June 2011

June 29, 2011

"What importance is your ultimate achievement compared to all that you see around you?" -- Spirit (FC) Bristol Spirit lodge

"Achieving what I want...isn't as interesting as facing a challenge. Getting where you want to go, isn't anything like as interesting as the journey... as long as you take the time to look around you." --- Chris Di Nucci, Bristol Spirit lodge


Trust in others? Trust in Spirit? Trust in yourself first:

Many times I read that some researcher or medium or writer regardless of back ground claim an exclusivivity to the guideance of Spirit, or they direct mistrust to the concept of seeking communication. I say pish-posh to this sentiment. I for one do not believe a "real" seperation exists between this life and the concept that we are, always have been, and always will be a fellow spirit. An entitity in our own right who's communion with the Heaven is a natural birthright. I believe it is only when we approach with fear, mistrust, and uncertain intent outside of the desire for evolvement of the soul through love that one gets into trouble. But it is a trouble of ones own making. This does not mean everyone will have smashing success in their desire for guideance. As many times we are unwilling to listen to what is beign offered. Manytimes we refuse to acknowledge what is right in front of us. Many times we refuse contact with our higherselves via inner knowing of intuition, gut feelings; and what we already know. This is not necessarily bad. It may even have purpose. Such narrow focus on the 3D experience is often required to achieve a greater understanding of the rememberence, the teachings, the experience the higher self desires to develop.


Departing life does not mean a loss of who you were. Leaving behind the cloak of flesh is but an illusion of the newly returned Spirit. Moving back to God is not a loss of the self, but a gain of the greatest perceptions of all that you are amongst the whole.


You know what I think? Do you know what one of the hardest things to figure out in life is? Self realization of being a singular personally, an empowered entity "within" the equalness of a multi-dimentional whole. Many people do one or the other. The being in the narrow focus of now, or they know they are more and try to live it as such. But finding that balance between the two "within", not just in the bounds of life, but concious self-created life. That's hard. I am not even sure what all that means. I seem to be overwhelmed with this feeling of urgency. This feeling; it's almost as if it's chanting, "wake up and remember". Almost, as if truth is just a tantalizing, dancing vision, just beyond my eyesight. If only I could strain a bit more to see. All this battles my fears.

June 28, 2011

Certainty of message:

From Z to me regarding questions about how uncontrolled emotion and thought can impact clairvoyance, lucid dreaming, and spiritual experiences:

Z -- "If you are not certain of the message at hand based on all available inputs; Do not put the message out there. If you are under an emotional influence and have the desire to channel, deeply study your intention and connection to Spirit. Are you doing what you were taught. When you start out to receive communication, Do not wait for the initiation of permission from your guides. Go to Spirit/them with your intention. It is better to repeat yourself than to ever assume anything. At this point, as a student of Spiritual communication, to a great degree you are in charge and responsible for the basics of your spiritual interactions. As I speak now, you have no doubt with whom you are speaking to, so too should you treat your other communications. This will help with clarity. There are many in Spirit who just don't have the same degree of connection or importance of message so they do not fully meet mind to mind with you. But, by actively setting your intent and approaching spirit halfway without labels, self limitations, or ill formed intent, you can be more sure of the message. Testing the spirits and their messages is not about testing of your beliefs. It is about testing the way in which you are receiving the message and then interpreting that message for proper application to your life. Does the message serve the greatest good? Now when you sense spirit, you can cast your vision out clairvoyently. If the spirit in question wishes to interact with you they will cast an impression of themselves to you, which then, you can acknowledge them. If they do not, or the image of the approach is confusing or misunderstood, you can clarify with your guides, as you have been taught, but have lately been remiss to use. Please try to remember and be cognizant of what you have been taught. If you fail to use the tools available they will not stop you, As learning comes through experience."

J to Z--Ok. Thanks...

So, was that thought-form last night an entity or was it what I thought was said, 'a version of me'?

Z---"It was a version of you much like the previous encounter. A symbolic representation of an altered reality. Unable to harm or interact with your present reality outside of the mental symbolism. The bridge between the two consciousness of your soul was not strong enough to effect interaction with awareness. When you deliberately loose control of your emotions, whether fully conscious or not you attract those realities to you that are closest in vibration. Many times for the psychic this means other realities of the soul self. These two realities are then brought closer and bleed into each other, so that in the dream state; the other dreams of you as you of them. In such a state, hostilities can occur because one or the other or both are not in full control, nor are they they fully aware of their conscious awareness. The ego of the body is not in full harmony with the consciousness of the soul and so the lower ego lashes out with fear in an attempt to safe guard ill precieved realities. "

J to Z--ok. Thanks.

June 27, 2011

Overcoming the Emotion of Fear and Worry


June 23, 2011

One of life's great struggles is troubling thoughts. They disturb, they distract, they torment, they hurt and become an emotional mess. Obsessive, painful, bothersome, generating fear, regret, anger, selfishness, etc. They make us uncomfortable. In the Spiritual sense, they are any thought that distracts the mind from the state of mind you wish to hold on to. That part of your higher self you wish to connect with. Anything that keeps the mind from the object of desired manifestations of love.

Part of the problem is what Erik calls "Mental Diarrhea" That's when you surrender to the personality's ego and immerse the focus of you consciousness into a stream of perception and let it carry you away. This enables what my Spirit Teacher Z calls, "Leaps of mental associations, or un-guided mind-leap associations. When you notice something in your 3D environment that makes you think of something in your past or current reality. This then leaps to another impression from the past that makes you uncomfortable. Which then leaps to a feeling about the situation and the feelings your personality generated not only about that situation, but what about that situation that would enable your soul to gain a deeper understanding about itself.

For example; Your soul is patience, compassion, and love. It see's the good in everything. But to truly understand this you are immersed in life. You are walking along the sidewalk at work. You see some kids behaving rudely. They push past people, jarring them. You think, gaaa stupid kids. Then your mind leaps to the next thing in life that felt like that. You suddenly think of your co-worker who pissed you off yesterday. You let yourself begin to obsess about it. You suddenly think gaaa I hate her. She is soo sooo... and then you start feeling angry... then you think about how your spouse forgot to do something, which makes you even crabbier. Then you sit at your desk and are in a foul mood.

This is uncontrolled unconscious mental leap association in action. Without paying attention to what you are thinking and feeling you are letting your lower self rule your experiences. But, if you can allow yourself to notice the spark of discomfort this chain reaction of event causes in you; you can then take steps to alter it's outcome in how you feel. All this takes is a slight awareness that you want to take notice. It will be work. But you can greatly alter your reality this way.

As soon as you notice a feeling you don't like or something that causes you discomfort. STOP. Stop in your step. Look it right in the eye and as Erik's says, WTF!?!... What was that?! Where did that feeling come from?! I do not like this feeling! Try to remember the original cause of this chain reaction. Then move past it and look at what it leaped to. What it leaped to is what your subconscious via your soul is trying to direct your attention to. The feelings about your co-worker. By trying to figure out the cause of the feelings associated with her, you might hit upon why you feel that way. Why you feel that way usually says something about you. Usually what you project on her is a reflection of you and what you want to work on. But by re-evaluating your perception of her and how you relate, you can change your view and thus your relationships to how you see the world. You now will see her hard life, you will see her struggles with family and work, and see her struggling to stay a float. Just like you. This triggers compassion and love for her and her experience. You then see that there is great love, in you. This this allows you to channel the patience to see further into the world around you and share the compassion that is at the depths of your real self, Your soul.

My other Spirit Teacher Meher Baba says, "The attempt to suppress or repress or worry about disturbing thoughts are a waste of psychic energy, and is only bound to further entangle the mind and strengthen the discomfort. Freedom only comes from stopping within the chaos and working to uncover the peace and love of the inner self. Have the patience and confidence that you are more than this body, Do this and the pain will ease."

June 22, 2011

Harmony of view

Your personality's perception of your consciousness often works with opposites as a way to find the harmony of balance. Through the working understanding of balance can you move from the tight focus of your experiences to the broad focus of your soul. Two of these opposites are; "I am" (contextual thought); and, "I am not" (Analytic thought)

'I am not' means understanding your soul through the close examination of your individual experiences to determine what meaning you can discover about yourself. What about your experience does not serve your highest self?

"I am" means comparing your overall experiences from a broad point of view. To hold all the seemingly chaotic experiences in a snapshot in order to understand it as a whole; And the putting it into context of the whole of your soul.

You navigate through lives trying to balance the two; among other methods and means, in the desire to know yourself. Each leads into the other and are better meditated on together rather than separately. To your soul, this is a good thing.

--- Inspired from studies with Meher Baba

June 21, 2011

Finding harmony between the Spiritual and the world's demands is among the greatest of challenges. Only achieved when we realize there is no demand and that the world is Spirit--all are One. All is but the journey to see individuality of love within the One. To focus on demand is to forget this. Forgetting causes separation from your neighbor. Only by remembering that you are of Spirit will you remember that you are all Spirit, all in this together.-- Voices of Spirit

You are perfect just the way you are! Be happy, be OK, Just Be.

You think you want, need, and have trouble finding the motivation.

Do not fight yourself.

Say no to the self limiting thoughts: I can't, I am not, I want, I need....

Instead say aloud: I can, I am, I have, I know!!

Know you are worth it! Remember who you are!

June 19, 2011

"Experience the moment without labels. Life without technical terms is a life better felt. Feeling life will bring you closer to yourself. Experience, rather than method is best- through a fine honed intent. Everyone's journey is as unique as their existence. Celebrate it with joy and love." --- My Spirit Teacher

Laugh, cry, forgive, give thanks, heal. Change you, change the world.

June 18, 2011

Love and Service:

Of the nature of the soul;

included, are two aspects.

Love and Service

Often one is borne into or of the other. Like thought and emotion, they combine physicality and the spiritual. They combine reality and perception into the existence of experience.

Like thought and emotion, Love and Service carry components made up of energy. A counterpart to our physical senses that are just as real not only beyond our perception, but through other dimensionalities that effect all that is.

Love through service is an ideal that many souls strive to make into a purpose within their incarnated lifetime. What sidetracks many is that they grow to feel that they have messed up by a lack of love through service. They end their lives feeling like they made no difference, or that there was nothing they could have done to be of service. They did not see the opportunities for service, and then think and feel that they are less than.

This could not be further from the truth. This is because love and service are a form of energy. Not just physical. Service does not have to be of a physical nature. All that is necessary to show love through service is to understand this.

Just as thought and emotion are energy, so too are love and service. Married with proper intent, love through service is nothing more that projected thought and emotion. Don't believe me? Look at someone around you having a hard time with life. Look at someone who is distraught, look at someone who feels loss, look at someone in need. Go to them, smile, and tell them you love them and let them know you care. That is service through love. That is an energetic action manifested in the physical. If you are unable to find such a situation, or find yourself unavailable, look to those that make you uncomfortable and situations that repel you. Ask yourself why; what about that situation makes me feel that way? Is there anything in that I can help myself see that which is good, that which is love? Is there any way I can change my thinking to help me feel more at ease? This also is a form of energetic service.

These actions taken upon yourself, simple though they may be, and though they may be purely of emotion and thought... they too, are love and service to others. Just as action taken in physicality is of service, our thoughts and emotions carry energetic power through our realities and across dimensions to reach other souls we interact with.

The actions, thoughts, and emotions we experience pave the way for others experiences thus altering how the ALL perceive reality and interact within it.

Lastly, for those with greater self awareness; Love and service has an even greater potential component. Using that part of you which is spiritually connected, be it healing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, energy work, prayer, ect.. ; for you, love and service can be energetic to a great degree. The more consciously aware you are of your energy bodies the more you can direct your conscious and unconscious interactions in and through the spirit realms. Dreams, travelers, healers, teachers, and guides you can be. Conscious and unconscious you can direct your energy to the healing and service of others through your realized love. This is part of the shift of the soul. This is part of what it means to move back into awareness. ---Inspired by Spirit

June 17, 2011

What you don't like about yourself, what makes you uncomfortable is a secret weapon. Look it head on and focus on it. How do you change these feelings? You can fight, surrender, come to a compromise, or change your perspective. By looking at the why's of any emotion as it pertains to your feeling about feelings and your experiences is the key to this weapon. Successfully used you will breach walls of illusion and discover more of who you really are. This is an aspect of awareness.

June 16, 2011

"The inner sight, the mind's eye is the dream realized through the conscious awakening, to the truth of your Spirit. Every awakening is different and unique as every soul in creation. This inner vision is the dream, it is the clairvoyance, it is the knowing that you can manipulate your vibration in the context of visualization. Perception is only limited to the boundaries you set for your existence. Normally, the incarnate is limited to the conscious perception of one visual input at a time. That which comes from the flesh of it's organ. But buried within the cellular structure lay the energetic connections that married with thought, belief, and action, enable the incarnate to manipulate it's energy to perceive with it's ethereal and astral organs. This is a joint effort of the soul and personality between planes of existence and the connections in between. Also unique in every individual, the power of this perception is defined by the state of being of one's Spirit and the higher self's desired focus. The real method of this focus is emotional intent. Emotional intent within ones state of being is the focus of life. From this, thought is borne into all action. The course and quality of your active emotional thought has bearing on what you perceive, both in your created realities and in the mind's eye." ---Voices of Spirit.

June 13, 2011

In hardship we have the opportunity to reflect on who we are... although often, unwilling or unable. It does not matter so much as there is always review on the other side. But the personality who can evaluate the self within the current experience can then make choices to alter the experience and ultimately who they truly are. To have conscious awareness of this, is one aspect, of being one with the Divine within you.


When the whole world and everyone you know needs healing how do you decide where to start?


"You start with your heart, your head, your feelings within your current moment. Now, here, this second. Only by fully knowing and understanding all of who you are, and working to heal those parts of you that make you uncomfortable can you begin to effect healing others. Look it square in the eye and do not look away. Be brave. But do not worry. Do not be so scared. This is not a linear experience. You do both at the same time. Healing you heals the world! All is one, and All is energetic. The work you do NOW in this very moment changes not only YOU, but your place in your world. This alters everything that has a connection to you. The elevation, the filtering, the charging of this energy or the condensing, the solidification, the coloring you enable, will be felt by all. Though you may not be aware of it, you have it within you to so evolve your soul as to change the world. The work you do forges paths, clears energies, creates new trails, ignites great beacons, Your soul is worth remembering, Your soul is worth exploring, You can learn to express all of what your soul is capable of now. To Heal the world, to Heal others is to Heal you. Healing you is to Heal the world. When a world of souls engages in this type of desire, it raises the energy of the entire state of that life system. Causing it to experience ALL that is in a whole new way. This is good. Your wold will then move out of experiences of fear, and into experiences of Love."

--- Voices of Spirit

June 10, 2011

Today's messages,

"Thought is energy, emotion is the wellspring of soul energy. Communication with you burst forth from our will with unbound emotion and surrounds and propels this thought as if it were solid. Rushing to your personality's pathways a connection is made. Your receptiveness is one of acceptance, surrender and focus.

You soul is but a part of the song of All Heaven. Each personality has tones of symphonic dissonance and harmony. You ask our name, names are nothing to the sound of your soul. All know your sound, how do you wish to sound?

Lessons there are for everything. There is no reason to learn anything other than that of which there is to experience. Within that is the self realization of enlightenment, the knowing of one's self within the all.

Only by knowing your neighbors heart will you understand your place.

Very often Spirit when returned home, will have not yet remembered the physics of the state of being they reside. They will have forgotten that their soul vibrates at a certain speed and it is known by such. But their base etheric body will be first to remember. Unconsciously they will attempt to navigate but know not how. Tossed about on the winds of heaven they will become disoriented. To reorient takes work. In such states, new arrivals will become saddened on their seemingly lack of ability to return to those they love. Some may experience difficulty matching vibrations of those they left behind. Such experiences can be overcome through guidance and experience, and of course remembering. This is part of our work. The return to self can take time. Do not loose hope. Once the return is complete the return to you can begin!

Just as your name has sound so too your soul. Just as your name has an image, so too your soul. The beauty of art, the simple symbol or the crude slash, could be you.

When you combine thought with image you move your intent in powerful force. Your personality is a channel for your higher self and your intent will push through the strongest storms of your life.

Like attracts like. You state of being, your state of mind, your words, your thoughts are a powerful attractor to all Spirit. High and dense states. Don't be scared. Most do not care, nor do they listen. Only true love or true fear seek companionship. Your loved ones hear because they wish to. Those in darkness hear because they do not hear their heart."

---Voices of Spirit

June 08, 2011

Energy workers: Letting go of worry.

Just for today I will not worry. The Reiki mantra holds special meaning for those who practice healing modalities. Often times as a practitioner evolves, learns, and moves through a healing tradition they will become more Spiritually aware of a special feeling of responsiveness to those in need. Many times especially in the beginning, this feeling is amorphous, nebulous and can be somewhat uncomfortable. This is natural and it is your spirit's consciousness attempting to facilitate healing through the physicality of your body. By being focused on the world around you in the 3D body it is easy to unconsciously live through this experience and precieve it as uncomfortable. What this means is that you might feel overwhelmed, sad, tired, a feeling of longing, feeling like you are less than capable, feeling that you should do more, that you've not done enough. You might feel that all the world needs healing, how can I help, it's all too much. So many people, how and where to start... how do I manage...

Know this, these feelings are normal. It means that you are connecting to the parts of your higher self that wishes nothing more than to serve others. It is balancing this within your 3D reality that is the key to managing your feelings. Balance is a funny word because Spiritually it is the point between action and inaction of the self through the experience. My Spirit Guides have taught me that one balancing point is that of Intent. By closely examining feelings which make me uncomfortable I can make choices that would require mental or physical action or I can stop, let go, and surrender to that which I can not effect in the moment of now.

When it comes to a healing modality, service is often best achieved when it is specifically asked for. Another way it is achieved is when attention is brought to bare through an emotional response or a reaction to someone or something in your immediate environment. These needs are usually of a known quality. Obvious. And healing can be addressed in a prompt fashion. If you are aware of it and feel Spiritually called, the action can be taken with assurance. All else that you do not know how to deal with can be dealt with through physical inaction.... to let go of that which you can not effect today. BUT...........

But, Letting go of this worry does not necessarily alleviate the feelings you have in regard to the need of the world! WHY! Why indeed! Because I, you, the whole human race is capable of so much more than that which is in the perception of your physical reality. By expanding what your idea of what is, you can achieve healing by just changing the intent of your very state of being!

Yes, you can! Look at the light being of your soul. Look at it and know your personality carries this being with it. You are NOT separated from the totality of all you might become, all of who you are! All that is required to facilitate the change required to quench this uncomfortable desire is to flip the light switch of your light to ON. Flip it on and HOLD onto the healing light that emerges. Picture the Universal healing energies that emanate from the Divine Source and visualize it traveling at you under the universal TONE of Love in radiating glowing white waves. With this Visualization KNOW that you are capable of receiving it through your INTENT. This Knowing is to channel it. Feel the waves hit your light body and surrender to it's healing flow. Let it radiate through and around you. Let the love and light fill you. Let it radiate around you like a great light. It's color matters not, only your intent matters. Know this, by holding on to this with the intent to radiate healing will your discomfort dissipate. Through your intent to hold and radiate love, healing, and light, will it's intelligent energy go to where it is needed. Into the Earth, around the world, and filling those around you in need, it will go..

As a healer with held intent, you can switch on the channels within your Soul that can change the world. This is some of what it means to be a light worker. Heal yourself, heal the world.

Peace to all,

June 06, 2011

The courage to look while stuck in the moment can bring attention to that which is uncomfortable. Peace from this discomfort comes when realization that reason and purpose matter not, but only when what one can take from passing through the moment is a true essence of who you are, will courage be fully expressed. --Voices of Spirit.

June 06, 2011

Waiting for Permission.

For me one of the biggest barriers to spiritual growth has been waiting. Waiting for permission, waiting for advice, waiting for the right moment, the right time, the right circumstance, the right people, the right feeling. To wait is to use an emotional tool. A modality to look without the present self, and at one's perceived reality. It refers to a period of time spent in inaction. But when used as a descriptor it mean remaining available for use, to remain ready.

I have found that when I look outside of myself I am responding to an emotion of desire, the desire of ready anticipation. Within that anticipation resides a fear of inadequacy, a fear of worthiness, a fear of criticism, a fear that I am not truly ready, and a fear of failure. It is a sneaky way for my lower ego to defend the personality of this body.

My higher-self, my soul knows it is ready and willing to do more, explore more of myself and who I am. It knows risk is relative to the perception of my life choices within cause and effect. So it allows a pause of inaction in the hope that such contemplation, be it nervous or calm will redirect my outward vision to one of inner exploration. To examine the feelings behind the waiting. By exploring the emotional root of waiting, I will discover new insights into my reality. When waiting increases my nervousness my soul is trying to call more attention to itself, when calm approaches, the soul is ready to move on.

Once this is realized, I know that I never needed permission to wait from anyone or thing, other than that of myself. The right time for giving myself permission is now. Now is the moment I look within myself. Within myself is the courage to live in the moment of now. The only thing outside of that are other's moments of now. Approaching moments of now together with others is the only right moment for truly living any reality worth living.

June 4, 2011

Who says your not perfect just the way you are right now? No? Are you sure? Why worry about where you were, why stress about where you want to be---If your not sure about where you are right this moment... Trust that you are worth it to find out.

It is better to say, "I will move there, to that spot"; rather to want. It is better to say, "this will serve me better- I will do that"... than to say, "what should I do?". Always choose what empowers you.

June 3, 2011

Going it alone:

I have found in my life that overcoming anything requires strong action based thought. The degree of which should be equal or greater to that which is overwhelming. And it is best achieved if such action is reapplied in a methodical planned out way in-spite of any future feeling. A strong foundation is not built by desire alone. It is not put to good use through simple observation. It must be built upon over time. It must be then used and kept in repair. This is true with our experiences.

As in construction, your life will be defined by preservation, expansion, or decline. But to renew takes constant work, dedication, and planing.

These are all processes of the human condition. A commonality to humanity. At it's best we empower each other in the self creation of bodies of grandeur. At it's worst we tear down and and loot. We can over overcome this cycle by becoming neighborhoods of self sustainability. Each building built with the greater good in mind. How will we serve our neighbor in this effort? Only by joining to raise our roofs will we create structures to stand through the tests of this life.

To deny that we need others can be so painful. No one like thinking they are not capable of building and creating their life on their own. Even though they might be good at plumbing, or electrical, or pounding a nail, even so they frequently do not have the blueprint in hand. They lack the full muscle, and strength to finish all of the work by themselves. They've not stepped back and seen the progress of their house. They are trapped between the studs trying to hold the creation of what they see.

Only by raising our awareness of our self and our place within All that is; do we realize that we can not do it alone. We should not have to "go it alone"...

Do not go alone.

Going it alone in life will hurt

Hurt is not necessary

Let go

Ask for help

Hold out your hand

Help will come

June 2, 2011

Thought and mind

"The mind resides in Spirit. Mind controls all reality. The degree of conscious awareness of the Spiritual self determines the limits of perception and thus the interaction with and the creation of self observed reality. Thought is the vehicle of creation. Fuel it with that which will carry you furthest. Carry passengers you wish to travel with. Care for it as long as you wish to drive. For In the Return, you will have created a reality based on your present thinking. It is better for you to remember some of who you are now. It's a simple matter of owning your intent. Someday you will fully realize and have vested interest in the power of your thoughts. Being aware of this personal power is to create form from will. The more experience you have with this, or the more emotional intent applied to these forms the easier it is to apply your will to realities. This can be applied to Spirit as well. This can be subtle influences, or waves of onslaught. This is why you have the huge range of influences in your life. Physical, spiritual, intellectual, emotional. You are always dealing with influences. That is why it is so important to remember who you are. You are Spirit experiencing. Embrace your true nature, and work with those in higher spirit who have your best interests at heart to realize your full potential. Do not fear that which you do not understand. Do not fear unknown, unseen influences. You are an influence in your own right. There are limits on influence. Within each state of being the manifested aspect of the soul is bound within it's vibrational reality. Like attracts like. If you own your thoughts within your state of being you have nothing to worry about. Much of the time, your focus is too tight to lead you astray from your desired experiences. Just be yourself, Be who you want to be and trust that Spirit who loves you will lead you to where you need to be. Follow what truth is in your heart that is based in love and you will arrive. What does this mean for your present reality? It means to follow active intent with action to create your own personal reality. If done within your vibrational state of being you will create it."

.--Voices of Spirit

"Do you believe in the permanence of Truth? Do you believe in the ability of love to be a Truth? Do you believe in the permanence of Spirit? Do you believe in the Spiritual nature of Love? Then do not fear the permanence of Love. A mutually connected Truth in Love never dies. Know this. To doubt the power of your love is to limit who are. To rediscover this can be one of the greatest joys of Spirit in Transition. Why wait?"--Voices of Spirit

June 1, 2011

I found this chart online and find it fascinating. Thought I'd share.


"Comparing 3rd and 4th Density Relationships"

A Sociological Comparison of

How Relationships can work.

As channeled by Lyssa Royal

June 1, 2011

Focusing on life is so hard.

Focusing too hard---is harder.

True focus is about looking at how you feel, think, and react within a particular situation. Then comparing that reality with how you precieve your highest possible self. If you only focus on goals; ie. what you want, desire, and think you need; if you make a list, check it twice and don't look up you will not be able to move beyond self-protection and self-promotion. You will not be able to fully engage in the process of doing. Nor will you be able to take part in helping others do the same. Which will exclude you from team efforts and shared experiences. But true personal success is always a team effort. And to lead that effort, you must look away from tight self focus. But still, as you've heard before; focus is good and desired and necessary to have a life experience; but too much focus can be bad. Better is to find a working balance. This can often take a lifetime to master. This is good.

ps.. where is the rewind and fast forward button for life.... lol

June 1, 2011

Where have you been? I've missed you. For a while I was hiding in the dark. I was scared. But you're here now... Were you scared too? I still am.. What scared you? Lets find the light together and move on.

I've got a feeling about this life I can't quite put my finger on. It's on the tip of my tongue- I know... Part of me wants to dance, part of me is scared.. I think I have to choose but, I don't know what I am choosing...Maybe it's me.

June 1, 2011

I've instituted archives for this section of the blog to better manage editing. Previous entries and content are now in the "Musings Archives" located in the lower right frame.