Stopping dolphin harvesting

Q) I am also wondering about the dolphins in Japan. Will we see the slaughter stop in our lifetime.


I am getting from Spirit, that in this particular instance (the cove) that the consciousness's (dolphin) were self sacrifices to each those involved. They were to teach us all about the value of all life, and to further own understanding of what constitutes sentience. The people involved will not be able to process this until their own life review. As well, this happened for the awareness this has brought on a global scale. The dolphins involved, were able to be rejoined with their soul groups or reborn. But, for those humans involved they have/are creating a certain type of heavy thick fear energy that will be internalized in other lifetimes as tool to manifest more complex fear based human experiences. This happens a lot in war, certain aggressive actions taken by social groups as well. Nothing is wasted. The energy is either reabsorbed by the soul or absorbed by the earth system or it is held by the souls to be transformed into love at another time. Now this is not a statement of good or bad, right or wrong. It is just a statement of what I am picking up on in this particular instance. Such experiences are always co-created. Change comes when the separation that many humans see between them and other creatures and their environment is altered. When enough people internalize and manifest the belief that there is no separation between the species and their environment, such tragedies will cease. The individualized personal beliefs will alter participation of the greater co-created manifestations. You wish to know if such experiences will stop in your own life. The 'probabilities' are very good for this particular practice to end within the next life time. But, it's likelihood will depend on the free will of the individuals and companies involved. But this is a great example of how we can manifest a co-created reality on a global scale in a dualistic world. Through focus, perseverance, and conscious intent your energy can be shared in unique ways to create the experience you wish.