What to do when you feel alone


What am I to do when I seem so alone, so hurt?

I feel so strange when I think of my loved ones who are on the other side. When I think of spirits like Erik, or others, I think of people who are now leading perfect lives, where everything is easy. They can do anything. Without limitations, they can really make a difference. I feel guilty, shame, and depression for what I see that lacks in my life. Spinning my wheels in a rut.


I am here to tell you that YOU are perfect. You came to this life to have a hands on perspective of yourself in various situations. You can NOT fail.

You took a portion of who you are and you chose to come to earth and paint life with color.

There is nothing more to do.

Nothing that you can give or do for another will be more important that to feel who you are in every moment of your experience.

When you accept what you feel as less worthy or not as real as another's experience you create the illusion that you are less than or separated from ALL of who you are right now.

You are smart, You are special, and you will understand. The emotion you allow yourself to feel, the work you do to understand yourself through it, not only evolves your own soul, but all those energetically, emotionally, and spiritually connected to you on ever dimensional level. Every perspective you gain, every insight you find into yourself, will transform life as you know it. Both here and in the hereafter.

You wonder about The Erik's of heaven, you wonder about the Angels of light, you wonder about those who loved you. Those who left you to struggle on Earth. Do not fear your loneliness, do not be afraid of what hurts, do not worry about overcoming. You are surrounded by their love. They are all around you cheering you on.

You are present and alive, doing the hard work that they can not do. They are relying on you to feel, to live, and to work at understanding your experiences. It is you who are in the trenches of life that holds the line. Every foot of ground you gain in life is a triumph of personal achievement. Not to scoffed at or cheapen by a poorly understood evaluation in the limited sight you have available to you at the moment.

Those like Erik, those you remember with love, those Angels of light are working at holding you up. They surround you with love, energy, and guide your attention to what hurts so that you can transform it. When you realize what hurts is not broken, but an opportunity for grow and expansion, you will no longer fear. What seems seems scary and painful will be the wake up call allowing your to transform yourself and help others do the same.

Does this mean you will overcome everything difficult, that there will be no more pain? No, not in the structure of earth. But what it does mean is that you can master any situation, any experience you go through. It means that you have the opportunity to master the creative tool that earth life presents.

By facing what's inside of you, you not only heal yourself, but you draw those to you in life and spirit who are going through or have gone through the same thing. Even those in Spirit. Your light transforms even though you can not see. Your light has always shone out into the darkness, Your light has always healed.

This is what Erik meant when he said, 'If you could only see yourself as I see you'. Your job, Your job right now, is to feel. To be. If you can come to an understanding of what you do have; You will see more of what you are- presently. Then you will realize that what used to seem as lacking, was not missing, but rather you simply were not focusing on what you always had, what you have always been. Beautiful. Perfect. Take the time to uncover all that you can be.