Lost in emptiness, grief

Q) What does one do when the love you knew feels lost in a hopeless place of emptiness?

A) "Look into the hole and determine if it's return would make you whole. Is the piece you feel absent who you were? How did you define yourself, and how do you define yourself now? Are you this life, this body, this thought? How any experience define who you are. Most people are not going to want to entertain this contemplation at such a moment. They simply exist inside the experience of the emotion. They feel that any suggestion otherwise is false, cold, unreal. In such that their perception of said experience is so engulfing that it becomes the focus through which all life is now viewed. This in an of itself is an experience. For others as well. To view one in such an experience is an important reflection to understand their own imaginings of self. Most will attempt to codify and label such experience without trying to understand the self behind such thoughts. The process is actually an energetic psychic action that creates ripples of emotional associations throughout one's dimensional experience. This causes conscious or unconscious continual readjustments to how one perceives the self in All that IS. In a word, it is evolution. Spiritual evolution. It is important not to label this as good or bad, but to seek to understand the self behind and through the feelings of any such experience. This will put yourself in a better position to understand further experience and to help others. We know it hurts and nothing seems like it will ever help. You want to be done with life and find peace. You don't want nor can you see anything beyond. The only thing that will ease your pain is the choices you make from this point forward. In those choices you can express the love and new understandings of yourself despite this experience. You are always more. There is always more. There is always a choice and it in the end will always be one of love. There is hope. You are not alone, ever." ---Voices of Spirit