Communication with a departed celebrity

Q) I seem to be in communication with a departed celebrity. I am afraid of judgement or disbelief. What can I do?


Jason here; In my experience and research, I've found that many so called celebrities from Earth often guide, inspire, and offer support to those who have similar interests. Although I have also found it to be quite rare that they do so in a public fashion. In those "sensitives", psychics, or mediums that they communicate with via a clair ability, I have found it rare that they desire publicity. I have found that this is because it is of utmost importance that we focus on our own emotional experience as opposed to them. Many times people become so focused on the personality from the celebrity that they cease to work on their own life and the experiences they came here to have. Granted there are exceptions, but most of the time higher level spirit does not seek to highlight particular lives other than your own. Now if you are an individual pursuing psychic or mediumship or some other aspect of inner development, it is common to communicate with all sorts of people on the other side. But you will find they will (should) be more interested in you, and the betterment and service to humanity/ planet, etc. than them. Trust your heart, live to your highest possible self. Ego, worry, doubt, fear, have no place in productive communication. That said, Erik and I also have the following to add.

*Lessons and experiences

Ultimately you must give into the idea that you are here on this planet of duality for a purpose. I'd like to think of it as a means to grow my understanding of who we are within any given experience. We are love and very often we learn about love by experiencing what is not love. We then explore our understanding through this dualistic life. Right, wrong, perception, perspective and belief has always been a choice and will remain so. For some, these experiences have moved to one of an inner life. An inner perspective with Spiritual communication. There are many many facets of this. Everything from so called medical conditions such as bi-polar and autisim to many forms of interaction with the spirit world for many reasons. Regardless of any of this, it is important to remember that this journey is your journey. Sure it is shared. But as Erik always tells me, "Do right by you, and the universe will do right by you.".

*Guides, relatives, angels, and friends or..?

For those who Earthly experience includes spiritual development, communication, and actively working with their spiritual perceptions, experience has many paths, trials, and lessons. It's a learning curve that can be hard to get used to as everyone is different. But as you experience and interact with consciousness's, entities, spirit beings, know that the emotions of life are everywhere. All are one. And so what we are, they are. Many on Earth assign labels and judgement that certain segments of earth life, certain personalities or type of individuals are or should be unaccessable. They interpret this through their own belief systems. Erik always says, What other people believe is none of your business. Examine how you feel about what you believe. If you believe you are in communication with a so called celebrity, remain respectful and treat them like you would your neighbor. Take what is said, shown, and given to you and compare it to your highest possible self? Is it love or is not? Is it useful? or not? How does your experience with them resonate with you? Go online and study and examine what communication from higher level spirit is like. See if you can apply the interaction with this spirit in a way that enhances your life's experience. If there is love, balance, and growth. Why worry? Some will reflect their fears that you are not speaking to whom you think it is. Some will reflect to you their belief systems, which include many fearful scary things. It's up to you to accept this or learn from it.

*people are people

Personality, consciousness, and who we are crosses dimensional barriers. People are people everywhere. With that comes emotional relationships. For those who accept the role reincarnation plays will have participated in many lives. In those lives bonds of love are forms. These bonds are made of many types of relationships. Those grown with love are used again, some strengthened. There are many many branches to the emotional tree of lifetimes. So too, nothing is lost. Many soul mates, many friends, many loves. All united in the exploration to experience the love within the self. Who are we? Who am I? And so for the incarnate who is developing their inner abilities, they often will run across spirits with whom there are deep connections to. For some the re-connection is to further further and new experiences in love/ vs/ fear. For others it is simple companionship and reuniting. But know this too will be labeled by the very nature that you are having these experiences on a dualistic planet. It is up to you to learn from it. What will you make of it, what will you take from it, what have you learned about yourself? I promise you, your guides and angels know all about what you are going through. I would wager that they have their hands in every aspect of it. This type of experience is often very much planned.

*You are heard

It is important for everyone to know, not just those developing clair abilities, that thought is energy. It knows no limit. It is the expression of emotional consciousness. It is heard, felt, seen everywhere, by everything. It is all pervasive creative energy. It is powered by your imaginative beliefs, fueled by emotional intent. Even should who you are communicating with not be who you think it is, who you are intending to speak with will know. Your guides will know. Your Angels will know. Your loved ones will know. God knows. You experience what you do for a reason. Erik says, we are often given not what we want, but what we need. So rest easy that your heart is heard. You will be guided if you seek. Focus on your intent and explore what you feel about your beliefs. You will sort it out. Worry has no place in understanding who you are. If you are here to develop your clair abilities, I have found that many who were well known are very nice and will speak to you and help you overcome fears, doubts, and problems. If they don't want to speak to you, you will encounter resistance, silence or strangeness. Work closely with your guides, and Angels to sort it all out. Very often these are deeply emotional experiences, and it's the emotion that is the whole point of it all.

*What you make of it. Beliefs and personal truth

For those exploring inner realities, Spirit communication and their related skills, a whole host of lessons and experiences make up a unique set of experiences that many do not participate in. Most of these deal with emotion, inner belief, personal truth, perceptions, and perspectives, but through spiritual experiences. One of the biggest things such work on is that of doubt. What you make of these experiences is what you take with you? How will it define you? Or will they?

*What now?

How you want to approach this is totally up to you. Personally I am not "picking up anything" about your situation other than Erik and the gang want me to write to you. I've have consistently found when this happens it too is for a reason. Usually, this reason involves development issues with whos asking. Usually it is because their guides, and what not, are trying to prod them to further education, further digging, further explorations in a more unified formal manner. Like school so to speak. They also usually desire direct communication with you. If spiritual communication is part of your experience here, they will want to guide, teach and help you. Look to them for resolution.

Additionally, I highly recommend that you purchase some of the many books found on sights like Amazon that deal with learning mediumship or communicating with angels and guides. Also there are many free online books and material out there as well as many online courses. Good luck! I don't' think your crazy, I think you are a lovely soul trying to make sense of the world.