What is our responsibility to help each other improve spiritually and how far does this go? How do we know when things are getting better. And what do we use to judge this by

Q) What is our responsibility to help each other improve spiritually and how far does this go? How do we know when things are getting better. And what do we use to judge this by?

A-- Responsibility might be better considered from a multiple perspective. To the Self, and to other Spirits. Who are you, and who-- what is "other"? How do you feel about this answer? Exploring this will determine how you view the concept of Responsibility. Responsibility is a somewhat limiting as it implies a grudging duty either given or taken. It frequently involves a karma in the context of human interactions. It often has associations of lack of choice and free will; self imposed or by others or some action. A better concept is the idea of Serving yourself through serving your neighbor for the greater good. What this means to you will help you answer the question of "how far does one help". When we hold our actions, thoughts, and emotions within the context of Service, be it life, humanity, or family we automatically help not only ourselves but we automatically seek to take this action to it's possible limit within our state of being. We need not worry as the only judgement of the betterment of the soul is the self realization of your neighbor, "the you", within your Love. How this feels is the "I of now". I love what I feel about myself when I see you. How can I help you. This is the desire to serve. This is transcending love. There is no judgement. There is only love.