Life Reviews

From my research I've read, that the "full life review" is as fluid and variable in experience as descriptions of self created afterlife experiences based upon beliefs as any we have previously heard about. It is not something to be feared. And it certain as any universal law involving the advancement of the soul. It happens instantaneously and spontaneous. We are the ultimate judge. In fact I've read many documents that state this "full life review" can be had before death. The term, "My life flashed before my eyes" in NDE, and death bed OBE are examples. People suspect these though because upon return to the body the cloak of the mortal coil causes forgetfulness and dulls the awareness again.

Now this "full life review" is meant to examine your most recent incarnation for lessons to apply to the grand scheme of your soul. You evaluate all your actions and inaction's in relation to the world that was around you. From what I've read, this experience is all about feelings, and Spirituality. How can you apply your past incarnation to what you had hoped to accomplish upon being previously born into your most recent life. Now, there is a key to know about.

This Full life review, is not judgment. It is not the step that determines your spiritual level or to what realm you reside in. This afterlife event, the so-called, 'judgment' is separate, and happens later. Now the thing to know about this term.. is.. that it is another fuzzy misunderstood spiritual word. A word that organized religions have run wild with. A judgment is self induced and controlled. In Spiritualist circles there is a ton of controversy and discussion on it. I've read that this event happens later on, but like the full life review always happens. And this review is what we use to move to the realm of the vibrational level our spirit has evolved to. Also I've read that you can start and stop the judgment if it becomes too much for you. It is also frequently undergone with a teacher in a methodical subjective way. You are allowed space to mentally work it out and contemplate it, if you so choose. I've read that this actually happens on any plane or level upon when you feel ready to evolve. ie. Astral, Mental, etc. It is where you can examine Karmic debt and choose to go forward or reincarnate again for whatever reason. This event utilizes the cumulative soul in all it's parts, past lifetimes and reviews. And if selecting further incarnations this is where you select your next life and family. Sometimes this event happens very soon after death of the incarnate body. ie. an advanced soul who only came to experience a certain aspect of incarnation. I'll leave off with a reminder that we don't have the full picture and comprehension of any of this type of thing. That even if we did have a fuller picture it would be filtered through the limitations of this incarnation. So keep an open mind and simply say, 'Huh, something to be aware of and think about for further contemplation" Erik once said, " It's now that matters, live life now, There's no such thing as death. There is always and only now, it's only perspective and how you want to experience that perspective".