Do not worry

Just for today, I will not worry.

As some of you know I am into Reiki. One of the mantras of the practice is, "Just for today, I will not worry". I defiantly feel this is a universal fundamental to living life to it's highest standard. But it is darn hard to do!

To hold this and other thoughts in your mind and soul amongst our daily life often seems an impossible task to me. Much of the time we feel quite alone in our troubles. So much so that our head is down and our mind becomes blank. I know I sometimes think if I ignore everything it will just go away. Then I often become tormented by the lurking elephant in the corner.

So I then find myself in a battle of inner wills. The will to do and the will to do not. And this becomes a vicious cycle of worry. It gets ugly. I hate it.

But it doesn't have to be like that. My guides say, "you know what you need to do, why are you asking us?" "When you are ready you will do what you need to.""Instead of worrying about tomorrow, DO what you can today, and let the rest go". "If you know you did what you could today, then you have no reason to doubt yourself. What you could not realistically do today is beyond your control." "Why worry then. You are deeply loved. Rejoice in this knowledge, strive to do what you can everyday and know it is who you are right now."

This is a message I run into time and time again in my life. Not quite a broken record, but I keep chewing on this food for thought. Reiki helps. It helps me narrow my focus in to action. It helps me think of what I want to do and how to help myself and others. It helps me surrender to action without boundaries through trust and faith

But one does not need a healing tradition to apply the principle of not worrying. If we just hold on to and try to understand what is already deep inside us, everything will be ok. So no matter if your pray to God, or if you meditate, sing, paint, or simply tell your children that you love them; Know that no matter what happens in life, IF you do what you can today, you don't have to worry so much.