September 2011

September 30, 2011

In response to today's coment on the CE blog: Someone said,

"He (MJ) sounds more eloquent here then he did in real life, more well spoken. Perhaps this is via Jamie's filter and she's rewording him to sound different? "

My response with a follow up is:

I don't think anyone can say for sure. It's hard to see, understand and comprehend how much of one soul's other aspects (past lives, current and future dimensionality) merge upon transition and what influence that has on how the personality is presented. After all, none of us knew him, we only have the snippets the media provided from us and our own individual perception of that. I am fairly sure to Jamie, she would not call her experience a filter, as I am sure she feels she is repeating it word for word as she experiences it. I think filters are more subconscious to sensitives than anything else, having to do with how the data comes across the energy, mental, emotional, and psychic connections. Like speaking a foreign language. I hear yes, you hear yes maybe, and sally hears yes possibly, and john hears just gobblediegook.

So then then another thing to think about is; Does the Spirit in question then present themselves as they really are, or do they present themselves as how we think we recall them, or do they focus on the message?

September 27, 2011

When I think of the boys and all our loved ones on the other side, I felt inspired to write

this poem, maybe song.

Light to come home by:

Turn on your light for me

I wanna see my way


Turn on your light for me

I need to feel you


Turn on your light for me

You know the way


When I see your light

I can find my way

back home

You light feels like home

You feel like my way

You feel like my home

Back home

back home

where you are

come to me

leave your light on

come home to me

Back home

to me

Wait for me

Turn your light on.

September 26, 2011

"If you want help, You need to ask. But you need to be specific. You have to do the work to understand why you should have help. We are here for you, but it is not our job to do the work for you if you can do it". ---Voice of light

To: E. I wanna be entertained.... "Fuck that.. You entertain ME.. Do something already... don't look to heaven, you make your own reality. You want US to make life for you? You made your life, live it, Don't just sit there. Don't like it? Change your attitude and go do something. When you do that... SHIT, now thats! entertainment. When you do that, you fucking ROCK. Dude, you don't need me, you want, but this is your gig, were just gonna give you what you need, not what you want." ---E

I've often thought about what kind of heart, what kind of unconditional love it must take to agree to be a villain for a spiritual purpose. I am not sure it takes anything special other than a realization that you are me, and I am you, that we are all connected to remember the love that is in each of us. Makes me wonder if I hurt or if it was a way to get me to see myself in a new light.

"Do not worry about offending Spirit with mis-interpretaion. Even the least evolved creation can feel your intention. We who love you have your back. We see, we know, we understand. Concintrate on how to be true to expressing what you feel for the greater good and let any worry go. Emotional misunderstandings are simply a spiritual opportunity for self understanding. There is no right thinking other than what your willing to percieve."----Voices of Spirit & E.

September 23, 2011

I am headed out of town and will not be posting for several days. So I'll leave you with this message inspired by the gang.

Faith, Doubt, Fear, --LOVE

When faith has got you down. When doubt is crawlin around, when fear is all that sound. What do you do, where do you go?

You stop, hold, and ask.

Stop, It's OK to be still. It's OK to wait. It's OK to not know.

Hold yourself. And Look at what your feeling. It's OK to feel. It's OK to stare at the soul, the dark, the well, the unknown. What looks back is the reflection you needed to see.

Ask. Ask yourself, "Am I afraid? Am I afraid of myself? Am I afraid of Love? Am I this fear? What does this experience make me feel about myself? Is this me? Is this who I want to be? If not-- Am I afraid to just be? Is there anything about me, that is worth being afraid of?

If I turn off the light, will I still BE? If I turn ON the light and I see me; Is what I look at, OK? Can I Be, what I feel? Is it, OK. Can I ask? Do I want to find the answer?

When Faith seems lost, look inside and see it was never lost. You are always you. Always will be. You can let go of faith and surrender to this knowing.

When doubt overwhelms you. Hold on, and hold your mind close to your heart. Let yourself feel --you. Look at what you feel head on, and know that your feelings are real, they matter just as much as your soul, your body, your experience. Know that in this there is NO Doubt. And HOLD THAT DEAR!

When Fear is all you can hear. Ask yourself Am I afraid of who I am, Am I afraid of all I can do, with all I can be? Am I worth it? Am I worth trying? Is there anything I can do to share myself with others? Is fear who I am, or are there glimmers of love in me that might come out? Am I worth exploring this?

Even if you do nothing else with your life, to share love, to share the possibility that you might be more than your fear is one of the greatest gifts you could ever give yourself. To share this with others is to ease their burden. You CAN make a difference. You CAN change the world around you and YOU can love all the love your are capable of and this will always overcome Fear through you just being you. UR worth it! Live it! Share!

September 22, 2011

I didn't interact with Erik too much on a conscious level, but I know he had a really good time. I distinctly saw him sitting in a lounge chair around water and know he was enjoying himself. He was around when I was channeling earlier in the day, and off and on through out the rest of the day. Either him or one of the gang untied my shoe again right before I left work. That's go to be one of the most freaky manifestations to experience. And then late in the night he was bugging me during dinner and tv to go online and reply. Not bugging me, but you know, buzzing my head. Well, anywhoo,

A CE Reader named Anna wrote in the comments: happy birthday Erik. I’m curious to know if Erik has met or has knowlege of all the various Erik incarnations happening at the same time? Can Erik still influence the Eric before he passed on in this latest incarnation? Does he know how he began? Is there an Erik that’s stuck in a lower plane that needs help? And I guess the biggest question I have is does he care about any of these things? When we leave this plane do we actively pursue any of these questions or do we just get thrown into an eternal present where all this stuff becomes irrelevant?

***Here is the reply***

Hi there Elisa and Anna; Jason here. Here is what Erik says in response to Anna's questions.

"Sup Anna. Thanks for the Birthday wishes everyone.

So yeah; This should give some comfort and (chuckle) confusion. Everyone is multidimensional right? Well if your into that, I can tell you that every part of you past present and future is a conscious awareness, and yet is a part of a collective consciousness that is you, and takes part of intertwining awareness's from other consciousnesses. It's a interweaving of life, light, and love. And while expanding outward also folds back in on yourself/ ourselves as our focus shifts. This focus is emotional thought that is generated in creative creation. This is the big "who am I" that we are all trying to figure, but feel, and show each other, show ourselves. So yeah, each life you've lived, will live and living right now are all connected in continuous existence. You really can heal the past and learn from the future. The thing is; your awareness. As you experience what you remember through each incarnation, or dimensional experience you gain or incorporate greater and greater understanding of who you are in everything. Your connections. This causes expansion and more awareness, that compounds in on yourself. So you will always become more and more. It's pretty much impossible to fail at being you. That's like saying God failed or the Universe sucks. Cause well, that's just limiting bull. It don't matter how you understand this, or think about it, but if you can just for a moment hold in your mind the knowing promise that you are more than, you are perfect, and you will experience everything you need to even if you can't see it. You will feel a greater more expansive connection with every part of you. This is a self fulfilling knowledge that you can count on as a promise. So really beginnings are great for entertainment and make for fascinating tales, but really the beginning of you is always now. The only ending is the limiting thoughts that get nursed into belief and felt through individual perception. You always help, you always heal, you always learn, you always move to a greater understanding of U! So stuck is relative to perception. To the whole of all the aspects of your soul there is opportunity in each perception, each view, each experience. What is done with that is always valued, and totally depends on the free will of the that part of you experiencing it. How much anyone cares totally depends on all of our intent. Remember each part of us has an expanding awareness that evolves in individual conscious and unconscious cooperation. And when you know of each expanding connection you can then act on it to experience it with others connections to you. This is where whole societies and planets evolve and change and create in mass. You can keep working on this when you cross over depending on how much you have experienced and taken to heart and understand. Your in-charge. You are never irrelevant. You are always more! More love. More to love. Always worth it. Love you all!"

Also, Todd mentioned that he hoped Erik is having fun with whomever he often hangs out with. But Erik want's everyone to know it's not an inclusive thing, of physically being "with" someone or somewhere. It's all about emotional thought. If you think of him, he's tuning into you. His awareness opens to you, and yours to him. Physically being there next to yo as energy or a manifestation, don't matter, what matters is the mental and emotional connection. He can work with you to bridge communication, it's only your expectation, belief, fears, doubts, that prevent a more recognizable experience. So this reply isn't for Todd specifically, but it's a topic that comes up a lot. People assume that just because they don't perceive a connection in a way they want or expect or think should happen, they automatically assume their isn't one or that there is something wrong with them. That's not the case at all. There are a ton of communication resources of all kinds out there. If you really want it, you just have to find one you enjoy and stick with it. Just trust you'll be lead to where you need to be.

September 21, 2011

Today is one of the birthdays the soul that is Erik celebrates. It's also the transition anniversary for Andy. I hope they are having fun. I plan on being low-key and chilling for the rest of the week. I am headed out of town this weekend anyway. Hope all is well with everyone.

Sometimes I think

I wonder when

your dreams fled

Long lost last

When it hurt

Was love gone

If only there

was I you

Would love too

Maybe sad saved

Maybe lost found

Hurt no more

Hard to think

Memories time past

Present truth promise

Joy is real

Life is here

You are here

Wish i could

Feel you now

Next to us

Sharing this life

I know truth

I see truth

What I feel

Is often hard

But I know

You are still here.

September 21, 2011

10pm - 1am??

I had an odd dream like experience. Well, It happened after my experience with some voice phenomena by Niki's son Eric. Then I had what felt like a series of astral travel, obe, and lucid experiences with Erik m.

It's difficult to re-tell with an objective perspective because "they" happened in and out of several sleep to half sleep episodes. States of half wakefulness half sleep.

They were definitely not a dream, or just a lucid dream experience. It was almost like a stereotypical astral travel experience. Where you knew you were not in your body, but you were still quite connected. I was aware of my "special" condition, but it on the one hand felt like an awake "state" but I knew that it wasn't. I knew I was "also else-where".

I knew I was somewhere "other" that the main focus of my consciousness was there in this place, but I still retained an odd distinct awareness of my prone form in the bed. An odd duel sensation.

My slumbering body rose and fell in waves of awareness and physical capability. I remember being able to nudge up and look about the room, but my total awareness was elsewhere.

More specifically; my thoughts, my sense of "I am" were in this place. But my hearing was originating in my physical body, though...only heard in this place,,, and yet it seemed attached to my physical head.

It was like my physical body was the source of a vortex into the ether and my consciousness was the eye of the storm.

And in that place, that undulated between my body and this place I experienced something.

That something on one hand was lost to the forgetfulness of the dream mind body connection and yet on the other hand was more real than real.

I do not remember my guides, and I sensed Eric and perhaps Andy there. I am uncertain. I distinctly remember Erik there. As to what I and we were doing is now my 2nd guess of these fleeting sensations. Not quite memory in the traditional sense but a soul memory.

And in that memory that came and went, I saw, felt, heard, and thought and took action.

I remember sitting. I remember desks in a room. Like a class room. I remember what whom I thought was Erik dictating to me "something". Perhaps it was a lecture? Perhaps it was for me alone. I remember writing furiously as the voice loud and clear dictated. I remember the effort the mental and physical effort it took to keep up and write as fast as I could.

I distinctly remember the words. "I'll be responsible for this part and you will take that part". But of what, I do not recall. I remember the feeling of dealing with information in relation to this. Disjointed team work. Where each person headed their own side and worked on their own, but they worked in harmony and as a team.

It was an odd feeling this effort. On one hand it "felt" like it was happening "real time" and on the other, the ebb and flow of consciousness felt like I should get up from bed right then and write a book. But then as my awareness approached my body, that part of me realized that no time had passed and I was actually asleep in bed, and that there was nothing for me to do yet.

Then I would go back and the voice and voices would continue along with the fast paced writing. There was such a phsycial sensation to it. The voices seemed so close. So right in my ear, that not only was localized but reverberated in my whole being.

I do not know how long this lasted, But I returned with an increadable sense of drive but then as the realization of where my body actually was I heard, "you don't need to do this right now".

Then I "woke up" and went back to normal sleep.

The only other time, I've experienced something like this was when my guides first taught me how to work with energy and shield myself.

I'll think on this and see if I can recall more.

September 20, 2011

This morning during Reiki and my meditations my field of vision switched to mind's eye and I saw an old 1950's pickup truck pull up in front of me. I was looking up as though a child and into the window. I saw Erik behind the wheel, sitting next to him in the bench seat was Andy, then Eric. Erik M. behind the wheel leaned out with elbow on the sill, and hand on the wheel and said in a slight drawl, "We're here to pick you up." Only 30 min. later did I get the joke. I spent the rest of the morning with a huge grin on my face.

Last night I also had my dog Boo running to the stair well when one of the boys popped in. It's so bizarre to watch. Come 12:30 or 1 am or so, I hear the dog jump up from bed and run to the stairs, which has the baby gate up in-front of it. The dog sit there wagging it's tail staring off into "human head height" as if he is waiting for his master. So funny. I just say hello to the guys and tell boo to come back to bed. ha ha.

September 19, 2011

I had a really good weekend on the Spiritual front. I made a lot of good progress with two friends of mine in Spirit. I think we got a lot of work done as a team. Niki's son Eric and Iola's son Andy. In addition to working on personal spiritual issues, emotional experiences; we practiced mediumship and communication. Visual, auditory, and other clair experiences. The mothers make great sitters and great partners in this experience. I hope to have many more years together as a group for the greater good. Eventually I'd like to incorporate each spirit individual into their own section on this site, and my experience with them.

This weekend. With both Eric, Andy, and Erik. With that odd email I got. Conversations with both Niki and Iola.

It just really makes me think about what does my own experience mean. I listen to all of you tell me about your own struggles, experiences, joys, and life. And especially thinking about Erik and Elisa, suicide in general and Spirituality. And what it all means. So many layers so many things to think about. It's almost hard to decide where exactly one should start.

Sure I have my own interests; academic; entertainment; etc. Things that fascinate me; Sure I have my own development to think of. Techniques and experiences I feel will allow me to better use and live with my own Spiritual experiences that are beneficial to others and continue to be positive in my own life.

But; I think that one thing can always drawn me back to focus is the emotions brought about by overcoming, experiencing, and transforming Spiritual Fear into positive experience. What can I figure out and draw from my own experiences that get me in touch with all the love and positivity I know is in me. How can I use this to change my reality. How can I help others who think they are broken somehow and have no where to turn. I am not sure.

I am not sure how much posting I will do online this week. Life is still fairly busy and hectic. Plus I will be out of town later in the week.

September 16, 2011

"Hunting for joy. Most people wait for joy to come to them. Or they want someone else to give it to them, or tell them where to find it. You dont need to look for it, you don't need to find it, no hunting, no taking. Just experience it. Preferably naked! HA HA HA... Yeah man, in the buff. Take off all that crap you drag around with you and experience what makes you happy. Disrobe, drop and roll in it! " (lots of knee slapping, bending over with hand on mouth roaring growl with laughter).... (all rightie then...sometimes I wonder about his analogies..... I know what he means, but I keep seeing naked people.. lol)

September 16, 2011

E and the gang seemed to be making the "rounds" last night. Last night's events seemed to surround, "teasing pets". Niki, Sharon and I's pets all went crazy at one point. Staring off into empty space in the wee hours of the night. My dog, Just jumped up on the bed and barked at thin air. Jumped off and played with I am presuming Erik. And then came back to bed when I "them" that I was tired and just wanted to sleep. Image... someone telling ghosts to settle down and let me sleep!

I am chilling out for the next week or two. One is I have a couple of channeling sessions with Andy planned. His transition date is also Erik's last birthday so to speak. Andy and I will be practicing channeling while talking over the phone. Something I don't have a lot of practice with. Most of my channeling is in writing. I also have in-laws moving into a new home over the next two weeks, so between those things real life and work I might not post much or be very responsive via email. I'll have to just play it by ear.

September 15, 2011

I had a re-occurring dream last night, I've had before. In the dream I go to a place that reminds me of England. I am looking for an old friend I knew in this life in my younger days. In this reality she and her husband and children have moved to another country and are not there. Like Switzerland or something, but her sister is there instead. But it's interesting in that I had to hunt and search for her house from the local pub. Then I only found out about her where abouts from the sister. I am not sure what it means, other than a symbolic representation of anxiety and fear of loss. I search for a friend, who is then gone, but there are others left behind in their place. I wonder if it is a metaphor.

On another front; Aside from being ill, and extremely busy with life; I've also been very very busy on a Spiritual and Emotional level. But due to the personal nature of everyone involved I am never sure how much I should share. A lot of it involves overcoming fears. For example, I also had a relevation channeled to me from Niki from her son. A lot of the physical pain and discomfort I experience is due to me holding on to Spiritual fears. A lot of it concerns mediumship development. And some of what I call the BIG F Phrases. "Forgotten Fate" (aka forgotten life contracts) and Finding Functioning Probabilities. I'll dive into these for everyone at some point. It's a complex metaphysical concept and I am seeing it unfold in my life as well as in the life's of the Spirits I work with and those they hold dear. I just wanted to write this out to gather my thoughts. Andy, Eric, and Erik and I have a lot of work to do I think. For example one thing we need to tell the world how important self love and self esteam are in our young people. In almost all of the boys who suicided that I've dealt with Self love issues were a HUGE factor. Each manifested in different ways and cause other symptoms either to express a precieved lack or to hide it. It's a big problem in todays society.

Ok, so on a fun note. Within the past couple weeks or so, It's now officially been one year since I became consciously re-acquainted with Erik. What a wild year. It just blows my mind. I mean seriously. I don't even know where to begin! Yeah. Looking back through my journal archives. I think the first time I consciously "mind-verbal" (Clair-audience) connected with him again was September 13-16. Not sure on the date, cause I think I waited several days before contacting Elisa. Erik claims he was visiting some of us et al... fairly soon after dying. I want to say a month to 4 months. I am pretty sure it was shortly after hooking back up with Jillian. I'd have to ask her for sure. I seem to recall Robert mentioning he was "visiting and hanging out with us all" at least as far back as April. I remember showing Robert vacation photos of Hawaii then, and having Erik comment that he was there some with us. So weird.

Yea, so last March / April was my 1 year anniversary of my first positive spiritual experience; then Last may/June was the anniversary of my "clair abilities and meeting my guides" manifesting. And then this week would be the anniversary for Erik..

All really silly I know... As it's all just about getting requanited and we have so much work yet to do. But still it's kinda fun to think about.

Last night I was talking to Niki on the phone/text/email; and the boys were pranking us. First they hit me with a stink bomb, then her, then they kicked the neighbors car and set the car alarm off. Oh, yeah, and my spouse tells me last night that perhaps a doctors visit is in order because of "strange intense pins and needle sensations in the foot while laying in bed" for the past few nights! Upon hearing that I was not pleased. I KNOW it was one of the boys pranking. But I am not a fan of pranking that could be confused with medical ailments on the unbelieving. I told them I would like them to try visual or auditory or some other thing than that. I suggested to my spouse that perhaps like with the dog incident and the light switches, etc, that perhaps it was just "Casper the friendly ghost saying hi".

September 14, 2011

I've mentioned before that there are about as many thoughts, opinion and ideas about spiritual communication as anything I've ever read about. Seriously. You know, it's almost to the point of, That I don't know if I can even talk about it because it's so subjective. I guess all I can really tell you is my own thoughts. And reaffirm to you that this is my opinion.

One thing I've noticed is this.

Intent is Everything. Followed by emotional perspective. Followed by influence of beliefs. And all of it influenced by imagination.

You need to really really think about your intent. Be clear about what you mean. And mean it!

You have to own your intention. This creates energy.

The more you broadcast your intention the more it colors and creates reality around you.

Don't express something in your reality if you are not in-tune with what's inside of you. Other wise you are not going to be conscious of what you are expressing. You wont understand it. It might create conflicts, frustrations and you might like the cause and effects.

Be truthful about your emotions and their root causes.

There is a lot of talk out there regarding external 3d factors that influence Spiritual communications. If you identify with them. If you identify with the body. If you identify with anything other than your spirit and inner consciousness, inner being, it will influence your communications. Your are not this body, you are not this world, you are not this life. You are more. You have other bodies. Other connections with Spirit than action, a thing, or a part. Any one of these or any combination of them is not a barrier to expressing who and what you really are. The nature of your personal reality is in the creative emotions, NOT the physical.

September 13, 2011

The weather has finally cooled off enough so I can resume my morning walks along the river. So there I was walking along. I was talking withe Erik and Elizabeth. We discussing my feelings about an experience of mine, and they said,

"There is a fine art to experiencing the enjoyment or self abuse of "lettin go vs holdin on". Where people are getting stuck is that they are attempting to assign value judgements of right or wrong to what they feel. They need to cut it out and just observe who they are and who they want to be within the experience and then let go of the worry. If they do that. If they just stop and observe, they will find themselves moving through choices more effortlessly and without so much pain."

September 12, 2011

I've been somewhat ill the past week or so.

Here is something I experienced this weekend. The time was after 11:30 pm. If I was experiencing it in the way I think I was. It would be the 2nd time, I've experienced Erik's grandmother's presence, when she was sleeping and out of body. Which confirms my research that one's incarnated spirit is available for communication to those they wish to visit or who are sensitive. Also this adds weight in my mind to the real possibility of communication with those who have reincarnated. Not only the higher self, but the personality in question as well.

So, back to that night; I had a visitation from Erik, Emily, and who I believe was Elisa's mother. I am not sure the time, but it was after 11:30pm. As I lay in bed I was contemplating the nature of spiritual fear, and how it holds us back and cripples our experiences and distorts them. That it leads to doubt, altering our reality.

I was laying in bed when all of a sudden my field of minds eye vision completely filled with this child's doll. At first I thought, "what the hell, who's fu**8ng with me". And then all of a sudden I see an attached hand come up from the side of the bed, hold it over my body and start shaking it so that it wobbled and a "distorted voice said, "Do not fear, don't be scared, I told you there was nothing wrong" and then Emily's head popped up as she jumped up and said, boo. And then she comes flying up and jumps on my bed and kicks her legs. She looked exactly like she did in life, red curls everywhere and she was so full of life. Then at that moment I felt Erik start buzzing my feet and say, "whaz up". And Jill waved at me from behind him at the foot of the bed.

Then I felt this presence standing next to me and someone sat on the bed next to me and layed their hand and arm on mine, leaned over and kissed me on the forehead, and hugged me. It felt like warm pressure and buzz and tingles. Like I was being wrapped in a blanket, with the pressure a hand and arm makes. Then in my minds eye I saw the same lady that I saw before with Erik, frankly off an on the past month. A vision of Elisa's mom, like I saw before when she was in the hospital.

Super clean, bright, high, happy, boundless energy. She glowed white all over and had the hugest smile. She had her hand on my arm and turned her head and looked at Erik and Smiled, She said, "Erik is my knight in shining armor." Then they started talking about really living, and how alive she was feeling. And then they milled about a little while longer. I could hear whispers and voices in the background externally in the room. And then it all faded away and they were gone.


Another this weekend was that I and my Guardian Angel and Guides experimented with manifestation's of energy, and my perception of it. What this looked like was nebulous transparent clouds that rolled and crackled with faint color. The closest I can think of it, as an odd cross between water, vapor, and plasma. This was in the dark, lit by ambient night light, moonlight and street light.


I also had several really good discussions with Niki and her son Eric. Niki had a session with one of the mediums listed on Elisa's blog. And we learned of some of our past life associations. Quite fascinating. I didn't take the time to explore them very much, other than discuss a corroborating vision I had. Like I said, I'd not been feeling well, so I did not put much time into it. But it reminds me of my intention to start a past life section here on my site. Niki and I also spent some time talking about belief systems, and angels. That, as well; reminds me that I need to work on my guides and angels sections.


Last night at 11 pm, all was quiet and asleep in the house. I suddenly woke up to "someone" calling Boos (my dog) name in my stairwell. And Boo jumped off the bed, ran down the room, tail wagging and was at the stairwell looking up into thin air.... I am sure it was Erik because I heard footsteps as well as the voice sounding just like I've heard before. Then I told Boo to come back to bed, and he ran back to me. Presumably followed by Erik because the dog looked like he was keeping pace with someone, who then stopped. Book looked up in the corner looking like he was looking at someone (empty air), tail wagging. Then he jumped back up on the bed. Right then I started feeling ear and foot tickling. I was fairly amused and startled. The way it happened though made it sound as if Erik walked in the back door, rang the decorative chime bells on the door, then walked up the stairs. Usually I just get the sense that he suddenly appears. So strolling through the house really startled me.

September 04, 2011

"Who will you be in 10 year from now is meaningless compared to deciding who you will be right now.

You somehow think that what is in your mind is imaginary. You presume that this is lacking in reality. Who do you imagine yourself to be? How do you define your existence. How do you define reality. You think but who are you? The perceptions of the mind define how you understand reality. How you imagine this is more than a word, more than an abstract idea. What you think is the energy of the cosmos that creates your ultimate reality. You are you and so is your reality. This is God given This is your creative power! Just because you can't conceive, comprehend, fully see, fully understand doesn't mean all that is, isn't real. You are so much more than you can possibly contemplate. YOU ARE.

Don't forget to just be, live, be at peace with yourself. Worry about if your doing the right thing, if you can do more, what to do next does not serve anyone other than to limit being who you are. When you surrender expectations of how you "should" be, you then are able to allow yourself to be how you really are. This causes a introspective moment to re-ask yourself, Who am I. This is the Divine given question that will lead you back to yourself. Who am I. Who am I in this moment. If you feel a hesitation, if you feel a disturbance, if you feel uncomfortable. Look closer and ask yourself why. Why, what is making me feel this way. Look at it. Stare it down and say to yourself. IS THIS ME?!? Is this who I am, who I want to be? If it is.. if you want it... Then ACCEPT it for being who you are and loose the self abuse. If it is NOT who you want to be. IF you don't like it.... Look closer.. Look hard at it and try to FEEL what is behind that feeling.. The initial feeling of discomfort is NOT real. What is BEHIND it IS the real MOMENT. That moment IS the cause, the trigger, the telling moment to POINT your awareness to the REAL you. That cause behind the feeling will let you make a CHOICE. This choice will move you closer to WHO you really want to be, who you really are, OR if refused, will lead you back to fear. To dive head first into this is HARD work. BUT it is the trans-formative moment that CAN change your LIFE. IT can SAVE you. REDEEM yourself. IT will lead you back to Love! The choice is always available to you. You just have to make it. Say yes to loving yourself enough to do the work. Say yes to today. Say yes to right now. The moment is yours. I Love You So Much, but I can't tell you anything other than how to Save yourself from yourself. You are in-charge. Life and Love is up to you". --- Love you, Erik.

September 03, 2011

Not sure what is up. I stopped by the C.E. blog and noticed the forum has disappeared. Software glitch? I have not idea. Last week, I felt a strong urge to copy over all the channeled messages I've posted in the forum over to this site. And I did so. They are unedited and located in the link in the right frame. Channeling Erik forum channeled messages So if the forum doesn't make a re-appearance at some point or in another form, they are there. It's quite a lot of material. One of these day's I'll organize it. All of it is channeled by me and come from a variety of entities. Erik, guides, angels, my teachers.

**Edit; Looks like CE Blog is experiencing technical difficulties on the server end.


The ultimate spiritual phenomena is not paranormal, mysterious, or subject to hidden mystery. For it is, that of Divine Grace in each of us. That which liberates and redefines the self perception of the soul. Before this, ALL phenomena is meaningless trinkets of misplaced amusement. This is a miracle worth experiencing, the miracle of you being you.


Pure Release. Pure Original Euphoria of Spirit. The Joy, The Peace, The Knowing of LOVE; comes from letting go of control and Allowing You to just BE. Who you are IS ok. Accept.

September, 2011

I was at my usual writing, and out of humor, boredom, or perhaps .... oh, I don' t know. I asked Erik if he had any messages to pass along. He said,

"Dude, no I don't have any messages. If I kept telling you shit, your not gonna say what is inside of you. Your going to do what you already know needs doing. Just be yourself, and if you get stuck, then ya can ask me for help."