, now. It's this study of the root of causes that we can transform emotional and spiritual energies and then begin to alter what we attract. What are you going to focus on.

Don't give up or get discouraged. What You came to this life with is as a part of your life plan. Part of your plans have been to see the energies you brought with you to this life. To recognize them, they are manifesting as causes of physical pain and suffering. It is not for you to judge the causes, but to experience the effects and transform how you see yourself through them. To address the emotions in the circumstance. Doing it over and over again, isn't going to magically cure you, it's going to allow you to master who you are on the inside as a soul.

You are strong, courageous, powerful, divine, you didn't come here to fail or judge yourself or the world around you. You came here to remember through experience. To balance and master. It is only through embracing your bravery and holding on to what you do have that you will manifest more of it, and free yourself from that fear.

You are Love. You are Light. You are a wonder to all souls. You have a lot to offer the universe through your experience. What you remember, what light you bring to life has the power to not only transform you but all those you touch, come across and everyone here on Earth with you. Never forget that. You are more than this life.

Focus, refocus, and take baby steps. When you feel resistance, it's not to give into pain, or that overwhelming sensation, it's to stop, pause. Look within at your heart, in that moment, and ask... Who am I. It' s OK to just be in that moment and give yourself the time and space to re-balance. Once you do that you can look up, and decide where and how you will take the next baby step. The process of all this isn't meant to be leaped into. It's meant to be mastered. To be explored, played with, and recreated. Remember your heart. Trust what resonates with you. Is it love, or is it fear. Am I in chaos, or balance? Who am I now...

Hang in there my friend. It will get easier. You will be able to experience more and more relief. Don't look at changes and just something painful or a set back. Look at them as opportunities to refocus and create more of who you are.... You'll find as time goes by, that you will remember more and more of who you are, always were, and always will be. Share that, and heal yourself. Heal the world. And BE apart of All That is....You are eternal love.. remember."