Messages 2

Mar 20

A Message from Spirit Through Jason

This message channeled by Jason is so insightful I decided to post it as an entry to make sure no one misses it. What testament to Jason’s gift! Aren’t we blessed to have him in our family? The spirits with messages for us are Emily, Chris, Andy, and of course our little sneakster, Erik. Thanks so much, Jason!

A message from Spirit–03/18/2011

*Jason here. Last night I was overcome by Spirit and felt compelled to write. I kept being interrupted from family activities and felt overwhelmed to rush to my note pad. Voices called to me in my head and I wrote what they said. I feel it was voices of guides, angels, and our loved ones. I personally don’t feel I can relate to much of it, but I was asked to present it anyway. Lots of love, Jason


Voices of Spirit to the CE community:

“There are many who see their deceased loved ones as being silent. There are many possible reasons for this. But you must remember you are all on different journeys. You are all at different levels of perception, awareness, understanding and belief. So to, are those in Spirit. Every being is a force unto themselves. And you do yourself great dishonor when you assign blame to yourself for a perceived lack of communication. You must keep hope that your love will be true to yourself. That your loved ones evolution has engendered the ability to receive that love. For love never dies. Only our ability to experience love is influenced by the reality we create for ourselves. In the past, present and future, as well in other realities. Discovering this is a process of growth, learning, and evolution of personal awareness. For you and for your loved ones. It would be a mistake to assign blame or reasons for a perceived lack of communication. Rather it is it best to think about what you might learn about yourself from this experience and how you can share and support others in spite of your experience.

It is vital to never give up and to move your views and attitudes to how you can support those around you within love, without expectation. But do not fear this as giving up, giving in, or loosing your loved ones yet again. For even if they are stuck in a reality of their making, or their emotional state does not lend itself to communication, there is still hope. You can not possibly know all the reasons for a perceived lack of communication. Even if this experience is somehow part of your life plan for emotional experiences, you can still bring positive change. Prayer for those who need help in Spirit does work! It is always heard. All of those in higher spirit can hear your love projected. Your love will strengthen those who would go to your loved ones. They are flares of light in clouded darkness. They are calls of hope, calls of love. And upon hearing the calls your loved ones will eventually look up and reach out to Angels, guides, and loved ones of hope, to continue their journey of self discovery. Eventually upon doing so they will hear your love. Love never dies. It is only transformed. Have faith in yourself. Share it with others.

Never see silence as loss. Never see reasons of loss directed at you. Never fear, but see these experiences as an opportunity for personal growth.

Many times you experience great grief in your life at the loss of family and friends. During the process of dealing with this grief you often encounter evidence and experiences of the continuance of life. Many times as with this community, you experience fluctuation in communication levels, awareness, and a sense of closeness or nearness. And then as time passes you experience fluctuation in that spiritual presence. So that at times you feel the spirits of your loved ones seem to move on or become more and more absent from your presence.

The terms and phrases: lingering , moving on, holding them back, visitations; Can be confusing and incomplete when you try to give them meaning. They do not quite work like you think they do. This is because you are working with incomplete information. In part, information that will never be totally complete. But as humans you need to assign meaning to the world around you, to interpret your experiences.

View of dis-incarnate vs/ incarnate on these topics are really about a process. For the dis-incarnate spirit it is about remembering upon arrival in the so called afterlife. It is also dependent on variables of their personality and spiritual evolution. And it all changes based on their emotional state, spiritual callings, and interests.

Humans are often confused.They are trying to interpret objectively an experience that is always subjective to your point of view. To properly deal with these terms and experiences a change in thinking is necessary. A change in perspective. View loss as not something gone or taken from oneself, but to a view of a process of gain, growth, and discovery of every greater love. It is actually like raising a child or the process of growing up. Upon each new spiritual transformation, this process repeats itself to a certain extent. Being reborn; self discovery; remembering or finding out who you are; acting out; learning; careers; hobbies; family; then returning; new awareness.

All these terms really represent–Not loss, but a process of discovery to ever higher callings. This process is simply a continuation of what you go through in your time on earth. It is among other things, yet another process central to being human. These types of processes and growth do not change on the other side as you like to think. It is your perception that causes confusion.

Just like a forgetful teen going off on their own there are some Spirits who-new to the return to Spirit life; can seem to cause a misunderstanding in themselves and you by their perceived actions or lack there of. They have deep impulses toward self discovery so that in their current incomplete awareness they feel the need as you perceive to move on. But, what they discover is that rather moving on is a poor choice of terms to relate to their loved ones left behind. It is actually a process of realizing their higher self, NOT leaving you.

Another misinterpretation you make is that, one of the #1 things Spirit wants us to know, do, remember, is to live in the now and complete your life goals. Whatever you wanted to experience, learn. What you want to work on emotionally, spiritually, ect. So sometimes your loved ones in Spirit seem to leave or ‘move on’. But, rather they are trying to turn you back to yourself. They are not gone but waiting for you to come back into proper thinking.

Higher Spirit never abandons but waits for healing and works in ways you can not currently perceive. They wait for changes in emotion, perception, and EXPECTATION, for the greater good. For even the highest of beings come to you or send their messages, messengers, love, and communication. Life is NEVER lost. And Love is ALWAYS transformed into higher and greater love. “

Emily says:

” The beauty of the universe is never kept from you. By seeking to grow every opportunity experience gives us you will reach higher more positive feelings and open more doors for communication. When you say, “you are gone from me, I can’t feel you anymore, you must be free”; You often forget to free yourself. If you never give up and keep trying, you will come to hear us and see us through many aspects of creation. You will eventually find that you can create experiences that will help bring about such communication. Don’t have expectations of Spirit, or communication. Do not grieve over your expectations or how you see things. But explore your expectations of how you wish to experience communication. Explore how you wish your life to be– given your new circumstances. How might you change your reality for the better? If you don’t know, or don’t wish to be, live or go on; Explore those feelings. Look at them honestly. Only by staring at them in the face can you find out some of who your are and how you can help others through your experiences. Even if you can not see, now, then, or later. Its about the emotional process. Both now and for those in the here-after. In the end it will always be about moving into love.”

Andy says:

“We are not asking you to let go and move on or saying that we can’t be there for you. We are saying we want you to come back to yourself. This is about your journey. Not ours. We all love you so much and we want you to love again. We want you to remember that death is not a brick wall, it is an illusion. It can be confusing, it can seem like an huge hole. A grave is not a dead thing, it is a pile of clothes. We have new clothes now. We love you. We have lives here just like you have lives there. Just like kids who start off to college sometimes the kids and the parents each seem to get wrapped up in the new life, but as life happens we move back to those we love. When it matters we call home and love. We make visits. Just be patient and hang in there. We got school here, and you got your stuff there too. Just wait, pretty soon we’ll all be home for the holidays, together again.

Chris says:

Same here. When I first came here I tried very hard to stay focused on those I left behind and my life here. It was wild. I couldnt believe all possibilities in the universe. So much to do, so much to see, I often didn’t know what to do or where to start, so I just ran and ran and tried to get in as much as possible. It can really be overwhelming sometimes and exciting. At the same time I focused really hard on mom. But as my time here progressed I began to remember more and more of who I was and I realised new things about myself and what I wanted to to do and accomplish. But I felt kinda like a kid. I kinda knew what I wanted to do but I didn’t know quite how to start. So I tried different things. And a lot of that came across as miscommunication and silence to mom. It was hard to balance what was best for me, and what her and her guides said was best for her. Also she has goals and plans and I can’t interfere with them. I wanted to try to figure out ways to help her. That’s part of what I want to do. Do those plans with her. Cause that’s part of my goals too. When Erik came along he helped me with that. That’s some of the work that Erik and others like him do. I just really want people to know that communicating with us is not a black and white thing. There is so much going on. Not only on your end, but our end too. Grief is a process for you, and remembering is a process for us too. Just make sure you don’t view these in terms of a timeline. Cause it’s different for everyone. Just don’t give up.

Erik says:

You guys need to stop worrying about if your a freak show or not. You need to just feel! You need to get it out. If you need to work it out. You need to lean on each other for support. You need to be there for each other and hold each other as family as a community. This is what matters. Working out your experiences as emotional and spiritual lessons. If you need to cry, go for it. If you need to yell and swear, do it. Just let it out, but do not hold on to it. Do not obsess about it and punish yourself. Cause if you do that you are not helping yourself and others. These experience are painful. They will not go away because they are a part of you now. They are part of your experiences of this life. But they don’t have to hold you hostage. You might feel that your weaker, stupid, broken from them. But here’s the thing. Now what? Where do you go from here? Are you gonna give up? If you do you can, but how’s that fair to those still living and yourself. If you wanna give up no one is going to stop you. But yourself. If you keep trying and try to keep living you might eventually find new things about about life. You might find more to love. You may not think so, but then you wont know unless you keep trying. So keep telling each other your stories. Keep giving each other love. Cause when you do your light shines brighter than the sun, and it’s rays will heal and help others on their path too. Luv Erik

Lastly, Ceridwen has so graciously provided the following image to help us in our meditative efforts to send love and healing to Japan. Thanks Ceridwen!

There are 26 comments to this post.

      1. amy cavanaugh says:
      2. March 20, 2011 at 11:10 AM
      3. perfect timing-last night I was exhausted-falling asleep on the ride home in broad daylight-overwhelmed by my loss-lonely-not looking forward to the empty house-got on Facebook for a few minutes but even my facebook friends were not enough-but strange things happen after these rides-last time I felt Keith holding my hand-last night in the middle of the night I felt a familar hug-instead of welcoming it last night I woke up thinking I was crazy.
      4. Reply
      5. iola says:
      6. March 20, 2011 at 12:24 PM
      7. Jason, read this on facebook yesterday and was deeply moved. Its like they are reading my thoughts and giving me answers. Its very hard for me to stay focused on the positive, and accept what is. Finding joy in each day is I am grateful beyond words that they all send their encouragement and love.
      8. Love and hugs to my heart family. peaceful Sunday to you all! Andy, you are my heart. xox
      9. Reply
      10. Tracy Lamont says:
      11. March 20, 2011 at 1:19 PM
      12. Thank you, Jason. I feel as though someone has been reading my mind – and they probably have!
      13. I feel really close to all of you guys in our CE family and feel as though it is no coincidence that we have all come together.
      14. We all have something to offer and are all learning from and helping to heal each other. It’s just that I feel so inadequate compared to certain members and get really frustrated when my own efforts at meditation and communication get no results. There was a time when I found it easy to commune with my guide and when I first lost Adam, he and I met in the dreamstate regularly in the beginning But lately, nothing I try seems to work.
      15. Your information from Chris and Erik in particular has made me realise that there may be a higher purpose for my lack of communication with spirit and, more importantly, as you yourself stressed, I must not and will not give up trying.
      16. I am sure information will come to me as and when I need it and I need to keep the faith.
      17. Thanks again, Jason and love to you all XXX
      18. Reply
      19. Pamie says:
      20. March 20, 2011 at 4:30 PM
      21. Thank you, Jason for sharing those beautiful, heart-warming words with us. And thank you, Elisa.
      22. I have been going through a very difficult time and nothing or no one has been able to help me pull out of it. I’m not going to go into detail, just say that I felt I was in a deep dark hole and I was waiting for the dirt to be thrown in…
      23. The words that Jason channeled were comforting but when I got to Erik’s part…I felt it was directed totally at me.( Not to mention, breaking into laughter at the first sentence.) I am writing those words on a card and keeping it in my pocket to pull out and read…even if it is five hundred times a day. It is exactly what I needed to hear and remember.
      24. Much love to all of the CE family…I read everything, don’t really comment a lot, but I am here and send my love daily (if silently.) So much of what I have read from Elisa, Erik, Jason and all of you, resonate with things I have known my whole life. Being able to come here and see the warmth and goodness, to know that I am not the only one who feels like an “alien” gives me the strength to continue on this journey. I had been considering Reiki classes for a while and everything I have read and experienced through CE has helped me to make the decision to do so.
      25. So again….my heartfelt thanks to you all.
      26. Sending light and love to all, especially Japan.
      27. Reply
      28. Carol (Chris' Mom) says:
      29. March 20, 2011 at 5:20 PM
      30. Made me cry.
      31. Tears are healing though, right?
      32. The message may have not meant that much to YOU, Jason, but it means a lot to us…those left in the shadow of our children and loved ones. I’ve struggled lately with some people telling me to “let go” of Chris, which I feel I did in a cool psychic (lucid) dream that I had shortly after his death (with the aid of one of my guides, Harland; aka: the big guy that looks like an Indian). I’m still working through the process of how much of Chris I need to “let go” of and how much of him I plan on holding on to. I know Chris has to move forward with his experiences on the other side. I also know that I will never, EVER, sever my ties with that little Turkey Boy. I KNOW my love bonds us forever. I know I’m stuck here to finish my goals and life plan…I’m not happy about it but it is what it is. I’ve taken steps to be more interactive with “life” on this plane, absolutely adore my two daughters and see them whenever possible, try to live in the present, yada yada. It’s a fine line, though. I think most of us parents are facing the same inner struggle…we’re trying to learn how to love our children on THIS side and the OTHER SIDE of the veil. It’s a juggling act. (And I thought sibling rivalry was a drag when Chris was HERE!)
      33. This message let me know that other people out there struggle with the same issues that I do…what is “enough” contact with our loved ones and when do we “put on our big boy panties” and face our challenges that we’ve planned as our life goals alone? How much contact is “ok” vs. being dysfunctional and not “letting go”? I’m still trying to find that balance…it’s like with one foot on the “other side” and one foot “here”. Which one do I put the weight on and when?
      34. Jason…you were so right on with Chris’ message, even his “lingo” (we’re beach bums from San Diego). This sounds totally like him and he did the crazy “I gotta see everything and do everything” that he mentioned to you. Shortly after he crossed over he told me he was mountain climbing, continuing in his photography, exploring things…he made a comment, “Mom! This place is so big and I haven’t even started to tap into all that I can do here!”. He sounded like a little kid in a candy store!
      35. Thank you for being so open and for taking the time to write all of this down for us, Jason. You are appreciated!
      36. Love,
      37. Carol
      38. Reply
          • Elisa says:
          • March 20, 2011 at 5:35 PM
          • Oh, I know what you mean exactly Carol. It’s a fine line obsessing over the love we have for our kids who’ve crossed over at the expense of those who remain in the physical, but with conscious intent, I think I’ve struck a good balance. What I don’t know how to do is “let go” of Erik, nor do I really want to. I guess what they’re wanting from us is to let go of the sadness we connect with their deaths, their being gone. I don’t think that means we have to let go of the rest of it and certainly not the love. They’ll have to pry my little white knuckles off of that with a crow bar.
          • Reply
      39. iola says:
      40. March 20, 2011 at 6:28 PM
      41. Mine too Elisa. I will not let go of Andy..not ever.
      42. my love for him only grows each and every day. The sadness I reckon will leave when its time. But I would be lying if I said life here is the better place to be..just where I am stuck at the moment.
      43. And Erik….I am not giving up! I may swear up a storm..but i am going to find my way in this….and the company I am keeping is the dearest. love you all
      44. Reply
          • Elisa says:
          • March 20, 2011 at 6:31 PM
          • We can’t give up, Iola! Our boys would whoop our asses! (tee hee). No, we’re in it for the long haul. Got our friends and families and our work to do. Lucky for Andy and Erik that time doesn’t exist, because for them, our absence is like a flash. But for us, each minute is like it’s own agonizing eternity. Call me sometime, girl! I can’t remember your number. CRS you know.
          • Reply
      45. conradg says:
      46. March 20, 2011 at 8:28 PM
      47. This was really beautiful. Made me cry not just for the dead, but for the living who are lost and cut off and longing to be reconnected.
      48. Reply
      49. Susan Shand says:
      50. March 20, 2011 at 8:57 PM
      51. Thanks Jason..those words make so much sense :-)
      52. Susanxx
      53. Reply
      54. Steve says:
      55. March 20, 2011 at 8:58 PM
      56. Wow, Jason. Talk about good timing. This is the third time tonight I’ve cried, and I’m NOT a crier.
      57. I just finished watching “Hereafter.” Look it up – and please watch it. It’s about psychics, NDE’s, losing loved ones. It’s a pleasant, wonderful movie. Sad, too, yet uplifting.
      58. So, I was looking at my older Dalmation girl, sleeping on the couch next to me and I started crying, because I know she is not going to be with me for long. I rescued her 6 years ago and she had a horrible life before that. She is the sweetest, most loving and gentle creature I’ve ever had as a pet. So, losing her, and I know this will happen soon enough (she is sleeping a lot these days, and maybe 11 years old?)…so losing her will be like losing a child.
      59. Coming to the computer and reading Jason’s messages from beyond is very inspiring – and it’s very amazing that this message resonates so perfectly for me this evening.
      60. Thanks again to my CE family. Love you guys,and I appreciate the support we have for each other.
      61. Reply
      62. mom2bzs says:
      63. March 20, 2011 at 10:51 PM
      64. Thanks Jason. This really resonated with me too.
      65. I saw “Hereafter” when it came out in the theaters. I loved it!
      66. I feel for you Steve. I just adore Kelly, my golden retriever. I understand what you mean when you say it will be like losing a child.
      67. Sherry
      68. Reply
      69. Shannon says:
      70. March 21, 2011 at 12:17 AM
      71. Wow Jason, great job!!
      72. Did anyone catch the recurring message? In yesterday’s video by Hassim Haramein (I know George, you’re not a fan) he mentioned that to connect with the Infinite, we need to “…go within”. I think he also mentioned “Live in the now.” Emily said the same by suggesting that we explore our expectations and feelings then look at how we can move forward to help ourselves and others (This is going within and living in the Now). The second to last paragraph of Jason’s channeled message from Spirit says “…one of the #1 things Spirit wants us to know, do, remember, is to live in the now and complete your life goals.” Two weeks ago I had a client who wanted channeled info from her Guides. She quickly became very frustrated because apparently they were repeating the same info they had been giving her and she didn’t like it or find it “helpful”. Ultimately, the message I was finally able to get across to her was that she needed to “Live in the NOW. Be in this very moment. See that in this moment you have a roof over your head, a full stomach, a car that runs, friends and family who love you, you have money to pay this bill or that bill, etc. You aren’t going to die in this very moment from your perceived social status. Just be in the Now and be thankful for what you have in the Now, in this very moment. From this place you can move forward one step at a time.”
      73. This is what got me out of severe depression so bad that I really did want to die. Go inside. Be in the Now. There is peace in there.
      74. S.
      75. Reply
      76. Ceridwen says:
      77. March 21, 2011 at 1:46 AM
      78. That’s our sweet Jason – where would we be without him? Lots of love to you, dear Soul-Seer! :)
      79. Regarding the picture Elisa put on here for me – thanks Elisa! – for those of you who have Reiki, you will know who this is! But for the rest of you, his name is Mikau Usui – the founder of our current tradition of Reiki. I feel his presence in his beloved Japan…
      80. To the Reiki people in our CE family, I am sending Reiki to Usui directly and having him spread it where it is needed in Japan…you might consider this too, if you are not already doing so…
      81. I just love how Erik expresses himself! :)
      82. XOXOX
      83. Reply
      84. Denise says:
      85. March 21, 2011 at 8:33 AM
      86. Beautful.
      87. Reply
      88. John says:
      89. March 21, 2011 at 9:39 AM
      90. A very powerful and beautiful post…I feel like it was written specifically for me. Thank you Elisa and Jason.
      91. Reply
      92. Skoshi says:
      93. March 21, 2011 at 9:44 AM
      94. Ceridwen – I’m also sending Reiki to rescue workers in other countries who are working to get things to Japan. And to all the world over who are trying to make peace in the Middle East.
      95. My life was very impacted by WWII (seeing the news reports on TV when I was a child was horrifying) and directly by Viet Nam. I was always glad that my son wasn’t the age to be drafted when these conflicts went on. I’m hoping the peacemakers in Libya have lots of energy and wisdom and those who would be violent are too tired to carry out their plots.
      96. Reply
      97. Debbie B says:
      98. March 21, 2011 at 10:00 AM
      99. Hey Steve! I watched “Hereafter” on Saturday night but was kind of disappointed at the end. Thought the story of Maria and Matt Damon was left hanging or maybe I just didn’t get it?? Maybe they were soulmates and found each other? Ah oh, don’t want to give away any of the good parts to those who have yet to see the movie. This movie would be a good “Book Club” discussion as so much is left to interpretation. Looking forward to meeting you in Atlanta!
      100. Reply
          • Elisa says:
          • March 21, 2011 at 4:32 PM
          • When I watched, “Hereafter,” I wanted to see scenes of the action on the other side, so I was a bit disappointed. That damn expectation/reality gap (Rune calls it the “misery gap.”) I saw “Adjustment Bureau,” and thought it was really interesting. Not at all what I thought it’d be. But then, my expectations were lower than reality, so what is that–the reverse misery gap?
          • Reply
      101. Debbie B says:
      102. March 21, 2011 at 10:14 AM
      103. Great post Shannon and I concur about being in the NOW-though not an easy place to get to. I have been in the Real Estate industry in Tampa for the past 25+ years and needless to say the market here has taken its toll on everyone including realtors. The last year especially has been extremely financially difficult and I was constantly on edge just waiting for the next shoe to drop. Guess what, it never did and I only realized this a couple of months ago. Instead of folding and becoming a total basket case I dug down deep inside, made some strategic budget adjustments and now am on the upside and can breath freely now (and sleep through the night). But the BIG thing that hit me one day was that I always had what I needed- which was a nice home, a car that runs, food in my stomach and loads of family and friends that I love and who love me. It was such a huge moment for me that this realization still makes me cry-even as I write this post. Now as I counsel my past clients and friends who are having difficulties I share this experience with them. You would be shocked to see the look on their faces as they too realize they have always had just what they needed too. It really does bring so much inner and outer peace when you finally get this concept : )
      104. Reply
      105. Steve says:
      106. March 21, 2011 at 8:25 PM
      107. Hi Debbie & Elisa. Yes, they did leave the afterlife as very vague and I was disappointed in the ending, but when I let the movie sit with me, I could see that both had found what they had wanted and would be happy. A sequel would be cool though…
      108. Reply
      109. DebbieB SC says:
      110. March 21, 2011 at 10:56 PM
      111. Great post Jason and gang, just what I needed to hear. Thanks so much…