Spiritual Orbs

Definition taken from: http://paulham33.blogspot.com/

**On a related note: One of my guides said, they are created from an expansion and contraction of energy

Sitter: What is an Orb?

Generally speaking, an orb is a faceted energy process, structurally akin to the fractal breakdown of the manipulation of the energetic frame work of the physical and etheric realms

Plainly speaking what we are looking for is a seepage from one faceted realm to the next

Sitter: So when we see an orb is it a spirit?

It can be, these spirits must move from one existence to the next and in doing so the energy that is displayed from the movement between the existences is displayed as a beam of light, like a crack of light through a door, there are many reasons for orbs

Some are to do with the way the light moves through the atmosphere thus producing different colours and forms.

Some beings use the orb process to gather information as it is seen as a common phenomenon as this negates a level of fear as orbs are widely accepted, some are an intelligence gathering process, that is manifested when the device is in use, phase shifts look like structured orbs

Sitter: Can orbs represent animals?

Humans are capable of various changes in regards to energy shifts, this is called medium ship, some beings are able to change between these alternating states and see into the etheric realms and see the energetic imprint of the animals you kept as a pet.