

So Here is an email conversation between a good friend of mine and I. In the conversation she is asking me for my personal opinions. Of which one was on Assension. I thought I'd share.


Friend to Jason:

Big wave back to you :-) I hope you are having a good week so far 2 :-)


Jason to Friend:

I am very tired. Very busy. Somedays I feel like on the verge of burn out. But I always manage to keep my chin up and get on with it. If you know what I mean. That's why I've not been replying as fully and promptly to you as I'd like. I just run out of time or energy. Some days I think I would like nothing better than to run away and become a farmer or something where all I have to think about is plants, the earth or nature. I'd say run away and be an artist, but I don't want to starve! ha ha ..


Friend to Jason:

Oh, poor you. It sounds like you have a few similar problems with Arthritis like Robert?. Yes, it's always good to slow down a bit and nurture one's body. I believe the body tell us when we need to slow down.


Jason to Friend:

I have pretty severe scoliosis, degenerative disk disease, bone spurs, arthritis, and carpel tunnel syndrome. It's extreamly rare I am not in pain 24/7. I do see a chriopractor and take medication. I also am a reiki practitioner, al-be-it I have totally put that aside of late. Basically it boils down to money and time. How much of either can I put into it. I don't complain too much, it's fine, but sometimes it can be difficult to keep happy and engaged. I do try though.


Friend to Jason:

Spirit are still wanting me to practice meditating LOL. I need to focus more though (sigh).....Any tips? ;-)


Jason to Friend:

I often hear people say, " I wish I could meditate more, maybe I'd be in better contact with so and so spirit, or it would raise my vibrations"....

I got to tell you, I really don't feel traditional meditations do anything other than provide you an opportunity for self examination, detachment or stress relief.

If you chase change, especially with worry, you will always be running around. If you actively practice visualizing mindful intention, change will find you. It's going to be really hard if you wish to contact Aunt Suzie, but all you can think about is how you need to release all thought, feelings, and look at an empty room.

What I do, is fill that empty room. I visualize, imagine, and picture Aunt Suzie in the room, with all of life's clutter and chaos. I simply say, I remember Suzie, She is still here, with me, She is out there, still Aunt Suzie.

Instead of letting go, I tighten my mental focus on Aunt Suzie, and I hold that image to my mind and I "think-at" the image as if it were her. I think of it as a video phone to other side. Now if you find the mental work of focus, refocus and effort in visualizing all that as meditation, then I guess you are.....

But when I DO meditate, I do so only for stress relief, for letting myself closely feel my emotions and visualizing them wash away, and closely examining the how's and why's of who I am. In that quiet light I can then decide what is and isn't me.... And I have to tell you, I am never an empty room, a flame in the dark, or a quiet wind.... I am eternal thought seeking love of those I share life with. If I closely examine it, I will see all of our connections.

Does this make sense? In expressing the desire to meditate, it is always best to think of why, what, how, and whom. Once you start asking more questions, the direction for your next step will be more clear in the very least you will ease resistance and be able to take one more step. It's the first step that is the hardest and one even I often don't take.


Friend to Jason

Can I ask you a question about Ascension? Do you know if your soul has already ascended (if you know what I mean?)

Well, to me Ascension means as a soul or facet you have completed all your Karma and lessons and also as a spirit you have become One with the God source or whatever, and to return to Earth again you are here for love you are here to help solely to be a light worker to help humanity become enlightened at this time on Earth, i.e the balancing and you are a part of a group of higher evolved souls who volunteered to come here for that reason? (haven't explained it that well) in a hurry............

The reason I am enquiring is that I found these 2 comments on different websites interesting and then I asked my guide about myself if my soul had ascended, he said "Yes', but didn't comment further, which then got my thinking about 2012 and beyond and my actual soul facet.

I'm pretty sure I'm creating new Karma LOL ;-)


Jason to Friend:

Ahhh.... now here is something interesting... A label... Assensiton... A label that lets us ask questions....

Now, there are multiple definitions for this concept or word.

Ascension may refer to:

*Ascension (mystical),--- the belief in some religions that there are certain rare individuals that have ascended into Heaven directly without dying first.

*Ascension of Jesus, the bodily ascension of Jesus into heaven

*Feast of the Ascension, an annual feast commemorating Jesus' ascension; a public holiday in several countries

*The ascension of Muhammad known as Isra and Mi'raj

*Ascension to heaven of Enoch (ancestor of Noah)

*Ascension, moving upwards in climbing and mountaineering

*Right ascension, in astronomy, a term used to describe positions in the sky

*Enlightenment (spiritual) involving the study of the soul and conciousness

*Ascended master

*in some New Age teachings the spiritual transformation of the Earth

I think it's very very important when thinking about such things to not take anything anyone says (including me!) too objective or literal. For example, I always try to take data, information, etc., and look for subjective patterns and match it with my personal experience. I rarely take others experience as my personal truth unless it matches both of these. And I always hold the card, that I am willing to be wrong. After all my own experiences and interpretation of any data is highly subjective.

What I think is very interesting is how many different views of these sorts of things you've been running into. Robert, This lady, online stuff, books, your guides, me, etc. It's obviously about choices. Who am I in others beliefs and how do they impact my own, if at all. Who am I in their or this reflection?

So just ask the question. What resonates with my heart? What feels like me. All else is just worry and isn't the love of your true self.

So we were talking about the concept of ascension. And how I tend to think of it as more a metaphor.

I really don't believe in the 2012, shifting, ascension, and other new age theme or ideas floating around out there. I dont think they are anything new. I've seen these patterns in everything from Spiritualism, shamanism, and many of the worlds religions through human history. Many use labels, concepts, stories, allegories, and metaphors to concepts about the journies our souls, and consciousness takes as it experiences itself.

Regardless of what or how we view an afterlife, heaven, state of being, or the soul. Most of these religious and philosophical movements tend to look outside themselves into dogmas, theologies, events, doings, happenings, and things, ritual, right and wrong; The looking outward is always an escape, an illusion, a variation of dualities, and can be an excuse to not look at the heart and mind of who we really are. Who am I? We are not the answer. We are the question.

And so we seek to ask questions about ourselves that lead to ever better questions. Through this process our awareness of ourselves expands. If God lives through us as us, who or what is God? If God is in All that IS? What does that mean for us? I have a guide that has lived through as he put it, "multiple universes". What does that mean exactly? And what does such a statement mean for my soul? Who am I, Indeed. Who are you? Who are we together?

So you see, this becomes a journey of consciousness. Perceptions, perspective, belief. In those we feel. We think. We experience and create.

So to ask about ascension is to really ask, who am I? Is this me? Does what anyone or any spirit limit or define me? Is my perception of this life, this chain of lives, this planet, say anything at all about me? Do I have enough data to make a value judgement about it or myself in it? What of any of it do I understand, and does it matter?

So as for me, myself?....well..... Like I said, I feel the new agers are mistaken, or are misunderstanding.

Sure it may simply mean I am mistaken and I will be left behind, or not in the group, the knowing, or participating in whatever life they foresee. Every medium has a filter. We can only take what resonates and let the rest go as not our journey.

Like I said, Erik and my guides have not said anything to me personally about any of this. Nor have they even guided me to anything that resonates about it. Now that may mean it's just not in my life plan. Or maybe I am doomed. Or just flat out crazy, wrong and broken. That's ok.

I do not think anything will happen in 2012. Specifically NOT on my birthday, goddess forbid! ha ha...

I do not think much of the stuff channeled via Erik et al will happen. Nor do I buy a lot of the stuff channeled out there. Heck... I don't even fully understand 3/4 of the stuff I channel!

(or read)

I don' t for a second think anyone is going to be whisked away to another dimension.

I think some of those people are grossly underestimating human habit and ability. Anything that smells like worry is not love and not who we really are.

I believe karma is just a tool. Think of it as a very intense desire. I feel I owe you. I feel I need to balance this. I feel the need to make amends, I feel I need to complete, I feel i need to understand, I feel I need to help,.... we build, create, and fufil it for as long as we on a soul level need it.

The process of personal enlightenment has gone on through countless cultures, civilizations, worlds for all eternity. And will continue. I believe earth is a world of duality for the purpose of gaining emotional experience, and I think it will always be so. But that in no way limits my soul, how I see it or whom I am.

I do think that as we as souls ask more questions, we create better questions, and so, move further along to whom and what we are. Conscious union with all that is.

We are love, and can not help but to create more of it, if not now, well.. we are on the path to choose aren't we. Choose how we will ask, who am I? I do believe humanity as a whole will act more in union with this. Through service to others, and a change in how we see ourselves as individuals and a group. We can overcome much of the duality that so hurts. So in away, I think ascension could be a metaphor for this process.

Now as far as my own soul? I have no clue. I don't for a second think I will be going anywhere until I die. I believe my soul is a part of a multi-dimensional consciousness that takes part in one or more groups or associations. What that means, I am not sure. I also believe that the personality incarnated in this body is just an aspect or facet of conscious focus of my soul, .. just a tiny fraction of what I am. I have no idea if this facet incarnates as a cohesive unit on a path of it's own. I don't know know if my soul creates a new focus with each life. I don't believe my higher self has anywhere to ascend. I believe it is already in union with all that is. I believe it is simply exploring what all that means, and it creates new lives to explore that. I suspect knowing this on a conscious level might be related to the path of personal enlightenment. But I would never tell that to anyone. As I don't understand it enough to form an objective reality. I only have limited subjective spiritual experiences to compare and contrast with others, and what I read. I know that some see assension as physical transcending into spiritual or some variation. I know some see it as a heiarcy of heavens. Astral, mental, christ, levels of heaven, etc. I am not so sure. Sure after this life, my current focus may shift into my higherself, or it may go on somewhere. My soul may reside on a certain level with, below, or above those I think I know in Spirit. I don't know.

I also don't know about your own situation. I don't know about Mary, Jesus, or your guides. I personally don't believe they had lives like the bible says. For example I highly suspect Seth is right in that Jesus was actually multiple people. I also think that many new agers who think they are related to Jesus or Mary or even were them are actually psychically tuning into a group conciousness or participation. I don't for a second think that their former life was some named person. In my experience the akashic records just don't work like that. We are given past life viewings if they are emotionally related to what we are experiencing now. And a true higher level entity will rarely run around using such connections as a source of pride or authority. Their main focus will be love, service, and balance. The will not seek to prove or advertise anything. They will just be who they are. Now I may be wrong. I accept this. In your case, I do believe your guide could very well be of the Christ conciousness, as could you be. I also believe that you may be a facet of mary. But I totally disagree with that lady who gave those comments that confused and upset you. I think she is spouting total rubbish. We have no idea how others really view the label of assension. Or all the other variables. Or even the soul. I don't for a second believe anyone is truly privy to the path of anyone else because there so many personal choices least anyone who is in human form. I just took another look at the website you mentioned and none of it resonates with me personally. In fact I highly question the website. In my personal experience Spirit guides DO NOT talk like that, or use that sort of language. IT just seems goofey to me. All the spirits I've encountered are very normal. Like talking to a college professor crossed with grandpa. Know what I mean? Angels can be a bit different at times, but those who've incarnated are just like us.

Sooooo.... as per the new agers definitions..... No, I don't believe I've ascended, nor do I believe I will......Gods I hope not.... I don't want to hang out with those kinda people! I am going to hang with Erik and we are going to party on the beach, drink, talk rude, and have fun while helping people love themselves!

The only thing that gives me that feeling of feeling of personal salvation, being saved, shifting or of there being more out there.... Is by sharing experience with those like yourself.

To pass through, participate, create, and work to understand ourselves with others who are like us. To see that in-spite, despite and because of the experiences those like our guides help us have, sometimes because of their (those like Erik's) pain, sacrifice, and life, that there is more, that they still exisit, and so must we.

It's because of that I have hope, faith, and know of love that I can keep going. Even when it hurts like a damn mothafuckr. People kill themselves because they cant live life with who they are. Why should i care what what society or some group thinks..... People need to just stop, get real, be honest with themselves, and hug your babies everyday and tell them their brave, beautiful, strong and worth love. The rest is not who we are! We are love. Love is all there is. Just love.

Hope that helps my friend!
