OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries 2010 part one,

For Part two click here

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 23 Backtrack entry

Channeling Erik Blog member related an Erik manifestation to me: here are the emails:

Guess what? Last night while I was at the computer I could sense erik and Jill. I could feel the pressure under my eye and on top of my head. Then I heard 3 light taps. Sounded like someone tapping a pencil on a desktop.. I looked around all confused like... I felt like Erik was laughing at me. So of course my first instinct is to email Robert. Robert says Erik told him to check his email then as he is reading it Erik is saying, yes yes yes.. Finally he gets done reading and Erik says, I told you several times yes. It was me and jill tapping on her head. We just wanted to let her know we were there...


me to her:

Yup it was Erik and Jill. They have done tapping and knocking before. It's akin to them snaping or contracting and releasing their energy in a super fast short burst against a solid object. They've tried it on me before, but I tend to be soooo oblivious to such things, I pass it off as ambient noise or I think the squirels are invading the roof. I've had my guides or another spirit actually wake me up once by repeated tapping on the ceiling. It was so pervasive, I actually became annoyed and said, "what the heck am I supposed to do with tapping, please stop". and it did!.

Well, congratulations on hearing the manifestation. It's a big step! Next time it happens see if you are able to cast your awareness out and see if you can "sense" who it might have been from. Erik or Jill. If neither of them... maybe your guides? Just say, Thank you for the communication! Love you!.

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 21 Backtrack entry


Last night Erik and gang was hot on my head with the energy. Same as if I had been channeling them all day. And for several hours before bed. Erik defiantly felt with me or tuned in. My ear was hot and tingly and I could feel his warm fuzzy energy on the side of my face and on my arm and hand. And as I lay there in bed just chillin; (it was snowing outside); it felt as if he was holding my hand. We talked. It was neat. Lots of warm fuzzy family talk. The whole spirit gang all made their well wishes. There was silly talk. Erik serenaded everyone to a round of happy birthday. A little spirit girl, Emily ran screaming from the room in a high pitched little girl scream upon hearing Eriks screeching voice. It was hysterical. There was also fascinating talk. Erik told me in my last life that I had had with my guide Jeffery that I had died of the Spanish flu. Erik also told me a little bit about some relationships of mine in the hereafter. And we talked about me getting old and my perception of time as it pertains to that and life left to live, ect. He would periodically have me get up and eat cookies or check in with Matthew. Odd little stuff like that.

Then when I went to bed I could tell him and all the gang were there. I noticed on my cell phone calender that there was 2 suspicious alarms set for my birthday. Ones I don't recall setting there. hmmmm.. Actually there was 3, but I only recall setting 1. That being the exact time of my birth. The other ones was for 11pm and 1am. Very suspicious...

Well, I fell asleep great. And Erik woke me up at 1 am. He was feeling ornery I think, cause he was just clowning it up and teasing me! It never ceases to amaze me how he can still shock me after all this time! He just went on and on. And YES Erik, as much as my delicate sensibilities were offended, I DID get a kick out of it. I tried to solicit help from Jillian (his girlfriend), but she said, "uh-uh, he's all yours, keep me out of it.". Well, I ended up saying in exasperation, fine, OK, now stop and let me sleep.

So I was born at 2:23 am. And shortly after this time last night. One of the Spirit gang, flipped a switch in my brain to wake me up. This is not like normal times when one wakes up, where one is groggy or takes time to wake up. This is odd. It's like their energy flips a switch. Suddenly you are pulled out of dreams, out of sleep. And suddenly you are fully awake. And immediately after this happens you hear something, then you immediately have full and total clear consciousness. As if you had never fallen asleep and everything around you has sudden great clarity.

So after I was awoken I heard, a female voice, external in the room, come from the side of my bed, in front of my face. And it said, "Hey You!". (and I appoligise if this was actually Erik-To me it sounded female). It did not sound like Erik's voice. So Suddenly I was ultra clear awake. I could feel Erik's energy all around and close to my body. It was that dense energy as if he alone was hugging me. I could sense others in the room. Then suddenly in my head.. They all started singing happy birthday!.... It was amazing. I liked it very much.

Then afterward's I thanked them all and told them how much I loved them all. I took a moment or two to try and figure out who the voice was. Finally I realized it was Jillian. Because I saw her and Erik laughing hysterically at me trying to figure it out. (btw, cool hair Jill! Really different style. Very 80's looking, with the half flip and part. Very Cyndi lauper looking). :)

So then after that, I just lay there and felt their energy around me and how one by one they withdrew and departed. I fell back to sleep and woke up the next morning to well wishes from Erik, Jillian, Lydia, ------, Z, and others.

Very nice. I was quite thrilled.

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 17 Backtrack entry

Elisa onced asked me if I could tune into and see what Erik's higher self looked like: Here is my response to her:

I've tried, and begged, And he told me and said," it's a test, that I have to grow into. It's been part of my lessions that I can't force visualizations out of spirits, that my intnet has to be in the right place."

Robert and I have had many funny visualizations from Him on this topic.

For example, we've tried to trick him out of it once when he said he appears to Jillian how she "likes him best from past lives".

I said, "OOO Show me!"

Cause well, I am just like that. And he gave us the ol,

"it doesn't matter" line. And saying that everyone creates their own reality bubble, and that when spirits want to share experiences they merge bubbles and one vision takes precidence over the other..."

I said,

"HUH? What?" "screw that, show me Viking! "

And then he starts parading around in a Viking outfit with furs and chain mail, and an axe. And he's holding his arms up flexing his muscles.... Sooo weird. And Jillian is laughing. And he has this big old scraggley beard and is walking around going, "ggggeerrrr. ARRRHHH..."

I've just given up trying to get him to play along sometimes, cause he wants to turn it into some lession.

Some times I say, F-lessons, I want a hug. He just laughs and says he's be there when I am done pouting.

So sometimes I try to do just what you suggest. And he only appears to me like his senior photo except it's blurred with fuzzy light. Sometimes the features will come in very clear, but only one or two of them at a time. Sometimes when I am really high vibrationally or really down, he will calmly and slowly approach me, and get right up next to myself and I will close my eyes and I can see him clearly and he looks just like his most recent photos.

He is telling me right now, " When I am with Jillian I appear in a way she prefers, and finds attractive. You'll just have to be paitent and keep learning. When the time is right Jillain will show you. Otherwise I am quite happy with how I looked in my last life. But I often prefer to just exist as formless energy. We've had so many lives as different genders, but our higher self usually takes on an amalgamation of the favored features of the past several lives. This is often translated into future lives by intentional manipulation of genetics by our higher selves. So if you could fully see me in a materialized form I'd look very close to how I last looked. I take my prefered fetures from several incarnations and blend them together. Which is so often why you see us as fuzzy light and shadow. Your seeing the merges all at once. Somtimes it flickers sometimes it flows around."

All this I find rather confusing sometimes. I wonder about them and why they reveal what they do when they do. It's all about Spirit never giving us more than we can handle at any one time. I hate that sometimes.

But here is an example; This week it was revealed to Robert and I that;

-Roberts brother and Erik have shared a life before

-My guide Lydia and Robert, once were married and I was their child, well we found out also that Erik and Lydia also once shared a life together.

-And I found out the identy of yet another guide of mine. Jeffery. He was hidden before because in a past life he was a lover of mine, and that he remained hidden before because I didn't believe in past lives or soul mates or multiple soul mates, so there was no point in revealing himself.

-I also found out that my maternal grandmother and paternal grandfather were once married and their children were blog member sharon and I.

I think "seeing" true or seeing higher selves in visons will happen. As it pertains to Erik, but when it happens it will be attached to a 'reason or lesson'.

I don't know about you, but I am kinda sick of lessons. Can't we all just go on a picnic and get drunk on wine?

:) -- I'll let you know as soon as I SEE anything different about Erik's looks.

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 17 Backtrack entry

The following is about a beloved Channeling Erik blog members belove departed daughter. She is great friends with Erik and has been a source of joy and light to me.

Here are a few Emily encounters over the past few weeks.

-Robert and I were talking on the phone. We were talking to Erik about my vision of the gray dog and Emily taking care of Penny. I was commenting on how shocked I was about Eriks distaste for being around dogs; because he thinks they are noisy. And I commented to Erik that I SAW Penny and Emily several times,-together. And then Emily said to Robert, that she "loves taking care of Penny".

-My George (Gerorgie-- my spirit child guide--student of Roger) and Emily have overlapped a portion of their soul home onto Roberts. Roberts soul home is a giant tree upon a grassy hill in heaven. And in the tree has a tire swing. My soul home is a greenhouse. Within that green house is a porch swing. Erik, Jillian and I swing there often to 'talk'. I said to Robert today: "Robert, My George and Emily have overlapped a portion of their soul home onto yours! I saw it in a vision this morning on the bus. I find your tree on the hill extremely beautiful and comforting. I find myself there from time to time. George and Emily have said my porch swing is boring. So they set up 2 more swings onto your tree and they were swinging on it. They said they want to see how high we all can go!

-Robert and I and a couple other blog members, through Erik and our guides have been going through shared past lives over the past few weeks. We've been sharing the emotions that come from these shared visions. And then trying to apply them as lessons for our current lives. Sometimes, those emotions have seemed overwhelming. And during one episode of grief. Emily was with my guides, in my minds eye during a vision, where they said, told me to not be scared. That I was never alone. That I need to remember the promise of my Angels, guides, and Teachers. During such times, she stands by their side and holds their hands, or clothes. She almost always carries a bunny rabbit. Sometimes real sometimes a stuffed toy.

-Also, upon thinking of her I've seen her in various outfits and hair do's. She seems to also hang out a lot with Eriks spouse/girlfriend Jillian. I've noticed that as Jillian changes her hair style so to will Emily. For example this morning Emily had long straight blond hair with purple highlights. Just like Jillian. I think she thinks one look is way too boring. I've also noticed that when she becomes distracted and runs off to play that she will loose control of the visualization and it will dissolve into long red curls. Either that or it's for my benefit. Or yours.

-Lastly, this morning, I was exploring my soul home. The place I mentally go to meet with my guides. It's a green house. And in the green house is a kids 'tree house'. Well, I was walking around and 'creating' different plants. And my guide Lydia told me to go up the tree house. So I walked away from her and into the next room. In the center of the room was a giant Redwood tree. A Sequoia. I walked up to it. The center of it was burned out from fire thus creating a hole in it. I looked up the hole and their was a ladder. I climbed up and it led into the tree house. Within, was a simple platform with walls. And on the platform was my child guide George and Emily. They were sitting on the floor coloring in color books. She had the hair with highlights and wore a simple plaid blue and white dress and had white dress shoes on and white socks. She had a necklace of clover flowers on. And she was rapidly picking up crayons and coloring for a bit here and there. She looked up at me and smiled. She said, "You color your own life". Then she stood up and smiled again. I then saw her dissolve out and she was replaced by an adult woman. Clothed in light Tall, thin, and porcelain white completion. Flawless. Fine round features, with a button upturned nose. Kinda like Liv Taylor. She had 3 freckles upon each cheek and they sparkled like gems. She radiated a star-burst glow all around her features, which outlined her body and moved all around her. Her hair was auburn red, and had a deep amber glow. It had highly stylized curls, that were perfect and round, and spiraled down to her waist. They seemed to glow with iridescence and shift with all the colors of the rainbow, up and down each curl. This woman I knew was a true representative of Emily's higher self. Her soul. The woman past, present, and future, currently manifested as the little girl. Emily's self thoughts. Then the vision of the woman flared out with light. It shifted and flared out from the feet up to the waist. From her head, to the waist and then the flare vanished and the little Emily sat there again and was coloring in her coloring book as if nothing happened. But she had the biggest smile. I then turned with amazement. I stepped back to the ladder and proceeded down. Upon doing so, came back to my reality. And I was looking out the window of my bus, On my way to work.

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 17 Backtrack entry

Our guides and Angels would like us to know:

Spirit Communication is like a Dance

Everyone has or has had or will have a Spiritual connection with "the other side". This happens in many ways. Some conscious and some not. Some associate this with one of the many aspects of fear. For many though, the connection is married to love. It is a symbol and reflection of Eternal life. There is no death and there are no dead. Only evolution of the soul. The soul is in a continual dance. Each spin and turn is a new life, and each reel around the floor it holds the hand of another soul. Spin turn switch on and off. But everyone is either dancing or watching the dance. We are all in the dance hall whether or not we feel like dancing.

This dance hall has room for all. For it has no walls. And we can fill it with our friends and family or we can stand in the corner lurking in shadow. You can share food or spike your punch. You can hang lights and dance under a disco ball or you can slow dance in the corner. Everyone is able to dance to their own music. The music of their soul. The music that is within each of us. But will you hear it? Can you hear it? Do you stand there? Or do you let loose and boogie? Do you stand on the side and clap or do you hide under the bleachers? The beauty of the 'dance hall of life' is that it's totally up to you.

But if you want to "Dance"- For Spiritual communication is just that, a dance. It's a dance of Spirit. A reflection of Divine joy, love, light and passion. The music of creation. If you want to Dance and get better at dancing, you might want to consider practicing. This communication can be a spur of the moment, "when the music moves me", OR it can be developed into a skill. But like so many skills that are developed. It takes dedication to practice. What does that mean?

Well, it's up to you. But take other things in this lifetime that people practice. For a creative skill, this could be associated with feelings. Yes feelings. Say you knit, or paint, or play music... What do you feel when you perform this skill? Relaxation, peace, inspiration, excitement, joy, and Love. You want to do it. You MAKE time to do it. You think about it all the time and wish with all your being to participate. Why do you participate in such practice? Answer? because you want to develop your skill. Often you also wish to share this with others and such practice becomes a multi part conversation.

Such it is with the Dance of Spiritual communication. It takes practice, dedication, commitment. For anyone can communicate. Be it sudden inspiration, dreams, visions, sound, speech, sight, or in the minds eye. All is possible. Anyone standing on the dance floor can see the dance. Anyone can reach out to take a turn at the dance. But to get your regular dance card requires effort on our part. It becomes a Spiritual expectation in more ways than one. On both sides of the veil. The incarnate expect and anticipate, a turn. They have all sorts of expectations and feelings associated with this. So to do the dis-incarnate. They look out to you and hold out a hand. They wonder if you will take it. They look at their dance card and see your name on it. And they wonder if you will show up. The wonder because they know you WANT to take a turn, but the also can feel your nervousness and deep inner fear. They know you doubt your ability to dance. They know your scared the no one will dance with you. But yet in the blinding glaring light of the spots, they still hold out their hands. Do we have the trust and faith to reach out? To reach out even though we can't see through the light. The music is playing all around us. Do you want to dance or not? Step out onto the floor and trust that Spirit will take your hand.

Now that you want to take the hand and dance. Do you want to get better at it? You've already examined your expectations, your fears, your inner conflict about the dance, but do you want to keep doing it? Do you want to learn more? Do you want to learn different moves? Dance the waltz, dance the cha cha, dance the jive? Well, to learn, you need to make an appointment to learn, you need to go to a class or teacher(your guides). You need to make an agreement with them to show up and learn, practice, and try it out. But again, this is up to you. You set a time, you set a date, and you say you will do it for a month. Or will you do it for a year? Maybe you only show up for one lesson and then forget to go again. Spirit is waiting for you wondering where you went. Are you going to show up again?

Spirit communication is a dance. It happens in the dance hall of life. There are lots of things to do and places to stand. Room for everyone. What you do at the dance is up to you. How far you go and what you learn is up to you. Do you want to stand on the side and watch, clap, or do you want to glide across the floor. To glide takes dedication, it take practice, it take commitment between two parties. All this is driven by proper intent. You want to communicate. But do you really? Why do you want to communicate? What do you hope to get out of it? Are you curious? Do you want answers? How bad? Why? Do you wish dialog? A relationship? Relationships take back and forth work. Do you wish guidance, direction? Learning takes participation and commitment. If all you want is to view the dance and know it is beautiful; Spirit wants you to know that this is OK too, It is great and wonderful. But if you want to glide across the dance floor you need to fill out the dance card and step forward and meet that outreached hand.

It's the weekly Saturday night Dance. Where are you?

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 17 Backtrack entry

Iam in a good place today! I was singin to myself on the walk to the bus and was told by Erik to never to sing in front of people unless they were drunk! How rude is that?

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 16 Backtrack entry

Guss wha!?!

I met another guide this morning! On the way to work!

I went to my greenhouse to meet with Roger and Lydia and Erik and I didn't really have anything to say other than, I am sleepy and hello.

So saw Lydia at the table knitting. She was making Erik hold her yarn. And he was laying there all flopped out with his head back making discusted sounds. And I saw a man in shadow sitting in the bench across from them. I though it was just Roger and so I "plopped" down next to him and this shadow man turned to me. And as he did, he suddenly resolved into full fledged color, and resolution. Of a young man with a mustache and brown hair. He was dressed in a late 1800's early 1900's town car /driver outfit. Kinda like a horse jocky outfit, but for old cars. Brown and kakie plaid. Kinda poofy and cinched at the same time. I was shocked! I said, .. "roger?". and He smiled and just kissed me on the cheek! .. Lydia was grinning like chesher cat and Erik rolled his eyes! I went back and forth and asked them all, if this was Roger or some "guest". They shook their heads no. So I thought, Who are they trying to push on me?! This is my spot, So I even pushed him off my bench! And he did the "fall through the floor" bit. And appeared standing with crossed legs and a cocky attitude next to Lydia with a hand on her shoulder! Then he spoke in a British accent, upper class and in a cheery voice said, I am your guide Jeffery! I help you with creative endevors. I was "with you" back when you were a street painter. In that life you died of the Spanish flu. I would have done anything for you. You and me have done great art together. We would have had a grand ol time if you had decided to become an artist. We still can!

I was still, and am still in shock. He's one of the 3 hidden guides. I am not sure why he decided to reveal,,,, no wait, he just said, because the time was right, that I was loosing my hangups and silly ideas and so the more the merrier... OOooKay....

My thought right now is... What's with all the mustache men? He's just laughing...

My next thought was for Roger. I said, Ok, Where is he then? So I put us all in the void of my mind and did a mental directional tik-off of their locations. And Roger was still in shadow in my upper left of my mind. He is still cloaked. You know between you and me,,...At times, he looks just like Sir Author Connan Doyle, and other times he looks just like a Roman Senator. Most of the time he is in shadow and is wearing a white robe with gold brocade in geometric designs on the trim.

Well, that's my interesting thing today...

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 15 Backtrack entry

In an email to Elisa, a message from Erik:

Erik says:

"Mom, tell them 'all'-- to shut the hell up!- you need more quiet time".

He says,

"You can't hear the bike coming from the middle of the intersection. Pull off to the side! I am just a thought away. Time and space doesn't mean shit. It took Jason foreeevvvverrrr to get the concept that "we" are not necessarily right smack next to you, but rather 24/7 "Tunned" into your thoughts and soul! Just because it seems like you get silence-- I am right there! I hear ya! You should see him freak out over stuff. Ask Robert. When he gets like that he's a total garbage head. It's like screaming through a pillow. He just looks around everywhere but me and let his emotions run amuk. All I can do- is get to him, when he decides to sit still."

I think he means you have so much going on it makes you distracted. He has mentioned to Both Robert and I that yours and his one on one communication would pick up once you get the kids out of the house. But right now you've got so much multi-tasking going on, it's like trying to talk in a wind storm.

I don't know if I was suppose to tell you that or not.

Have you been practicing your communication techniques? The visual, physical and the writing? How has the notebook journal been going? I say that, because for me, when I get worked up about something, and stressed out; I tend to obsess about it. And literally wind up 'tuning' the spirit gang out. I turn inward and ignore the small touches, the subtle bodily sensations. Then I forget what I am doing. I forget that for me I have to seek them without expectation. And that makes me become more self absorbed into pain, and then feel sorry for myself.

For example.

Earlier; -- well, the past couple of weeks I've been in and out of weird states of being. Most of it was Spiritual stuff. For example; First I found out what most of my paranormal experiences were all about; then- experiencing all those past life things really did an emotional number on me. Then via Robert I got to talk to my deceased grandparents and uncles, Then Robert, (you) Elisa and Michele went through that EFT class, where you had visions of Erik's death, and That same night I actually had my own visions of it. Bullet and blood and everything-smell-sound- movement; all out of the blue, only to find out via Robert that it happened the same time as your class. Which made me feel some type of experience of the event in my head like a movie. Which made me even more an emotional mess. (my appoligies) I spent the whole bus ride home and evening in and out of tears.

Which, my point is, that I let myself become completely and utterly overwhelmed with that which was around me. Rather than quietly surrender to the experiences and mull them over in my mind and see what I might learn from them in a quiet space. I just fought with them and let them run me a-ground. So I only experienced the emotion from the visions and totally ignored Erik and everyone else. When what I thought was "them" ignoring me, was actually me not listening. Finally after Robert calmed me down and re-centered me, Erik cussed me out and asked if I was done being a selfish ass. He said he was always there and could always hear me. And that it was simply that I did not listen with intent and purpose.

I said, OK, well then what now?

He said, "What now? That's up to you? What do you want? Do you want to dream? Do you want to write to me? Do you want physical and visual experiences? Do you want to talk to me? Or do you want a vision?"

I said, 'I want it all'.

He said,"No; Go step by step. approach spirit with purpose and intent; without expectation. You insist on it all but you don't even know what you want or how you want it. Know what you want- and then ask -and then work on it with purpose."

My apologies again. I don't mean to infer this towards you in any way other than to say communication while distracted is really hard. He's there. But my gut is telling me "all of us" might want to consider working on sensing the subtleties of Spirit. And believing that they are real and meant for us!


Nothing in this world, above, below, forward backward will keep him from family. He is with all of us. With YOU! Now. They are not without and missing, but within you; connected in mind and soul! Look inward and feel them all about you. Sit in quiet space by yourself. Close your eyes. Bring to mind any loved ones image. Don't worry how they look. Only hold the image in your head. Start at their feet. Imagine how it looks. If you can't remember -- it doesn't matter. Make it simple fuzzy light and move on. Go up their legs. Imagine their pants, their dress. What color is it. Are your eyes still closed? Move your imagination up their waist, up to their chest. Take moment and just say in your head, over and over, "I love you". That's it. No sorry, no sad, Just "I love you". Over and over. Move your minds eye imagination up and try to just remember their face. Focus on what features you will. Just keep saying I love you. Then zoom out and try to "see" them in your mind, with your eyes closed as just a fuzzy light shape. Imagine them smiling at you. Imagine them sending you "LOVE". Tell them thank you. Tell them I love you. Tell them you want to work on (----insert action-----). This could be, ie. "Erik I'd like to work on mental imagery for the next month" "Please show me an image from you before I fall asleep." Then the next morning before you run out the door take 60 seconds to scribble down what that image might have been. No matter if you think it was your imagination or not. Just give into the 'process'. Surrender. Use these small plans and experiences to help you build up to bigger ones. Take time to set appointment's with him.

He says, " People want Spirits to deliver to them, they want us to work around their lives, you want us to decide for you, when really it's all up to you! It's your life. Your in charge. Where do you want to go, what do you want to do? We want you to succeed. We want you to grow. Tell us what you want and why. If it's for your spiritual growth, if it's for love, if its with proper intent and purpose, we will be there."

I don't know if this all helps or not.

I share with you out of love and affection for you.

Don't forget to take your notebook with you on your trip. He will be there.

Love Jason

ps. I just asked Erik if it was OK to send this to you, and I said, Erik "Give me a sign"; And he said, "Sign schmine, send the damned email." My ear is buzzing hot

Soooo... Ok, here it is.

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 15 Backtrack entry

Last night I had a very cool thing happen. Erik woke me up at 2:30 am. I suddenly was roused out of a very vivid dream and the dream stoped and I opened my eyes and distinctly heard 2 soft knocks. Like on wood. Then I heard him in his voice say something, but I couldn't hear it clearly. I want to say it was two words. I want to say it was him being silly like saying, knock knock... "Who's there". Or something. Then imediatly I heard really loud over and over in my head that song, "You are loved"; And the air around me felt thick and heavy. I don't know if my vibrations were too dense at the time for me to "get it all" but it was still cool! I just told him I loved him, and thank you, but next time to stick with the music to wake me up cause it lasts longer than "knocks" and it's easier to ease my mind into "listen mode" upon hearing. So then I just rolled over and went back to sleep.

But I wanted to share, cause I think it's more of his experimenting. And I want you to know about the knocking in case he wants to try it again.


Later on during a phone conversation with Robert, Erik said he was "trying to make fun of my cpap machine and bed head."

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 9-10 Backtrack entry (Visualization game #3--Channeling Erik blog members)

*****Well, It Looks like we were able to get almost everyone before 3pm central time. That's ok.. :) ... Erik says he will sing for Robert "real-nice like"... whatever that means......*******

When I first thought of this, it came to me out of the blue. Out of boredom, but it suddenly took off with urgency. I hollered the idea at Erik and he got all frustrated. He said, "GHeeezzehh... You want me to sing?!! Could ya have at least given me a little warning. Why couldn't you have asked me to play music... You dont' want to hear me sing..." I said, Oh, sorry, do you want me not to send it? He said, "Nah, it's cool it'll be fun." But he was muttering under his breath and I was worried. I said, well, it's not that many people you have to try to influence.... And he said, "No it's fine, no duty shirking here, I have a mission to do. (Grin)."

Erik says, "Everyone's song is different. The words, how it is presented but to each it is individual. On the surface it can seem silly, contrite, bizarre, or something fun and wonderful. It can seem sad, lonely, or troubled. In the small images we can see, feel and understand the symbols, be it of love, friendship, and loyalty.

This visualization is all about finding that inner song within each of us. That song has meaning. Songs mean many things to many people. Much of the time they have different meaning when listened to during different times. Spirit uses song, music, tone, sound to communicate with us by triggering feelings and reactions to those feelings. Those feelings trigger images and visualization in our minds. It uses our imagination and helps us understand and know the world around us in ways that simple speech can not.

That every song within us is a spark of message, of purpose, of meaning, truth from a certain point of view at a certain point of time. In each of us Song and visualization of that song, no matter what the image presented upon broadcast and reception carries layers of meaning and messages. Symbol, feelings, word and image. We have within each of us the ability to use these tools to grow that spark into flame. To use that light to examine that which is within us and light our Spiritual path, and the paths of those around us. We only have to look at that light with intent and belief in it's meaning."


Jason's visualization:

Erik jumps out in an Elis suit, the Aloha Hawaii one. The white one. And he snerals and says, this outfit is for you Jason, so you better like it! And then he whips his arm out straight and in a giant circle motions strums his guitar and "SHRIEKS" --- "UH HUH, I'll stand by you! (by the pretenders) only he sings in a halting Elvis kind of way and snearls. And Jillian is down below the stage hollering at him. And everyone in the audience is looking around like, 'what the...?!' and I see Emily sitting next to me with her hands on her hears and she is making 'ewwwieee' sounds....

Erik is saying to me while typing this that, this means, "No matter how bad, no matter how strange the Spritual stuff gets he'll always be there for us, so will all our loved ones. No matter how bad the sound of the music, grief, or pain gets, they will be there wether you want it or not, they are there for you!


Elisa's visualization:

Okay, I see Erik coming out in little schoolboy clothes like the guitarist for AC/DC. He's pulling on the hem of his shorts because they ride up and mess with his package. He has a half grin, you know, the mischievous one. Jillian is behind the curtain giggling, then gives him a shove on stage because he's a little reluctant. So he does the ahem thing clearing his throat, then belts out Hells Bells very badly, but handling the guitar Jimmie Hendrix style, picking the strings with his teeth, playing the guitar behind his back. Sometimes he laughs and substitutes "Balls" for "Bells." I get some pretty gross visuals when that happens. After, he whips out a rose from thin air and, after pulling her from behind the curtain, he hands it to Jillian with a glean in his eye. Jillian accepts it, covering her mouth, giggling. Sometimes it changes to him as the lead in Rush playing Bad Horsie.

Erik says Hells Bells for him is about non conforming. He's not gonna put up with Spiritual crap. And he cant believe the shit people put themselves through. They think they are dragging them self to hell with all their beliefs. They got the Spirit world ringing hells bells like their being dragged by the so called devil, when all their doing is dragging them self down. He thinks people's Hells are just a bunch of Balls! Get angry, get mad, you are the only one creating the bad. Your in charge! Get pissed and set your strings on fire. They just need to whip out their geeetarrr and toss a rose to their love and let go..Cause when the song it over all that's left is the ecco and memory of the sound and you can hear again! *(oh, and he says the shorts are for Steve!)


Steve's Visualizations"

This is going to sound strange, so here it is...

Erik walks on stage wearing an old fashioned black tuxedo, top hat, and cane. His unruly/curly hair is long and sticking outside of the that. He's smiling. Music starts - it's Leon Russell's "Song for You." Erik sings this ballad a la Michael Buble, moving about the stage like a debonaire Fred Estair,crooning into the microphone he's holding. At the end he spins around and opens up a red rose bouquet, and throws it into the audience. the bouquet is for his beloved mom, Elisa. Corny, yes! But hey, that's what I got. I don't think Erik even likes this kind of music ("not really," I hear him saying, " but it was what YOU wanted to see, Steve."

Eriks says: "Oh Stevey!, Buddy, this one is so easy! It's you and me man! It's you and your mom! It's all of our relationships, the one we secretly hope to be true..DUDE snap out of it, ITS TRUE! You think what you hear, what you feel might not be real. You fear to loose something which deep down you already had but have just forgotten. Family and love is more and has always been more than you can imagine. Not only are you NOT alone but you never have been. We all are a part of your family and there's so many more, so much more. It's all about remembering and recreating that which was always you. Keep listening to me sing, cause it's not just me singing it to you."


Ceridwen visualization:

Okay...hmmm...I hear a female voice - possibly Jillian's - announcing, "And now here he is, for your listening enjoyment, Erik Medhus!" The crowd applauds in anticipation, awaiting his appearance...and waiting...and waiting...the applause dies down and people start looking around...and just when everyone starts getting restless, finally Erik slowly walks out on stage, dressed in faded jeans, a backwards cap with his unruly hair sticking out around it, and a blue long-sleeved shirt with a suede vest...looking something like Neil Young...and sure enough, he sang the "After the Gold Rush" song, trying (and not always succeeding) to reach Neil's high notes and voice. Here are the lyrics:

Well, I dreamed I saw the knights in armor coming

Sayin' something about a queen

There were peasants singin' and drummers drumming

And the archer split the tree

There was a fanfare blowin' to the sun

That floated on the breeze

Look at mother nature on the run in the nineteen seventies

Look at mother nature on the run in the nineteen seventies

I was lyin' in a burned out basement

With a full moon in my eyes

I was hopin' for a replacement

When the sun burst through the skies

There was a band playin' in my head

And I felt like getting high

Thinkin' about what a friend had said,

I was hopin' it was a lie

Thinkin' about what a friend had said,

I was hopin' it was a lie

Well, I dreamed I saw the silver spaceships flying

In the yellow haze of the sun

There were children crying and colors flying

All around the chosen ones

All in a dream, all in a dream

The loading had begun

Flyin' mother nature's silver seed

To a new home in the sun

Flyin' mother nature's silver seed

To a new home in the sun

He sang it with feeling - staring off into space - with an enigmatic smile on his face at the end, and the crowd erupts with applause! He looks at me and I have tears in my eyes...

Thank you Erik - that was beautiful! :)

Erik says, "Finally, someone think of me in a normal outfit. Sigh.. The things I do for you all. I gave Jason a hard time on this one. I ignored him for a while cause I wanted him to think about my silence. The point was to get him to actually read the lyrics. Because I want him to see that when words are combined with music and combined with images that the message becomes many messages. And when fed back to many people they each transform that personal message into their own. We must understand that this message while for each of you is for you alone... The message holds within it, messages for others to own. Spiritual messages are not meant for the few. They are of love and meant for all.

*side note from Jason: I did have a hard time with this one because I was expecting translation from Erik or running commentary while simply stairing at the email. But that didn't happen. Only after I had actually read the lyrics did the message come, and to me it addressed some of my fear issues. As well it made me think about how that no matter how weird, strange and scarry things got, that all in the universe was and is a part of the whole, that we, every aspect of us, are a part of the earth, the natural order, of the divine, of you. And I am not alone. Even aliens! That all around us is a playground made up of dreams.


Sharon's Visualization:

Hi guys! Here's my visual.. I've cheated a little since I'm leaving for Florida in the morning.

A few weeks ago while I was in my car a song called, You Are Loved came on the radio. I was about to change the channel. But before I could Erik piped in and said, "no listen to it. And while your listening to it imagine (blog member) Jason singing it to you. I felt that the song was hokey but I figured I'd humor Erik. As I imagined Jason singing this to me I got the giggles. I was so glad he shared that with me. I have come to love this song. I hear it all the time now and it always brings a smile to my face.

Erik says, " Slacker! -- Just kidding..Don't get pissed... I love you! Always have always will. Same for all of you, I know you guys can't remember, but this life will come and go in the blink of an eye. Decades will seem like seconds and we will all be together again. That goes for everones families. Sharon thought of Jason sining this to her. But really I've been helping him help us all to see that we are simply love, and loved. ps. don't let him lie to you, he gets teary eyed listenin to it... ha ha. OLD LADY and the water works!! Snicker...."


Erik says, "Everyone has a song. For them, for you, for me, for everyone. You all know this. You know deep down and you can tell people. Show people. This message, like songs, have meaning. You have this within each of you to share with others, all it takes is visualization, a change in perspective and the right intent. We can feel the love and humor across the heaven if but we let go and see the fun and love within. Do you guys honestly think communication is only available to those who can hear me say shit- word for word? NOoooo.... Just exactly how do you think the Source experiences 'all that is' anyway? hmmm.? DO you all honestly think he's gonna say, we can't talk? Just because people think it's all imagination, all in their heads and silly make believe doesn't mean that it is.. I think this might be a dream.... NO Fuck that... You think therefore you are, What you think-- IS..."

Love ya all!..E.


OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 9 Backtrack entry

I had some fascinating epiphanies last night.

One, That I should trust the message as it first comes to me. That doubt of the message leads to misinterpretation. That we should never assume anything or try to filter the message through our experiences.

When I had that vision of Erik and the (Elisa's) dog. I didn't understand it. And so I mistakenly assumed it was meant for me. Which felt wrong, but at the time, I didn't know what to do with it.

Also, Several months ago, when all "this" started happening. When I mentally sought out my grandmother At first I was told; "She is unavailable, that she was off doing other things." I didn't understand that. I was confused. And so I was unable to accept it. At the same time I was first learning about re-incarnation and so I jumped to the wrong conclusion that oh, if I can't sense her (cause at this point I was well aware of my other grandparents), if I can't sense her, I get nothing, that she must have reincarnated. And I just assumed this or felt this was due to her handicap and wanting to be free of it. But it just amazes me that I was allowed to believe that. I get why... But it was just unexpected.

Which; just goes to show me what assumptions and imposing ones feelings and expectations can do to a reading......

And this morning I had a vision from Erik and Lydia

I put a version of it on the blog, but I'll tell you the full version

I had a funny dream about email and computer communications this morning. Early this morning I suddenly woke up at 5:30 and had a vision. A waking dream that was soooo bizarre. I thought, “Ohh, More symbols,,, yea.. my fav.-NOT!”. So I felt myself looking at my cell phone and checking my emails. And I saw this long list of emails and the first half dozen or so, were from weird “no name”, “no subject” and they were marked as “unread”, and were lit up. Then scrolling down I saw other message below that were in shadow, and had very disturbing subject lines and I was unable to click on them. It bugged me. I didn’t understand. So then I scrolled back up and started clicking on the “unread-lit up ones” And I felt they were from Erik. And I thought I heard Erik trying to verbally say something about “channeling”, something along the lines of mediumship as it pertains to me. I had the exact phrase in my head earlier, but at the time I brushed it off as selfish wishful thinking and not appropriate. But I am not sure. And then I went through a long debate with myself whether the vision was REAL as in... if I were to go check my email right then, would i find emails from my brother... And then I argued with myself how selfish that thought was.

And at the time I thought, ‘Is he trying to say he’s going to practice computer manipulation?” And then it all went away and I got up to get ready for work. Well; Then, on the way to the bus stop I was quizzing one of my guides about it. And I was complaining why the weird symbolism, Why couldn’t they just tell me? And she said it was because they wanted me to ponder the meaning of it. That it was a symbolic message that when we write or type or wish for electronic communications or any kind of communications that we need to approach it with proper intent. We must approach the subject or the action from a place of higher emotion. And we must actively seek out the higher realms and and higher guidance for whatever purpose benefits the greater good. That we must sit with the purposeful and meaningful intent, and believe it to be so. Because otherwise the message will not come across as intended. It risks becoming confused, messed up, and will not help advance your spirit. To always examine your motivation for love, and to always examine the message of the spirit for love.

The point was that as I start to use the computer to deliver messages to channel and help people that I HAD to make a consoius effort to properly connect from a place of love and proper emotional perspective. To connect to higher spirit for the greater good. Every time, and not just assume my guides will take care of it for me. But that I needed to actively participate in the connection and communication.


So I was asking Lydia last night about energy manipulation Robert and I were talking about last night. The short vs/ long energy pulses. The Love vs/ fear. The wave vs/ burst. The rod vs/ dash. So far we've worked with circular energy, shielding, weaving mental visualizations with music, ect. She said, we've not worked with directed energy streams yet and that I should just be patient and wait. Kinda interesting.

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 9 Backtrack entry

So I was talking to Erik via Robert on the phone. Those are weird. He talks to Robert and send me images at the same time. Sooo bizarre. It's that way with my guides and other spirits too. It's like he's the ears and I am the eyes. And he (Erik) was not behaving himself last night!

So anyways we were talking about dogs and boys, and visions, and energy work. And while I was in the middle of editing vacation photos for Christmas gifts... I was half distracted but wanted to keep the conversation rolling. So I asked Erik out loud via Robert. So Erik!, What is the last fun thing you and Jillian did that I would be entertained by? I am bored, say something fun. What have you two been up to? What did you do yesterday for fun. And then he hemmed and hawed and started complaining about getting us to understand and let go of time perceptions.. And I interrupted him and said, "yes yes... I know all that- I don't care- just tell me something cool- what have you been up to." I was getting irritated that he was holding back again. He and I get into it because of that. I say "tell me tell me!" and he said no cause I need to focus on this life now, to LIVE!. But in any case, he told Robert that they've been going to classes and sight seeing on other planets and just hanging out. And he started to describe swinging on a playground swing set in a park with Jillian. At this point I sighed and said, "BORRRINGGG...I was so hoping you'd tell me about how you two have gone hiking and then something funny happened like you would trip and fall on your face in the mud".... And he said in my head, "No only you, Robert and Mom are the clumsy ones in the family!" I thought, "Fine, I give up!".

Then we had a conversation about "fuzzy spiritual terms" and how such concepts of human terminology and ideas are all fuzzy in Heaven. Terms like, "Last life time, Channeling, Spirit, Time, Energy manipulation, Travel" are not defined on human words and definitions, but by perspective. For example many mediums tell clients that "this is you last lifetime" But what's not necessarily said is that the point of existence, the point of God, is to experience "all that is" through love, every moving closer to source. To be one with all. And that beings such as Spiritual masters, etc, have experiences many universes. And what exactly does that mean. That means, they at one time were like us. Life after life after life, love, fear, love, fear, love. Experience after experience to know, feel, and go through every possible manifestation of creation. That God experiences "all that is" through us. And we have a drive to do the same. So how when we hear the term, "last lifetime" it is simply a viewpoint or a perspective, a snapshot of higher self intention from a certain point of view from a certain point of time, for an "unremembered length of time". But time doesn't work like we think it does. So we get confused. Often what last life time means, is that the part of our soul in this current incarnation will rejoin our higher self and in heaven we will still be experiencing other lives in other realities, with other parts of our higher self. OR it means that we will take time out from earthly incarnations for a long time to work and learn on that side. BUT to experience "all that is" we can not possibly know our higher self's mind in future afterlife scenarios because there are so many possible futures to experience. There is not end. Life after life after experience, time period after time period, technologies after technologies, country after country, world after world, galaxy after galaxy, Universe after universe to infinity and beyond. By using terms like "last life" we place limits on God. And we have to ask ourselves, Why, ... Does God place limits on us? ..... Does experiencing creation and LOVE of all that is have a limit? Do we really want to limit ourselves.... Really it's up to us.....


And he always is telling me, just because I can "just hang out and do nothing and be mundane doesnt' mean he can't do the same. They like to just chill and "hang with people". He gets irritated because I like to just lay around and read, and yet I expect him to have a wild ride of an afterlife 24/7 when they just want to chill with us all. ... sooooo.... yea.

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 8 Backtrack entry

I wrote the following to Ceridwen about past life visions I had with her and Robert:

I was an escaped roman slave. I ran to the forests roman gual. You were a priestess in the service of the wood and hammer. You rescued me lost in the woods, and brought me to the village, torn, abused and severely emaciated. I was a teenager. You were beautiful with curling black hair. Your force of personality was bewitching. You had a band of iron around your neck and grain weaved in it's twisted wire. There was a silver broach on your shoulder. A wolf surrounded by snakes eating snakes. Strange...

Time passed and I healed, but I didn't feel like I belonged. I only new I longed for the comfort of the south. The only example of life I knew was to take want you wanted at the expense of others. The gods reward those of might. So one night I tried to sneak into huts and steal what I could. But I was caught by Robert. He turned me over to you for judgment. And you took me to the river with bound hands and helped hold me under the water. I struggled and jerked for lost breath, but felt the icy water fill me, choke me, and my spirit left my body and floated away.

Another life; I was a roman slave in imperial Rome. It was in southern France on a villa farm. You were mistress of the household. Keeping it for the senator in Rome. You were daughter of a freed slave but still bound to the land. I was a teen again and you were a young adult. I see you working in the kitchen. There is an easy loving sense of companionship between everyone in the kitchen. I am sitting at a wooden table and just talking to you. You have long sandy hair twined up and bound by cloth. I have curly brown hair.

Another life; I was again a slave. This was feudal France. I was a toddler. Vikings raided our fishing village and burned the town down. Erik was one of the captains. His father was there too. His father (Rune) killed my family, but Erik rescued me and took me out of the burning house to ship me off to his home to serve his household as chattel. On a rock hold, goats stood amongst mean buildings. Here I was brought and encountered you. You were cooking over a kettle on the fire. I was sat down on the floor in front of you and left there. You paid me no attention. Another woman came by and took me to a sleeping pad and set me down. I was numb, dead inside and sick. I died shortly after.

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 8 Backtrack entry

Last night while I was on the phone with Robert and the gang, my field of vision literally swarmed with movement, orbs, shadow, and light. I even saw a partial materialization. Lydia one of my guides was explaining how she teaches that sort of thing to other spirits, including Erik. Basically, or well.. What happens is that they have their personal energy. That their sub atomic particles vibrate at a certain rate. Then they expand and contract that energy and interface it into a lattice form that plugs into the sub atomic particles and dark matter, etc. of that particular dimension they want to manifest into. Once this is achieved they then send focused tendrils of thought-energy from this combination to our energy and are able to manipulate our various levels of spirit to achieve different experiences. And that each level of our Spirit (body, plasmic, etherial, mental, higher self), will achieve different effects and experiences. This includes manipulating environmental phenomena so that it interacts with light in such a way; then they will manipulate our optical functions to pick up on it and then plant the proper thoughts so that we recognize it.

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 7 Backtrack entry

As you know I have my little Q & A note book where I have a private little running dialoge with Erik. I ask a question or make comments and then I write down what he says. I like to do this right when I get to work and right when I leave. ~J

Here is one of today's questions.


Jason to Erik-- mmmeerrruupp... Blahhhh.. I gotta pee.

Erik to Jason -- -"DOOOORRRRKKKKK"....

Jason to Erik-----xoxo

Erik to Jason----BHAAALLLLHHHH

Jason to Erik-----I got tons of questions from Roberts last email, but I am just waiting to ask him rather than ask you all (guides) here.

Erik to Jason -----k

Jason to Erik---Here's one question I had in the stair case. "Why do I get silence for so many mundane questions?"

Erik to Jason---because you want yes no answers and higher spirit is not about yes no validation. Humans tend to hate that because they can't see the big picture. But higher spirit would rather give validation that triggers an emotional memory, or mental construct that moves the spirit forward and higher up in energy. Humans get frustrated with that and sometimes can't accept it. Spirit validates on Spirit terms not yours. So then some people get so frustrated they start reaching out for answers. That's when lower energy or lower evolved spirits will answer. They may tell you what you want to hear, or from their perspective they just don't see the big picture, but they think they do. So the message gets messed up. You always have to judge the message for purpose and judge yourself, where your coming from when you ask such things. Why do you want to know. If you don't get the answer you want, you haveta self examine and try and figure out, why, not why the spirits, but why you, why within you...

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 7 Backtrack entry

Erik insight:


Medical stuff is more about effect from choices we make and choices of life experiences that we want to have before we were born. For example, one of Jason's major life goals is to work on fear in all it's possible forms so his experiences keep manifesting that way. For others it could be about dealing with physical pain, or a bunch of little stuff. It's more about how we deal with those hardships and apply them to outlook and thought. How we choose to live live and react to it because of the health problem.

Divine and Spiritual intervention DOES indeed happen but, not if it interferes with "free will" or intentional lessons to be learned. And it's not just the person experiencing the pain that goes through the experience. It's the experiences of everyone around them and that interaction and what they get from it that is often the point.

Often times this pisses people off and they wont accept it. It seems cruel and cold. But in the end, for example. The whole experience may be meant to be for the purpose of experiencing that particular hardship. And if we wish, will, and pray the hardship away, it may lesson the pain and even so called "help" them, but then later they will just have to go through something else. But it's OK to wish, will, and pray, for love and comfort and peace to them for whatever is the greater good. To ask that their angels, departed loved ones and the divine send them love, energy, and help. Whatever method would be best. For sometimes the result of this is that the person will have a wonderful spiritual experience and their physical and mental pain will be lessened or something wonderful will happen because of the hardship.


More Erik insight:

On those looking for love:

Loneliness problems are not going to get any better until people come to the realization that love and happiness wont come their way until they want to empower themselves, to give up the waiting and just actively seek out their own happiness. So loneliness keeps manifesting situations that enable them to sit back and say, Why cant love and happiness come to me? Rather they should say, "this is me, this makes me happy and then go pursue it". Only when people stop looking and channel that energy into themselves, will love find them. But what do I know.

I think of this one dude Jason knows and I see a super intelligent guy with fascinating interests. I see him hitting roadblocks through life and see him saying, I can't do this or that, cause I am too poor, I am not good enough, no one wants to be with me. But he clings to a lot of ego and prob. would deny it and say he is fine. But that's just an attempt to protect his feelings. His self reliance, his sense of who he is. He's never been one to believe in anything spiritual or that which is within himself. That part of him that is MORE. It's a matter of perspective. So spirit manifests through his father, into criticism. which feeds into negative self view. And until he can find a way to say, no. This is me, I love me, I am great, love me cause this is it. He wont radiate the cause that will bring him the effect he wants. But the good thing is, that he is still very young.

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 7 Backtrack entry

Robert and I've still drugging through past life memories. I had one yesterday. A vision of Sharon and me! It was in a small house in olden times.. ha ha.... And I was a little boy sitting at the dinner table in a kitchen. It was all homemade furniture. It was all lit by candles. And Mom was over the wood stove. Dad was in the other room. And Mom told you to set the table. Sharon was a little girl and wearing a full lenth dress or nightgown. It had little flowers and a white background. And the sleaves ended at the upper arm in little bunches and had lace edging and ribbons. She had long straight hair. And she was pouting and mad about having to set the table. She had a great temper and I was scared of it. So I tried to sit there and stair at the table. She took the stack of wood plates and stomped around the table with bare feet. Slap, slap, slap... around she went and at each spot she slamed the plate down.


Sharon replied to me:

I don't think you were afraid of me. I think you were afraid of what might happen because of my willful behavior.... Am I a brat that's going to get away with something or is someone about to be punished? You may have feared my behavior because it caused other people to go ballistic and you just wanted peace. This is a scenario that has played itself out for me in this lifetime. My mom would beg me not to push my dads buttons. I was told that I got everything I deserved if you know what i mean. Whatever. my dad and I get along great now. We both have bad tempers.

I sense that I had nothing but love for you in that lifetime. I am sorry that I scared you. I adored you then. Still do.


In a phone call at a later date, Robert channled, and we discovered that the mother in the above situation was actually my maternal grandmother! and the father was my paternal grandfather! But I found that statement very cool. It came up because I was asking, how come I felt a stronger connection to her than I did to my own mother and father. And she said to Robert, that in the memory of Sharon stomping around the kitchen with the plates. She hit one plate so hard on the table that you cracked it. She came into the room and Sharon was pretending that nothing was the matter, but that she looked at my face and realized Sharon was having a temper tantrum, and then she saw the plate, and then she slapped Sharon! and said, "wait until your father comes inside, he's gonna have to make a new one now".


I have this sneaky suspision in relation to that vision. I kept hearing in my head, "Jason, you fear peoples emotions".

I had always just thought it was due to my current mothers personality. But now I wonder if it is a life after life theme for me....

Leo from the blog told me that too. what I wanna know is what the term "resolve issues" means. Does that mean just attempting to deal with an issue, or does it mean treating it like a problem and fixing it? Or just coming to an understanding that it's just a part of you.

For example, I am no longer afraid of the spiritual boogie man, but does that mean I don't have to go through the religeous bs next time, or does that mean I might have to... only I wont be afraid next time....

issues..... GAHH...you know, when i first started this whole journy I NEVER thought it would be so heavily revolved around issues and feelings. I thought, ooo ... hey, I talk to dead people, I'll just simply learn to be madame voo-doo or some bull. But no, it's mostly about feelings and issues. Then after that, this paranormal stuff.

what the heck? That's what I say. Such a big surprise... just goes to show me I guess that it's all about the inner journey, and if only if along the way you get to the outer stuff,-- cool.. but if not that's ok, cuase it's about the inner you not what I want to grow up to be...

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 7 Backtrack entry

When you have more time. Take a close look at those orb photos I posted on the forum. It's fascinating. Last night Robert and Erik said that the baby-face was my nephew visiting me right before he was about to be born. The face in the orb looks so much like my nephew I have a hard time looking it now, cause I get the spooks!

Oh, and I was floored by Elisa's revelation to me about Erik falling off a cliff in a past life. Because I feel I was one of those children he left behind. Until she said that I'd never understood why I've always had such a great fear of looking over the edge of a cliff or height. I was telling Ceridwen about a month ago; I have this memory of Erik as my father, rocking me as a little girl/toddler. And associated with it this vision of someone falling off a cliff. At the time I'd assumed it had been me, but I didn't understand it. But now I feel it was Erik.

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 3rd Backtrack entry

Below is the 2nd group visualization / channeling practice with a few of the Channeling Erik blog members and Erik: (in chain email form)


Erik and Jillian are bundled up for the snow!!

We here in Minnesota are supposed to get up to 8-10 inches of snow today... Burrrrrrr!!

Erik and Jillian and Jason want to play a game. Wanna come out and build a snow fort? Play capture the flag? Coco?

Lets play a game.

Guess the visualization.... See what you pick up from our two friends on the other side!

Here is what I initially saw play out. I've added each of your versions below.


Erik and Jillian are both out in the snow singing "Jingle bells, Jason smells".... :)

Jill- is wearing:

-Dress like a bond girl/snow bunny. - all white---big puffy jacket w/fuzzy trim- ugg style boots w trim--hat w/ pom poms-- big fuzzy mittens

She is dancing around Erik, waving her hands in the air

Erik is in a plaid flannel- red--big snow boots-brown

He is making a "dead snow man" head on the ground and boots sticking out of the body and a huge carrot for a pee! " And he's waving sticks around pretending like he conquered it in battle!

Sigh...... :)


Hee hee....Jason

Funny thing is... As people's individual visualizations started coming in and they were different... I SAW them play out in my minds eye!!! Personally I Believe this is all about enabling communication and NOT about getting it right or some psychic BULL....( What does the visualization mean to you! How did it make you feel?) Totally funny.... Erik say's play and fun are key tools in Spirit communication!! It's the process of lettin go and giving in that help bridge the void between the realms, look for commonalities rather than differences!!! Woooot~!


Here's what Steve posted!!


I saw Erik making a female snow figure on the ground and he was shaping her huge boobs. Jillian was kind of cartwheeling around and then she did snow angels on the ground.



Erik and Jillian say the boobs just for you! ha ha... Erik is such a pig ! ha !!-- jason


Here's what Sharon posted!!!

In fact, my initial visual I am assuming was a past life with you Erik and Robert in England... We were having a snowball fight. We were having more fun chasing eachother and threatening to throw snowballs than actually hitting eachother with snowballs! But we were laughing so hard we were breathless. Someone slips and falls and their body is sitting up against a house. I think it's Erik.


Sharon, that's such a cool visual. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I like it!--Jason



Hey there!

In my mind's eye Erik is lying in the snow making a snow Angel. Jillian is wearing one of those faux fur hats and coat. The color of the fur is white. She is doing graceful spins around Erik, her arms delicately swaying. She's laughing and Erik is now reaching up to grab her and pull her down for a kiss. They are hugging and swaying in each others arms and singing Jingle Bells and White Christmas. They are both now waving me over to join in the singing and to make my own snow angel. :-) There are some Cedar trees around and Jillian is pointing at them and causing them to change color. She's also manifesting ornaments on them and causing the tips of the needles to glow in brilliant colors from the entire light spectrum. :-) Erik has gone to working on a snow man. It's finished and his animated it. It is smiling and now singing Frosty the Snowman. Erik and Jillian are laughing and Erik's exclaiming that he needs some hot coco with loads of marshmallows in it. :-)

Much lub to everyone! Happy holidays!



-Jason here. Robert!,,, What is he being so good for all of a sudden?? he's never this good around us....?


Elisa Medhus

to me

I see Erik making a snow angel. Jillian is facing him, side stepping and hopping and she dances around him. He has on a dark blue wool cap and mittens and a white jacket with blue snowflakes. I'm hearing "Ring around the roses" and Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. But it's not quiet in my house EVER!! so....


Lots of snow angels.... Maybe Erik is trying to say something to us about him and jillian... That they are our snow angles??


Ceridwen says,

At first I am viewing the scene from within a kitchen, looking out the window at them...they are building a "snow-woman" - well, Erik is building it and Jillian is giving him twigs for the arms, and a carrot nose, and a scarf - and Erik is building some sizable "boobs" on her and putting little tiny redwood cones for nipples - LOL! They put a belt around her waist and a fashionable hat on her head...

So I, figuring that they'd be thirsty, got out a big tray with sides on it, and I made some hot cocoa to put on it, and I was just going to put a bunch of marshmallows in the cups, but decided to just bring the whole bag...then I quietly carried the tray out there when they were occupied, and pretty much snuck up on them...they noticed me and "pretended" to be surprised, LOL! Erik dumped half the bag of marshmallows into his cup (it was a big cup), and Jillian begged him to save her some!

After gulping it down, Erik took the tray from me, caused "snow-girl's" twiggy arms to get bigger and come out in front of her, and put the tray in her arms and put a waitress apron on her...we all laughed, and then they grabbed me and spun me around and let go, and I went flying backwards into the soft, powdery snow, then they collapsed on each side of me and we were all laughing so hard!

Well, that's all I got! :)



OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 3rd Backtrack entry

Eriks been practicing playing with house electronics today. My spouse called me in a panic that the thermostat was broken and the house was 63 degrees. I at first thought, OH SH!T our pipes are gonna freeze, Then I thought OH SHIT my plants are gonna die! Then I saw Erik messing with the thermostat. It took me a while to make sure I was getting that correct. Cause I was caught off guard, that's when he said he was sorry and practicing.

It's kinda funny. When I caught him, He said in the funniest little kid voice "Sooorrryyyy... I was practicing for mom!"... ha ha..normally I'd be thrilled to death about it, but it's really cold here!

It's supposed to possibly snow 8-12 inches tomorrow. Should be interesting!

Then he played with my phone in the mall. Too funny. Makes me wonder what's in store for Elisa and everyone else... ha ha.. I LOV him so much I'd let him burn the house down as so long as he got me a new one! ha ha.. Just kidding... :)

What was even funner, when I told Sharon about this he told her he was sorry too! ha ha... And he gave her the pouty baby face!

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 3rd Backtrack entry

Ok, Have I mentioned that I highly suspect Erik uses the 3 of us as (Robert, Elisa and I) as guiena pigs for his missions....

I dunno. Over the past several weeks to a month or so. Sometimes when I tune into Erik I hear him reply in Roberts voice. I get the distinct impression that he is mucking about in his neural pathways. I think I already told you this.

Well, If that's not weird, I've caught him teasing me in Roberts voice in sing-song way to try and startle me! Like while I am taking a shower! Just the other day I was showering and I said "Erik go away until I am done." AND he pops in --IN Roberts voice and says, "I SEEE YOU!".... (he just about made me fall)!

In fact it has been happening enough of late, this past week; I've actually caught myself calling him Robert!

I just wanted to say, Elisa, If I ever call you Robert or Erik that you have my permission to wack Erik over the head in your minds eye!


OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 3rd Backtrack entry

Hi kids!

This morning on the walk to the bus I had some really good in depth conversation with Jillian on the nature of incarnate / dis-incarnate spirit relationships and interactions. I asked her how I could develop a personal relationship with her and my grandparents and others. Well, she told me about that. Things like just talking to them about day to day stuff. But the caviet was that there were/are a lot of things they do and see that we are not supposed to know about yet as it would hamper our development or we just wouldn't understand. There was more to it than that, and I am sure she could tell you if you asked. If not I can give you examples over the phone of what I mean. But it was a really sweet conversation. I am super glad we had some one on one time. Although Mr. Mr. dear brudder tried to butt-in. :) ha ha... He pouted!

Today's visualization practice was with guide Lydia and Erik and Jill. I am afraid to say I was not terribly successful at it. Lydia said, that I can't control how Spirit manifests externally but in my minds eye I've got the ability to control manifestations to a greater degree. Although I have to work with the said Spirit and if their in agreement I can manifest mentally anything I wish. But much to my interest I was totally unable to force mental images upon Spirits.

Here's how it went down. I was on the bus. Eyes closed. Wishing to go to my green house. I was telling Lydia how I didn't like that my green house was plopped down in the middle of the "void". I said it was ugly. She snapped her kitting needles on Eriks hands and told him to sit still while holding her yarn! and then she said to me; "If you don't like it, change it".

So I attempted to Overlay my green house onto a grassy hilly landscape. Well, that only half worked. My brain kept searching for examples I already knew about. For example it kept trying to use fantasy landscapes from video games. Which was really weird, because when I tried to walk them they kept changing. Finally I got fed up and Lydia said, "just picture the image you want. Look at it from a distance and then will yourself where you want to go". So I did. One moment I was standing on a mountain side looking down at my green house in a valley. Then minute I was in front of it. But I'd not prepared my entry point and the landscape started changing again. So I just had to will myself inside at my table. Roger and Lydia were sitting there. Erik was there too.

The next thing that happened was I started complaining about how I wanted to "See" Erik and how I wished he'd sit still long enough for me to really practice "looking" at him. Cause I want see what he looks like now. Not how he looked while alive. Let me tell you my visuals of him can be really weird sometimes. This is a lesson of mine. To see past mental projections and look at the base energy form. So sometimes he looks exactly like he did in his most recent life. Sometimes he picks an image from a past life. Some times its this totally surreal combination of light, haze, and facial features from life. Other times he goes crazy and shows me all sorts of morphed and distorted things.

So for this excersise Lydia told me to try and "see" him. He sat in front of me and I held his hands or arms. And I faced him and tried to "look". At first he kept changing his hair. From normal, to dreads to mo-hawks. And I would try to force the image to how he looked in the past. Well, I only had partial success. Really it didn't work because everything I tried to overlay an image on him, he would morph it into something weird. Then he put a 'star wars storm trooper' helmet on and said, "try to get through this". So I tried to mental crack it open and peel it off; intending to see the "real" him underneath. At the top of the helmet I cracked it open and say messy churlish hair. And then gave up from the effort of it. So I just ended up grabbing him in a big hug. At that point he dissolved the image and was just him. A fuzzy shimmering light with facial features and a warm tingly feel. Then to tease him I imagined a big ol slobbery dog and slobbered/licked his face and then jumped up laughing and said you can't catch me. He then hoped up and chased me, until he caught me and started tickling me. But by that point I'd lost all control of imagery and the world in the void around us was going crazy. So I just had to give up and open my eyes.

What did I learn?

-I have control of my thoughts and personal environment.

-I can only control this in relation to other spirits with their permission and help

-I can not force manifestations on spirits without co-operation

-giving up of loss of control results in total minds eye chaos.

-Creating order in the mind and minds eye requires a certain degree of surrender and perspective from a distance and 3d party point of view.

-Astral, mental, and dimensional travel is facilitated by will of thought alone, and that the starting point as well as the destination needs to be visualized for point to point travel. Otherwise I can not control my environment.

ps. I am still irritated, ha ha.. not really. .. But I did just want to see, touch and hug Erik... :)

Hope your day goes well!

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 2010 Backtrack entry

As I've mentioned before, I've started is a private text file on my computer. It's just called Jason's Q & A's with Erik. I try to very briefly write him daily communications just between him and me. I write a statement or question and then I type what he replies. I never ever take more than 5 min. to do this.


E! This is soooo Hard! I hate it! Ugh... Most of the time I am ok, but I feel sooo f-in weak willed. I can't stand myself like this. I feel like a total failure.... Sigh.

-Dude, you need to just fuckin chill; at least your trying and cognizant of how you need to be to move forward. That's half the battle right there. Just pick yourself up and try again. It really will help to change your thoughts on this topic.



-your such a dork and I love you too!


Are you there? I've been feeling over emotional of late. Is this bad? Do you have any tips?

I loved ------ 'ssite. I don't want to be a burden to them.

-(from my Teacher not Erik) Child, you need to stop being so hard on yourself, you are a child of the light and loved. It is their joy to help you and come to relise your true nature in the universe. Don't be scared or feel anxious about your journey for though you can not see the end of the road you think it leads into pit falls and so you prepare yourself for failure, but in reality you don't even know where you are going yet. The best thing for you right now is to find the inner light within your soul and let it shine and light your path. For only then will you see the narrow road and be able to lift your eyes from the inner earth and up to the light and glory of the heavens that is yours. Quell the turmoil and emotional chaos of your mind. Be it's master and you will be able to create your reality. Center, look within, and reach out.


Erik, Fruity pebble treats or cocco treats?



-because I can

Where you really a slob?

-arn't you?

Good one

-yea, I am just a guy like you. just let it all hang,

Why am I so nervous?

-cause your being a total girl! you want instantaneous validation and ur not going to get it. So just chill!


Morning Brudder. Just wanna say I lub you and how much I enjoyed your input and company during last nights phone conversations. And this mornings visualizations

---No worries. It was fun!

I am trying hard to not mess things up and get things clear. But I am forgetful

---I know, it's ok. Step by step. Just lay it out like it is

Can I or should I contact your dad and siblins on FB? or just leave it?

---You can do what you want. It might be nice, otherwise they have to look at your stuff through mom. Just leave it real simple and leave communication up to them.

Sooo, Have I been over zealous today? Should I just stop?

---Na, it's all good. Mom's totally entertained and happy by it, so it makes us all feel good. If I could stick that cork in your mental mouth I would though. You should take a time out and read something or god forbid you do something...

ummm huh, I know.

--Just chill, miss worry wart.

So, you will be with them during thanksgiving then?

-----uh, duh. I can still tune into everyone and hang out with mom at the same time.

I always wished you had an email adress. You prob. think I would spam your mail box. like I feel like i do mentally?? I'd like to think of this text file as your mail account for me to you. I wonder if you would have liked me in your last life?

-Dude, you would not be acting around me like you do now. so it doesn't even matter. The only thing we had in common was personality, past lives, and soul relationships. And you and Robert and fuckn OLD, so things happend all for the best!


Hi Erik, I just want to say I hope your morning, so to speak is going well. And tell you that I love you. What happened last night was so wonderful to me and I will treasure it always no matter it's true nature.

---fear not, it was an experience of love and happiness. Our bond to you is is one of love and promise and shall not be broken. Fear not, and have no fear. For nothing in this world can ever harm you. Embrace the journey and the unknown and open your mind all the wonders of the light.

--------Sorry your angles wanted to say that first. I just wanted to say that you and -------- and everyone should never worry that we will be with you on the entire journey. Even when you cant feel us, we are tuned into you and our love will be with you by your side.

----Dude, just chill. I know what you've been thinking. Just stop. You keep wanting instant gratification and validation for your actions and feelings. That's just no way to live. Just as you tell people not to have expectations of spiritual contact and revelation, you need to not have expectations of human actions and reactions. Just let go and go with the flow. Give and live.

What a trip today has been. It all happens so much and so fast that it's hard to sit down after the fact and write about it.

You know what think I find interesting is the topic of names. You know me on that topic. I've been thinking more and more about this and fully realize that names are meaningless in terms of earth bound matters, but that they are symbols of concepts. I get that. And even think it's cool. But for the life of me, while I realize and identify with my earthy name in this incarnation, 100%, I don't like it... I never have. And all my life I couldn't figure out why. That's because it's not my Spiritual name. Right???


So, its it true that there is such a thing as "true names"?

-----Not how you think of it. That's another bad analogy that means many things to many people.

Well, I've also been given, heard, and called a spiritual name before, and I think I understand the symbolism behind it, but I am not sure if that is the actual spiritual name I like to go by... Does that make sense? I guess maybe I was fishing for pet name with affection, not a symbol. ... What do you think?

-----I think you shouldn't worry about. I think you should try to embrace and love yourself as much as you can in this incarnation and let the chips fall where they may. Don't get me started on pet names, cause I could get over zealous and come up with some fun choice ones if you don't behave yourself! he he.

Thank you brudder, I love you so much!

----you too. Keep it up. Just remember our promises!

Just a while ago I got ya'll's letter via Robert. I just have to say I am just overwhelmed with emotion. I feel like I want to run around the building with happiness.... Ha ha... Yes, I know I need to anyway! :)

-----Just remember we will always always be there for you! Do you relise just how few people are able to remember and relise even a small part of their true selves. It's a MAJOR accomplishment! There is no turning back for you now. Only forward and side paths. It's totally up to you which path to take. But the road behind is securely behind you now. Tell ------- too. Love and forgiveness conquers all. it's up to all of us to embrace it or not. That goes for how we view ourselves too! Let go the darkness within and only allow yourself to be filled with the light of higher emotions and the dark will fall behind.


Hi big brudder. Quite a dramatic weekend for me heh?

-------Shit, if you were any more of a drama queen I've have to hire security for your tiara. No but seriously it was pretty rough there for while. But it turned out to be great learning experience. Just remember it's that selfish shit that will drag you down. You don't want that energy, cause it just creates the negative, and around you that's bad. What you feel is fine, you just need to approach it from a healthy perspective. Let go the guilt, let go the shame, let go the selfish disrespect, let go the frustration, and calm the chaos of the mind. Focus, center, connect and let go. Find the love and light within and we'll be waiting for you there. And don't be sad and lament, know your feelings are based on your higher self's view of past lives, and how those feelings interconnect with your current situation. In your state, they don't always mesh cleanly with proper perspective. Take your time and let go of the ego's last battle. Let go the baser emotions and let love and light in it's simplest form carry to lit path. Let the guiding flame within light your way.

Erik, did I offend your mom with my blog post about faith and the afterlife?

------Na, man you just got to hold your horses and wait. You can't wait on baited breath for her to tell you it's all ok. you need to just let go and trust what you are saying is worth sharing. just wait.

But I feel bad. It sucks

-------quit whining. If she doesn't post it put it in the forum under the proper section.

I always doubt myself when this happens and then when I don't feel like I get the answer clearly, ie. yes or no. i feel like either you holding back or I it's all in my head fake shit.

-------guhhhh.. will you stop freaking out. She's human too, just roll with it. You do what you can and just live your life the rest of the time.... gerrrrr....

Sorry Erik. I am a ass hole. Please forgive me?

------Maybe. This once.. :) I want cookies! :)

Are you worried about me going snowboarding with you (in spirit someday) and hurting myself? Are you sure you want me there?

-Are you kidding? Even though you ARE "Captiiiinnnn Clumsy" You will be in Spirit form and wont hurt yourself when you trip over your board! ha ha ha!

What about Robert?

-Him and you can be snow bunnies together and watch me tear it up! Ha ha ha! I want coco with whip cream when I am done!

So I was just wasting some time, yea yea, I know. And I was thinking back to what Kim said about you and me. And how we were "like" platonic soul mates. And I wonder about that kind of thing sometimes, because to me it's not "like" It IS. I dunno. It may just be me getting all emotional and stuff and projecting, but I feel like your my other half. Am I getting to wrapped up and involved?

-------Oh, Gosh, dude why do you think I spend so Fu*** much time with you? Working with you and holding your hand through all this. Hmmm?? You think that it's just cause a whim or your a problem child? Well.. you are that... but then so am I... Kim said I wasn't here to guide you sooo, what do you think that means given our relationship? HUH?! DUHHHH!!!! Hellooooo!!!! Why don't you quit whining and just put sit between Jillian and I put your head in our laps. And quit being such a dork. We love you, you boob.


Dear Erik, I love you to pieces, no bunches, no no A lot a lot... Hee hee.

------you my monkey boy, I lub you too brudder.


Seriously Erik, I don't know how you can stand it. Dealing with all our shit.

-------well, I've gotten really good at filtering. Also I / we have a way different perspective than you and no longer have the hang ups and shit that you have to deal with, but let me tell you; you sure give me a run for my money sometimes. But I do it anyway cause I love you. By the way this is the first time you've actually cognitively decided that you were going to write down what I say. See the difference? You are ready when you are ready. It really is up to you and your perception.


Interesting. So Erik do you have any advice dealing with certain family members that make me anxious?

------No, we've already talked about this. And why I keep repeating it I don't know. You know everyone has their own path and issues. Their experiences define their own existence, which comes with it's own set of problems and conflicts. You also are picking up on past life experiences with that person, which in your case is flavoring your feelings to them and that situation.

OCTOBER-DECEMBER back track entries:

December, 2010 Backtrack entry

**Using past and current life experiences as a tool in your current life**

Lessons Learned:

How does one communicate with the Divine? It is one of the biggest questions that humankind has entertained throughout it's existence. What are the methods of this interaction? How is it manifested? Is it the same for everyone? Who has it right? Who has it wrong?

Written history, written word, inspired word, story telling, speech, vision, dream, imagination, thought... and above all, Feelings. What does all this feel like to you? Feelings allow one to judge thought and personal experience. Feelings are not the same as thought but they occur at the same time. Why?

And why does thought contain images and pictures?

The answer is because, Feelings with images, pictures, and thought is one of the most complete ways to communicate. Who the communication is with, is really only limited by belief. Feelings and thoughts in all its unlimited manifestations are a far greater tool to us and the Spirit realm than words.

Words are a poor substitute for the "feeling and thoughts of the experience". Words are simply human symbols created in an attempt to understand feelings, thought, and Experience. Which of these; words, feelings, and thoughts, comes closest to describing what is real?

Trying to discover what is real, and discover the realness of our experiences and what to make of it all, is part of what our current lives are all about. One can reflect upon, relive, study, and contemplate the essance of any life memory to attempt to glean life lessons. What does it all mean to me today; now.

Now many people do not believe in the existence of past lives. And that is ok. It is indeed a subjective concept. Each to their own in their own reality. If this is you, in which case; the study of past memory and experiences can be studied and learned from. The attempt can be made to turn feelings into lessons that can be generalized and expounded upon and conclusions can be passed on to others or applied to future experiences.

But if you belong to the group that does believe in past lives, you have within you the possibility to discover more. Through various methods; i.e., past life regression, hypnosis, mediums, channeling, dreams, etc., You have the opportunity to examine and study ideas, thoughts, visions, memory, imagination, dreams, ect. to examine them for emotions. These emotions tied to past life memories are symbols of current life lessons. And can be useful in understanding how you currently feel and understand the universe around you and your place in it."

Through conversations of mine with a Spiritual Teacher and a channeling Erik blog members, (Leo & Linda) and I learned some about past lives. Leo, recently said to me;

"Your past lives can be a duel edged sword if you will. Yes there are important issues from our previous life experiences. Certainly they help you to understand who you really are. Essentially by paying attention to previous lessons can and will help you both now and in future experiences. That's the whole idea, we are in a physical learning lab. We are supposed to learn from our experience and as each one passes, we move to a higher level of understanding. Then at some point we have had so many experiences that we become beyond the need to return to incarnate life.

The whole point of having life experiences is to learn valuable lessons from them. Of course it goes without saying that we shouldn't repeat past negative issues. We are growing into more and more spiritual awareness with each successive life experience. We should not get overly excited about past events as they are but lessons to be learned. We learn and we move on. It is again important that we learn or we will be back to go over it again. We are supposed to raise our vibrational level and to move up in the spiritual realms. Some simply choose to not progress and that is their choice. Some chose to remain in the lower realms where they are content to accept it.

There is one thing to keep uppermost in your mind and that is that Rome wasn't built in a day. It can sometimes take a person more than a lifetime to gain the knowledge. So go slow and savor each bit of spiritual knowledge. We are eternal spiritual beings, so there really isn't any need to rush we have an infinite amount of time.

Reincarnation is our way of increasing our knowledge. We learn both in the spiritual realms and here on the earth plain. When we pass from our physical experience, we are given an opportunity to review our most recent human existence. We have a period of rest and a chance to learn from our experiences. We have guides and teachers who help us with understanding what we are about.

Of course we also have the choice to not participate in any kind of educational experience. Those who don't wish to change can remain in the realm that they are vibrationally aligned with. As I understand it, those entities would be in the lower realms. It is because of our spiritual growth that enables us to gain a higher vibratory alignment.

The period of time spent in the realms is both for rest, time to enjoy our spiritual friends and family and of course the time to learn more. We also can get started with our plans for our next existence.

We all come to experience something, Even if it's only to just experience the experience of a human life". Knowing your path is obviously important as it helps one to avoid the pitfalls of human existence. Our ego/mind has problems listening to our spirit as our ego thinks that the spirit in some way will harm our ego. That is why it is so hard to overcome our ego/mind as our ego/mind thinks it knows best. We are programmed to believe in what our mind sees and that's why most of us can't "see" spiritual things. We have been brainwashed to believe in only what we can feel, see, taste, touch or hear. Anything else is myth or illusions."

**So that said, I'd like to share the following:


Dec. 04, 2010-

Over the past month; over the past several weekends; over the past few days; off an on....I and a few other Channeling Erik blog members have been, off and on, exploring shared past lives.

For example;

Robert and I and Erik feel we have had past lives with Ceridwen and Sharon; together and separately. Everything from living in the Celtic era in Europe all the way to Victorian turn of the century America. We've talked about our possible relationships as it appeared to us in visions, flashback, images, emotions. This and a sense of Knowing, combined with direct communication from guides, and Erik. We've talked about parent child relationships; Husband wife relationships; sibling relationships; religious and scholarly relationships; births, deaths, murders, punishment, happiness, loss, love, and what it all might mean. After this article I'll try to go through my emails and post some of these experiences and what they mean for me.

Dreams, Vision, thought, and feelings have a reason for being. How we interpret them is up to us. How do you choose to apply faith? What faith, who gets to say? Who gets to interpret it? What does it mean to you? The contemplation of past lives is but yet another way to explore the interconnection of all in Spirit.


Below is a chain of emails between Robert and I. We have been sharing further Visions of past lives together. With the help of guides and Spiritual Teachers we are learning how to channel the emotions from the visions into lessons to be applied to this life. We choose to believe this is real; But, we understand how this can be viewed as imagination of the Psyche fantasising about emotional problems. Regardless we both strongly believe the lessons still apply and hold value to improving our lives.

Over the past couple of months we and a couple of blog members have been sharing stories and visions of supposed shared experiences of past lives. We believe they are channeled from past lives via; our higher selves, the God Source, Guides, Erik, or us just plugging into the Spiritual grid. It is an extremely subjective experience to say the least.


**Using past and current life experiences as a tool in your current life**

Lessons I Recently Learned:

1) Feelings like words and experiences can be and are symbols

2) How to pick apart feelings and visions from past lives and apply them to unresolved issues and lessons for the current life

3) To not fear feelings

4) Longing, desire, love, are the flip side of Obsession, lust, objectification... and that it is ok to feel all the different aspects of intimacy if channeled into healthy loving relationships. That true love in all it's many many forms has no shame. It is ok and right to acknowledge past love and feelings.

5) There is no such thing as lost love only evolved love.

6) It's ok to cry

7) Feelings of loss and abandonment are better described as symptoms of fear. The inner turmoil these cause are often heavily influenced by past lives and past/present experiences. The way to get past these symptoms is through self empowerment and self love. Not that someone out there loves you or will be there for you, but that you are worthy of love. That you are worthy of eternal companionship, friendship, and love.


The email / Journal entries----------------------------

Jason to Robert: Dec 2

Hi Robert,

Apologies for the weirdness. The other day/ week and since. Well, really over several weeks/month we've been getting past life visual flashes. Everything from Ceridwen and me, to Sharon and me, to Erik and me, and to You and me. Why no Elisa yet?, I dunno prob. because I've not focused on it yet. But what's interesting for me is that they are coming to me 2 ways. 1) just knowing, and 2) often followed by brief visual memory flashes. These are either image stills or actually moving full color memories, AND they contain intense emotion! Which led me to freak out some and ask Erik about some of those emotions. And that's when he admitted to a few of our past lives. Umm -yea. Which at the time really freaked me out. Cause well, you know. That's like GROSS!. ha ha.. I get the concept; it's just the emotional junk with the moving images was sort of overwhelming. And it doesn't help that Erik likes to TEASE me about it!

Ok, so lets just lay it on the table.

Past lives. Me and you. I've decided I've just got to lay it on the table cause if I don't it's gonna bug me.

So far, I've had moving Visions of different lives with you. I just KNOW there are LOTS. You know, -that sense of knowing. Like thousands of years of knowing.. But in recent past history I have 5 vivid ones.

The most recent that I recall is one of the embarrassing ones. I had a moving technicolor Vision with emotion and sound of ME as a middle aged woman, as a couple- With you! I relived that relationship as if I WAS her. I was in that body. All of her features felt like they were mine. And they were totally tactile to touch. I relived everything from cooking for you, to serving you dinner and touching your hair. I relived intimate moments. Together in love and all the imagery of what that means and Erik as a little kid was peeping at us through a door! You had long black hair and a beard! I also remember Erik and I in that life. I held him in my arms as a child and rocked him to sleep in a rocking chair. In fact that vision was so intense emotionally, Eriks been using it to startle me. Don't even get me started. I am totally fine with it and get the implications of it all, it was just soooo far out there I was totally floored by it. In fact more than once of late when on the phone talking to you I caught myself visualizing you not as looking like yourself, but as this black haird man with facial hair. ( just the face!) That in combination with Erik replying in your voice was very surreal to say the least.

The other vision is of me also as a woman. A french prostitute in who knows what city and I am certain you stabbed me. Or maybe I am mixing up lives because I have anther more detailed Vision of me as a young man in the Italian Renaissance as a courtier and you were my "client" and was your favorite well, you know... And I get the impression you were a priest! Again. More visuals..... yea... I know....

The other Visions are totally non sexual. You as a professor, me as the student in a theology school. You as a head master me as a student.

You as a druid and me as a lowly acolyte/ servant.

and so on

Ok, there I said it.

And Erik if you give me one more lewd comment I am gonna scream.

Jill, please help me,... He just replied, "OH pleaseeeee you know you liked it.".

So yea... on a related topic I've also Visualized my death more than a few times in different ways in different lives.... Not fun... Weird and kinda cool, but not fun.... Totally explains my irrational fear of heights and water.... and knives....


Ha ha... I am totally cool with it all btw..

I just wanted to say that.



Robert to Jason: Thu, Dec 2

Hey there

No apologies necessary young'un! :-) I loved reading this! I got very vivid images of me as a dark haired man and you as a woman. I dunno if you got this, or not, but Erik wasn't your son in that life...he was mine. From what I get, you and I were seeing one another. My wife died during my son's birth (Erik's birth), so I wasn't cheating. I was looking for another Mother to my son. We had a deeper love than I had with my first wife. This was a very, very long time ago...I get it was in the mid 1500's! LOL!

Oh, and get this...I wrote a poem when I was 18 or 19 about stabbing someone! I remember when i wrote it, it felt like i had actually done such a thing. I had no idea until now it was a past life experience! It's now coming to me...so vivid...it's making my heart race...I can feel the anxiety and repulsion at what I'd done...the body (yours), was left in the woods and in that life I was haunted by what transpired. That is the life where I realized life is precious and should never be taken from another. The feelings I have right now are intense thinking about it....such fear and guilt! I was a man who was worried others would discover I was seeing a prostitute. You fell for me and kept coming around. I lured you to an isolated place and did that terrible thing. I knowing was in another life (literally) and all, but apologies are in order! You had no idea you were in danger. You are right about me being a priest and you being a male prostitute. It was at the end of the 1400's. I remember the exhilaration of the experience...I also recall the fear and guilt afterwards. Excellent channeling work. -- Robert

"All that can be, will be...All that has been before, will be again..."


Jason to Robert: Dec 2

Here is another one. So I just said to Lydia (one of Jason's spirit guides). "Gee I sure wish I could hug ya." And she showed me a vision her holding me as an infant. And she said. I used to take care of you. I said.. wow. really.. was Erik there too? and she just smiled. and I said... "Was Robert there"? and she smiled and said to ask you! cool. huh?


Robert to Jason: Dec. 3


Lydia just showed me that image and more...she and I were married...I was your father...Erik was your older brother...we had a very loving family. She was the doting mom and I was the protective father. We were both very nurturing. I have this sense of longing regarding her that I didn't have before. A feeling of love lost, but not because of a separation in life. It was death that separated us. A grief filled heaviness...a facade of emptiness. Lydia is one of my (several) romantic soul mates...wow! She's smiling now...beaming in fact! :-) Thank you Jason for sending this and that you Lydia for showing me that life! It was a very happy vision and I am very, very pleased to know you are Jason's Guide! How wild is that, Jason? One of your Guides is one of my Romantic Soul mates! Lydia's telling me she knows the Romantic Soul mate I am to meet in this life too. She says he was her sister in another life (not the one all of us shared). She says when I meet him I'll feel as if I've known him forever, because on a Soul level I have.



Jason to Robert: Dec 2nd

oh, ps. also after that, Lydia and my higher self in my minds eye had some good hugs..... I was kinda crying. It felt really good. It felt like good one on one time with Mom. She said I was her little sickly baby. Her small miracle and joy. And no matter what I did or didn't do she was proud of me and loved me. I asked her she had been with me my whole life and she said yes. It made me feel safe. Like I had nothing to worry about-ever.


Jason to Robert: Dec. 03

hey. are you free tomorrow day or Sunday day? I've got some more emotional stuff and Erik and I have been arguing on whether or not to tell you. He said no more blog or channeling until I get re centered and worked out... I feel just rotten about asking you to listen to me.


Jason to Robert Dec. 03

Never mind, I am ok.

I am a little better. Our Guides/Teachers helped; stepped in and helped me . They talked me out of it and advised me what to do.


Robert to Jason: Dec. 03

Hey there

I'm so sorry I didn't get to you sooner. I was at Elisa's for our usual Friday get together.

Don't ever worry about needing to talk to work through stuff little brother! I'm always here for you! :-) I wish so much we could chat about it tomorrow, but I promised Elisa I'd go with her, Rune, and her sister to a Xmas Party. I'm really sorry we can't discuss it tomorrow as I think sooner would be better than later. Do you think you'll be ok till Sunday?



Jason to Robert: Dec. 3

Hi ya, I am back home now and on my computer. Apologies for the weird cell phone emails earlier. I spent the last several hours in so called psychic meltdown. Accepting and being pummeled with past life emotions, visions, as well as other emotional issues I'd not dealt with, which were dragged up from the depths of my soul by working on the Channeling Erik forums and blog as well as my own, and arguing with Erik whether or not to tell you. Lydia (my guide) tried to help shield you and Sharon from my meltdown, So I hope you were not hit by anything. I was worried.

It is a blizzard of snow outside. And I was allowing all this to happen while standing in the snow for an hour. I felt like bawling like a baby the whole bus ride home. Finally, our Spirit Teacher was able to talk me out of it on the walk from the bus stop to home.

Basically what was happening was that I was allowing myself to relive all that through emotion and then not channeling it in ways that applied it in a lesson, or to my current life in a meaningful way. Just emotion and vision, no picking it apart for lessons. Soooo... But anyway, I just wanted to quickly email you to let you know I am doing Much much better now.

Although I should prob. read you what I wrote sometime which is what triggered it all. Sigh....

Hope you have a great night.


Be sure to check out part 2. The link is at the top of the page.